Ultrastar® C10K1800
• Industry-leading 1.8TB1 capacity in a 10K RPM HDD, 50%
more than previous generations
• Best-in-class performance
—2.5X faster random write*
—23% faster sequential*
• Advance format (4KN and 512e) and 512n models
• 12Gb/s SAS moves more data quickly & reliably
• 128MB cache buer manages data eiciency
• Advanced Power Management optimizes power
• Best-in-class power eiciency
• 2M hours MTBF2 rating and 5-year warranty
• Security & encryption models including ISE,
TCGSED & FIPS 1402 certiied TCGSED
• Tier 1 enterprise-class, high-performance servers in data
centers processing hot and warm data
• Traditional mission-critical enterprise-class servers and storage
• HPC, databases, OLTP, and BP applications requiring high
reliability and 24x7 availability
• Enterprise-class data security environments requiring
increased security & easy drive retirement
• Power- and space-constrained, mission-critical environments
Big Capacity and Performance
in a Small Package
HGST delivers best-in-class capacity and performance in
one small form factor hard drive. The Ultrastar® C10K1800
is a 10K RPM enterprise-class HDD that stores up to 1.8TB
of data, 50% more capacity than prior generations, plus
delivers best-in-class active and idle power eiciency,
enabling next generation data centers to keep pace
with digital data growth and improve space and power
eiciencies. Data center architects can also leverage bestin-class performance on the C10K1800, achieving up to 2.5X
better random write performance and 23% faster sequential
performance over prior generation 2.5-inch SFF 10K RPM
HDDs for demanding 24x7 enterprise workloads.
Technology Innovation
Ultrastar C10K1800 delivers unmatched performance
thanks to several HGST technology innovations including
media cache architecture, the industry’s fastest 12Gb/s
Serial-Attached SCSI (SAS) interface and advanced format
options. HGST’s media cache architecture is a disk-based
caching technology, which provides a large non-volatile
cache on the media resulting in improved reliability and
data integrity during unexpected power loss, as well as a
signiicant improvement in write performance even at high
workloads when compared to solutions with limited NAND
or lash-based NVC. The C10K1800 is the industry’s irst
10K RPM drive to leverage an industry-leading 12Gb/s SAS
interface, enabling very high transfer rates between host and
drive. Advanced format models enable the industry’s highest
10K RPM capacity at 1.8TB with 4K native and 512 emulation
to support new systems, and also oers 512 native format
models to support legacy systems.
Enterprise Security and
The Ultrastar C10K1800 oers the broadest range of
encryption and security options available on SAS HDDs from
HGST, including Trusted Computing Group (TCG) enterprise
SSC-compliant Self-Encrypting Drives (SED) which provide
data protection without any performance loss, and TCG
with FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standard) 1402
certiication, which adds and tamper evidence protection
for the most stringent regulatory data security compliance
requirements. Instant Secure Erase (ISE) models enable fast,
cost-eective and secure drive repurposing and retirement.
C10K1800 extends the company’s long-standing tradition
of reliability leadership with a 2M hours MTBF rating and a
5-year limited warranty.
HGST Quality and Service
The Ultrastar C10K1800 extends the long-standing HGST
tradition of performance and reliability leadership. A
balanced combination of new and proven technologies
helps ensure high reliability and availability of customer data.
HGST drives are backed by an array of technical support
and services, which may include customer and integration
assistance. HGST is dedicated to providing a breadth of
hard disk drive solutions to satisfy all of today’s demanding
computing needs.
Features & Beneits
Feature / Function Beneits
Performance • 10K RPM
• 12G b/s SAS
• Media cache architecture
• Rotational Vibration Safeguard (RVS)
• Workload detector technology
Capacity Up to 1.8TB w ith Advanc ed Format 50% more c apacit y than prev ious gen eration 1 0K HDD s
Power Eiciency • 2.5-inch form factor
• Advanced Power Management technology
• Low late ncy for fas ter acce ss to data
• Industry’s fa stest SAS i nterface for maxi mum throug hput
• Sign iicantly enhanced performance over so lutions with limited NAND or lash-based non-volatile cache (NVC)
• Maintains optimum performance in multi-drive systems
• Maximizes performance in RAID environments
• Consumes le ss power than previo us generation 10 K HDDs
• Optim izes powe r consumption to lower data ce nter energy usage a nd cooling costs
1.8TB / 1. 2TB / 90 0GB / 60 0GB / 4 50GB / 3 00GB
10K RPM | 2 .5-inch SFF | SAS 12Gb/s
*Compared to previous generation
Product nameUltrastar® C10K1800
Features & Beneits (continued)
Feature / Function Beneits
Reliability • IDRC technology
• RRO ields
• End-to-e nd data pro tection (ANSI)
Security Optional SED models Encrypts data, p roviding s ecurit y and easy re deploy ment
• Improves signal processing for more robust data integrity
• Improves handling of repe atable run out to lower risk of dat a squeeze and write inhibit rate
• Enhances erro r detecti on for optimal data integrity
Interface SAS 12 Gb/s f
Capacity (GB)
Sector s ize (variable, bytes /sector) 512Byte (512n) 4096 Byte ( 512e, 4Kn)
Recording zones 40 f
Data heads (phys ical) 6 / 5 / 3 / 2 8 / 6 / 4 / 3 / 2
Data dis ks 3 / 3 / 2 / 1 4 / 3 / 2 / 2 / 1
Max. are al densi ty (Gbits/sq. in.) 580 620
1.2TB / 9 00 / 60 0 / 300 1.8TB / 1. 2TB / 900 / 60 0 / 450
Data buer (MB)
Rotational spee d (RPM) 10,520 f
Latency average (ms) 2.85 f
Interface trans fer rate (MB/s, max)41200 f
Sustained tran sfer rate (M B/s, typic al)4129 to 224 146 to 247
See k time (read/write, ms, typica l range)53.33.5 / 3.84.2 3.33.7 / 3.84.4
128 f
Error rate (non-recoverable, bits read ) 1 i n 10
MTBF2 (M hours) 2.0 f
Annualized Failure Rate2 (AFR) 0.44% f
Availability (hrs/day x days/wk) 24x7 f
HUC101845CS 420x
Idle (Be ls) 3.4 f
Requirement +5 VDC (+/-5%),
Operating, (W, typ ical)
Idle (W )
Idle e iciency ( W/GB) 0.0042 (1.2TB) 0.003 (1.8TB)
Physical size
z-height (mm) 15 f
Dimensions (width x depth, mm) 70.1 x 100.4 5 f
Weight (g, max) 227 f
Environmental (operating)
Ambient temperature 5o to 55o C f
Shock ( half-sine wave 2ms , read operation) 60G f
Vibration, random, no errors
(G RMS 5 to 500 Hz)
Environmental (non-operating)
Ambient temperature -40o to 70o C f
Sho ck (half-sine wave , 2ms, read opera tion) 300G f
Vibration, ran dom (G RMS, 5 to 500 Hz) 1.5, all axes f
+12 VDC (+/-5%)
6.6 / 6.5 / 5.9 / 5.7 7.4 / 6.7 / 6.2 / 6.2 / 5.9
4.7 / 4.7 / 4.3 / 3.9 5.1 / 4.8 / 4.3 / 4 .3 / 3.9
0.4, all axe s f
How to rea d the Ultrastar m odel numbe r
HUC101818C SS200 = 1.8TB, SAS 12Gb/s
U = Ultrasta r
C = Compa ct (vs S for Standard)
10 = 10K RPM c lass
18 = Full capa city — 180 0GB (1.8TB)
18 = Capac ity this m odel, 18 = 1800G B (1.8TB),
12 = 1200GB (1.2TB), 90 = 900 GB, 60 = 600GB,
45 = 450 GB, 30 = 300GB
C = Generation cod e
S = 14.8mm z-height
S2 = Interface, SAS 12G b/s with 512n secto rs,
42=12Gb/s SAS with 4 Kn or 512e sectors
0 = Reser ved
0 = Data Sec urity Mo de
0 = I nstant Secure Erase
1 = TCG SED encr yption
4 = N o encryption, Secure Erase (overwrite)
5 = TCG SED with FIP S)
1 One MB is e qual to on million by tes, one GB is equ al
to one billi on bytes and one TB e quals 1,000 GB (one
trillion by tes) when referring to h ard drive capacit y.
Access ible capaci ty will vary from the s tated capacit y
due to format ting and partit ioning of the hard dri ve, the
computer’s operating system, and other factors.
2 MTBF and A FR targets are base d on a sample
population and are estimated by statisti cal
measurements and acceleration algorithms under
median o perating cond itions. MTBF an d AFR ratings
do not pred ict an individua l drive’s reliabilit y and do not
constitute a warranty.
3 Portio n of buer capaci ty used for drive i rmware
4 1MB/s is equa l to 1,000,000 By tes/s; Sustaine d Transfer
rate is shown fro m Outer to Inner Dia meter
5 Excludes command overhead
6 Operatin g power calcul ated based on a Ran dom RW
4KB workl oad at Queue De pth of 1
7 Idle spe ciication i s based on use of I dle_A
© 2014201 5 HGST, Inc. 3 403 Yerba Buena Roa d, San Jos e, CA 9513 5 USA. Pro duced in the
United States 6/14 , revised 1 2/14, 8/15. All rights reser ved.
Ultrasta r is a tradem ark of HGST, Inc . and its ailiates in the United States and/or other countries.
HGST trad emarks are intended and authorized for use o nly in countries and jurisdictions in wh ich
HGST has o btained the rights to use, market and advertise the bra nd. Contact HGST fo r additio nal
information. HGST s hall not be liable to thi rd partie s for unauth orized us e of this document or
unautho rized use of its tradem arks.
References in this pu blicati on to HGST’s pro ducts, programs, or services do not imply that H GST
intends to ma ke these available in all countri es in which it operates.
Product speciications provided are sample s peci ication s and do not c onstitute a warranty.
Information is true as o f the date of pub licatio n and is sub ject to change. Actual speci ications for
unique p art numb ers may vary.
Please v isit the Suppor t section of our webs ite, www.hgst.com/support, for additional information on
product speciications. Photographs may show design models.
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