• 24x7 accessibility for enterprise-class, capacity-
optimized applications
• 800K hours MTBF
• 3-year limited warranty
• 4 terabytes2 of capacity
• Advanced Format3 with 512-byte emulation (512e)
• 6Gb/s SATA interface
• Dual Stage Actuator (DSA) and Enhanced
Rotational Vibration Safeguard (RVS) for robust
performance in multi-drive environments
• Low application workload cloud storage
• Massive Scale Out (MSO)
• Data warehousing & mining
• Disk-to-disk backup & archiving
Innovation to Support
Low-workload Applications
The HGST MegaScale DC™ 4000.B is designed to meet
the needs of the scale-out data center where lowpower, high-capacity, cost-eective storage is essential.
MegaScale DC addresses low application workloads
that operate within 180TB per year. Typical low-workload
applications include multi-drive replicated environments,
disk-to-disk backup and restore snapshots, online
archives, big data stores and long-term data retention
that beneit from low-cost or energy usage.
Understanding Workload is Key
HGST oers a comprehensive product portfolio to
address the dierent workloads within the data center
so our customers can maximize their return. When
selecting hard disk drive, it’s important to consider the
application workload. Workload is deined as the amount
of work stress the HDD can endure during normal
operating conditions. To achieve high storage density,
components within the hard drive chassis move with
precision. This complex engineering requires that HDDs
have an optimized design rated for a speciic usage time
and workload range. Our products have the highest
reliability ratings for the rated workloads. To ensure
optimal eiciency, it’s critical that data center managers
make informed decisions when selecting the right
storage design with the right speciications for the right
application workload.
Minimizing Power Consumption
MegaScale DC drives leverage Advanced Power
Management technology which oers ive levels
of granularity to help manage power consumption
including: normal idle; unload idle; low RPM idle; standby;
and sleep. The standby and sleep modes consume less
than 1 watt, enabling archival applications to remain
online and ready to respond, yet at eco-friendly power
HGST Quality and Service
HGST’s MegaScale DC extends the company’s longstanding tradition of performance and capacity
leadership. The proven drive design enables high
reliability and availability to customer data. MegaScale
DC quality, performance and world class technical
support and service provides customers with a lower
total cost of ownership over previous generations.
HGST drives are backed by an array of technical
support and services, which may include customer and
integration assistance. HGST is dedicated to providing
a complete portfolio of HDD/SSD solutions to satisfy
today’s monumental computing needs.
Workload Rating
1TB, 750GB and 640GB
5400 R PM | SATA 6Gb/s
Features and Beneits
Feature / Function Beneits
Capacity 4TB in 5- disk de sign Highes t enterprise cap acity availability in a sin gle plat form
Performance Rotational Vibration Safeguard (RVS) Maintains drive performance in high rotational vibration environments
Interface SATA 6 Gb/s Higher d ata throu ghput
Reliability • Thermal Fly-height Control (TFC)
with internal thermal sensor
• Head load/unload
• SMART command transport
Power CoolSpin™ Technology Saves on power
Security Bulk Dat a Encry ption with
Enhanced Secure Erase
*Actual storage may vary de pending on the c ompres sion rate ap plied. Capacities may not be combined.
and multi -drive systems
• Bet ter soft error rate fo r improved reliability and p erformance
• Protec ts disk during non -operation
• Adaptive error correction
Encrypt data, providing s ecurit y and easy, safe redeployment
Product name
Interface SATA 6 Gb/s f
Capacity (GB)2 at 512 bytes/sector 4TB f
Sector s ize (bytes)
Sector s ize (bytes)
Max. are al density (Gbits/sq. in.) 694 f
Data buer (MB)
Rotational speed (RPM) CoolSpin f
Interface transfer rate (M B/s, max) 600 f
Sustai ned tran sfer rate (M B/s, typical)51101 40 f
Error rate (non-rec overabl e, bits read) 1 in 10
Load/Unload cyc les (at 40 ° C) 300,000 f
Availability (hrs/day x days/wk) 24x7 f
MTBF1 (hours) 800K f
Warranty (y rs.) 3 f
Idle (Be ls, typ ical) 2.5 f
Requirement +5 VDC (+/-5%)
Startup current ( A, max) 1.2 (+5V), 1.5 (+12V) f
Read/write (W) 6.2 f
Idle (W, average) 4.9 f
Unload i dle (W ) 4.0 f
512e f
512e f
64 f
+12VDC (+10 %/-8%)
Physical size
z-height (mm) 26 .1 f
Dimensions (wid th x depth, m m) 101.6 (+/-0. 25) x 147 f
Weight (g, t ypical) 690 f
Environmental (operating)
Ambient temperature 5o to 60o C f
Shock (half-sine wave, 2ms, G) 70 f
Vibration (G RMS, 5 to 5 00 Hz) 0.67 ( XYZ ) f
Environmental (non-operating)
Ambient temperature -40o to 70o C f
Shock (half-sine wave, 1ms , G) 300 f
Use of Me gaScale produ cts in hig her dut y cycle envi ronments will have a negative
impact o n reliabi lity. MTBF target is based o n a sample population and i s estimated
by statistical measurements and acceleration algorithms under median operating
conditions. MT BF ratin gs are not intended to p redict a n individual drive’s reliability.
MTBF do es not co nstitute a warranty.
One MB is e qual to on e million by tes, one GB is equa l to one bill ion byte s and one T B
equals 1,000G B (one trillion byte s) when refe rring to hard drive cap acity. Acc essible
capacity will vary from the stated c apacity due to for mattin g and par titioning of the
hard drive, t he
computer’s operating system, and other facto rs.
Advance d Format dr ive: 4K (40 96- byte) physical sectors with 512-byte e mulation
512n=512-byte n ative physical se ctors.
Portio n of buer capaci ty use d for irmware
MB/s base d on 1,00 0,000 by tes per s econd
How to rea d the Ultrastar m odel numbe r
HMS5C4040BLE64 0 = 4TB, SATA 6Gb/s,
64MB buer
M = Megas cale DC
S = Standa rd
5C = CoolSpin
40 = Full capacity — 4TB
40 = Capacity thi s model, 40 = 4TB
B = Generation cod e
L = 26.1mm z-hei ght
E6 = Interfac e, SATA 6Gb/s, 512e
4 = 64MB bu er
0 = No encr yption (1 = e ncryption)
© 2012201 5 HGST, Inc. 3 403 Yerba B uena Ro ad, San Jose, CA 95135 USA . Produc ed in the U nited
States 5/ 12, revis ed 3/14, 8/ 15. All rights reserved.
Cinema Star and Smooth Stream are tra demarks of HGST, Inc. and its ail iates in the U nited States
and/or other countries. Other trademarks are property of their respective companies.
HGST trad emarks are intended and authorized for use only in c ountrie s and juri sdictio ns in whic h
HGST has o btaine d the right s to use, market and adve rtise th e brand. C ontact HGST for
additio nal information. H GST shall not be lia ble to third pa rties fo r unauthorized us e of this do cument
or unauth orized use of its trad emarks .
References in this publication to HGST ’s products, program s, or ser vices do not imply that HGST
intends to ma ke these available in all count ries in which it ope rates.
Product speci ications provide d are sample spec iications and do not con stitute a warranty.
Information is true as of the date of publication and is s ubject to change. Actual sp ecii cation s for
unique p art numbers may vary.
Please v isit the S uppor t section of our web site,, for additional information on
product speciications. Photographs may show design models.
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