USEPA approves HF scientific Primary Turbidity Standard
“...the Ofce of Ground Water and Drinking Water’s Technical Support Center has
concluded that HFscientic’s solution is an acceptable equivalent to currently
approved primary polymer turbidity standards”
EPA, Feb. 2010
Primary Turbidity Standard
• Greener - safe and non-toxic
• Two year shelf life
• Cost Effective
• Easy to use
• Custom standards available
• Traceable to Formazin
ProCal turbidity standards are
pre-diluted, factory certified*, and
ready for use with not only the HF
scientific turbidimeter product
line but with other manufacturer’s
instrumentation. The ProCal standard formulation utilizes a
preservative that enhances stability, yet is safe and biodegrades
rapidly in aquatic environments.
*In addition to being approved by the EPA, ProCal™ has been certied through testing conducted
by HF scientic demonstrating that ProCal™ performs as well as Hach® primary turbidity
standards in selected Hach® instruments. Test results are available upon request.
A Watts Water Technologies Company
standards for use with other manufacturer’s instrumentation
Hach® 1720 c/d/e Process Turbidimeter
Hach® part # **GFS part # H F p a r t # Kit: NTU Value(s) Bottle size
n/a 85558 52000 High range 0.0, 20 1 Liter
n/a 85559 52010 High range 0.0, 20 1 Gallon
n/a 86340 52020 Low range 0.0, 1.0 1 Liter
n/a 86307 52030 Low range 0.0, 1.0 1 Gallon
2659600 52040 High range 0.0, 20 4 x 1 liter
2659753 85005 52050 0.0 1 Liter
n/a 85006 52060 0.0 1 Gallon
2659853 85575 52070 1.0 1 Liter
n/a 86291 52080 1.0 1 Gallon
2660153 52090 20 1 Liter
n/a 85474 52100 20 1 Gallon
2746353 52110 40 1 Liter
2746356 52120 40 1 Gallon
Hach® is a registered trademark of the Hach® Company, which is not afliated with HF scientic.
**GFS stands for GFS Chemicals of Powell, Ohio.
3170 Metro Parkway, Ft. Myers FL 33916 e-mail:
ph: (239)-337-2116 • fax: (239) 332-7643 • toll free: 888-203-7248
4-30-2014 Rev. 1.2
Hach® 2100N Laboratory Turbidimeter
Hach® part # GFS part # HF part # Kit: NTU Value(s) Bottle size
n/a 85525 52140 Kit: 0.0, 20, 200, 1000, 4000 250ml
2662100 52150 Kit: 0.0, 20, 200, 1000, 4000 500ml
n/a 85003 52160 0.0 250ml
2659749 85004 52170 0.0 500ml
n/a 85248 52180 20 250ml
2660149 86191 52190 20 500ml
n/a 85249 52200 200 250ml
2660449 86193 52210 200 500ml
n/a 85250 52220 1000 250ml
2660649 52230 1000 500ml
n/a 85251 52240 4000 250ml
246149 86197 52250 4000 500ml
Hach® 2100AN Laboratory Turbidimeter
Hach® part # GFS part # HF part # Kit: NTU Value(s) Bottle size
n/a 52260 Kit: 0.0, 20, 200, 1000, 4000 250ml
2659500 52270 Kit: 0.0, 20, 200, 1000, 4000 500ml
n/a 85003 52280 0.0 250ml
2659749 85004 52290 0.0 500ml
n/a 85248 52300 20 250ml
2660149 86191 52310 20 500ml
n/a 85249 52320 200 250ml
2660449 86193 52330 200 500ml
n/a 85508 52340 1000 250ml
2660649 85396 52350 1000 500ml
n/a 85251 52360 4000 250ml
246149 86197 52370 4000 500ml
2584202 52380 7500 for 2100AN 30ml sealed
Hach® 2100P Portable Field Turbidimeter
Hach® part # GFS part # HF part # Kit: NTU Value(s) Bottle size
n/a 85526 52390 Kit: 0.0, 20, 100, 800 250ml
2659400 52400 Kit: 0.0, 20, 100, 800 500ml
n/a 85003 52410 0.0 250ml
2659749 85004 52420 0.0 500ml
n/a 85253 52430 20 250ml
2660149 52440 20 500ml
n/a 85255 52450 100 250ml
2660249 52460 100 500ml
n/a 85256 52470 800 250ml
2660549 52480 800 500ml
Hach® 2100Q Portable Field Turbidimeter
Hach® part # GFS part # HF part # Kit: NTU Value(s) Bottle size
n/a 85712 52490 Kit: 0.0, 20, 100, 800 250ml
2971200 52500 Kit: 0.0, 20, 100, 800 500ml
n/a 85003 52510 0.0 250ml
2659749 85004 52520 0.0 500ml
n/a 85693 52530 20 250ml
2660149 52540 20 500ml
n/a 85695 52550 100 250ml
2660249 52560 100 500ml
n/a 85697 52570 800 250ml
2660549 52580 800 500ml