HF scientific Oil Content Bilge Alarm User Manual

Bilge Alarm CATALOG NO. 81099 (02/02) Rev. 1.3
HF scientific, inc. 3170 Metro Parkway Ft. Myers, FL 33916-7597 Phone: (239) 337-2116 Fax: (239) 332-7643
At Sea SparAt Sea Spar
At Sea Spar
At Sea SparAt Sea Spar
or the HF scientifor the HF scientif
or the HF scientif
or the HF scientifor the HF scientif
e Pe P
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inc inc
inc inc
Qty. Description Cat.!No.
1In!line!calibrator 20098
2 Fuse!Ω !A/120V 50016
ts Kitts Kit
ts Kit
ts Kitts Kit
. Bilg. Bilg
. Bilg
. Bilg. Bilg
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At Sea Spare Parts Kit
Cat. No. 81080
ï!!Clean,!calibrate!and!repair!your!instrument!in !!!!the!field!or!at!sea
ï!!Avoid!rush!orders! for!spares!while!in!port
The!HF!Bilge! Alarm! Spare!Parts!Kit! contains! the!recom­mended!spare!parts!needed! for! standard! maintenance!and repair.!!This!kit! contains! detailed!instructions! designed!to allow!the!ship's!engineer!to!service!the!instrument!without a!costly! port!service!call.
2Fuse!A / 2 4 0V 50017
1 Light!Detector!Assembly 80995
2 Lamps!for!Recirc./Overboard 81007
1 Photodiode! Assembly 81010
1 Side!Panel!Assembly 81025
1 Power!Supply!Board 81030
1 Amplifier!Board 81033
1 Instruction! Manual 81099
1 Cleaning!brush!for!sensor 81095
1 Rugged!plastic!case 81094
1 Source!Lamp 80996
Bilge Alarm (02/02) Rev. 1.3
inc inc
inc inc
3170 Metro Parkway3170 Metro Parkway
3170 Metro Parkway
3170 Metro Parkway3170 Metro Parkway
Fort Myers, FL 33916-7597Fort Myers, FL 33916-7597
Fort Myers, FL 33916-7597
Fort Myers, FL 33916-7597Fort Myers, FL 33916-7597
Phone: (239) 337-2116Phone: (239) 337-2116
Phone: (239) 337-2116
Phone: (239) 337-2116Phone: (239) 337-2116
Fax: (239) 332-7643Fax: (239) 332-7643
Fax: (239) 332-7643
Fax: (239) 332-7643Fax: (239) 332-7643
Rev 4/98Rev 4/98
Rev 4/98
Rev 4/98Rev 4/98
Calibration / Cleaning KitCalibration / Cleaning Kit
Calibration / Cleaning Kit
Calibration / Cleaning KitCalibration / Cleaning Kit
Note: This unit has been factory calibrated and should not require further adjustment.
Your Oil Content Bilge Alarm requires a calibration check every 3 - 4 months or anytime either mechanical or electrical adjustments have been made to the unit.
The calibration procedure is detailed in this instruction manual and requires HF Part # 20098.
This kit should be ordered now so that material is available when calibration is required due to time constraints,This kit should be ordered now so that material is available when calibration is required due to time constraints,
This kit should be ordered now so that material is available when calibration is required due to time constraints,
This kit should be ordered now so that material is available when calibration is required due to time constraints,This kit should be ordered now so that material is available when calibration is required due to time constraints, equipment adjustment or compliance agency request.equipment adjustment or compliance agency request.
equipment adjustment or compliance agency request.
equipment adjustment or compliance agency request.equipment adjustment or compliance agency request.
Please complete and mail to HF scientific, inc. 3170 Metro Parkway, Ft. Myers, Florida, U.S.A. 33916-7597.
Ship to: Bill to:
P.O. Number (if required):
Qty. Description Cat. No. Price (each)
1 Oil Content Bilge Alarm Calibrator Kit & 20098 $230.00
Cleaning Brush
Bilge Alarm (02/02) Rev. 1.3
I. SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................................................1
II. WARNING NOTICE ..............................................................................................................................2
III. OPERATION...........................................................................................................................................2
IV. INSTALLATION ....................................................................................................................................2
V. ALARM CONNECTIONS .....................................................................................................................2
VI. START-UP ..............................................................................................................................................3
VII. CALIBRATION ......................................................................................................................................3
VIII. CALIBRATION CHECK .......................................................................................................................3
IX. ISOLATION VALVES ...........................................................................................................................4
X. SETTING ALARM LEVEL...................................................................................................................4
XI. INDICATING LAMPS ...........................................................................................................................4
XII. CLEANING SENSING MODULE WINDOWS ...................................................................................4
XIII. REPLACING SOURCE LAMP .............................................................................................................4
XIV. REPLACING SENSING MODULE MEASUREMENT DETECTOR ...............................................5
XV. REPLACING SENSING MODULE FAILSAFE LIGHT DETECTOR ..............................................5
XVI. TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE ...........................................................................................................6
XVII. TEST PROCEDURES FOR POWER SUPPLY BOARD ....................................................................7
XVIII. SPARE PARTS .......................................................................................................................................8
XIX. WARRANTY ..........................................................................................................................................10
1 SYSTEM INSTALLATION DIAGRAM ..............................................................................................11
2 SENSOR INSTALLATION DIAGRAM...............................................................................................12
3 WIRING DIAGRAM ..............................................................................................................................13
4 INTERCONNECT WIRING ..................................................................................................................14
5 LOCATION OF PARTS .........................................................................................................................15
6 LOCATION OF PARTS .........................................................................................................................16
7 SENSOR CONNECTIONS ....................................................................................................................17
8 CONTROL MODULE OUTLINE .........................................................................................................18
9 SENSING MODULE OUTLINE ...........................................................................................................19
10 DISPLAY BOARD SCHEMATIC ........................................................................................................20
11 POWER SUPPLY SCHEMATIC ..........................................................................................................21
12 AMPLIFIER BOARD SCHEMATIC ....................................................................................................22
Bilge Alarm (02/02) Rev. 1.3
Range 0 - 100 PPM Outputs Recorder Output: 0-10 V.D.C., minimum impedance 500 ohms.
Digital display: 2 1/2 digit. Display Readings & Alarm Set Point. Relay: Contacts rated at 5 amps. 120VAC, 28Vdc for Resistive Load. Activates upon:
1.High alarm.
2.Light Source Burn Out.
3.Fouled windows. Normal Operation: Fail safe; loss of power causes alarm.
Calibration check Check switch Operating Conditions Power: 120/240 Volts
Protection: Fused primary Temperature: 0-50 degrees C (122 degrees F.) (NOTE: When ambient temperatures drop below 0 degrees C. (32 degrees F.), (Sensing Module must be drained). Humidity: To 95% Vibration: - From 2Hz to 13.2 Hz + 1mm amplitude.
Rolling Angle: 0-22.5 degrees
Critical Measurement Response Time:
Display - 5 seconds or less.
Alarm - 16 seconds or less Measured Flow Rate: 40 g.p.m. maximum. Measured Pressure Range: 0-60 p.s.i.
Sensing Module Weight: 6 lbs., 11 oz. (3.03 kg)
Threads: 1" N.P.T. pipe (customer supplied). Dimensions: (Refer to Figure 9) Construction Materials: Body - Cast aluminum, neoprene O-Ring seals, Borosilicate pressure windows.
Interconnecting Cable 7 Conductor, shielded. Rated 80 degrees C., 300V. U.L. listed/CSA Certified.
15 ft. supplied.
Indicating/Control Module Weight: 19 lbs. (8.62 kg)
Dimensions: (Refer to Figure 8) Electronic components are mounted in an oil tight J.I.C. Enclosure with holes for 1/2" conduit.
+ 10%, 50/60 Hz
- From 13.2 Hz to 80 Hz with acceleration to .7G.
Amplifier P.C. Board has a plug-in connector and is fastened to the chassis for rigidity. It includes trim pots and Alarm Set and Calibration switches (Refer to Item A, Figure 5).
Power Supply P.C. Board includes test points, a plug-in connector, and is also fastened to the chassis (Refer to Item C, Figure 5).
Bilge Alarm (02/02) Rev. 1.3
Page 1
The Sensing Module and the Indicating/Control Module are shipped with the Interconnecting Cable connected for reasons of convenience; however, electrical installation including routing of the Interconnecting Cable, power connections, calibration and servicing should only be done by qualified electricians and in accordance with applicable codes and regulations.
Caution should be exercised when working on components inside the Indicating/Control Module while power is on. Coming in contact with live components may cause electrical shock or damage to equipment.
If there is a possibility of voltage spikes or power surges to the instrument’s power supply module, an approved line suppressor is recommended.
Cleaned water from oily-water filtering equipment is continuously monitored.
separators must incorporate a suspended particle filter. ”
Piping for the Sensing Module is arranged in the outlet line of the Oily-Water Filtering Equipment. Cleaned bilge water, up to 60 psi, flows through the module past optical windows where the measurement is made. A pre-focused incandescent light source provides a light beam which passes through the bilge water. A detector, placed at a 90° angle to the incident light beam, measures light scattered by the dispersed oil in the bilge water. An electrical output from the detector is transmitted through a cable to the Indicating/Control Module where it is processed. The measurement is displayed on the panel in “PPM”.
The digital display on the front panel shows 2 1/2 digits and can indicate readings up to 100 PPM accurately. Readings over 100 PPM are not reliable. An “ON/OFF” switch, for providing power to the Bilge Alarm, is also located on the panel.
The Bilge Alarm measures and displays the concentration level of dispersed oil in the flowing stream of cleaned water. The instrument consists of a Sensing module and an Indicating/Control module. Oil content of the cleaned bilge is continuously shown on the Indicating/Control module’s digital display. An adjustable alarm set-point function, used to set the allowable oil concentration level, is located inside the Indicating/Control module. When the Sensing Module determines that the oil level exceeds the setpoint value, for longer than 15 seconds, a relay operates the lights on the display panel of the Indicating/Control Module. Green for “OVERBOARD” changes to red for “RECIRCULATE”. Simultaneously two sets of relay contacts activate independent alarm circuits. When the oil level in the effluent water is once more below the set-point value, the green lamp for “OVERBOARD” will glow and the red lamp for “RECIRCULATE” will shut off. The relay contacts will also deactivate. The above performance is contingent upon and consistent with the recommendations stated in the IMO Recommendations for Performance and Test Specifications for Oil Content Meters:
“Non foaming detergents should not be used in the bilges for cleaning purposes, as the emulsifying effects of some compounds seriously affect the operation of the equipment. Non soluble suspended solids can give false high readings. The oil water
Install the Sensing Module using 1" piping after the Oily-Water Filtering Equipment.
To permit use of the Bilge Alarm Calibration Kit, as well as a laboratory cleaning brush to clean the windows by brushing through when required, connect piping as shown in Figure #2. Sensor must be mounted vertically as shown in Figure 2, page 12, to allow the use of calibration kit Part No. 20098.
Piping should be in accordance with 46 C.F.R.
56.01-IOD (U.S.Coast Guard).
Connect Sensing Module to Indicating Control Module, as per Figures #3, #4, #7. Seal the cable entrance to the Sensing Module against the penetration of water vapor.
Connect Power Source through fused switch to Terminals #6 and #7, in the Indicating/Control Module per Figures #3 and #4. Connect ground to Terminal #E9 per Figures #3 and #6. Selection of 115 volt or 230 volt operation can be made with the switch in the Indicating/ Control Module as shown in Figure #6, Item A. Use two 1/2 Amp fuse only for 120V; use two 1/4 Amp fuse for 240V.
NOTE: Change both fuses for either mode of operation.
Contacts for the Alarm Relay are located in the Indicating/ Control Module. These are “Dry” contacts with ratings
Bilge Alarm (02/02) Rev. 1.3
Page 2
of 5 amps at 120VAC or 28 VDC resistive. There are two sets of contacts which may be used to operate valves, sound alarms, etc. These are wired as follows refer to Figure #3 and #4. Note that the relay is de-energized in the Alarm condition.
across terminals 10 (neg.) and 11 (pos.) in the Indicating/Control Module, (Refer to Figure #4).
TB3 Set #1 Terminal #17 - Closed in the Alarm
Condition Terminal #18 - Common Terminal #19 - Open in the Alarm Condition
TB3 Set #2 Terminal #20 - Closed in the Alarm
Condition Terminal #21 - Common Terminal #22 - Open in the Alarm Condition
1. Turn on the Power Switch located on the Indicating/
Control Module.
2. Allow the instrument to warm-up for
approximately 30 minutes for stabilization. It is recommended that the power to the instrument be left on continuously except when servicing is required.
3. Run clean oil-free water through the Sensing
4. Adjust the Zero Pot in the Indicating/Control
Module (Item B, Figure #6) to cause Digital Display to indicate 00 PPM. NOTE: Negative readings on the Digital Display are indicated by a negative sign lighting up to the left of the Display Digits. When making adjustments do not over-adjust to negative values.
The instrument has been factory calibrated in PPM. However, if it is desired to check calibration, the following procedure should be followed:
1. Run clean oil-free water through the Sensing
Module and adjust “Zero” control.
2. Using an In-Line Calibration Holder, HF Part
No. 20098, place a suitable calibration standard, equivalent to a known value of oil in water, in the Sensor.
3. When conditions have stabilized, observe
Recorder Output reading; it should read 10 Volts DC for 100 PPM and any proportional linear value between zero and 10 volts for lower values (see example below). Recorder output is obtained
PPM (Oil in Water) Recorder Output Reading
100 PPM 10 Volts 15 PPM 1.5 Volts
4. Calibrate the Recorder Output to correct value by adjusting the Trim Pot marked REC on the Amplifier P.C. Board, (Refer to Item D, Figure #5).
5. Adjust the Trim Pot marked DVM, on the same P.C. Board, to cause the Digital Display to read the correct value in PPM.
NOTE: 1. Whenever the value of the oil free water
changes, it can be “Calibrated Out” by simply running a sample of the oil free water through the Sensing Module and adjusting the “ZERO” Pot in the Indicating/Control Module (Item B, Figure #6) to obtain a reading of “00” on the Digital Display.
2. Calibration should be checked after components have been replaced, i.e., P.C. Board, or Lamp, etc.
3. Whenever the instrument is re-calibrated a new “Cal Check” number should be obtained and recorded. See “Calibration Check” and follow steps 1 through 4.
This is a procedure used to check that the electronic function is still within the limits set by the Calibration Check Number.
1. Open the Indicating/Control Module.
2. Activate the CAL Check Switch (Item F, Figure 5, Spring Return) and note reading.
3. With the Cal Check Switch returned to its normal position and note reading.
4. Subtract the reading obtained in Step #3 above from that obtained in Step #2.
5. Compare the value obtained, which is the current Cal Check value, to the Cal Check number supplied with the instrument, which is affixed to the Indicating/Control Module Chassis. Should this current value vary by more than three (3) units from the original value, then the instrument should be re-calibrated.
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6) even though the water appears clean, or when the display shows a PPM count less that the true value.
Isolation valves should be operated to shut-off flow from the Oily-Water Filter under each of the following conditions:
- Conducting service on the Sensing Module.
- Calibration
- Replacement of Sensing Module
Otherwise always ensure that the valves are positioned to provide flow to the Sensing Module.
Activate “Alarm Set” switch on the Amplifier P.C. Board in the Indicating/Control Module (Item E, Figure 5).
While holding the “Alarm Set” switch “On” (spring return) the Digital Display will read the Alarm Set Value.
Adjust the “Alarm” Trim Pot (Item G, Figure 5) while holding the Switch “On”, to cause the Digital Display to read desired Alarm Level. Release the “Alarm Set” Switch.
The Alarm Relay will activate 15 seconds after the PPM Oil-in-Water content has constantly exceeded the Alarm Set value.
Green light is ON, Red light is OFF, whenever Unit is operating under Normal Conditions.
Red Light is ON and Green Light is OFF, during Alarm Conditions.
The reading must remain over the alarm set value for 15 seconds to activate the alarm relay.
The Sensing Module through which the fluid flows and in which a light beam is projected to measure oil content in the effluent contains three precision glass windows.
One indication that these windows may require cleaning is when the system enters the recirculation mode and remains in this mode even though a sample of the effluent from the Oily-Water Filter appears clean.
A periodic cleaning routine should be established to preclude the system from remaining in the recirculation mode because of a fouled flow channel. The frequency of the cleaning operation should be determined on the basis of the type of fluids being processed and how often the flow channel becomes contaminated during initial system use. Procedure for cleaning is as follows:
1. Turn off the flow to the Sensing Module.
2. Remove the clean-out plugs shown in Figure 2.
3. Use a mild detergent on a laboratory cleaning brush and pass the brush through the Sensing Module flow channel several times. Then rinse with clean water.
4. Replace the clean-out plugs.
5. Resume normal flow.
The Source Lamp in the Sensing Module may burn out occasionally and require replacement. This failure will cause the Bilge Alarm to go into an Alarm Condition (Refer to Figure 7).
1. Turn OFF the Power Switch at the Indicating/ Control Module.
2. Remove the four screws in Sensing Module End Cap and remove the Sensing Module End Cap.
3. Unscrew all lug connections except at positions #1 and #2. Save all the screws as they will be needed later.
4. Cut the shield wire for Failsafe Light Detector at position #2.
5. Remove screws #8 & #9 and remove the Source Lamp Assembly.
6. Replace source lamp assembly with new unit. Check that orientation is correct, then reinstall screws #8 & #9.
7. Replace all lug connections at the correct positions.
8. Solder shield wire for Failsafe Light Detector to solder lug at position #2.
9. Replace Sensing Module End Cap and fasten four screws.
10. Turn Power Switch ON at Indicating/Control Module.
11. This completes the Source Lamp Assembly replacement. Proceed to Section VII (Calibration) and perform calibration as described.
Cleaning may also be required when oil-free water requires considerable adjustment on the Zero Pot (Item B, Figure
Bilge Alarm (02/02) Rev. 1.3
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1. Turn OFF the Power Switch at the Indicating/ Control Module
2. Remove the four screws in Sensing Module End Cap and remove the Sensing Module End Cap.
3. Cut wires at positions #5, #6, and #7.
4. Remove the brass Measurement Detector Cap, located on the side of the sensor.
5. Remove the Measurement Detector Spacer.
6. Remove the Measurement Detector Assembly including wires cut in step #3 above.
7. Install the replacement Measurement Detector Assembly by feeding the wire of the assembly though hole.
8. Carefully seat Measurement Detector in position.
9. Replace Light Detector Spacer and brass cap.
10. Solder three wires attached to Measurement Detector to lugs on position #5, #6 & 7 (black wire to #5, shield wire to #6 and red wire to #7).
11. Replace Sensing Module End Cap.
12. Turn ON the Power Switch at the Indicating/Control Module and ensure that the Bilge Alarm is responding correctly to changes in oil concentration.
13. This completes the Measurement Detector replacement. Proceed to Section VII (Calibration) and perform calibration as described.
8. Place replacement Light Detector Assembly and Spacer in position and replace the Light Detector Cap with the four screws previously removed.
9. Solder three wires attached to Light Detector Assembly to lugs on positions #2, #3, and #4, (shield wire to #2, black wire to #3, and red wire to #4).
10. Replace the Sensing Module End Cap and Light Detector Cap.
11. Turn ON the Power Switch at the Indicating/ Control Module and ensure that the Bilge Alarm is in the normal condition with clean water in the Sensing Module. Insert opaque object in Sensing Module Flow channel to block light to Light Detector to ensure that the Bilge Alarm goes into the Alarm Condition.
12. This completes the Failsafe Light Detector replacement procedure.
LIGHT DETECTOR (refer to Figure 7)
NOTE: The Light Detector is a failsafe feature which
draws attention to lamp burn-out or opaque obstruction conditions and will not normally need replacement during the life of the instrument).
1. Turn OFF the Power Switch at the Indicating/ Control Module.
2. Remove the four screws in Sensing Module End Cap and remove the Sensing Module End Cap.
3. Cut the black and red wires at positions #3 and #4 and shield wire at position #2.
4. Remove the four screws in Light Detector Cap located on opposite end of the Sensing Module and remove Cap.
5. Remove Light Detector Spacer.
6. Remove Light Detector Assembly including wires cut in #3 above.
7. Feed the three wires on the replacement Light Detector Assembly through to positions #2, #3, and #4.
Bilge Alarm (02/02) Rev. 1.3
Page 5
Digital Display and/or indicating lights do not light up.
Unit stays in recirculation mode when reading is below alarm set point.
Digital display does not change with changing concentration of oil.
1. No power to Indicating/Control Module.
2. Blown fuses.
3. Defective power supply board.
4. Indicating lamp loose or burned out.
1. Sensing Module Source Lamp burned out.
2. Defective Failsafe Light Detector.
3. Alarm Relay Defective.
4. Defective Power Supply Board.
5. Opaque Obstruction in flow channel.
1. Defective Amplifier Board.
2. Defective Digital Display.
3. Open leads from sensor.
4. Defective Measurement Detector Sensing Module.
1. Turn on power switch. Check facility input power source.
2. Replace fuses.
3. Test power supply board as outlined under Test Procedures and replace if defective.
4. Insert lamps properly or replace.
1. Replace Source Lamp. Re-check calibration.
2. Replace Failsafe Light Detector.
3. Replace relay.
4. Test Power supply board as outlined under Test Procedures and replace if defective.
5. Clean sensing module windows with detergent and a brush.
1. Replace amplifier board (Item A, Figure 4) and re-calibrate.
2. Replace complete Front Panel Assembly containing Digital Display Indicating Lights, etc.
3. Inspect Leads and connecting wiring for breaks.
4. Replace measurement detector.
Digital display shows negative but Alarm and Recirculate light is on.
Bilge Alarm (02/02) Rev. 1.3
1. Sensing Module Source Lamp Defective.
2. Defective Amplifier PC Board.
3. Defective Digital Display.
4. Fouled windows in flow channel.
Page 6
1. Replace Source Lamp in Sensing Module.
2. Replace amplifier PC board (Item A, Figure 5) and recalibrate.
3. Replace complete Front Panel Assembly.
4. Clean Sensing Module Windows with detergent and a brush.
Readout shows negative.
When oil concentration as indicated by the digital Display, goes above Alarm Set Point, Controls stays in “Overboard” condition and does not change to “Recirculate.”
“Cal Check” reading too high (see “Calibration Check”).
1. Cleaner oil free water.
2. Defective amplifier PC board.
3. Defective Digital Display.
1. Defective Alarm Relay.
2. Defective Amplifier Board.
3. Defective Failsafe Light Detector.
1. Dirty Sensing Module Source Lamp.
2. Defective Sensing Module Source Lamp.
3. Defective Measurement Detector in Sensing Module.
1. Adjust zero. See “Start-up.”
2. Replace amplifier PC Board (Item A, Figure 5) and re­calibrate.
3. Replace complete Front Panel Assembly.
1. Replace Relay.
2. Replace Amplifier PC Board (Item A, Figure 5) and re­calibrate.
3. Replace complete Front Panel Assembly.
1. Clean Sensing Module windows.
2. Check Sensing Module Source Lamp and replace if necessary.
3. Replace Measurement Detector.
1. Turn Power OFF.
2. Remove Amplifier P.C. Board (Item A, Figure 5).
3. Unplug the Front Panel Harness Plug from the Socket, Item B, Figure 5.
4. Unplug the voltage plug from the socket, Item C, Figure 6.
5. Plug into socket (Item H, Figure 5) the Dummy Test Plug (Part #80276, supplied with instrument).
6. Turn Power ON.
7. Using a D.C. Volt Meter measure the voltages at the test points, i.e. between common (com) and each test point on Power Supply Board. They should be within + 10% of value indicated and they should be stable.
8. If the voltages are not as indicated on every test point then replace Power Supply Board.
9. After testing and replacing Power Supply Board, if required, then turn Power OFF.
10. Remove Dummy Test Plug and reinstall Amplifier P.C. Board and replace Front Panel Harness Plug in socket Item C, Figure 6.
11. Reinstall the voltage plug into the voltage socket.
12. Turn Power ON.
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