Online &
Turbidimeter Systems
The MTOL+™ Online Turbidimeter has been specifically designed
for measuring the NTU of filtered water, re-use water, raw water
and many industrial applications. The MTOL+ features built-in
Ultrasonic auto-cleaning and data logging as well as easy set-up,
maintenance, and calibration. Calibration is completed using
ProCal™ EPA approved* NTU calibration standards.
The MTOL+ is compatible with the M100+ laboratory turbidimeter which offers a color touchscreen display and sample
data logging for multiple sample ID's. The M100+ also stores
calibration NTU values and the date/time of calibration.
The two units share calibration standards eliminating the need
for different calibration standards between laboratory and
process NTU.
On-site User Selectable Range
MTOL+ Ranges include: 0 - 10, 0 - 100, 0 - 1000 NTU
MTOL+ Standard Features
• Meets USEPA Method 180.1 or ISO 7027 design and
performance criteria
• Ranges 0 - 10 NTU, 0 - 100 NTU or 0 - 1000 NTU
(User-Selectable - Factory Set to 0 - 100 NTU)
• Small footprint - Takes up very little space
• Local Display/User Interface provided with each instrument
• Fast response time and inexpensive calibration low sample
volume (30 ml)
• Modular design reduces overall costs - Replace
electronics without stopping flow
• Removable sample cuvettes allow for easy cleaning
and calibrating
• Ultrasonic Cleaning Function
• Optics are not in contact with the sample reduces chance of false low readings
• Convenient reusable EPA Approved primary
calibration standards
• USE WITH BOTH Online & Lab units
• Same Standard set for both versions for
most applications
Online Process Turbidimeter
Factory default 0 - 100 NTU
Laboratory Turbidimeter
* ProCal NTU Standards are EPA approved for
use as primary NTU standards
Model MTOL+ Turbidimeter System
The continuous monitoring NTU system shall include the online
model with power supply, display, user interface and sensor as
one single SKU. It will not be necessary to purchase a separate
module for display or power supply. The turbidimeter shall meet
all requirements specified by the USEPA Method 180.1 (White
Light Model), ISO 7027 (Infrared Model) and Standard Methods
2130B. The turbidimeter shall be Modbus compatible and have
a 4-20 mA output. The turbidimeter shall have the same optical
design as the M100+ laboratory turbidimeter.
The online turbidimeter shall have an ultrasonic auto-clean
system. Accuracy shall be 2% of reading or plus or minus 0.02,
whichever is greater, from 0-40 NTU, and 5% of reading or
plus or minus 0.02, whichever is greater, from 40-1000 NTU.
Resolution will be 0.001 NTU (user selectable).
The sensor shall utilize a rotational flow through assembly with
a 30ml measuring cuvette. The specially designed flow head
bubble rejection system will reduce the need for a bubble trap
and provide a faster response time. The sample stream will
remain under pressure, ensuring it will not be exposed to open
atmosphere, which can cause precipitants in some circumstances.
Precipitation of oxidized sample constituents can result in false
NTU readings. The sensor shall allow grab samples to be
measured without the need to stop sample flow to the flow head.
Calibration and standardization will be accomplished using small
volumes (30ml) of reusable primary standards. Primary Standards
shall be reusable for multiple online turbidimeters and also with
the M100+ laboratory turbidimeter. Calibration procedures can
be completed without disrupting the sample flow. Details of
calibration (date and time of last successful calibration) will
be stored on the analyzer. An integral part of the turbidimeter
system is the inclusion of a laboratory instrument specifically
designed to use the same calibration standards. The required
supporting laboratory instrument must be an HF scientific M100+
touchscreen model with USB data logging and ability to store the
date/time of the last calibration.
The process turbidimeter and the laboratory turbidimeter lamp
source and detector shall not come in contact with the sample,
eliminating false low readings. The turbidimeters shall use menu
driven software. The online turbidimeter enclosure shall be ABS.
The online turbidimeter will have data logging features, will store
the latest date/time of calibration and be user selectable for
ranges of 0 – 10 NTU, 0 – 100 NTU (factory default) or 0 – 1000
NTU. The online turbidimeter shall be HF scientific MTOL+
Online Turbidimeter.
MTOL+ Features & Benefits:
Optical design
The unique, shared optical design allows consistent readings
between the M100+ laboratory turbidimeter and the MTOL+. The
unique optical design ensures that the same calibration
standards can be used with the M100+ laboratory unit and
the MTOL+.
Bubble rejection system
The optical chamber of the MTOL+ has been designed to eliminate air in the sample while simultaneously creating a vortex
cleaning action throughout the optical chamber.
(Online & Lab NTU—Use the same Standards)
Calibration with primary standards is completed using sealed
cuvettes, similar to laboratory procedures. This method of
calibration is fast, clean and reusable. On-screen menu prompts
guide you through the calibration procedure quickly and easily.
The layouts for the MTOL+ and M100+ have a similar "feel" making the UI transition from one to the other easy.
Modular design
One-piece mounted design allows for simple mounting and
minimal use of space. Wide range of measurement (0-1000 NTU)
allows for measurement of both low NTU filtered water or raw
water with one analyzer, eliminating the need to learn multiple
models. Optical design increases accuracy and provides more
consistent readings with online, laboratory and portable
turbidimeters. Calibrate the new M100+ laboratory turbidimeter
with the same standards as the MTOL+ for greatly improved comparison functionality between lab and online.
Light source
White light is recommended for use in turbidimeters reporting
results under US EPA 180.1 (US standard) jurisdiction. The
white light is Tungsten filament, krypton gas filled, and has a life
expectancy of 5 to 7 years. Infrared light is recommended for
use in turbidimeters reporting results under ISO 7027 (European
standard) jurisdiction. Infrared light is also recommended for
some waste water final effluent and industrial applications where
color is present in the sample stream.
Sensor Base Installation allows
up to 1/4" hardware
Power Supply/Junction Box installation
allows up to 3/16" hardware