HF Scientific CLX Operating Manual

CLX OnLine Residual
Chlorine Monitor
HF scientific 3170 Old Metro Parkway Ft. Myers, FL 33916 Phone: 239-337-2116 Fax: 239-332-7643
Toll Free: 888-203-7248
Email: HF.Info@Wattswater.com
Website: www.hfscientific.com
Catalog #24420 (4/18) REV 6.0
Application of Council Directive
Standards to Which Conformity is Declared:
Product Safety – Tested and passed:
Conforms to: UL 61010-1 Issued May 11, 2012 Ed 3 and CAN/CSA-C22.2# 61010-1
Issued May 11, 2012
Emissions & Immunity Tested and passed: EN61326-1: 2013
Manufacturer’s Name: HF scientific, inc.
Manufacturer’s Address: 3170 Old Metro Parkway, Fort Myers, Florida 33916-7597
Importer’s Name:
Importer’s Address:
Type of Equipment: Chlorine Process Analyzer
Model No: CLX
I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the equipment specified above conforms to the above Directives and Standards.
Place: Fort Myers, Florida USA (Signature) Date: 18 August, 2015 Mike Trammell,
Vice President of Product Development,
Watts Water Quality
Catalog #24420 (4/18) REV 6.0
Catalog #24420 (4/18) REV 6.0
Table of Contents
Section Page
Specifications ....................................................................................................1
1.0 Overview ...........................................................................................................2
1.1 Unpacking and Inspection of the Instrument and Accessories .............2
1.2 The Display ...........................................................................................3
1.3 The Touch Pad ......................................................................................3
2.0 Safety .................................................................................................................4
2.1 Symbols Used In This Manual ...............................................................4
3.0 Theory of Operation ........................................................................................5
4.0 Installation and Commissioning ....................................................................6
4.1 Mounting & Site Selection.....................................................................6
4.2 Plumbing ..............................................................................................7
4.3 Electrical Connections ..........................................................................8
4.3.1 Power ........................................................................................9
4.3.2 RS-485 .....................................................................................9
4.3.3 Relays .......................................................................................10
4.3.4 4-20 mA ..................................................................................10
4.3.5 RS-485/4-20 mA cable Ferrite .................................................10
4.4 Installing Reagents ..............................................................................10
5.0 Operation .......................................................................................................11
5.1 Routine Measurement .........................................................................11
5.2 Security Access Feature .......................................................................12
5.3 The White LED ....................................................................................12
6.0 Instrument Calibration ................................................................................13
6.1 Slope (gain) Calibration Procedure .....................................................13
6.2 Zero (offset) Calibration Procedure ....................................................14
6.3 Restore Factory Settings ......................................................................14
7.0 Instrument Configuration (CONFIG mode) ...............................................15
7.1 Setting the 4-20 mA .............................................................................15
7.2 Configuring the Error Level.................................................................16
7.3 Configuring the RS-485 Port ..............................................................16
7.4 Configuring the Alarms .......................................................................17
7.4.1 Alarm 1 ....................................................................................17
7.4.2 Alarm 2 ...................................................................................17
7.5 Enabling the Security Access...............................................................18
Table of Contents (continued)
Section Page
7.6 Extended Settings.................................................................................18
7.7 Units of Measurement ..........................................................................18
7.8 Averaging and Filtering .......................................................................19
7.9 LCD Backlight Brightness ...................................................................19
7.10 RS- 485 Parameters..............................................................................20
7.11 Cycle Time ..........................................................................................20
7.12 Water Conservation ............................................................................20
7.13 4 mA Adjustment .................................................................................21
7.14 20 mA Adjustment ...............................................................................21
8.0 Additional Features and Options ................................................................22
8.1 Backlit LCD .........................................................................................22
8.2 RS-485 Output .....................................................................................22
8.2.1 HF Online Communication ......................................................22
8.2.2 Simple Communication ...........................................................22
8.2.3 Modbus Communication ..........................................................23
8.3 Remote Panel Meter .............................................................................23
8.4 Desiccant Cartridge ..............................................................................23
9.0 Troubleshooting .............................................................................................24
9.1 CLX Fault Detection ............................................................................24
9.2 Setting Flow Rate .................................................................................25
9.3 Clearing Faults .....................................................................................25
9.4 Reagent Clogs .....................................................................................25
9.5 Diagnostic Chart .................................................................................26
9.6 Technical and Customer Assistance ...................................................26
10.0 Routine Maintenance .....................................................................................27
10.1 Normal Maintenance Schedule ...........................................................27
10.2 Preventative Maintenance Schedule ...................................................29
10.3 Replacing or Installing the Reagents ...................................................30
10.4 Check Valve Flushing Kit ...................................................................31
10.5 Instrument Storage ..............................................................................31
10.6 Cleaning the CLX ...............................................................................31
11.0 Accessories and Replacement Parts List .....................................................32
12.0 Warranty .......................................................................................................34
Measurement Range
0 – 10.00 mg/L (PPM)
±5% of reading or ±0.03 mg/L (PPM) whichever is greater for range of 0-6.0 mg/L(PPM)
±10% of reading from 6.01-10.00 mg/L (PPM)
0.01 mg/L (PPM)
Cycle Time
Adjustable; 110 seconds to 10 minutes (600 seconds) Note: the system defaults to 2.5 minutes
Multi-Line Liquid Crystal Backlit Display
Two Programmable, 120-240VAC 2A Form C Relay
Analog Output
Powered 4-20 mA, 600 drive, isolated
Communications Port
Bi-directional RS-485 with Modbus
Water Pressure
Integral pressure regulator 0.34 bar(5.0 PSI) to 10.3 bar (150 PSI.)
Flow Rate to Waste
200 – 400 ml/min.
Operating Temperature
0°C – 40°C (32°F – 104°F)
Wetted Materials
PVC, Borosilicate Glass, Reslyn (FFKM), Viton® (FKM), Polypropylene, Stainless Steel, Acetal, Noryl®, Silicone
Sample Temperature Range
0°C – 55°C (32°F – 131°F) Operating temperature for 30 day reagent life is 0-40°C (32°F – 104°F) Reagent life will be <30 days if kept at temperatures above 40°C
Power Supply
100 – 240 VAC, 47 – 63 Hz, 150VA
100-240 VAC ±10% serial numbers 201705625 or greater
Insulation Rating
Double Insulated, Pollution Degree 2, Overvoltage Category II
Environmental Conditions
Not recommended for outdoor use.
Up to 95 % RH (non-condensing)
Regulatory Compliance
And Certifications
CE Approved, Listed to UL 61010-1: 2012 Ed 3
Certified to CAN/CSA-C22.2 #61010-1-12: 2012
EMC to EN61326-1: 2013
Shipping Weight
3.9 kg (8.6 lbs.) Reagents Shipped Separately
Shipping Dimensions
406 mm X 406 mm X 241 mm (16”X 16” X 9 ½”)
2 Years from date of manufacture
CLX (4/18) Page 1 REV 6.0
CLX Analyzer
Instruction Manual
Mounting Kit
Tubing/Cuvette Kit: 8 black pump tubes, 2 Cap Assemblies, 1 cuvette
In-Line Strainer Kit
Check Valve Flushing Kit
1.0 Overview
The CLX Online Chlorine Analyzer allows for the reading of chlorine levels of process water on-line. The CLX has been designed to meet the design criteria specified by Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (22nd Edition) Method 4500-Cl G. DPD Colorimetric Method. The CLX uses a 515nm LED as the measurement light source.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this manual. Due to the continuous development and improvement of all instrumentation, there may be slight differences between this manual and the instrument received. Therefore, no legal claims can be made against any discrepancies herein. The latest version of the manual can be downloaded from www.hfscientific.com.
1.1 Unpacking and Inspection of the Instrument and Accessories
The table below indicates the items in the shipment.
Remove the instrument from the packing carton. Carefully inspect all items to ensure that no visible damage has occurred during shipment. If the items received do not match the order, please immediately contact the local distributor or the HF scientific Customer Service Department.
CLX (4/18) Page 2 REV 6.0
1.2 The Display
Figure 1 illustrates all the items that can appear on the display. The upper row of the display (1) is used for reporting the chlorine levels and to provide user guidance in the customer setting routine. The lower row of the display (2) is used to communicate error messages (message queue) and provide user guidance. The display has two icons (3) that are used to indicate the use of access code and offset mode. In addition, mode arrows (4) are used to indicate the current instrument operating mode; AUTO (normal operation), CAL (calibration) and CONFIG (configuration).
Figure 1: Display used in the instrument.
1.3 The Touch Pad Figure 2 illustrates the touch pad. The touch pad has six buttons: PRIME, SERVICE,
MODE/EXIT,  ,  and
The MODE/EXIT button is used to cycle between the three operational modes of the
instrument: CAL, CONFIG, and AUTO (Measurement) mode. The button enters the
option or mode that is highlighted or chosen. The and buttons are used to change
The PRIME and SERVICE buttons are dedicated controls. The PRIME will start 75 reagent pump pulses to prime the tubing after a change or addition of reagent bottles. The
SERVICE button will drain the instrument and hold all operations until either the SERVICE button is pushed again or the power is reset. This button should be used while
changing the tubing, the measurement cuvette or reagent bottles.
Figure 2: The CLX touch pad.
CLX (4/18) Page 3 REV 6.0
2.0 Safety
This manual contains basic instructions that must be followed during the commissioning,
operation, care and maintenance of the instrument. The safety protection provided by this
equipment may be impaired if it is commissioned and/or used in a manner not described in this manual. Consequently, all responsible personnel must read this manual prior to
working with this instrument.
In certain instances icons or symbols, have been added to give further clarification to the instructions. Refer to the Table of Contents to easily find specific topics and to learn about unfamiliar terms.
2.1 Symbols Used In This Manual
This symbol identifies hazards which, if not avoided, could result in minor, moderate injury or damage to the equipment.
This symbol identifies important information, practices or actions.
This pictorial alert you to the need read the manual, possibly at a different section.
This pictorial alerts you to electricity, electrocution and shock hazards.
CLX (4/18) Page 4 REV 6.0
3.0 Theory of Operation
The CLX has two solenoid valves, one for sample water (FLOW) and one for draining of the cuvette (PURGE). A third solenoid, along with four check valves forms a reagent pump. Sample water flow is controlled by the FLOW solenoid valve. The PURGE solenoid valve is used to empty the cuvette in the measurement chamber.
The measurement chamber consists of a sample inlet, a purge drain, and an overflow. The reagent is added from the check valves integrated into the lower portion. A green LED provides the 515 nm source lamp, a red LED is used for sample level and flow measurement. A single detector is located 180 º from the green LED. A replaceable glass cuvette separates the LEDs from the detector and maintains the measurement path length. Sample water flows in the inlet at the bottom, through the measurement cuvette and out through an overflow drain. This flow is used to both fill the cuvette and flush the system.
The reagents are dispensed from two replaceable bottles. One bottle has a buffer to control the pH; the second has an indicator that contains the DPD, which produces color when chlorine is present in the sample. The degree of color is dependant on the amount of chlorine in the sample water.
The measurement chamber is open to view operations. A white LED backlights the chamber for a clearer view. The white LED will flash to attract attention in the case of a warning or failure. Most warnings and failures are also displayed on the screen. To prevent interference, the white LED is turned off during measurements.
During normal operation the CLX will run through a timed cycle. A simplified cycle will consist of the following sequences:
Flushing – continuous sample flow Purging – PURGE valve opens Zeroing – no flow with cuvette full Adding Reagents – one pulse of the reagent pump Mixing with sample – sample flow pulses in Reading resulting sample – no flow with cuvette full
Purging – PURGE valve opens to remove reacted sample
The cycle above is simplified and does not describe all the actions and testing that occurs. The CPU continuously diagnoses the entire system for correct operation and sample water flow. If an error occurs, a message is posted to the message queue on the LCD screen.
The reagent is added by a single pulse of the reagent solenoid. When the reagents require replacement, the PRIME button is pushed to bring new reagents into the system. During PRIME the reagent solenoid is pulsed several times to draw fluid from the two reagent bottles and fill the tubes with new reagent. A complete PRIME takes less than a minute.
The SERVICE button empties the cuvette, stops the flow of sample water, and clears any errors. This provides a convenient way to replace reagents and the measurement cuvette. If more extensive servicing is performed, all power to the CLX should be removed. If the CLX is to be turned off, it is recommended that the instrument be placed in SERVICE mode before removing power. This ensures that the cuvette is emptied and the flow is off.
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219.08mm (8.625")
298.45mm (11.750")
219.08mm (8.625")
298.45mm (11.750")
4.0 Installation and Commissioning
Prior to use for the first time, one of the reagents (the indicator) will have to be mixed. Refer to section 10.2 Replacing or Installing the Reagents.
4.1 Mounting & Site Selection
The instrument is designed for wall mounting. If wall mounting is not practical, the instrument can be mounted on any suitable level surface Choose a location that is easily accessible for operation and service and ensure that the front display rests at eye level. Consideration must be made the plumbing connections. The overall mounting dimensions of the instrument are shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Overall Mounting Dimensions of the Instrument
It is critical that the instrument be mounted as close as possible to the sampling point to ensure a quick response time (within 2-3 meters (6-10 ft) of the sampling point).
The provided mounting feet will need to be installed with the provided screws. These can be rotated as shown above. Suggested mounting screws are up to M6 (¼”).
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