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Added Section 2.3, “Update BIOS,” on page 18
Enhanced user manual with printouts of ONIE Grub Menu
Updated Section 2.2, “Boot Modes,” on page 14
•“onie-sysinfo -v” on page 24
•“onie-sysinfo” on page 24
•UM to reflect new software printouts
•Chapter 3, “CLI Reference” on page 19 with commands “onie-nos-install”,
“onie-stop”, “onie-start”, and “onie-sysinfo”
Rev 1.3January 15, 2015
Removed PPC content
•Section “Related Documentation” on page 5
•Section 2.1.2, “From TFTP Server,” on page 11
•Section 2.1.4, “From Local USB Drive,” on page 13
•Section 2.2.5, “Reinstall,” on page 18
•Section 2.2.3, “Uninstall,” on page 16
•Chapter 3, “CLI Reference” on page 19
Rev 1.2August 31, 2014
Updated Section 2.1.4, “From Local USB Drive,” on page 13
Rev 1.1July 2014Removed sections 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 2.3.
Added Section 2.2.4, “Embed,” on page 17
Table 2, “Reference Documents,” on page 5
•Chapter 3, “CLI Reference” on page 19
Rev 1.0September 2013First release
Intended Audience
This document and the system is a bundle intended for system engineers and system developers
interested in assembling their own OS on top of Mellanox switch systems. The system provides
an easy way to install a user-defined OS over a Mellanox switch system.
This document contains instructions supplementary to the official O
enced in the
“Related Documentation” section.
NIE documentation refer-
Related Documentation
The following table lists the documents referenced in this User’s Manual.
Table 2 - Re fe re nc e Do cu me nts
Document NameDescription
Mellanox ONIE Switch Release NotesProvides an overview of the known issues and bug
Open Network Install Environment Overview
Open Network Install Environment User
Open Network Install Environment
x86 CPU Architecture Design
Emphasized wordsItalic fontThese are emphasized words
Warni ng
//// This is a comment
Italic fontenable
<text> This is a note.
<text>Make sure to connect to the
RS-232 RJ-45 port of the
switch and no
Common Abbreviations and Acronyms
Table 4 - Abbreviations and Acronyms
Abbreviations Description
ONIEOpen Network Install Environment
NOSNetwork OS
t to the MGT
ONIE (Open Network Install Environment) is an open source initiative which enables automatic
installation of user-defined OS whose function is to setup a network OS that provides the following services:
•Re/installing an OS
•Booting in "rescue" mode
•Formatting the system
For more information please refer to the following website:
1.1Accessing the Mellanox System for the First Time
The system provided has DHCP enabled by default, therefore, login may be performed through
the management ports (using "root" username and no password) and/or the serial console as
explained in the following steps:
Step 1.Connect the host PC to the CONSOLE (RJ-45) port of the switch system using the supplied
cable. The CONSOLE ports are shown below as examples.
Figure 1: Console Port
Make sure to connect to the CONSOLE port of the switch and not to the MGT port.
Step 2.
Configure a serial terminal program (for example, HyperTerminal, minicom, or Tera Term)
on your host PC with the settings described in the table below.
Table 5 - Serial Terminal Program Configuration for 2016.11-5.2.0004-115200
Baud rate115200
Data bits8
Stop bits1
Parity None
Flow Control None
Step 3.Activate the console by pressing Enter.
Please press Enter to activate this console. Info: eth0: Checking link... up.
** Installer Mode Enabled **
Step 4.(Optional) The system is configured to fetch an image using auto-discovery which is
enabled by default. To disable auto discovery, run:
ONIE:/ # onie-stop
Stopping: discover... done.
1.2Log Facilities
Mellanox ONIE uses the following log facilities:
•/var/log/onie.log (Mellanox ONIE OS only)
The following is an example of
Nov 25 12:47:42 sys-hostname onie: Starting: klogd...
Nov 25 12:47:42 sys-hostname onie: done.
Nov 25 12:47:42 sys-hostname onie: Starting: dropbear ssh daemon...
Nov 25 12:47:43 sys-hostname onie: done.
Nov 25 12:47:43 sys-hostname onie: Starting: telnetd...
cat /var/log/onie.log:
Nov 25 12:47:43 sys-hostname onie: done.
Nov 25 12:47:43 sys-hostname onie: Starting: discover...
Nov 25 12:47:43 sys-hostname onie: done.
Nov 25 12:47:43 sys-hostname onie: Info: eth0: Checking link...
Nov 25 12:47:43 sys-hostname onie: up.
Nov 25 12:47:43 sys-hostname onie: Info: Trying DHCPv4 on interface: eth0
Nov 25 12:47:43 sys-hostname onie: ONIE: Using DHCPv4 addr: eth0: /
Nov 25 12:47:43 sys-hostname discover: ONIE: Starting ONIE Service Discovery
Nov 25 12:47:51 sys-hostname discover: [truncated] onie_neighs =