Solution brief
Increase eiciencies.
HP Onsite Preventive Maintenance Services for Printers
Maximum three kits replaced within three-year,
four in four‑yea r and ve in ve ‑year Care Packs
Today’s businesses rely on the speed
and efficiency of HP LaserJets. To help
protect your printer investment, reduce
downtime and increase efficiency,
HPprovides hardware services that
include preventive maintenance.
These HP Care Pack Services were created
for customers who want quick hardware
repairs and maintenance kit replacements
for their printers. The service is not
regularly scheduled but is triggered when
printers display an alert or when the printer
page count reaches the kit’s yields.
Take advantage of
convenient on-site support
HP is committed to providing a professional
repair and maintenance service for your
printing and imaging equipment. In addition
to on-site repairs, this new service provides
proactive notications when maintenance
kits need replacement and when a printer
health check is required.
During these on-site visits, the
preventive-maintenance procedure and kit
replacement is performed along with basic
printer cleaning and specic visual checks,
which include checking rollers in the paper
path, and fuser and roller status.
Enjoy total peace of mind
Simple to manage: preventive maintenance
through kit replacement and repair support
are included in the same Care Pack Service.
With our preventive maintenance, you can:
• Increase productivity and uptime
• Take advantage of convenient on-
• Preserve the life of the printer and
maintain high print quality due to properly
performed maintenance
• Increase return on your printer investment
and improve cost‑eectiveness of your
highly trained in‑house sta, whowill
no longer have to spend time on
• Reduce the risk of unbudgeted repair
and maintenance costs. With this service,
replacement of maintenance kits during
a three-year period will typically cost less
than the price you pay for one intervention
• Rest assured that your printer will be
serviced in a professional manner, with
high quality standards

Solution brief | HP On-Site Preventive Maintenance C are Pack
Protect your investment
Preventive maintenance through kit
replacement and on-site hardware support
is the insurance you need to protect your
investment. Your printer is covered for:
• From three to ve years of xed‑cost
hardware support, with next-business-day
response to repair your HP LaserJet printer.
HP provides all labour, parts , travel and
materials necessary to maintain a working
printer. For technical issues that cannot be
resolved remotely, a technician will arrive
on site the next business day after you call
to schedule service
• Replacement of fuser, transfer, cleaning
kits or ADF maintenance kits when an alert
is displayed by the printer during a period
of three years. This alert advises if your
maintenance count is within 10 per cent of
the kit replacement cycle
• The intervention is triggered by the printer
alert or the page count. HP then schedules
an appointment to replace the kit. At the
same time, the printer is cleaned, and
specic checks designed to maintain print
quality are carried out. HP provides all
maintenance components
Aordable HP Quality
HP has long recognised that dierent users
and businesses require dierent levels of
support. This is why we oer a complete
range of exible support programmes
designed to meet the varying needs of
home users, general oices or server
centres with mission-critical data.
Enjoy HP exibility
Often, dierent types and levels of
technology products exist within each
business. HP Care Pack Services, including
preventive maintenance, reect this reality
and continue our commitment to match
every support need with an appropriate
level of service.
For more information
Your HP representative or HP authorised
reseller can provide you with complete
information about each HP Care Pack,
including preventive maintenance and the
complete range of HP Care Pack Service
options. You can also nd more information
at: hp.com/go/cpc
Easy to use
Receiving on-site hardware support or
preventive maintenance is fast and easy.
When a problem or failure occurs, simply
call your technical support contact.
HP then provides technical assistance and
helps you resolve the problem. If the issue
or failure cannot be resolved remotely,
or if replacement of a maintenance kit
is indicated by the alert on your printer,
yourHP technical support representative
will schedule an on-site visit.
The preventive-maintenance procedure is
then performed along with printer cleaning
and specic visual checks.
Ordering information
Talk to your preferred reseller about the
range of three‑to‑ve‑year service levels
on our mid-range and high-range mono,
colour and multi-function devices.
Sign up for updates
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HP prod ucts and services are set forth in the ex press warr anty statement s accompany ing such pro ducts and s ervices . Nothing herein sh ould be const rued as
const ituting an a dditiona l warrant y. HP shall not be l iable for tec hnical or editor ial errors o r omissions conta ined herein.
4AA 3-5242EEW, Apri l 2014
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