
Please recycle large-format printing hardware and printing supplies
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Data sheet
HP Designjet T7200
Production Printer
Proven color production solution with low cost of ownership
A full-color solution for high-volume
• Accelerate your production with high-speed color printing that
delivers up to four D/A1-size pages per minute
• Boost production, manage PDFs, and cut job preparation time by
up to 50% with HP Designjet SmartStream
• Increase eiciency with optional hardware accessories like an
external stacker, online folder, and scanner
• Print up to 1,968 ft (600 m) uninterrupted with high-capacity
HP ink cartridges and three heavy rolls
Versatile printing backed by proven
HP technology
• Use one printer for all your black-and-white and color needs from
CAD drawings to renderings, and graphics
• Print on a wide range of media, from bond paper to glossy photo
paper, for maximum versatility
• Easily produce professional applications with crisp, sharp lines and
consistent color accuracy
• Get fast, high-quality prints every time with HP Double Swath
Technology and HP Optical Media Advance Sensor
Low-cost operation and full workow
• Save up front—take advantage of a low initial investment
compared with equivalent printing technologies
a. With Aurasma installed, please go to the HP Designjet channel at http://auras.ma/s/ke25m
b. Without Aurasma installed, please download it:
a. Google Play - http://auras.ma/s/android
b. Apple Store - http://auras.ma/s/ios
Once done, go to t he HP Designjet channel at http://auras.ma/s/ke25m
c. Open the application and poi nt to the image to view the HP Design jet video
• Print black-and-white drawings at the same cost per page as
comparable black-and-white LED printers
• HP Crystal Preview from HP Designjet SmartStream accurately
shows how technical documents will be printed
• Rely on continuous operation with maintenance and supplies
replenishment from HP Designjet Partner Link
• Save paper with automatic print settings and image nesting
• ENERGY STAR® qualified and EPEAT Bronze registered
• Free, convenient HP ink cartridge and printhead recycling
• FSC®-certified papers, range of recyclable HP media with a take-back program
EPEAT registered where applicable and/or supported. See epeat.net for registration status by country.
Program availability varies. Please check hp.com/recycle for details. BMG trademark license code FSC®-C115319, see fsc.org.
HP trademark license code FSC®-C017543, see fsc.org. Not all FSC®-certified products are available in all regions. For
information about HP large format printing materials, please visit globalBMG.com/hp.
Conclusi on based on a n HP intern al test mea suring t he time req uired to ex tract pa ges from a 50 -page
docu ment and pr int them us ing sever al printe rs compa red with us ing equiv alent sof tware pr ograms.
Costs compared with large-format color printers above $20,000 USD, and determined by the recommended
stree t price pub lished by m anufac turers a s of Januar y 2014. Test metho ds vary.
Compared wi th large- format Low Vo lume LED pr inters wit h print spee ds of up to 7 Arch D pag es per minu te.
Availabl e when using H P Designje t SmartSt ream toget her with the H P Designj et T7200 Pro duction P rinter.

Data sheet | HP Designjet T 7200 Produc tion Printer
Technical specications Ordering information
Print Line drawings515.5 sec/ page on A1/D, 165 A1/D print s per hour
Color images
Max print speed
Up to: 17.5 sec/pa ge on A1/D or up to 117.5 m²/hr (1265 ft²/h r) on
coated media
123.3 m²/hr (1320 f t²/hr)
Print resolution Up to 2400 x 120 0 optimize d dpi
(top x
botto m x left x righ t)
5 x 5 x 5 x 5 mm (0.2 x 0 .2 x 0.2 x 0.2 i n)
Ink ty pes Dye- based (C, M , Y, G, DG); pi gment-ba sed (mK)
Ink dro p 6 pl (C, M, DG , G); 9 pl (Y, mK)
Ink cartridges 6 (cy an, magen ta, yellow, m atte blac k, gray, dark g ray)
Printheads 8 (cyan , magenta , yellow x2, da rk gray, gra y, matt e black x2)
Line accuracy +/- 0.1%
Minimum line
minimum line
Media Handling Two roll feeds (upgradeable to three), automatic roll switching,
0.02 mm (0 .0008 in) (H P-GL/2 a ddressa ble)
0.06 mm (0.0024 in) (ISO/IEC 13660:2001(E))
roll s up to 200 m (650 f t) each, a utomati c cutter, med ia bin
Size 280 to 1067-m m (11 to 42-in) rol ls, up to 18 kg (26.5 lb )
Thickness Up to 0.4 mm (15.7 mil )
Applications Li ne drawing s, Render ings, Pre sentatio ns, Maps, O rthoph otos, Poste rs, Point of
Memory 64 GB (v irtual ),
Connectivity Interfaces
(w x d x h)
sale/display, Photos
Print languages
Print languages
Printing paths HP De signjet S martSt ream, Pri nter driv er, HP Embed ded Web
320 GB har d disk
Giga bit Ether net (1000Ba se-T), EIO J etdirec t accessor y slot
Adob e PostScr ipt 3, Adobe PD F 1.7, TIFF, JPEG
HP-G L/2, HP- RTL drive rs for Wind ows; Post Script Win dows
and Ma c OS X drive rs with opt ional Pos tScript /PDF Upg rade Kit .
Comp atible wit h HP Designj et Univer sal Print D river for HP -GL/2
and HP D esignje t Univer sal Prin t Driver fo r PS (with Po stScri pt/
PDF Up grade Ki t)
Printer 1974 x 700 x 1374 mm (77.7 x 27.6 x 54.1 in)
Shipping 2232 x 761 x 1269 mm (87.9 x 30 x 50 in)
Weight P rinter 187 kg (412 lb)
Shipping 225 kg (496 lb)
What ’s in the
HP Des ignjet T72 00 Produc tion Prin ter, 2-in spind le, printh eads, intr oductor y ink
car tridges , printer st and and medi a bin, 3-in sp indle ada pter kit (x2 ), maintena nce
car tridge, st artup sof tware, qu ick refere nce guide, s etup poste r, power co rds
5 to 40�C (41 to 104�F)
-20 to 55�C (-4 to 131�F)
20 to 80 % RH
Acoustic Sound pressure 53 dB( A) (prin ting); 39 dB (A) (read y); 39 dB(A) (s leep)
Sound power 7.0 B(A) (p rinting ); 5.5 B(A) (re ady); 5.5 B(A ) (sleep)
Power Consumption 270 watt s (printi ng); < 48 watt s (ready); < 5. 3 watts (sle ep);
Requirements Inpu t voltage (a uto rangin g): 100 to 127 VAC (+/- 10%), 5 A; 220
Certication Safet y U SA and Cana da (CSA cert ied); EU (LV D and EN 60950 -1
Electromagnetic Compliant with Class A requirements, including: USA (FCC rules),
Environmental ENE RGY STAR, WE EE, RoHS (EU , China, Kor ea, India) , REACH,
< 0.3 wat ts (o)
to 240 VAC (+/- 10%), 3 A; 50/6 0 Hz (+/- 3 Hz)
compl iant); Ru ssia (GOST ); Singapo re (PSB); Ch ina (CCC);
Arge ntina (IR AM); Mexi co (NYCE); Ko rea (KC)
Cana da (ICES) , EU (EMC Dir ective), A ustral ia (ACMA ), New Zeal and
(RSM ), China (CCC), J apan (VCC I), Korea (MSI P)
EPEAT Bronze
Warranty 90-day limited hardware warranty
Mech anical pr inting ti me. Printed i n Fast mode usi ng HP Bright W hite Inkj et Paper (bo nd) and Orig inal
HP ink s.
Mech anical pr inting ti me. Printed i n Fast mode usi ng Origin al HP inks.
+/- 0.1% of the speci ed vecto r length or +/- 0.2 m m (whichev er greater) at 2 3�C (73�F), 50 -60%
relat ive humid ity, on A0/E HP M atte Film in B est or Norm al mode with O riginal H P inks.
Meas ured on HP Ma tte Film .
Accessories C Q743A HP Des ignjet Ro ll Upgrad e Kit
Orig inal HP
Original HP
ink cartridges
Orig inal HP
large format
Service and support
HP Designjet Support Services oer solutions for business critical environments —
installation, extended s upport and maintenan ce, as well as variet y of value-a dded
services. For more information, please visit hp.com/go/designjetsupport.
Use Original HP in ks and printheads to experi ence consistent high quality and reliable
performa nce that enab le less downtime. These c ritical components are designed and
engineered together as an opti mized printing system to provide precise l ine accuracy
as well a s dark blacks and true neutral grays.
For the entire HP Large For mat Printing Material s portfol io, please see
Base d on 1 GB RAM. E xpandab le to 1.5 GB RAM thr ough an HP De signjet qu alied SO DIMM incl uded
only in t he option al HP Desi gnjet Pos tScript /PDF Upg rade Kit a ccessor y.
Estef old 4211 and GERA -Butte ry Extr a II Fold er only avai lable in Euro pe, the Midd le East, and A frica.
BMG tr ademark l icense cod e FSC® -C115319, see fsc.org. HP t rademar k license cod e FSC®-C0 17543,
see fsc.org. BMG tr ademark l icense code P EFC™/29-31-261, see pefc .org. HP tradem ark licens e code
PEFC™/29-31-198, see pefc.org. Not all FSC ®- or PEFC™ -certi ed produc ts are avail able in all re gions.
Can be recycled through commonly available recycling programs.
HP Lar ge Format Me dia take- back progr am avail ability v aries. Re cyclin g programs m ay not exist in
your a rea. See globalBMG.com/hp/ecosolutions for details.
True neu tral gray s produced by p rinters co mpatibl e with the HP Th ree-bla ck ink set.
F2L46A HP Des ignjet T7200 42-i n Producti on Printer
CQ 745B HP Designjet PostScript/PDF Upgrade Kit
CQ 742A HP Design jet 220V Stac ker
G6H 51A HP De signjet H D Pro Scan ner
J8025A HP Jetd irect 64 0n Print S erver
E2P02A HP Sma rtStrea m Preight M anager for H P Designj et
E2 W15A HP Sma rtStre am Print Con troller fo r HP Designj et T7100/T 7200
Production Printer
GER A—But tery Ext ra II Folder
es-te - e stefold 4211 HP
CH6 45A HP 761 Yellow D esignjet P rinthea d
CH646A HP 761 Magen ta and Cyan Des ignjet Pri nthead
CH 647A HP 761 Gr ay and Dark G ray Design jet Print head
CH648A HP 761 Matte Bl ack and Mat te Black De signjet Pr inthead
F9J50A HP 765 400 -ml Yellow De signjet In k Cartri dge
F9J 51A HP 765 4 00-ml Ma genta Desi gnjet Ink C artrid ge
F9J52A H P 765 400-ml Cya n Designj et Ink Cart ridge
F9J53A H P 765 400-ml G ray Design jet Ink Car tridge
F9J54A HP 765 775 -ml Dark Gr ay Design jet Ink Car tridge
F9J55A HP 765 775- ml Matte Bla ck Design jet Ink Car tridge
CH649 A HP 761 Design jet Mainte nance Car tridge
C68 10A HP Br ight White I nkjet Pap er (FSC® cer tied)
914 mm x 91.4 m (36 in x 30 0 ft)
C6569C HP H eavywe ight Coate d Paper (PEF C™ certi ed)
1067 mm x 30.5 m (42 i n x 100 ft)
Q142 2B H P Univers al Satin P hoto Paper
1067 mm x 30,5 m (42 i n x 100 ft)
CH025A HP E veryday M atte Polyp ropylene , 2 Pack
1067 mm x 30.5 m (42 i n x 100 ft)
Q87 51A HP U niversa l Bond Pape r (FSC® cert ied)
914 mm x 175 m (36 in x 574 ft)
H4518 E HP Inst allatio n Servic e with Netwo rk Setup for M id-Ran ge and High -End
Designjet printers
U1X V4E HP Pre ventive M aintena nce Serv ice for Des ignjet pr inters
U7SX8E HP 2 y ear Next B usines s Day Onsite S upport w ith DMR for D esignj et
T720 0
U5AG3E HP 3 y ear Next B usines s Day Onsite S upport w ith DMR fo r Designj et
T720 0
U5AG4E HP 5 year N ext Busi ness Day On site Supp ort with D MR for Desi gnjet
T720 0
U5AG5PE HP 1 yea r Post Warr anty Nex t Busines s Day Onsi te Suppor t with DMR fo r
Desi gnjet T720 0
U5AG6PE H P 2 year Post Wa rranty N ext Busi ness Day O nsite Supp ort with D MR for
Desi gnjet T720 0
11 12
11 12
11 12
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© Copyr ight 2014 Hewle tt-Packa rd Developm ent Compan y, L.P. The infor mation cont ained here in is subjec t to change wi thout noti ce. The only w arrantie s for
HP product s and serv ices are set forth i n the expre ss warranty sta tements accompanyi ng such prod ucts and se rvices. Nothi ng herein sh ould be cons trued as
const ituting a n addition al warranty. HP sh all not be lia ble for tech nical or edi torial err ors or omis sions conta ined herei n.
Adob e, PostScr ipt, and Adobe PostSc ript 3 are tra demarks of Adob e Systems In corporat ed. ENERGY STAR and t he ENERGY S TAR mar k are registe red U.S. mar ks.
Wind ows is a U.S. re gistered tr ademark of M icrosof t Corporat ion. Mac an d the Mac logo a re tradema rks of Appl e Computer, Inc., registe red in the U.S . and other
4AA 5-0481EEW, O ctober 2014, Rev. 1