Data sheet
HP PageWide XL 8000 Printer
The fastest large-format monochrome and color printer ever,
with up to 50% savings in total production costs
Meet the tightest deadlines
• Print up to 30 A1/D pages/min
(1500 A1/D pages/hr)—the fastest print
speed in the market, even versus LED
• Deliver mixed monochrome and
color sets in 50% of the time with a
consolidated workow
• Start printing in 50% of the time3—
an ultra-fast processor, native PDF
management, HP SmartStream software
• Free up the operator—production
stacker/online folder,
ink supplies with auto-switch
up to 6 rolls, dual
Fast color, excellent document quality
• Generate new business growth—print
GIS map and point-of-sale (POS) poster
applications at breakthrough speeds
• Set a new technical document standard
with crisp lines, ne detail, and smooth
grayscales that beat LED
• HP PageWide XL pigment ink for dark
blacks, vivid color and moisture/fade
resistance—even on uncoated bond
• Print on a wide range of media up to
101.6 cm/40 inches—covering ISO/US
technical and oset standards
Cut total production costs up to 50%
• Print monochrome technical documents
at the same or lower cost than
comparable LED printers
• Print color technical documents at the
lowest cost in the market
• Cut job preparation and nishing costs up
to 50%
• See up to 10 times lower energy
consumption than comparable
LED printers
For more information, please visit
Dynamic sec urity enabled printer. Car tridges using a non-HP chip might not wor k and those th at work today might not work in the futu re. More at:
Note: HP PageWide XL printers are not designed to use continuous ink systems. HP PageWide XL printers are designed for ink car tridges to be used unt il they are empty. Rel ling
cartridges prior to depletion might cause the pr inter to fail , and voids the HP ink ca rtridge warranty.
Fa stest bas ed on inter nal HP test ing and me thodolo gy compar ed to alter natives f or large- format pr inting of te chnica l docume nts, GIS ma ps, and po int-of-sa le (POS) pos ters und er $200,00 0 USD as of Ma rch, 2015. Prod uction co sts
savi ngs based o n compar ison to a setu p consist ing of one mo nochrom e LED prin ter and one c olor prod uction pr inter, both u nder $150,00 0 USD, as of Apr il, 2015. Prod uction co sts consi st of suppl ies and se rvice cos ts, prin ter energ y
costs , and oper ator costs . For testi ng criter ia, see
Base d on interna l HP testing on t he HP PageWi de XL 8000 Pr inter comp ared to usin g two diere nt printer s (one monoc hrome LED p rinter, one col or printer). F or testing c riteria , see
Using HP SmartStream software compared with using equivalent software programs. For testing criteria, see
The pr oducti on stacker, o nline fol der, and HP HD/ SD Pro Scan ners are op tional ac cessori es.
For out put produ ced with HP Pa geWide XL pr inters and L ED printe rs from die rent manuf acture rs and that re present gr eater than 50 % of the annua l shipmen ts of LED prin ters in Nor th Americ a as of 2014 accordin g to IDC. For te sting
criteria, see
Compa red to print s produced w ith HP 970/971/980 i nks that ar e fade and moi sture resi stant per IS O 11798 Per manence a nd Durabi lity Meth ods certi cation . For testin g criteri a, see
ISO/U S technica l and oset st andards i nclude Am erican AN SI and Archi tectur al page size st andards , ISO A technic al docum ent standa rd, and ISO B o set page size s tandard .
Base d on suppli es and ser vice cost s for compa rable LE D printer s under $150,0 00 USD for la rge-for mat print ing of tech nical do cuments a s of April , 2015 which repr esent mor e than 80% o f the share of h igh-vo lume LED p rinters i n the
US and Eu rope in 2014 acc ording to I DC. For tes ting crit eria, se e
Base d on suppli es and ser vice cost s for compa rable col or printe rs capab le of printi ng 4 A1/D pages pe r minute or m ore and und er $150,000 US D for large -format p rinting o f technic al docum ents as of Ap ril, 2015 and re present ing
more th an 80% of th e market in t he US and Eur ope in 2014 acco rding to IDC . For test ing crite ria, see
C onclusi ons based on i nternal HP te sting for a sp ecic use sc enario. Co mparab le printer s using LED tec hnolog y based on LED p rinters ca pable of pri nting 18 to 22 A1/D pages pe r minute and w hich repre sent more th an 80% of the
share o f high-vo lume LED p rinters i n the US and E urope acco rding to ID C as of April , 2015. For testi ng crite ria, see
Data sheet | HP PageWide XL 8000 Printer
Technical specications
Print speed14Maximum print speed1523 m/mi n (75 ft/min )
Online folder4Page width 2 8 to 91.4 cm (11 to 36 in)
The Ado be PDF Prin t Engine (A PPE) is Adob e’s high spee d, high de lity pri nt platfor m. Versio n 4 extends AP PE’s leadi ng
edge for p rint repro ductio n with new per formanc e eicien cies and bre akthrou gh render ing featur es. APPE 4 en ables
print ers to incre ase worko w eicien cy and cap italize on th e prot poten tial of inno vations i n inkjet pri nt techno logy.
To learn mo re, visit
±0.1% of the spec ied vecto r length or ±0 .2 mm (which ever great er) at 23°C (73° F), 50-6 0% relativ e humidit y, on A0/E
print ing materi al in Best or No rmal mode w ith HP Matte Po lypropy lene and HP Pa geWide XL pigm ent ink.
Meas ured on HP Un iversa l Bond pap er.
Prin t speed whi le printi ng to the HP Pa geWide XL H igh-c apacit y Stacker.
Measu red using 91- cm (36-in ) print wid th.
For long er plots (up to 20 0 m (656 ft)), imag e qualit y might be aec ted.
Mono chrome sc anning : A1/D image with b lack tex t graphic s at 200 dpi ; color scan ning: A1/D ful ly-inke d color ima ge at
200 dpi , 24-bit RGB .
Long plots with reduced capacity
Print ing to non- HP large for mat printe rs is done thr ough spec ic drive rs, each of th em coverin g several p rinters:
Océ Win dows Pri nter Driv er (WPD), KI P Window s Driver W HQL, RICO H PostSc ript Dri ver, Xerox WHQ L Driver. For m ore
information, please visit:
BMG trademark license code FSC®-C115319, see HP tr ademar k license co de FSC®- C017543, see . Not all
FSC®- certi ed produc ts are avai lable in all r egions.
Can be recycled through commonly available recycling programs.
Description Large-format color printer
Technology HP PageWide Technology
Applications Line drawings, Maps, Orthophotos, Posters
Ink types Pigment-based (cyan, magenta, yellow, black)
Ink cartridges 8 (2 x 775-m l per color) w ith auto -switch
Printheads 8 x HP 841 Pag eWide XL P rinthea ds
Average printhead life 32 liter s
Printhead warranty 10 liter s or 12 months fro m instal lation
Print resolution 1200 x 1200 dpi
Minimum line width 0.02 mm (0 .0008 in ) (HP-GL /2 addres sable)
Guaranteed minimum
line width
Line accuracy ± 0.1%
A1/Arch D/ANSI D
(long e dge rst)
A0/Arc h E/ANSI E
(shor t edge rs t)
ISO B1 (lo ng edge rs t) 24 pages/min
ISO B0 (s hort edge rst) 15 pages/min
Warm-up time No warm u p
First page out 20 sec (fro m Ready mod e)
Media rolls 2 roll s default w ith auto -switch ing, exp andable t o 6 rolls
Roll width 279 to 1016 mm (11 to 40 in)
Roll length U p to 200 m (650 ft )
Roll diameter Up to 177 m m (7 in)
Roll co re diamete r 7.6 cm (3 in)
Printable width Up to 1000 m m (39.4 in)
Printable length Up to 200 m (650 f t) for CAD a nd 30 m (98 ft) f or poster
Media weight 70 to 200 g/ m² (19 to 53 lb)
Media thickness Up to 15.7 mil
Media t ypes Bond and recycled papers, Tyvek® papers, poster papers,
Media output (standard) Basket
Media output (optional) High-capacity stacker, online folder, top stacker
Scan speed
Optical resolution 120 0 dp i
Maximum scan width 1118- mm (44-i n) with the H P SD Pro 44-i n Scanner
Settings Type of or iginal-p reset, co lor mode, re solutio n (dpi), batc h,
Maxi mum page siz e 102 x 122 cm (4 0 x 48 in)
Capacity Up to 500 pag es
Media weight 70 to 200 g/ m² (19 to 53 lb)
Dimensions 101 x 125 x 108 cm (55.6 x 49.1 x 42.6 in )
Weight 140 kg (308 l b)
Page length Cro ss fold: 2.5 m ( 8.2 ft)
Media w eight for f olding 75 to 90 g/m² (20 to 24 lb)
Media weight for stacking 75 to 200 g/m ² (20 to 53 lb)
Capacity Up to 150 (A0/E)
Dimensions 2100 x 1620 x 1220 mm (82.7 x 63.8 x 48 i n)
Weight 360 kg (79 4 lb)
Tab Applicator Available with HP PageWide XL Folder with Tab Applicator only
Processor Intel Cor e i7
Memory 16 GB DDR
Hard dr ive 1x 128 G B SSD; 1x 500 GB HD D, self-en crypte d with AES -256
Print languages (standard) HP-G L/2, PCL 3 W in
Print languages (optional) Adob e PostScr ipt 3, Adob e PDF 1.7, TIFF, JPEG
Remote management HP Pa rtner Li nk, HP Em bedded Web S erver, HP We b Jetadmi n
Interfaces TCP/IP, BootP/D HCP, USB 2.0 host (ce rtied)
Printing paths HP SmartStream software (optional)
0.085 mm (0.0033 in) (ISO/IEC 13660:2001(E))
30 pages/min, 1500 pages/hr
18 pages/min, 800 pages/hr
polyp ropylen e, matte lm
Color : up to 15 cm/sec (6 in /sec)
Gray scale: up to 33 c m/sec (13 in/se c)
1067-mm (42- in) with th e HP HD Pro 42-in S canner
singl e/multip age, le fo rmat, cust omizabl e le namin g,
custo mizable d efault set tings, d e-skew, im age crop an d align
preview, enlarge/reduce, blueprint, lightness, saturation and
RGB con trols, wh ite point a nd black po int adjus t, sharpe n/blur,
background removal, invert, mirror, accounting
Fan fold : 6 m (19.7 ft) (stan dard), unl imited (o ptional wi th
HP Page Wide XL Fo lder Upgr ade Kit for L ong Plots)
(with PS/PDF upgrade)
HP Uni versal P rint Driv er (HP-G L/2 and PS )
HP Page Wide XL pr int drive rs (PDF, HP-G L/2, and P S)
For information about HP large format printing materials, please visit
User interface
User interface 203-mm (8-inch) capacitive touchscreen
Printer 1960 x 80 0 x 1527 mm (77.2 x 31.5 x 60.1 in)
Shipping 2180 x 1068 x 1764 mm (8 6.8 x 42.1 x 69.5 in)
Printer 478 kg (1054 l b)
Shipping 585 kg (1290 lb)
Operating temperature 5 to 4 0°C (41 to 104°F )
Recommended temperature 15 to 35°C (59 to 9 5°F)
Operating humidity 2 0 to 80% RH, d ependin g on media t ype
Sound pressure 58 d B(A) (pr inting ), 36 dB(A) (r eady), <20 dB (A) (slee p)
Sound power 7.4 B( A) (pri nting), 5. 2 B(A) (re ady), 3.8 B(A ) (sleep)
Consumption 0.59 kW (typi cal); 1.2 kW ( max prin ting); 108. 4 watts (re ady);
Requirements Input vol tage (auto ra nging) 20 0-240 V (±10%), 50/60 Hz
Safety IEC 60 950-1+A1+A2 c omplian t; USA and C anada (C SA listed );
Electromagnetic Compliant with Class A requirements, including: USA (FCC rules),
Environmental ENE RGY STAR, EPE AT Silver, CE mar king (inc luding Ro HS, WEEE,
90 days
< 1 watt s (< 4.6 watts wi th embedd ed Digit al Front End ) (sleep)
(±3 Hz), 8 A
EU (LVD and E N 60950-1 comp liant); Ru ssia, Bel arus, and
Kazakhstan (EAC)
Cana da (ICES), EU (E MC Direc tive), Aust ralia and N ew Zealand
(RCM), J apan (VC CI), Korea (KC )
REACH); in compliance with WW RoHS materials restriction
requi rements i n China, K orea, Ind ia, Viet nam, Turkey, S erbia, an d
Ordering information
Accessories G6H50B HP SD Pr o 44-in Sc anner
Original HP
PageW ide XL
printheads and
Original HP
PageWide XL ink
Dyna mic secur ity enab led print er. Cartri dges usi ng a non-H P chip migh t not work an d those th at work toda y
might n ot work in th e future . More at:
Original HP
large format
printing materials
Enjoy b est-in- class sup port ser vices, kn owing HP wo rks with H P PageWid e XL Channe l Partne rs to enabl e them to be
prope rly train ed, certi ed, and eq uipped to m eet your ne eds. With e icient s upport a nd innova tive supp ort featu res,
such as p rinter sel f-monito ring, pre dened re solutio n paths, an d intuiti ve mainten ance wiza rds, you ca n work with
cond ence ever y day. For more i nformat ion, plea se visit
HP Fin ancial Se rvices ca n help you a cquire an HP P ageWide X L printin g solutio n and accele rate the ben ets to you r
busin ess. Our so lutions c an help you i ncrease y our exib ility by p reservi ng cash, f reeing up b udgets wi th a monthly
payme nt struc ture, and o ering an ea sy option to u pgrade to t he latest m odel when yo ur busine ss is ready. F or more
information, please visit the Programs and Promotions section on
Find th e media sol ution tha t ts your bu siness an d your HP Pag eWide XL pr inter at
Eco Highlights
• Sa ve paper wi th automa tic print s ettings a nd image ne sting
• EN ERGY STAR® c ertie d and EPEAT Si lver regis tered
• Fr ee, conven ient HP ink c artrid ge recycl ing
• FSC®-certied papers,3 rang e of recycl able HP med ia
EPEAT reg istered wh ere appli cable and /or suppor ted. See fo r registr ation stat us and rati ng by count ry.
Program availability varies. Please check for details.
BMG trademark license code FSC®-C115319, see HP t radema rk license c ode FSC®- C017543, see N ot all
FSC® ce rtied pr oducts a re availa ble in all re gions. Fo r informat ion about H P large for mat print ing materi als, ple ase visit
Can be recycled through commonly available recycling programs.
Please recycle large-format printing hardware and printing supplies.
Find o ut how at our w ebsite
CZ309A HP Page Wide XL 80 00 40-i n Printer
G6H 51B HP H D Pro 42-in Sc anner
K5H75A HP Page Wide XL Fo lder
L3M58A HP Pa geWide XL F older wit h Tab Applic ator
M0V04A H P PageWid e XL Folder U pgrade K it for Long P lots
W9C05A H P PageWid e XL Folder w ith Scand inavia n Tab Applica tor
CZ 317A H P PageWid e XL PostS cript/ PDF Upgra de Kit
CZ 318A HP P ageWide X L Drawer
CZ 319A HP PageWide High-capacity Stacker
CZ320 A HP Pa geWide XL Top St acker
L3J69AA E H P SmartSt ream Prei ght Manag er
L3J 71AA E HP Sm artStr eam Preig ht Manage r One-Year Sub scriptio n
L3J72A AE HP Smar tStrea m Print Con troller fo r HP PageWi de XL 8000
T9B46AAE HP SmartStream Print Controller for non-HP Large Format printers
C1Q19 A HP 841 Pa geWide XL P rinthea d
F9J 47A HP 841 P ageWide X L Cleanin g Contain er
F9J48A HP 841 PageW ide XL Mai ntenance C artri dge
C1Q53A HP 8 42C 775-ml B lack Pag eWide XL In k Cartr idge
C1Q5 4A HP 842C 775 -ml Cyan Pag eWide XL I nk Cartr idge
C1Q55 A HP 842C 775 -ml Mage nta PageW ide XL Ink Ca rtrid ge
C1Q5 6A HP 842C 775 -ml Yellow Pag eWide XL In k Cartrid ge
L6B 19A H P Matte Pol ypropyl ene, 3-in C ore
HP Uni versal Bo nd Paper, 3-in C ore (FSC® cer tied)
914 mm x 152.4 m (36 in x 50 0 ft)
HP Prod uction Ma tte Poster Pa per, 3-in Core ( FSC® cert ied)
1016 mm x 91.4 m (40 in x 300 f t)
HP Prod uction Sa tin Poster P aper, 3-in Cor e (FSC® cert ied)
1016 mm x 91.4 m (40 in x 300 f t)
HP Uni versal He avywei ght Coated Pa per, 3-in Core (F SC® certi ed)
914 mm x 91.4 m (36 in x 30 0 ft)
1016 mm x 45.7 m (40 in x 150 ft )
20 21
© Copyr ight 2017 HP Dev elopmen t Company, L .P. The inform ation cont ained her ein is subje ct to chan ge withou t notice. Th e only warr anties for H P produc ts and ser vices are s et forth in t he
expr ess warra nty state ments acco mpanyin g such prod ucts and s ervice s. Nothin g herein sho uld be cons trued as co nstituti ng an addi tional wa rranty. HP s hall not be l iable for te chnica l or
editorial errors or omissions contained herein.
ENER GY STAR and th e ENERGY STA R mark are re gistered t rademar ks owned by t he U.S. Env ironmen tal Protec tion Agen cy. Adobe, PostScr ipt, and Adobe PostScript 3 are trade marks of Adobe
Syste ms Incor porated . Intel and t he Intel Ins ide logo a re tradem arks of In tel Corpo ration in t he U.S. an d other cou ntries. W indows i s a U.S. regi stered tra demark o f Microso ft Corpo ration . Mac and th e
Mac log o are trad emarks o f Apple Com puter, Inc. , registe red in the U. S. and othe r countri es.
4AA5-6959EEE, February 2017