Data sheet
HP Folding solutions
High-productivity online folding for HP PageWide XL printers
Full online integration
• Control the folder and folding styles from
HP Smar tStream software, the driver, the
scanner, or the printer touchscreen
• Experience reliable system operation with
bi-directional communication between the
printer and the folder
• Monitor and manage HP Folding
solutions from the printer’s front panel or
HP Smar tStream software: the job queue
halts when the folder has stopped
For more information, please visit
High speed
• Boost end-to-end productivity with
breakthrough linear speeds of HP PageWide
XL printers combined with the ultra-fast roll
switching mechanism
• Meet tight schedules with folding speeds up
to 23 m/min (75 ft/min)
• Stack up to 150 A0/E-size folded
package standards
• Opt for either the HP PageWide XL Folder or
HP F60 Folder, both allowing you to select
the most appropriate folding solution, with
or without a Tab Applicator
• Use the optional HP PageWide XL Folder
Upgrade Kit accessory for Long Plots when
folding longer jobs
• Eiciently fold all your CAD documents by
using either pre-dened or custom folding
• Choose from a variety of folding standards
including DIN, AFNOR, ANSI, and US
Measured on a n HP PageWid e XL Folder.
Data sheet | HP Fo lding solutions
Technical specications
HP PageWide XL Folder HP PageWide XL Folder
with Tab Applicator
Performance Speed 23 cm/sec (9 in/sec) 15 cm/sec (6 in/sec)
Paper handling Paper feed Automatic or manual Automatic
Paper width 297 to 914 mm (11 to 36 in) 297 to 914 mm (11 to 36 in)
Pape r length (fa n fold) Up to 6,0 00 mm (19.7 ft)
Paper length (cross fold) Up to 2,5 00 mm (8.2 ft ) Up t o 2,500 mm (8. 2 ft)
Paper weight (folding) 75 to 90 g/m
Paper type (folding) Plain paper, bond paper Plain paper, bond paper
Output delivery Stand ard belt, c apacit y for up to 150 A0/E- size folde d package s Stand ard belt, c apacit y for up to 100 A0/E -size fold ed packag es
Stacking on folder Up to 10 pag es, up to A0/E -size Not sup ported
Folding Fan fol d 170 to 305 mm (in crement s of 1 mm) (6.7 to 12 in (in crement s of 0.03 in))
Cross fold Z-styl e; panel len gth 210 mm to 310 mm (8. 3 to 12.2 in) Z-styl e; panel len gth 210 mm to 310 mm (8. 3 to 12.2 in)
Folding programs DIN B 210x 297
Dimensions Dimensions with packaging 1850 x 1070 x 1420 mm
Dimensions without packaging 180 0 x 1620 x 1220 mm
Weight Weight with packaging 365 kg (80 4 lb) 410 kg (903 lb) 365 kg (80 4 lb) 410 kg (903 lb)
Weight without packaging 310 kg (683 lb) 360 kg (793 l b) 310 kg (683 lb) 360 kg (793 l b)
Environmental Operating temperature 10 to 40°C (50 t o 104°F ) 10 to 40°C ( 50 to 104°F)
Recommended temperature 15 to 35°C (59 to 95° F) 15 to 35°C (59 to 95° F)
Operating humidity 20% to 8 0% RH, depe nding on me dia type 20% to 80% RH , dependi ng on media t ype
Power Power requirements 300 W (ty pical) 300 W (ty pical)
Certications Safety IEC 60 950-1+A1+A2 compl iant; USA a nd Canada; E U (LVD and EN 60 950-1
Ordering Product number K5H75 A L3M58 A 1EW 99A 1E X00A
Warranty 90 days 90 days
NOTE: Als o availa ble is the HP Pa geWide XL F older wit h Scandin avian Tab App licator ( product n umber: W 9C05A).
Acoustics based on folding solution with the HP PageWide XL 8000 Printer.
Sound pressure 63 dB( A) (prin ting), 35 dB( A) (ready), < 2 5 dB(A) (s leep) 63 d B(A) (pr inting), 35 d B(A) (rea dy), < 25 dB(A ) (sleep)
Sound power 8 B(A ) (printi ng), 5.1 B(A) (re ady), < 4.2 B( A) (sleep) 8 B(A ) (printi ng), 5.1 B(A) (re ady), < 4.2 B( A) (sleep)
Requirements Input voltage (auto ranging)
Electromagnetic Comp liant wi th Class A require ments, i ncludi ng: USA (F CC rules),
Environmental CE m arking (i ncludin g RoHS, WEE E, REACH ) CE mar king (inc luding Ro HS, WEEE , REACH)
Options M0V0 4A HP PageW ide XL Fold er Upgrad e Kit for Lon g Plots M0V0 4A HP PageW ide XL Fold er Upgrad e Kit for Lon g Plots
Supported printers HP Page Wid e X L 800 0 Prin ter, HP Pag eWid e XL 500 0 Pri nter se rie s,
Unlimited with the HP PageWide XL Folder Upgrade Kit for Long Plots
(20 to 24 lb) 75 to 90 g/m2 (20 to 24 lb)
Bind ing margi n adjusta ble 0 to 40 mm (in crement s of 1 mm)
DIN C 210x 297
DIN B 210x 305
DIN B 210x 310
Fan Fold o nly
DIN A 190/2 0x297
DIN 185/25 x297
INVE RSE DIN 210x 297
AFNO R 297x210
ANSI 8 .5x11
ANSI 7.5+1x11
ARCH 9 .0x12
Mail er 7.5x10
Fan Fold o nly 9.0
(72 x 42 x 55 in )
(70 x 63 x 48 i n)
Cana da (ICES), E U (EMC Dire ctive), Au stralia a nd New Zeal and (RCM),
(0 to 1.57 in (i ncremen ts of 0.03 in))
DIN B 210x 297
DIN C 210x 297
DIN B 210x 305
DIN B 210x 310
Fan Fold o nly
DIN A 190/2 0x297
DIN 185/25 x297
INVE RSE DIN 210x 297
AFNO R 297x210
ANSI 8 .5x11
ANSI 7.5+1x11
ARCH 9 .0x12
Mail er 7.5x10
Fan Fold o nly 9.0
2180 x 1070 x 1420 mm
(85.8 x 42 x 55 i n)
2100 x 1620 x 1220 mm
(82 x 63 x 48 i n)
100-120/200 -240 ± 10% VAC, 50/6 0 ±3 Hz, 10/5 A
compl iant); Ru ssia, Bel arus, an d Kazakhs tan (EAC )
Japa n (VCCI), Kor ea (KC)
HP Pag eWide XL 40 00/4500 Pri nter serie s
HP F60 Folder HP F60 Folder
with Tab Applicator
Unlimited with the HP PageWide XL Folder Upgrade Kit for Long Plots
170 to 305 mm (in crement s of 1 mm) (6.7 to 12 in (in crement s of 0.03 in))
Bind ing margi n adjusta ble 0 to 40 mm (in crement s of 1 mm)
DIN B 210x 297
DIN C 210x 297
DIN B 210x 305
DIN B 210x 310
Fan Fold o nly
DIN A 190/2 0x297
DIN 185/25 x297
INVE RSE DIN 210x 297
AFNO R 297x210
ANSI 8 .5x11
ANSI 7.5+1x11
ARCH 9 .0x12
Mail er 7.5x10
Fan Fold o nly 9.0
1850 x 1070 x 1420 mm
(72 x 42 x 55 in )
1800 x 1620 x 1220 mm
(70 x 63 x 48 i n)
100-120/200 -240 ± 10% VAC, 50/6 0 ±3 Hz, 10/5 A
IEC 60 950-1+A1+A2 compl iant; USA a nd Canada; E U (LVD and EN 60 950-1
compl iant); Ru ssia, Bel arus, an d Kazakhs tan (EAC )
Comp liant wi th Class A require ments, i ncludi ng: USA (F CC rules),
Cana da (ICES), E U (EMC Dire ctive), Au stralia a nd New Zeal and (RCM),
Up to 6,0 00 mm (19.7 ft)
(0 to 1.57 in (i ncremen ts of 0.03 in))
DIN B 210x 297
DIN C 210x 297
DIN B 210x 305
DIN B 210x 310
Fan Fold o nly
DIN A 190/2 0x297
DIN 185/25 x297
INVE RSE DIN 210x 297
AFNO R 297x210
ANSI 8 .5x11
ANSI 7.5+1x11
ARCH 9 .0x12
Mail er 7.5x10
Fan Fold o nly 9.0
2180 x 1070 x 1420 mm
(85.8 x 42 x 55 i n)
2100 x 1620 x 1220 mm
(82 x 63 x 48 i n)
Input voltage (auto ranging)
Japa n (VCCI), Kor ea (KC)
HP Page Wide X L 500 0 P rint er ser ies,
HP Pag eWide XL 40 00/4500 Pri nter serie s
12 mm (0.4 in)
210 mm (8. 2 in) 198 mm (7.8 in ) 190 mm (7.4 in)
Standard folding packages Standard folding packages
with reinforcement stripe
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expr ess warra nty state ments acco mpanyin g such prod ucts and s ervice s. Nothin g herein sho uld be cons trued as con stituti ng an addi tional wa rranty. HP s hall not be l iable for te chnical o r editori al
errors or omissions contained herein.
4AA6 -2405ENE, F ebruar y 2017, Rev.4
20 mm (0.7 i n)
Standard folding packages
with binding edge