Hewlett-Packard 3100, 2100 User Manual

HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100
Service Manual
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© Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 1997, 1998. All rights reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation of this manual is prohibited without prior written permission of Hewlett-Packard Company, except as allowed under the copyright laws.
The programs that control this product are copyrighted and all rights are reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation of those programs without prior written permission of Hewlett-Packard Co. is also prohibited.
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Hewlett-Packard Company Mobile Computing Division 19310 Pruneridge Ave. Cupertino, CA 95014, U.S.A.
Edition History
Edition 1.............................April 1998
Edition 2.............................. July 1998
ii HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100
1. Product Information..................................................................................................1-1
Features and Operation..................................................................................................................1-2
Turning the OmniBook On and Off .......................................................................................1-4
Checking the Status of the OmniBook...................................................................................1-5
Using Functions Keys (F1 through F12) ................................................................................1-6
Resetting the OmniBook ........................................................................................................1-7
System Resources...................................................................................................................1-8
Internal Design............................................................................................................................1-14
2. Removal and Replacement........................................................................................2-1
Removing the Main Battery (User-Replaceable) ..........................................................................2-3
Removing a Plug-In Accessory Module (User-Replaceable)........................................................2-4
Removing the Hard Disk Drive (User-Replaceable).....................................................................2-5
Removing a RAM Board (User-Replaceable)...............................................................................2-7
Replacing Small Parts (User-Replaceable) ...................................................................................2-9
Removing the Display Assembly (HP Authorized Service Providers Only) ................................2-9
Removing the LCD Module (HP Authorized Service Providers Only)......................................2-12
Removing a 12" Display Case or Display Bracket (HP Authorized Service Providers Only)....2-16
Removing a 13" Display Case or Display Bracket (HP Authorized Service Providers Only)....2-18
Removing the Keyboard (HP Authorized Service Providers Only)............................................2-20
Removing the Top Case (HP Authorized Service Providers Only) ............................................2-21
Removing the Motherboard or Bottom Case (HP Authorized Service Providers Only).............2-25
Removing a BIOS IC (HP Authorized Service Providers Only).................................................2-29
Removing Other Components (HP Authorized Service Providers Only)...................................2-31
3. Troubleshooting and Diagnostics.............................................................................3-1
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................3-2
Troubleshooting the Problem.................................................................................................3-2
Verifying the Repair...............................................................................................................3-3
Suggestions for Troubleshooting............................................................................................3-4
Diagnostic Tools .........................................................................................................................3-12
OmniBook Diagnostic Program ...........................................................................................3-12
Power-On Self-Test..............................................................................................................3-17
Sycard PCCtest 450 CardBus Card (Optional) ....................................................................3-20
Desktop Management Interface (DMI) ................................................................................3-21
BIOS Setup Utility................................................................................................................3-23
4. Replaceable Parts.......................................................................................................4-1
5. Reference Information...............................................................................................5-1
Password Removal Policy.............................................................................................................5-1
Hewlett-Packard Display Quality Statement.................................................................................5-2
Service Notes and Obsolete Parts..................................................................................................5-5
HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100 iii
Figure 1-1. OmniBook - Front View....................................................................................................1-2
Figure 1-2. OmniBook - Side View.....................................................................................................1-2
Figure 1-3. OmniBook - Back View....................................................................................................1-3
Figure 1-4. Replaceable Module Diagram.........................................................................................1-14
Figure 2-1. Removing the Main Battery ..............................................................................................2-3
Figure 2-2. Removing a Plug-In Module.............................................................................................2-4
Figure 2-3. Removing the Hard Drive .................................................................................................2-5
Figure 2-4. Installing a Hard Drive in the Case ...................................................................................2-6
Figure 2-5. Removing the RAM Cover................................................................................................2-8
Figure 2-6. Removing a RAM Board...................................................................................................2-8
Figure 2-7. Removing the Hinge Covers and Icon Window Cover...................................................2-10
Figure 2-8. Removing the Icon PCA and Display Assembly.............................................................2-11
Figure 2-9. Removing the Hinge Covers and Icon Window Cover...................................................2-13
Figure 2-10. Removing the Display Bezel.........................................................................................2-14
Figure 2-11. Removing the 12" LCD Module ...................................................................................2-15
Figure 2-12. Removing the 13" LCD Module ...................................................................................2-15
Figure 2-13. Removing a 12" Display Case and Display Bracket .....................................................2-17
Figure 2-14. Removing a 13" Display Case and Display Bracket .....................................................2-19
Figure 2-15. Removing the Hinge Covers and Icon Window Cover.................................................2-20
Figure 2-16. Removing the Keyboard................................................................................................2-21
Figure 2-17. Removing the Heatsink .................................................................................................2-22
Figure 2-18. Removing the Case Screws...........................................................................................2-23
Figure 2-19. Removing the Top Case................................................................................................2-24
Figure 2-20. Two Types of CPU Modules and Thermal Kits............................................................2-25
Figure 2-21. Removing the Motherboard...........................................................................................2-26
Figure 2-22. Installing OmniBook 3000 Regulatory and Serial Labels.............................................2-29
Figure 2-23. Removing a BIOS IC ....................................................................................................2-30
Figure 3-1. Basic Troubleshooting Steps.............................................................................................3-2
Figure 3-2. OmniBook Diagnostic Screens — Basic and Advanced.................................................3-12
Figure 3-3. Serial and Parallel Loopback Connectors........................................................................3-14
Figure 3-4. DMI Components............................................................................................................3-22
Figure 4-1. Exploded View..................................................................................................................4-2
Table 1-1. OmniBook 2100/3000/3100 Models..................................................................................1-1
Table 1-2. Product Comparisons..........................................................................................................1-3
Table 1-3. Activating Power Modes....................................................................................................1-4
Table 1-4. Status Panel Indicators (Icon PCA)....................................................................................1-5
Table 1-5. Indicator Lights (Icon PCA and Battery)............................................................................1-6
Table 1-6. Function Keys (F1-F12)......................................................................................................1-6
Table 1-7. System Interrupts................................................................................................................1-8
Table 1-8. System Memory..................................................................................................................1-8
Table 1-9. System Input/Output Addresses (100-3FF) ........................................................................1-9
Table 1-10. DMA Channels.................................................................................................................1-9
Table 1-11. HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100 Specifications .............................................................1-10
Table 1-12. HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100 Accessories.................................................................1-12
Table 1-13. Functional Structure........................................................................................................1-15
Table 2-1. Removal Cross-Reference..................................................................................................2-1
iv HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100
Table 2-2. Required Equipment...........................................................................................................2-2
Table 2-3. Recommended Screw Torques ...........................................................................................2-2
Table 2-4. Hard Disk Drive Replacement Part Numbers.....................................................................2-5
Table 2-5. RAM Board Replacement Part Numbers and Compatibility..............................................2-7
Table 2-6. Replacing Small Parts (User-Replaceable).........................................................................2-9
Table 2-7. Display Component Compatibility ...................................................................................2-12
Table 2-8. Removing Other Components (Authorized Providers).....................................................2-31
Table 3-1. Scope of Diagnostic Tools..................................................................................................3-4
Table 3-2. Troubleshooting Suggestions..............................................................................................3-5
Table 3-3. OmniBook Diagnostic Error Codes..................................................................................3-14
Table 3-4. POST Terminal-Error Beep Codes...................................................................................3-17
Table 3-5. POST Messages................................................................................................................3-18
Table 3-6. BIOS Setup Menus and Parameters..................................................................................3-23
Table 4-1. OmniBook Replaceable Parts.............................................................................................4-3
Table 4-2. Assembly-Component Breakdown.....................................................................................4-6
Table 4-3. Accessory Replaceable Parts..............................................................................................4-7
Table 4-4. Part Number Reference.......................................................................................................4-8
Table 5-1. OmniBook 2100/3000/3100 LCD Guidelines (TFT) .........................................................5-3
Table 5-2. OmniBook 2100 LCD Guidelines (DSTN)........................................................................5-4
Table 5-3. Service Notes......................................................................................................................5-5
Table 5-4. Obsolete Repair Parts .........................................................................................................5-5
HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100 v
This service manual provides reference information for the HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100. It is intended to be used by HP-authorized service personnel in the installation, servicing, and repair of these products.
The manual is designed as a self-paced guide. It is intended to train you to install, configure, and repair OmniBook computers. You can follow this manual without having equipment available.
The following table lists additional places where you can get supplementary information about OmniBook products.
Sources of OmniBook Information
Source Address or Number Comments
HP External Web http://www.hp.com/omnibook
European mirror) HP US Reseller Web http://partner.americas.hp.com Restricted to Authorized Resellers only. HP Asia Pacific Channel
Support Centre for DPSP Partners
America Online Keyword: HP Call (800) 827-6364 for membership
CompuServe* GO HP Call (800) 524-3388 for membership
HP Bulletin Board Service Refer to the latest Product Support Plan
HP First (automated fax) (800) 333-1917 US and Canada.
HP Support Assist CD-ROM (800) 457-1762 US and Canada.
* Baud rates = 300-28,800; Parity = E; Data bits = 7; Stop bits = 1.
http://www.hp.com.au Restricted to DPSP Partners only.
(801) 344-4809 Outside US and Canada.
(800) 544-9976 Reseller support number (enter outlet id
(801) 431-1587 Outside US and Canada.
No usage restriction.
within the US.
within the US.
for non-US BBS numbers.
About This Edition
This edition of this service manual contains the following major changes from the previous edition:
New OmniBook 2100 products.
New OmniBook 2100 Pentium II CPU module and related parts.
New OmniBook 2100/3100 RAM board configurations.
Updated part numbers.
Insert current service notes.
vi HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100
Product Information
The HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100 represents a category of HP notebook computers featuring the latest mobile technologies. They use high-speed Intel Pentium processors with MMX technology and Pentium II processors, large 12.1-inch and 13.3-inch displays, and high-capacity hard drives.
Table 1-1. OmniBook 2100/3000/3100 Models
OmniBook Product *
OmniBook 2100
F1580x *** Pentium
F1581x *** 12.1-inch
F1584x *** Pentium
OmniBook 3100
OmniBook 3000
F1391A Pentium
F1392A Pentium
F1393A Pentium
F1394A 16 MB
CPU ** Display Hard Drive Floppy Drive CD-ROM
233 MHz
200 MHz Pentium II
233 MHz
Pentium II 266 MHz
Pentium 266 MHz
200 MHz
233 MHz
266 MHz
12.1-inch SVGA DSTN
12.1-inch SVGA DSTN
12.1-inch SVGA TFT
13.3-inch XGA TFT
13.3-inch XGA TFT
3.2 GB (F1588A)
2.1 GB (F1385A)
3.2 GB (F1588A)
4.0 GB (F1386A)
4.0 GB (F1386A)
2.1 GB (F1385A)
4.0 GB (F1386A)
1.44 MB (F1384A)
1.44 MB (F1384A)
1.44 MB (F1384A)
CD-ROM (F1587A)
CD-ROM (F1587A)
None 16 MB
Standard RAM
32 MB
32 MB
32 MB
* For the products listed:
"A" suffix means Windows 95 installed, Windows NT not available. "
" suffix means
"N" or "NT" for Windows NT 4.0 installed (sales channel distinction only), or
"W" or "WT" for Windows 95 installed (sales channel distinction only). ** Intel Mobile Pentium or Pentium II processor. *** Nickel-metal-hydride main battery is standard. All others have lithium-ion main battery.
Unpublished OmniBook 2100/3100 models with no CD-ROM drive (and equivalent model): F1583
(F1580x), F1593x (F1581x), F1594x (F1582x).
HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100 Product Information 1-1
Features and Operation
The following three illustrations point out the main external features of the computer. They are followed by highlights of the computer’s operation. For an internal, exploded view, see page 4-2.
Power status light
Status panel
Stereo speaker
Touch pad
Power button
Stereo speaker
Click buttons
Display latch
PC Card slots
Eject buttons
Audio line-in
Floppy drive or other plug-in module
Main battery
Figure 1-1. OmniBook - Front View
AC adapter
Kensington lock
Hard disk drive
Figure 1-2. OmniBook - Side View
1-2 Product Information HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100
Universal serial bus (USB)
External monitor
System-off button
Figure 1-3. OmniBook - Back View
Table 1-2. Product Comparisons
OmniBook 2100/3100 OmniBook 3000 OmniBook 4100 OmniBook 7100
Processor *
Operating System
Desktop Management Interface
Power Management
Power States
* Intel Mobile Pentium or Mobile Pentium II processor.
Pentium II (266 or 233 MHz), or Pentium (266, 233, or 200 MHz) with MMX technology. 512­KB burst-synchronous L2 cache.
32 MB RAM on motherboard. Expandable to 160, 192, or 288 MB.
13.3-inch TFT XGA display, or 12.1-inch TFT or DSTN SVGA display.
PCI local bus video. 128-bit graphics controller with 2 MB internal video RAM. Up to 64K colors (XGA), 16M colors (SVGA). Zoomed Video enabled.
Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 preinstalled.
DMI 2.0. HP TopTools 2.6 or 3.0.
APM 1.2. ACPI compliant.
On, Standby, Suspend, Hibernate, Off.
Pentium (266, 233, or 200 MHz) with MMX technology. 512-KB burst-synchronous L2 cache.
16 MB RAM on motherboard. Expandable to 144 MB.
13.3-inch TFT XGA display.
PCI local bus video. 128-bit graphics controller with 2 MB internal video RAM. Up to 64K colors (XGA). Zoomed Video enabled.
Windows 95 preinstalled. (Windows NT 4.0 certified.)
DMI 1.1. HP TopTools 2.0.
APM 1.2. APM 1.2.
On, Standby, Suspend, Hibernate, Off.
Pentium II (266 or 233 MHz), or Pentium (266 MHz) with MMX technology. 512-KB burst-synchronous L2 cache (high-speed bus for Pentium II).
32 MB RAM on motherboard. Expandable to 160 MB.
14.1- or 13.3-inch TFT XGA display.
PCI local bus video. 128-bit graphics controller with 2 MB internal video RAM. Up to 64K colors (XGA). Zoomed Video enabled.
Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 preinstalled.
DMI 2.0. HP TopTools 2.6.
ACPI compliant. On, Standby,
Suspend, Hibernate, Off.
Pentium II (266 MHz). 512-KB burst­synchronous L2 cache (high-speed bus).
32 MB RAM on motherboard. Expandable to 288 MB.
14.1-inch TFT XGA display.
PCI local bus video. 64-bit graphics controller with 4 MB external video RAM. Up to 16M colors (XGA). Zoomed Video enabled.
Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 preinstalled.
DMI 2.0. HP TopTools 2.6.
APM 1.2. ACPI compliant.
On, Standby, Suspend, Hibernate, Off.
HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100 Product Information 1-3
Turning the OmniBook On and Off
On. Press the blue power button to turn on the OmniBook.
Standby. The display turns off automatically if the computer is inactive for about 2 minutes.
Suspend. Click Start, Suspend (Windows 95) or press the blue power button briefly (about 1
second) to suspend activity when the OmniBook is on. When you turn on the computer, it resumes your previous work session.
Closing the lid (for more than 2 seconds) also suspends the computer.
Hibernate. Press Fn+F12. This is like Off, except that your current work session is first saved to
disk. When you turn on the computer, it reboots and restores your previous session.
Off. Click Start, Shut Down. If the OmniBook does not respond, press and hold the blue power
button until the display shuts down. When you turn on the computer, it reboots. Unsaved data is lost.
Table 1-3. Activating Power Modes
Power Mode To Enter Mode To Turn Back On Standby
Reduced-power/stopped state. Display is off. Everything is in a reduced-power state. Network devices are maintained. Your current work session continues at turn-on (any key or pointer action).
Low-power/stopped state. Lower power state than Standby. Everything is off or in a low-power state. Network devices are off. Your previous work session resumes at turn-on. For plug-and-play operating systems, network connections resume at turn-on.
No-power/stopped state. Session is saved on the hard disk. Everything is shut down. Computer reboots at turn-on and restores previous session and network connections (if plug-and-play).
No-power/stopped state. Everything is shut down (battery continues charging if ac adapter is connected). Computer reboots at turn-on and restores network connections.
* Does not suspend if Video Display Device set to Both in BIOS Setup.
Press Fn+S –or– allow time-out.
Press blue power button for about 1 second –or– close the lid* –or– click Start, Suspend (Windows
95) –or– allow time-out.
Press Fn+F12 –or– allow time-out.
Click Start, Shut Down –or– Press and hold the blue power button until the display shuts down.
Press any key or move a pointing device to display the current session ("Instant-On").
Press blue power button to display the current session ("Instant-On").
Press blue power button to restart and restore the previous session.
Press blue power button to restart with a new session.
1-4 Product Information HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100
Checking the Status of the OmniBook
The OmniBook status panel, located above the keyboard (on the icon PCA), contains indicators that show the current status of the OmniBook. The indicators in the status panel show keyboard status, drive status, and power status.
Table 1-4. Status Panel Indicators (Icon PCA)
Indicator Meaning
AC power. The ac adapter is plugged in.
OmniBook 3000: Battery status. Shows the approximate charge level of the battery relative to a full
charge. Each bar represents approximately 10% charge. The upper and lower triangles indicate the presence of the main battery (upper) and a
second battery (lower). A triangle blinks when that battery is charging. The main battery charges first, discharges last.
OmniBook 2100/3100: If two batteries are installed, the indicator shows the combined charge of both batteries.
OmniBook 3000: If two batteries are installed and the ac adapter is connected, the indicator shows the level of the battery being charged. If the ac adapter is not connected, the indicator shows the combined charge of both batteries.
Press Fn+F6 to show separate battery levels.
Battery low. (Triangle, but no bars.) The OmniBook also beeps.
Defective battery. (No triangle, no bars.) No charging, even though ac adapter is
OmniBook 3000: Overheated battery. (No triangle, top bar.) The battery is too hot to charge. Not
necessarily a defective battery. Internal drive. The OmniBook is accessing one of the internal drives: the hard disk
drive, CD-ROM drive, or other plug-in module drive. Floppy disk drive. The OmniBook is accessing the floppy disk drive.
when the battery is being charged.
PC Card. There is activity between the PC Card and the computer. Caps Lock. Caps Lock is active. Num Lock. Num Lock is active. Keypad Lock. The embedded keypad is active (Fn+F8). Num Lock must also be on
for the numeric keys—otherwise, cursor control is active.
Scroll Lock. Scroll Lock is active. OmniBook 3000:
Suspend mode. These symbols flash from left to right when the OmniBook is suspended (turned off by pressing the power button briefly).
If ac power is not connected, the green power light also blinks slowly.
HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100 Product Information 1-5
The green power light in the hinge area (located on the icon PCA) indicates the power state. The green lights on the main battery or secondary battery indicate its charge level.
Table 1-5. Indicator Lights (Icon PCA and Battery)
Light Meaning OmniBook 2100/3100:
Power Light
Steady green light Blinking green light No light
OmniBook 3000: Power Light
Steady green light Blinking green light
No light
Battery Lights
OmniBook is running (On mode). OmniBook is suspended (Suspend or Standby mode). OmniBook is off (Off or Hibernate mode).
Battery is charging (ac power connected). Battery is not charging (ac power connected), or
computer is Suspended (no ac power).
Battery is not charging (no ac power). Show battery charge level only while the button is pressed on the battery.
The number of lights that turn on indicates the charge.
Using Functions Keys (F1 through F12)
The top row of the keyboard has twelve function keys that serve as hot keys—shortcut key sequences—for various system controls. For an external keyboard, CTRL+ALT is normally equivalent to the Fn key.
Table 1-6. Function Keys (F1-F12)
Hot Keys Effect
Fn + F1 Decreases the display’s brightness. Fn + F2 Increases the display’s brightness. Fn + F3 Decreases the display’s contrast (DSTN displays only, if available). Fn + F4 Increases the display’s contrast (DSTN displays only, if available). Fn + F5 Switches among the built-in display, an external display, and simultaneous displays. Fn + F6 (hold) For use with two batteries: The battery indicator in the status panel briefly displays the
individual battery status for each battery. Fn + F7 Toggles the sound on and off (mutes sound). Fn + F8 Toggles the built-in keypad on and off. Does not affect an external keyboard. If Num
Lock is on, then the numeric functions are active—otherwise, cursor control is active. Fn + F9 Toggles Num Lock (numeric functions for the keypad) on and off. Fn + F10 Toggles Scroll Lock on and off. Fn + F12 Enters Hibernate mode. Fn + R Enters Suspend mode. Fn + S Enters Standby mode. Fn + UP-ARROW Increases sound volume. Fn + DOWN-ARROW Decreases sound volume.
1-6 Product Information HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100
Resetting the OmniBook
1. Use a pen or a straightened paper clip to push the system-off button in the hole on the back panel. (The switch is on the motherboard.)
–or– Press the blue power button until the display shuts down. (The switch is on the icon PCA.)
2. After the computer shuts down, press the blue power button to turn it on.
The OmniBook can boot from a CD if all these conditions are true:
You have an internal CD-ROM drive installed,
You have a bootable CD in the drive, such as the OmniBook Recovery CD, and
You select the CD-ROM drive as the boot device. You can do this during reboot by pressing
ESC to cancel the OmniBook screen, then ESC to display the boot-device menu for a one­time selection.
HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100 Product Information 1-7
System Resources
Below are default values for system resources. To see other, non-default possibilities, use the BIOS Setup utility (see page 3-23), which lists port and audio device configurations in the System Devices menu.
The tables in this section show typical resource usage as set up by the OmniBook BIOS. Plug-and­play operating systems, drivers, and BIOS Setup settings may change some of the entries.
Table 1-7. System Interrupts
0 System timer 1 Keyboard 2 Cascade IRQ 9 3 Free (or COM2 infrared port, if enabled) 4 COM1 (serial port) 5 Crystal sound 6 Floppy drive 7 LPT1 (ECP parallel port) 8 Real-time clock OmniBook 2100/3100 9Free 10 USB and CardBus - assigned by Windows driver 11 Free OmniBook 3000 9 Free (or MIDI, if enabled) 10 USB - assigned by Windows driver 11 CardBus - assigned by Windows driver 12 Pointing device 13 Numeric data processor 14 Internal hard disk (primary IDE controller) 15 Internal CD-ROM drive (secondary IDE controller)
Table 1-8. System Memory
00000 - 9FFFF System memory A0000 - BFFFF Video C0000 - CBFFF Video BIOS OmniBook 2100/3100 CC000 - DBFFF* Free** DC000*- FFFFF System BIOS OmniBook 3000 CC000 - DFFFF* Free** E0000*- FFFFF System BIOS * Approximate boundary. ** Valid uses for memory addresses CC000-DBFFF or CC000-DFFFF:
Upper memory blocks (UMBs). PC card memory windows.
1-8 Product Information HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100
Table 1-9. System Input/Output Addresses (100-3FF)
170-177 Internal CD-ROM drive (secondary IDE controller) 1F0-1F7 Internal hard disk (primary IDE controller) 200-207 OmniBook 3000: Joystick 220-22F Crystal sound 376 Internal CD-ROM drive (secondary IDE controller) 378-37F LPT1 (printer port) 388-38B Sound 3B0-3BB VGA adapter 3C0-3DF VGA adapter 3E0-3E1 PCMCIA controller 3F0-3F5 Floppy controller 3F6 Internal hard disk (primary IDE controller) 3F7 Floppy controller 3F8-3FF COM1 (serial port)
Table 1-10. DMA Channels
0 Sound record 1 Sound playback 2 Floppy drive 3 LPT1 (ECP parallel port) 4 Cascade 5Free 6Free 7Free
HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100 Product Information 1-9
The following tables list specifications for the OmniBook and its accessories.
Table 1-11. HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100 Specifications
Physical Attributes
Processor and Bus Architecture
Graphics OmniBook 2100/3100:
Power OmniBook 2100/3100:
Mass Storage
RAM OmniBook 2100/3100:
OmniBook 2100/3100:
12-Inch Display Size: 29.9 × 23.7 × 4.6 cm (11.7 × 9.2 × 1.8 in) closed. Weight: 2.9 kg (6.4 lb).
13-Inch Display Size: 30.3 × 23.7 × 4.9 cm (11.9 × 9.2 × 1.9 in) closed. Weight: 3.0 kg (6.7 lb).
OmniBook 3000:
Size: 30.3 × 23.7 × 5.2 cm (11.9 × 9.3 × 2.1 in) closed. Weight: 3.0 kg (6.7 lb).
200-, 233-, or 266-MHz Intel Mobile Pentium processor with MMX technology or 233- or 266-MHz Intel Mobile Pentium II processor. Intel sub-2V low-power processor. 512-KB burst-synchronous L2 cache. 32-bit PCI bus.
12.1-inch SVGA active matrix (TFT) display (800 × 600 × 16M colors),
12.1-inch SVGA dual-scan (DSTN) display (800 × 600 × 16M colors), or
13.3-inch XGA active-matrix (TFT) display (1024 × 768 × 64K colors).
OmniBook 3000:
13.3-inch XGA active-matrix (TFT) display (1024 × 768 × 64K colors).
PCI local bus video; 128-bit graphics controller with 2-MB video RAM. Zoomed Video enabled in one PC Card slot.
Rechargeable lithium-ion or nickel-metal-hydride battery with built-in four-level gauge. AC adapter 100–240 Vac (50–60 Hz) input; 19 Vdc, 3.16 A output.
OmniBook 3000:
Rechargeable lithium-ion battery with built-in four-level gauge. AC adapter: 100–240 Vac (50–60 Hz) input; 19 Vdc, 2.4 A output.
Low-battery warning. Suspend/resume capability. Power states: On, Standby, Suspend, Hibernate, Off. Battery life: up to 3 hours (varies with type of usage) for one battery. Optional secondary lithium-ion battery doubles operating time. Advanced Power Management (APM 1.2). ACPI 1.0 ready (OmniBook 2100/3100 only).
4.0-GB, 3.2-GB, or 2.1-GB removable hard drive.
1.44-MB internal/external floppy drive (swap with optional modules or secondary battery). Removable CD-ROM drive. Optional removable Zip drive.
32-MB RAM on motherboard. One or two slots for RAM expansion up to maximum of 160 MB (Pentium, one slot), 192 MB (Pentium, two slots), or 288 MB (Pentium II) using HP memory modules, depending on the processor type and number of slots.
OmniBook 3000:
16-MB RAM on motherboard. Two slots for RAM expansion up to 144 MB using HP memory modules.
1-10 Product Information HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100
Audio System
Keyboard and Pointing Device
Preinstalled Software
Security Features OmniBook 2100/3100:
Environmental Limits
16-bit, Sound Blaster Pro-compatible. Stereo sound via two built-in speakers. Built-in microphone. Line-in, line-out, and microphone-in. 3D enhanced audio. MIDI support with optional port replicator (OmniBook 3000 only).
87/88-key touch-type full-size QWERTY keyboard with 101/102-key emulation. Embedded numeric keypad. 12 function Fn keys. Touch pad.
Universal serial bus (USB). 9-pin, 115,200-bps serial (16550 UART). 25-pin bidirectional ECP/EPP parallel. Video-out (up to 1024 × 768 × 64K colors) at up to 85-Hz refresh rate. PS/2 keyboard/mouse. 4-Mbps IrDA-compliant infrared. Docking connector.
One Type III or two Type II 16-/32-bit PC Card slots. CardBus enabled. Plug-in module bay for accessory modules.
OmniBook 2100/3100:
Full line of optional docking products: port replicator, mini dock, and docking system.
OmniBook 3000:
Optional port replicator.
OmniBook 2100/3100:
Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0. Windows 95-compatible Plug and Play. Windows NT 4.0 PC Card Plug-and-Play. DMI 2.0 with HP TopTools 2.6 or 3.0.
OmniBook 3000:
Microsoft Windows 95. Windows 95-compatible Plug and Play. DMI 1.1 under Windows 95 with HP TopTools 2.0. Windows NT 4.0 certified, with APM 1.2 and PC Card Plug-and-Play support.
Advanced Power Management (APM 1.2). MacAfee VirusScan. Online documentation. OmniBook Recovery CD-ROM included. Centralized worldwide BIOS and driver update service.
Two-level password protection. Drive lock. Password for docking eject.
OmniBook 3000:
One level password protection.
DMI-accessible electronic serial number. Kensington Microsaver lock slot.
Operating temperature: 5 to 35 °C (41 to 95 °F). Operating humidity: 20 to 90 percent RH (5 to 35 °C). Storage temperature: –20 to 50 °C (–4 to 122 °F).
HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100 Product Information 1-11
Major ICs OmniBook 2100/3100:
CPU: Intel Mobile Pentium or Pentium II. South Bridge: PIIX4. Video: NeoMagic NM2160 (NMG4). Audio: Crystal CS4237B. CardBus: TI PCI1220. Keyboard controller: National PC87570. Super I/O: SMC 669FR.
OmniBook 3000:
CPU: Intel Mobile Pentium. South Bridge: PIIX4. Video: NeoMagic NM2160 (NMG4). Audio: Crystal CS4237B. CardBus: TI PCI1131. Keyboard controller: Intel 87C51SL. Super I/O: SMC 669FR.
Table 1-12. HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100 Accessories
Accessory Description OmniBook Compat.
2100/3100 3000 4100/7100
F1363A 16-MB EDORAM expansion module (see page 2-7) F1364A 32-MB EDORAM expansion module (see page 2-7) F1365A 64-MB EDORAM expansion module (see page 2-7) F1456A 32-MB SDRAM expansion module F1457A 64-MB SDRAM expansion module (see page 2-7) F1622A 128-MB SDRAM expansion module (see page 2-7)
Hard Drives
F1385A 2.1-GB internal hard disk drive F1386A 4.0-GB internal hard disk drive F1588A 3.2-GB internal hard disk drive
F1380A Replacement floppy disk drive cable for external use F1384A Internal/external floppy disk drive module and cable F1387A 20X CD-ROM drive module F1388A 100-MB Zip drive module F1587A 24X CD-ROM drive module
1-12 Product Information HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100
Accessory Description OmniBook Compat.
2100/3100 3000 4100/7100
Power Options
F1377A 45-watt ac adapter F1379A Automobile adapter F1382A Standard lithium-ion battery pack (primary) F1383A Secondary lithium-ion battery pack (plug-in module) F1454A 60-watt ac adapter F1455A 75-watt auto/airline power adapter F1589A Nickel-metal-hydride battery (primary) 8120-6312
8120-6313 8120-6314 8120-6316 8120-6317 8120-8373 8120-8699
F1469A PS/2 Y adapter
PC Cards
F1623A 10/100-Mbps Ethernet + 56-Kbps modem PC Card by
F1626A 10/100-Mbps Ethernet PC Card by 3Com F1627A 56-Kbps modem PC Card by Xircom TCM3C589 10-Mbps Ethernet PC Card by 3Com
F1369A Monitor stand F1381A Port replicator F1451A Port replicator F1452A Mini dock F1453A Monitor stand (short) for F1451A and F1452A F1477A Docking system and monitor stand (tall) F1585A Docking bay module adapter
Replacement power cord (Australia) Replacement power cord (U.S., Canada, Taiwan) Replacement power cord (Europe) Replacement power cord (Japan) Replacement power cord (India, South Africa) Replacement power cord (People’s Republic of China) Replacement power cord (Hong Kong,Singapore,U.K.)
HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100 Product Information 1-13
Internal Design
The motherboard PCA is the central component of the OmniBook design. It plays a role in virtually all system functions. The CPU module (MMO) and all other subsystems connect to the motherboard.
The following figure shows the connections among the replaceable electrical modules. As a substitute for a functional block diagram, see the table on page 1-15—it lists the roles that the replaceable modules play in each of the functional subsystems.
Top Case
(Touch pad, Speakers,
Inverter PCA
Icon PCA
Hard Disk
Floppy Drive
Figure 1-4. Replaceable Module Diagram
The power switch and the lid switch are contained on the Icon PCA.
All external connections (except USB and IR) are made to the motherboard.
* The LVDS PCA is present only with a 13" display.
** One BIOS IC on the OmniBook 2100/3100 contains the system and keyboard BIOS.
1-14 Product Information HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100
Table 1-13. Functional Structure
Function Modules Roles Bootup
Hard disk
Floppy drive
Touch pad
CPU module Motherboard System BIOS IC** Keyboard BIOS IC** Floppy disk drive Hard disk drive
CPU module Motherboard
Motherboard RAM boards
Battery Motherboard AC adapter Icon PCA
Motherboard LCD module LVDS PCA* Inverter PCA
Motherboard Hard disk drive
Motherboard Floppy disk drive
Motherboard Keyboard BIOS IC** Keyboard
Motherboard Top case
Motherboard Audio PCA Top case
Motherboard I/O controller, serial connector.
Main processor (MMO). Primary system circuitry. Code for basic system functions. Code for keyboard functions. First source of disk-based startup code. Second source of disk-based startup code.
Main processor, numeric data processor, L1 and L2 cache. Primary system circuitry.
First 16 MB (OmniBook 3000) or 32 MB (OmniBook 2100/3100) of RAM, video RAM. Optional, additional RAM.
Power storage. Power supply, ac adapter socket, system-off switch. AC-to-dc converter. Power switch, lid switch.
Display/graphics controller, video RAM. Display output, backlight. Display drivers, signal processing. (Low-voltage differential signaling) Power converter for backlight.
Hard disk controller. Hard disk mechanism.
Floppy disk controller. Floppy disk mechanism.
Keyboard controller. Keyboard BIOS. Key switches.
Keyboard and PS/2 controller. Touch pad PS/2 device.
Speaker amplifier, external audio jacks. Audio controller, wave synthesizer, headphone amplifier. Microphone, speakers.
PS/2 port
Docking port
* The LVDS PCA is not present in products with 12-inch displays. In these products, the LVDS functions are
performed by the LCD module.
** The BIOS IC on the OmniBook 2100/3100 performs both system and keyboard BIOS functions.
Motherboard I/O controller, parallel connector.
Motherboard IR PCA Icon PCA
Motherboard Keyboard and PS/2 controller, PS/2 connector.
Motherboard USB PCA
Motherboard Docking logic, docking connector.
Motherboard PCMCIA controller, PCMCIA connectors.
I/O controller. Infrared transmitter/receiver. Pass-through connection.
I/O controller. USB power controller, USB connector.
HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100 Product Information 1-15
Removal and Replacement
This chapter tells you how to remove and replace the following components and assemblies. The ones marked by
Battery (page 2-3). Bezel, display (table on page 2-31). Bracket, display (page 2-16 and 2-18). Cable, icon/MB (table on page 2-31). Cable, inverter/MB (table on page 2-31). Cable, IR/icon (table on page 2-31). Cable, LCD flex (table on page 2-31). Case, bottom (page 2-25). Case, display (page 2-16 and 2-18).
Case, hard disk drive (page 2-5). Case, top (page 2-21). Cover, audio jack (table on page 2-31).
Cover, BIOS (page 2-9).
Cover, hinge (page 2-9).
Cover, icon window (page 2-9).
Cover, RAM (page 2-9).
CPU module (table on page 2-31). Display assembly (page 2-9).
Door, I/O (page 2-9).
Drive, hard disk (page 2-5).
are user-replaceable.
Table 2-1. Removal Cross-Reference
Fan (table on page 2-31).
Feet (page 2-9). Heatsink (table on page 2-31). Hinge, display (table on page 2-31). IC, BIOS (page 2-29). Keyboard (page 2-20). Latch, display (table on page 2-31). LCD module (page 2-12). Lens, IR (table on page 2-31).
Modules, plug-in (page 2-4). PCA, audio (table on page 2-31). PCA, icon (table on page 2-31). PCA, inverter (table on page 2-31). PCA, IR (table on page 2-31). PCA, LVDS (table on page 2-31). PCA, motherboard (page 2-25). PCA, touch-pad (table on page 2-31). PCA, USB (table on page 2-31). Plate, lock (table on page 2-31).
RAM board (page 2-7).
Always provide proper grounding when performing repairs. Without proper grounding, an electrostatic discharge may damage the OmniBook and its components.
Reassembly steps are the reverse of the removal steps. Reassembly notes are included at the end of each section below.
Symbols like this throughout this chapter show approximate full-size screw outlines. You can use them to verify the sizes of screws before you install them. Installing a wrong-size screw can damage the unit. (The symbol at the left represents an M2.5×5mm screw.)
HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100 Removal and Replacement 2-1
Table 2-2. Required Equipment
Small Phillips screwdriver, preferably magnetized.
5 mm hex driver.
Pointed knife or probe.
Three small flat-blade screwdrivers (or equivalent tools for prying).
IC insertion/removal tool.
Table 2-3. Recommended Screw Torques
Screw Thread Size Torque (kgf•cm) Torque (lbf•in)
M2 2.0 – 2.5 1.7 – 2.2
all except those in the next two lines
LCD flex cable, LVDS PCA
M3 3.0 – 4.0 2.6 – 3.5
2.5 – 3.5 2.2 – 3.0
4.5 – 5.5 3.9 – 4.8
1.5 – 2.0 1.3 – 1.7
2-2 Removal and Replacement HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100
Removing the Main Battery
The main battery is located under the right corner of the palmrest. To remove a secondary battery (an accessory plug-in module), see the next topic below.
Do not mutilate, puncture, or dispose of batteries in fire. A battery can burst or explode, releasing hazardous chemicals. A rechargeable battery must be recycled or disposed of properly.
Required Equipment
Removal Procedure
1. Slide the safety latch for the battery compartment into its recess.
2. Slide and hold the release latch, then slide out the battery.
Main Battery
Figure 2-1. Removing the Main Battery
Reassembly Note
Be sure the safety latch is open before you insert the battery. Otherwise, the release latch could break if you force the battery in.
After installing the battery, close the safety latch.
HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100 Removal and Replacement 2-3
Removing a Plug-In Accessory Module
Plug-in accessory modules have no repairable components. A defective module must be exchanged.
Required Equipment
Removal Procedure
1. Slide the safety latch for the plug-in slot into its recess.
2. Slide and hold the release latch, then slide out the module.
Figure 2-2. Removing a Plug-In Module
Reassembly Note
Be sure the safety latch is open before you insert the module. Otherwise, the release latch could break if you force the module in.
After installing the module, close the safety latch.
2-4 Removal and Replacement HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100
Removing the Hard Disk Drive
Table 2-4. Hard Disk Drive Replacement Part Numbers
Description Part Number Exchange OmniBook
Part Number 2100 3100 3000
Drive, hard disk (2.1GB, 9.5mm, IBM) * 0950-2801 F1385-69100 Drive, hard disk (2.1GB, 12.7mm, Toshiba) 0950-2836 F1350-69100 Drive, hard disk (3.2GB, 9.5mm, IBM) * 0950-2802 F1348-69103 Drive, hard disk (3.2GB, 12.7mm, Toshiba) 0950-2854 F1348-69102 Drive, hard disk (4.0GB, 12.7mm, IBM) * 0950-2671 F1386-69100 Drive, hard disk (4.0GB, 12.7mm, Toshiba) 0950-2865 F1386-69101 * Recommended replacement parts. HP recommends stocking drives from IBM, the primary hard drive
source for these OmniBook products. IBM drives can be used with the older HDD case that has no top shield (the shield should be installed if it is present). Toshiba hard drives require a top shield as part of the HDD case.
Required Equipment
Small Phillips screwdriver.
Removal Procedure
1. Unplug the ac adapter, if present, and remove the battery.
2. Remove the two screws from the bottom of the hard drive.
3. Pull out the hard drive.
Screw, M2.5×5mm
Figure 2-3. Removing the Hard Drive
Work the connector off the hard drive evenly, without pulling on the flex cable. Otherwise, you may bend connector pins on the hard drive or damage the flex cable.
HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100 Removal and Replacement 2-5
4. If you are installing a new hard drive that does not have a plastic case, you can remove the case from the old hard drive:
Remove the four screws from the sides of the case.
Remove the top shield from the drive and swing out the free end of the hard drive about 90°,
then gently pry off the connector from the hard drive. The OmniBook 3000 may not have a top shield.
For a Toshiba drive, make sure the HDD case has a metal top shield.
The top shield for a 9.5-mm drive has spacers.
HDD Case (Kit) (includes M3×5mm screws)
Figure 2-4. Installing a Hard Drive in the Case
Reassembly Notes
Use a HDD case kit that is compatible with the thickness of the drive, 9.5 mm or 12.7 mm. The 9.5-mm drive requires spacers inside the top shield.
Install the metal top shield that is included with the HDD case. If an older HDD case does not have a top shield, you must install a newer HDD case if the drive is a Toshiba drive— otherwise, drive performance may be reduced by magnetic interference.
Do not cover the vent hole in the top surface of the hard drive or in the case. If you cover the hole, the hard drive could fail prematurely.
Depending on the manufacturer of the replacement drive, the hole placement for the four screws may vary.
If you are installing a new hard drive, you should create a Hibernate partition on the drive before loading any software—see the steps below.
Creating a Hibernate Partition
1. If you do not have an OmniBook Recovery CD and internal CD-ROM module for the computer model you are repairing, create a Support Utility floppy disk now.
After inserting a formatted floppy disk in the floppy drive, do one of the following:
On a factory software installation, click Start, Programs, OmniBook, Create Support Utility Disk.
2-6 Removal and Replacement HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100
On any computer that has a CD-ROM drive, run makesupp from the \Omnibook\Drivers\Hputils directory on the OmniBook Recovery CD.
On any computer with World Wide Web access, download the Support Utility software package from the OmniBook website (see page vi). Follow the instructions provided.
2. Insert the Recovery CD in the CD-ROM drive—or insert the Support Utility disk in the floppy
3. Reboot the computer. If you are using the Recovery CD, press ESC during reboot if the
OmniBook screen appears, ESC to display the boot-device menu, then select the CD-ROM drive as the boot device.
4. When prompted, select “Create Hibernate Partition.” OmniBook 2100/3100: We recommend that you create a partition the same as the factory setup—
288 MB for a Pentium II CPU, or 192 MB for a Pentium CPU (160 MB is acceptable if the motherboard has only one RAM slot).
OmniBook 3000: We recommend that you create a 144-MB partition, the same as the factory
Removing a RAM Board
Table 2-5. RAM Board Replacement Part Numbers and Compatibility
Description Part Number Exchange OmniBook, CPU Type, RAM Slots
Part Number 2100
Pentium II
Inner Corner Slot Slot
RAM, 32-MB SDRAM 1818-7413 F1456-69001 RAM, 64-MB SDRAM 1818-7414 F1457-69001 RAM, 128-MB SDRAM 1818-7549 F1622-69001 RAM, 16-MB EDORAM F1363-60001 F1363-69001 RAM, 32-MB EDORAM F1364-60001 F1364-69001 RAM, 64-MB EDORAM F1365-60001 F1365-69001
Recommended compatibility.
Alternate compatibility. Do not mix SDRAM and EDORAM boards in two slots.
To determine the CPU type, see the Intel sticker on the top case or see the picture showing the CPU modules on page 2-25.
* The corner RAM slot is not present on an OmniBook 2100/3100 with a Pentium CPU and one-slot
Inner Corner Slot Slot *
o o o o o
Inner Corner Slot Slot
Handle the RAM board only by its edges and provide proper grounding. Otherwise, you may damage the board due to electrostatic discharge.
Required Equipment
Small Phillips screwdriver.
HP OmniBook 2100/3000/3100 Removal and Replacement 2-7
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