Data sheet
HP 13.3 Business Sleeve
A cozy case to keep your notebook safe
Take your 13.3” diagonal notebook to go with the super simple,
single-zip, padded HP 13.3 Business Sleeve that keeps your
notebook readily available when you need it and adds an extra
layer of protection.
Elegant armor
Store your notebook in the padded, softly-lined sleeve to help protect it from scratches and
Designed to go where you go
Carry the slim design under your arm or with the retractable handle, and drop in your carry case
at the end of the day. Get quick access to your other essentials with an outside pocket.
Data sheet | HP 13.3 Busine ss Sleeve
HP 13.3 Business Sleeve
Part number 2UW00A A
Dimensions 12.79 x 9.01 x 0.39 in(34 x 24.5 x 2.5 cm)
Weight 0.53lb (0.24kg)
Country of origin China
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4AA7-1453ENW, October 2017
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