Data sheet
HP DesignJet Z6810 Photo
Production Printer
The fastest high-quality production printing solution
IMPRESSIVE—Meet high-quality
PRODUCTIVE—Increase your
production volumes
RELIABLE—No need to change the
way you work
• Help your customers stand out from
impactful photos to detailed maps/line
drawings, with optimized printheads.
• Avoid rework with consistent, accurate
color across prints and printers, with
embedded spectrophotometer.
• Accommodate production peaks with print
speeds up to 212 ft²/hr on glossy and 548
ft²/hr on plain paper.
• Handle more jobs with 500 GB hard
disk capacity.
• Seamlessly integrate with the
market-leading RIPs, enabled by HP’s RIP
certication program.
• Turn operator eiciency into operating
prot with HP SmartStream job
preparation and processing software.
• Work without interruption with long media
• Meet your customers’ expectations
for precise colors with HP Professional
PANTONE® color emulation.
rolls, 775-ml HP ink cartridges, and a
built-in take-up reel.
• Easily create content and submit jobs
using the HP Applications Center.
• Enjoy one-click printing that also helps
reduce media waste using HP Click
printing software.
For more information, please visit
Dynamic security enabled printer. Only intended to be used with cartridges using an HP original chip. Cartridges using a non-HP chip may not work, and those that work today may not work in
the future. More at:
Compared with large-format photo inks inkjet printers under $25,000 USD for graphics applications. Based on the fastest-rated color speeds as published by manufacturers as of June, 2017. Test methods vary.
For a list of HP certied RIPs, visit:
Embedded in the HP DesignJet Z6810 Production Printer series is an i1 spectrophotometer from X-Rite. Close collaboration between HP and X-Rite ensures a reliable solution that’s been thoroughly tested to meet customer
demands for ease, quality, and dependability.
HP Professional PANTONE® color emulation and Adobe PostScript®/PDF upgrade kit sold separately.
Using glossy paper and Normal mode, HP DesignJet Z6810 Production Printers can achieve print speeds up to 212 ft²/hour. Using plain paper and Normal mode, HP DesignJet Z6810 Production Printers can achieve speeds
up to 548 ft²/hour.
Requires an HP Applications Center account, Internet connection, and connected Internet-capable device. For more information, see
Once image is selected, one-click printing when printing the entire le without any modications to the print settings. Applicable to PDF, JPEG, TIFF, and HP-GL/2 les.
Data sheet | HP De signJet Z6810 Photo Prod uction Printer
Technical specications Ordering information
Image quality
(w x d x h)
What ’s in the box
Maxi mum rate of ou tput for co lor image 100 % color cove rage. Pri nted in Econo mode, on HP B right Whi te Inkjet
Paper ( bond), max imum rol l size, with O riginal H P Vivid Ph oto Inks. M easured on a 6 0-in pr inter.
Mech anical pr inting ti me with Ori ginal HP V ivid Photo I nks. Mea sured on a 60 -in prin ter.
ICC abs olute colo rimetri c accurac y on HP Premi um Insta nt-dry Sat in Photo Pap er with HP V ivid Photo I nks.
With H P Premium I nstant-d ry Satin Ph oto Paper wi th HP Vivi d Photo Ink s.
Not inc luded in th e box for 60- in model s.
Not inc luded in th e box for 42-in m odels.
Base d on 1 GB RAM.
BMG tr ademark l icense cod e FSC®-C 115319, see H P tradema rk licens e code FSC® -C017543,
see Not al l FSC®-c ertied p roduct s are avail able in all r egions.
Recy clable HP p apers can b e recycle d through c ommonly a vailabl e recycli ng progra ms, or accor ding to
regio n-speci c pract ices, or ca n be return ed throug h the HP Larg e Format Me dia take- back prog ram.
Recy cling pro grams may n ot exist in yo ur area. Se e for details.
Maxi mum print s peed 140 m²/hr (1500 f t²/hr) on pl ain media
Color images
Print resolution Up to 2400 x 120 0 optimized d pi
Technology HP The rmal Ink jet
Margins 0.2 x 0.2 x 0 .2 x 0.2 in (5 x 5 x 5 x 5 mm )
Ink ty pes Pigment-based
Ink cartridges 8 (cyan , magenta , yellow, mat te black , photo bla ck, chrom atic
Printheads 8 (cyan , magenta , yellow, mat te black , photo bla ck, chrom atic
Color accuracy Media n < 1.25 dE200 0, 95% of color s < 2.75 dE2000
Short term color stability < 1 dE20 00 less tha n 5 minutes
Long te rm print-to -print
Maxi mum optic al densit y 4.5 L* min/2 .31 D
Handling Roll fe ed, autom atic hori zontal cut ter, media bi n
Roll si ze 42-in: 11 to 42 i n; 60-in: 11 to 60 i n; (42-in: 28 0 to 1067 mm;
Weight Up to 460 g /m²
Thickness Up to 22 mi l (Up to 0.6 mm)
Exhi bition an d event gra phics; G raphics d esign; In door post ers; Layo uts and com ps; Light
boxes - p aper; Lin e drawing s; Maps; O ice Grap hics; Or thophoto s; Photo map s; Point
of sale /display ; POP/POS; P osters; Pr esentat ions; Rend erings; S chemati cs; Technic al
64 GB (vi rtual)
Interfaces Gigabit E thernet (100 0Base-T ), EIO Jetdi rect acces sory slot
Print languages (standard) HP- GL/2, HP -RTL, C ALS G4
Print languages (optional) Adobe Po stScri pt 3, Adobe PD F 1.7, TIFF, JPE G
Drivers (included) Raste r driver s for Window s and macO S; PostSc ript driv ers for
SNMP v3, Control Pa nel lock le vels, Cer ticate s managem ent, IPs ec, SSL, Se cure le er ase,
Secure disk erase
Printer 77.5 x 27.2 x 53.9 in (1970 x 690 x 1370 mm )
Shipping 8 9.8 x 28.9 x 47.2 in (228 0 x 735 x 1200 mm)
Printer 271 lb (123 kg)
Shipping 3 90.2 lb (177 kg)
HP Des ignJet Z68 10 Producti on Printe r, spindle, pr inthead s, introd uctory i nk cartr idges,
maint enance ca rtridge , printer s tand, med ia bin5, tak e-up reel 6, 3-in spin dle adapte r kit,
quic k reference g uide, set up poster, sta rtup sof tware, po wer cord
Print er driver s, HP Clic k, HP Appl ication s Center, HP Des ignJet Ut ility in cluding
HP Colo r Center
Operating temperature: 41 to 104�F (5 to 40�C)
Operating humidity: 20 to 80% RH
Sound pressure 53 dB(A) (p rinting ); 39 dB(A) ( ready); 39 dB (A) (slee p)
Sound power 7.0 B(A) (p rinting ); 5.5 B(A) ( ready); 5.5 B (A) (slee p)
Consumption 270 watt s (printi ng); < 48 wat ts (ready) ; < 5.3 watts ( sleep); <
Requirements Inpu t voltage (a uto rangi ng): 100 - 127 V (±10%), 5 A; 220 - 240 V
Safety USA an d Canada (C SA certi ed); EU (LVD an d EN 60950 -1
Electromagnetic Compl iant with C lass A requ irement s, includ ing: USA ( FCC rules),
Environmental EN ERGY STAR, WEEE, RoH S (EU, Chi na, Korea, Indi a), REACH, EPE AT Bron ze
One-year limited hardware warranty
; 500 GB h ard disk
Normal: 1.5 min/page2 on A1/D or up to 236 f t²/hr1 (21.9 m²/hr1)
on coated media
Best : 3.2 min/pa ge
glossy media
on A1/D or up to 118 ft²/h r1 (11 m²/hr1) on
red, li ght gray, li ght magen ta)
red, li ght gray, li ght magen ta)
Avera ge < 0.5 dE20 00, 95% of colo rs < 1.25 dE200 0
, take- up reel
60- in: 280 to 1524 mm)
Windows and macOS with optional PostScript/PDF Upgrade Kit
0.3 wat ts (o)
(±10%), 3 A; 50/60 H z (±3 Hz)
compl iant); Ru ssia (GOST ); Singap ore (PSB); C hina (CCC);
Argen tina (IR AM); Mexi co (NYCE); K orea (KC)
Cana da (ICES), E U (EMC Dire ctive), Au stralia ( ACMA), Ne w Zealand
(RSM ), China (CCC) , Japan (VCC I), Korea (M SIP)
Product 2Q U12A HP Des ignJet Z6 810 42-in Produ ction Pri nter
Accessories G6H 51B HP HD Pro 42-i n Scanner
2QU 14A HP Design Jet Z6810 60- in Produc tion Pri nter
CQ74 5B HP DesignJet PostScript/PDF Upgrade Kit
CQ754A HP DesignJet 60-in Spindle
J8025A HP Jetd irect 64 0n Print Se rver
Q67 14A HP DesignJet 60-in Media Bin
Q6 715A HP D esignJe t User Main tenance Ki t
L3J69AA E HP Smar tStrea m Preight M anager
L3J79AA E HP SmartStream Print Controller for HP DesignJet Z6200/6600/6800 Production
L3J 71AA E HP S martSt ream Pre ight Manag er One-Year S ubscrip tion
Origi nal HP
Original HP ink
cartridges and
HP lar ge
format printing
Service and support
HP Des ignJet Su pport Ser vices o er solutio ns for busi ness crit ical envi ronment s — install ation, e xtended s upport
and ma intenanc e, as well as va riety of va lue-ad ded serv ices.
For more information, please visit
Use HP V ivid Photo I nks and pr inthead s to experi ence consi stent high -quali ty and rel iable per formanc e that enab le
less do wntime an d increas ed produc tivity. T hese cri tical pri nting sys tem compon ents are de signed an d enginee red
toget her to provi de optimi zed eicie ncy, a wide co lor gamut , and print s with ove r 200 years f ade resist ance.
more information, visit
P2V 97A HP 7 74 Matte Blac k/Chrom atic Red Des ignJet Pr inthead
P2V98A HP 774 Ligh t Magenta /Light Cyan D esignJ et Printhe ad
P2V99A HP 774 Mage nta/Yell ow Design Jet Print head
P2W00A HP 774 Photo B lack/L ight Gra y DesignJ et Printh ead
B6 Y15A HP 771A 775-m l Matte Bl ack Desig nJet Ink Ca rtridg e
B6 Y17A H P 771A 775-ml Mag enta Desi gnJet Ink C artrid ge
B6Y 18A HP 771A 775 -ml Yellow D esignJe t Ink Cart ridge
B6 Y19A H P771A 775-ml Li ght Magent a Design Jet Ink Car tridge
B6Y20A HP771A 775-ml Li ght Cyan Des ignJet In k Cartri dge
B6Y21A HP771A 775-ml Ph oto Black D esignJe t Ink Cart ridge
B6Y22A HP771A 775-ml Li ght Gray De signJe t Ink Cart ridge
B6Y39A HP 771A 3- pack 775-m l Matte Bla ck Design Jet Ink Ca rtridg e
B6Y4 1A HP 771A 3- pack 775-m l Magenta D esignJ et Ink Car tridge
B6Y4 2A HP 771A 3- pack 775-m l Yellow Des ignJet In k Cartri dge
B6Y4 3A HP 771A 3- pack 775-m l Light Ma genta Desi gnJet In k Cartri dge
B6Y4 4A HP 771A 3- pack 775-m l Light Cyan D esignJ et Ink Car tridge
B6Y4 5A HP 771A 3- pack 775-m l Photo Bla ck Design Jet Ink Ca rtridg e
B6Y4 6A HP 771A 3- pack 775-m l Light Gr ay Design Jet Ink Ca rtridge
C1Q21 A HP 773A 775 -ml Matte B lack Des ignJet In k Cartri dge
C1Q23A HP 773A 775-m l Magenta D esignJ et Ink Car tridge
C1Q24 A HP 773A 775 -ml Yellow D esignJe t Ink Cart ridge
C1Q2 5A HP 773A 775 -ml Ligh t Magenta De signJe t Ink Cart ridge
C1Q2 6A HP 773A 775 -ml Cyan Des ignJet I nk Cartr idge
C1Q2 7A HP 77 3A 775-ml Ph oto Black De signJet I nk Cart ridge
C1Q2 8A HP 773A 775 -ml Ligh t Gray Desi gnJet Ink C artrid ge
P2W02A HP 774 Chro matic Red In k Cartr idge
P2W04A HP 774 Chro matic Red In k Cartr idge - 3 pack
CH644A H P 771 Design Jet Maint enance Ca rtridge
E4J58B HP Ar tist Mat te Canvas 6 0 in x 50 ft (1524 mm x 15.2 m)
Y3Z20A HP E veryday B lockout Di splay Fi lm 60 in x 100 ft (1524 mm x 30. 5 m)
U9WE3E HP 3 year N ext Busi ness Day pl us Defect ive Media Re tention Su pport
U9WE5E H P 5 year Next B usiness D ay plus Def ective Me dia Retent ion Suppo rt
U9WE6PE HP 1 year P ost Warra nty, Next B usiness D ay plus Defe ctive Me dia Retent ion Suppor t
U9WE7PE HP 2 ye ar Post War ranty, Nex t Busine ss Day plus De fective M edia Reten tion Supp ort
H4518 E HP Ins tallati on Servic e with Netw ork Setup
HP Prem ium Insta nt-dry Sa tin Photo Pa per
(FSC ® certie d)
HP Uni versal In stant-dr y Gloss Ph oto Paper
(FSC ® certie d)
8 9
60 in x 100 f t (1524 mm x 30. 5 m)
8 9
60 in x 100 f t (1524 mm x 30. 5 m)
HP Prem ium Vivi d Colour Ba cklit Fi lm
For the e ntire HP La rge Forma t Printin g Material s portfo lio, plea se see
Eco Highlights
• Breakthrough color consistency can help reduce unnecessary reprints
• Free, con venient H P ink cart ridge and p rinthea d recycli ng
• FSC®-certied papers,2 rang e of recycl able HP med ia with a take -back
• ENERGY S TAR® qual ied. Reg istered EP EAT Bronze4 for envi ronmentally
preferable product
Program availability varies. Please check for details.
BMG t rademar k license c ode FSC®- C115319, see fsc .org. HP trade mark lice nse code FSC ®-C017543,
see Not al l FSC®-c ertied p roduct s are avail able in all r egions.
HP Lar ge Format Me dia take- back prog ram avai labilit y varies . Some rec yclable H P papers ca n be
recy cled throu gh common ly availa ble recyc ling prog rams. Rec ycling p rograms m ay not exist i n your
area. S ee for details.
EPEAT registered where applicable/supported. See for registration status by country.
Please recycle large-format printing hardware and printing supplies.
Find out how at our website
60 in x 100 f t (1524 mm x 30. 5 m)
© Copy right 2018 HP De velopmen t Company, L .P. The inform ation cont ained her ein is subj ect to chan ge withou t notice. Th e only warr anties fo r HP produc ts and ser vices are s et
fort h in the exp ress warr anty stat ements acc ompanyi ng such pro ducts an d service s. Nothin g herein sh ould be cons trued as co nstitut ing an addi tional wa rranty. H P shall not b e
liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.
ENER GY STAR and th e ENERGY STA R mark are re gistered t rademar ks owned b y the U.S. En vironme ntal Protec tion Age ncy. Adobe a nd Adobe Po stScri pt 3 are trade marks of
Adob e Systems In corpora ted. Wind ows is a U.S. r egistere d tradema rk of Micros oft Corp oration . Mac and the M ac logo are t rademar ks of Apple C omputer, In c., regist ered in the
U.S. a nd other cou ntries. PA NTONE is th e proper ty of Panton e, Inc.
4AA7-26 06ENA, A pril 2018