Herrmidifier Load Calculator User Manual

Engineered Humidification Systems
Load Calculation Guide
H e r r m i d i f i e r® | w w w . h e r r m i d i f i e r- h v a c . c o m
L o a d C a l c u l a t i o n G u i d e
Preface ...........................................................................................................................................................3
Denition Of “Relative Humidity” ....................................................................................................................4
“Dry Air” From Heating ....................................................................................................................................4
“Dry Air” From Cooling .................................................................................................................................... 4
The Psychrometric Chart ................................................................................................................................5
Equilibrium Moisture Content .........................................................................................................................5
“Regain” Of Hygroscopic Materials.................................................................................................................5
“Dry Air” And Comfort .....................................................................................................................................5
Humidity And Dust ..........................................................................................................................................6
Humidity And Its Effect On Bacteria And Virus Life ........................................................................................ 6
“Dry Air” And Static Electricity ......................................................................................................................... 6
“Dry Air” And Hygroscopic Materials ............................................................................................................... 7
Woodworking And Humidication ................................................................................................................... 8
Paper Products And Humidication ................................................................................................................8
Printing And Humidication.............................................................................................................................9
Textiles And Humidication .............................................................................................................................9
Food Storage, Processing And Humidication ............................................................................................... 9
Leather Processing And Humidication .......................................................................................................... 10
A Humidication Synopsis .............................................................................................................................. 10
The Psychrometric Chart ................................................................................................................................11
Heating Load ..................................................................................................................................................12
Cooling Load ..................................................................................................................................................14
Product Load ..................................................................................................................................................15
Process Reduction .........................................................................................................................................16
People Reduction ...........................................................................................................................................16
Atomization .....................................................................................................................................................17
Evaporation ....................................................................................................................................................19
Steam .............................................................................................................................................................19
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L o a d C al c u l a t io n G u i de
L o a d C a l c u l a t i o n G u i d e
HERRMIDIFIER welcomes you to the world of engineered humidication systems. HERRMIDIFIER was founded in 1945 and humidication is our only business. We are your “Total Capability Humidication Resource.”
This Guide will familiarize you with both the need and the benets of controlled humidication. It will also acquaint you with the technical facets of accurately calculating humidica­tion demand loads and the selection of the best and most appropriate system for your application.
HERRMIDIFIER’s recognized leadership position within the industry is borne from many reasons. They include:
•Committed to Quality
•Broadest Range of Humidication Systems
-Electrode Steam Generators
-Electric Resistive Steam Generators
-Central Steam
-Steam to Steam
-Air/Water Atomizing Systems
-High Pressure Water Atomizing Systems
-In-Duct Systems
-In-Space Systems
-Water Pretreatment Systems
•Factory Trained Sales Force
-A nationwide network of factory-trained technical sales representatives.
•Technical Support
-Or Engineering staff will custom design a system to ll your specic needs.
•Technical Leadership
-State-of-the-art, engineered and patented energy ef­cient system development.
•Market Diversication Telecommunications
-Computer Rooms
-Electronic Manufacturing
-Paper Storage
-Food Storage
-Ofce Buildings
We trust this Guide answers your questions. We have more engineering data for your use and we are ready to help you solve your dry air problems. Give us a call!
L o a d C al c u l a t io n G u i de
w w w. h e r r mi di f i e r- h v a c . co m
L o a d C a l c u l a t i o n G u i d e
7.80 Grains
.78 Grains
Relative Humidity and Its Place in Environmental Control
“Dry Air” From Heating
Since the beginning of modern day engineering, environ­mental control in factories, ofces and homes has become increasingly more important as its benets to personnel and product alike were realized. There are three basic parts to environmental control:
1) air quality-its cleanliness and purity,
2) temperature
3) relative humidity
Of the three, the most ignored is the level of relative humidi­ty-probably because the effects of temperature and air qual­ity are more easily seen and felt than the effects of relative humidity. Relative humidity is important as it can affect hu­man health and comfort, operation of production machinery, quality and workability of production material. Proper control of relative humidity can also be an important factor in the total energy use and operating efciency of a factory. To de­velop an understanding of relative humidity and its effect, it is rst necessary to dene some terms.
Denition Of “Relative Humidity”
HUMIDITY is dened as “the amount of moisture in the air.” This moisture must be in the form of water vapor. Visible wa­ter droplets that have not evaporated to the vapor state do not affect humidity. The term RELATIVE HUMIDITY is used to describe “the amount of moisture in a given volume of air as compared with the greatest amount of moisture that that volume of air could contain at the same temperature, expressed as a percentage,” so that:
%RH = (Ma/Mg)
Ma = Amount of moisture in the air Mg = Maximum amount of moisture in the air
If that cubic foot of air is saturated at 1O°F (100% R.H.) and raised to 69°F, without adding or subtracting any moisture, it will now contain only 1/10 the amount of moisture it could hold at saturation; thus it now has a relative humidity of 10%...2-1/2 times drier than the Sahara Desert!
This is essentially why, during the heating season, air is drier. The cold, moist outdoor air, brought in by forced air makeup, exhaust, or natural inltration is heated and becomes warm dry air. To bring this air to an acceptable level of relative hu­midity, moisture must be added.
“Dry Air” From Cooling
Under certain conditions, cooling by air conditioning and refrigeration can remove moisture from the air and reduce its relative humidity to unsatisfactory low levels. This occurs when the air is cooled below its DEW POINT-the tempera­ture at which the air becomes saturated and if cooled further the excess moisture will condense out of the air. For exam­ple: Air at 70°F and 75% R.H. will have about 6.08 grains of moisture per cubic foot.
Air at 55°F can hold only 4.89 grains of moisture per cu­bic foot at saturation. Therefore, if the 70°F 75% R.H. air is cooled to 55°F it will now be at 100% R.H. and will contain a maximum of 4.89 grains of moisture per cubic foot having lost the excess of 1.19 grains (6.08-4.89 = 1.19) by conden­sation. When this 55°F 100% R.H. air is discharged back into the room and again warms to 70°F it will now have a relative humidity of 60% since it now contains only 4.89 grains of moisture per cubic foot instead of the original 6.08 grains.
1.19 grains of moisture per cubic foot must now be added to return the air to its original level of 75% R.H.
The greatest amount of moisture that a given volume of air can contain changes as the temperature of that air chang­es. The higher the temperature of that air, the greater the amount of moisture it can hold when saturated. The key word here is “temperature.” For example: a cubic foot of air at 69°F can hold ten (10) times as much moisture as the same cubic foot of air at 1O°F.
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L o a d C al c u l a t io n G u i de
The Psychrometric Chart
L o a d C a l c u l a t i o n G u i d e
To further illustrate the moisture holding ability of air at vari­ous temperatures, following is a chart showing the grains of water per cubic foot of saturated air, at various temperatures. This chart was abstracted from the ASHRAE Handbook.
Table 1-A
Saturated Air, Various Temperatures
°F Grains °F Grains
0 .475 60 5.795
5 .609 65 6.845 10 .776 70 8.055 15 .984 75 9.448 20 1.242 80 11.04 25 1.558 85 12.87 30 1.946 90 14.94 35 2.376 95 17.28 40 2.863 100 19.95 45 3.436 105 22.95 50 4.106 110 26.34 55 4.889 115 30.13
As you can see, from the above Table 1 -A, as the tempera­ture of the air increases, so does its ability to hold moisture. Determinations of MAXIMUM HUMIDIFICATION DEMAND LOAD are made from this chart. To determine a heating hu­midication load, simply take the maximum indoor and mini­mum outdoor temperatures, refer to the chart above, and write down the corresponding grains of moisture. Then multi­ply these times the percent of relative humidity desired. Use the lowest design R. H. for the outdoor gure. Now subtract the lower temperature gure from higher temperature gure and insert the result into the following formula for Grains/ Cu. Ft., also inserting the cubic foot of air to be humidied per hour: LOAD = Grains/Cu. Ft. X Cu. Ft./Hr.
(Lbs. Water/Hr.) 7000/Grains/lb.
Other factors inuencing the maximum humidication de­mand load are:
• Natural Air Inltration
• Exhaust Equipment
• Make-up Air
• Construction of Building
• Air Conditioning or Refrigeration
• Vacuum Equipment
• Vapor Barriers
• Window Area
• Hygroscopic Material
Because of all the factors involved, humidication can be simple or rather complicated. It is best to consult a humidi­cation expert such as Herrmidier Co., Inc. and allow them to conduct a humidication survey. (Free help can be obtained by lling out Herrmidier’s form DI-5 and mailing it to us. This form contains all necessary information for us to help you design a project).
Equilibrium Moisture Content
Dry air pulls moisture from everything it contacts- HYGRO­SCOPIC materials (able to absorb or emit moisture), liv­ing tissues, etc. Conversely, moist air gives up moisture to dry hygroscopic materials. An equilibrium will eventually be reached when the moisture gain of a material equal its mois­ture loss. This is the EQUILIBRIUM MOISTURE CONTENT OR “EMC.” This “EMC” changes with temperature, R.H. and from material to material. The reaching of this “EMC” can sometimes be detrimental as we shall see.
“Regain” Of Hygroscopic Materials
All hygroscopic materials-and a long list is so classied-take on or give off moisture when the EMC is disturbed. At a given level of R.H. a given hygroscopic material will hold a certain amount of moisture. The weight of this moisture so help com­pared with the dry weight of the material is called “Regain” and is expressed as a percentage. Regain varies with R.H. for a given material. For example: EMC values for average wood are 5.9% Regain with 30% R.H. air; 9.3% Regain with 50% R.H. air; 14% Regain with 70% R,.H. air; etc. A stan­dard Regain is often specied for hygroscopic items sold by weight. If the standard Regain is not attained, economic loss to the seller results.
Variations in Regain cause hygroscopic materials to change in dimensions, weight, quality, workability, etc.; therefore, it is best to stabilize the Regain at the most desirable level for manufacturing, processing, testing, storage, use, consump­tion, etc. To do this, the R.H. of the air in contact with the ma­terial must be stabilized at the proper level, as we shall see.
“Dry Air” And Comfort
Dry air pulls moisture from anything it contacts, including the human body. Dry air will cause moisture to evaporate more readily from the surface of the skin, causing a feeling of chilliness-even at temperatures as high as 75°F! Dry air also pulls moisture from living membranes, such as the nasal passages, throat, eyes and ears, leading to the uncomfort­able parched throat and sore eyes of winter. Proper control of relative humidity can help to eliminate these problems.
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L o a d C a l c u l a t i o n G u i d e
When moisture evaporates from the surface of the skin it causes a degree of evaporative cooling. During the winter, when heated air is dry, this evaporation occurs more readily, causing a higher degree of evaporative cooling and a feel­ing of chilliness. Raising the temperature will help alleviate the feeling of chilliness, but will actually aggravate the other problems of dry, parched throat and eyes, because the air at this higher temperature can now hold still more moisture (refer to Table 1 -A), which causes the R. H. to drop and the pull for moisture from body to air becomes even greater.
More comfort can readily be obtained by raising the level of relative humidity. Often, by raising the R.H. the temperature can then be lowered while maintaining the same comfort level. The following Table 1 -B illustrates various comfort levels possible. As you can see from the chart, raising the R.H. could result in your being able to lower the tem­perature, thereby saving energy. In this age of expensive energy, this could be a big boost for any industry, ofce or home. In addition the annoying parched throat, sore eyes and dry nose may be eliminated. Generally, R.H. levels of 35% to 50% are considered to be in the comfort range.
Table 1-B
Comfort Levels vs. Temperature/Humidity
Factory Ofce
°F % RH °F % RH
65 40 68 45 68 30 70 40 72 20 76 25 78 10 79 20
Humidity And Dust
Dust is not only a cleaning and maintenance nuisance but a common vehicle for microorganisms. It is well known that the R.H. of the air will signicantly affect the amount of dust in the air. A higher level of R.H. (50%) will cause the particles to settle out of the air.
Also, dry air will pull moisture from the bers of carpets and rugs causing them to become brittle, break off and oat in the air. By raising the level of R.H. in the air this problem can be signicantly reduced. For example, in one study a carpet cleaned weekly, under low levels of relative humid­ity, produced 3 to 4 bags of broken bers or “fuzz.” After the R.H. in the ofce was raised to 50% the weekly cleaning produced only a half bag of “fuzz.” Needless to say, the carpet life was probably extended, as well as a reduction of dust from the bers of the carpet achieved.
Humidity And Its Effect On Bacteria And Virus Life
Several studies on various bacterial strains and viruses have shown that at R.H. levels close to 50% these micro­organisms fail to survive for long periods of time. Possible explanations of this are that at low levels of R.H. these mi­croorganisms can enter a “dormant” state and simply oat around in the air until such time as they contact a moist surface where they can become “active” again. At high lev­els of R.H. there is enough moisture in the air that these mi­croorganisms may be able to thrive “actively.” In the middle levels of R.H., near 50%, there is enough moisture in the air that these microorganisms cannot remain “dormant,” but not enough that they can thrive “actively” either.
“Dry Air” And Static Electricity
Dry air permits the buildup of static electricity charges on machinery, materials and people. These electrostatic charges may cause production problems because of the electrostatic attraction built up between materials, unpleas­ant shocks to personnel, and in some cases, explosion hazards.
Static electricity charges are built up by movement of machinery and materials, such as in a printing press or a spinning machine, by people walking across carpeted oors, etc. These charges are constantly being generated and their buildup and discharge are affected by the level of R.H. Relative humidity levels above 45% will serve to eliminate electrostatic charge buildup and discharge. What happens when R.H. is higher is that an invisible moisture lm will form on the surface of materials and equipment. This lm contains impurities, from the air, which allow it to be a conductor. As electrostatic charges are generated, this lm conducts the charges to ground before they can build up sufciently high to cause a spark to jump.
Control of static electricity is important in many industries. Printing plants need to eliminate the static electricity caused problems of erratic feeding, sticking sheets, tacky ink and misregistration of color. Textile mills can ill afford to have huge electrostatic charges build up on spindles and cards.
Data Processing is especially sensitive to static electricity as it can cause malfunction by improper feeding of cards and paper, brittle tape and electrostatic discharges. Ex­plosive production areas must be humidied. To chance a static discharge in an explosive atmosphere is extremely dangerous.
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L o a d C al c u l a t io n G u i de
“Dry Air” And Hygroscopic Materials
L o a d C a l c u l a t i o n G u i d e
HYGROSCOPIC materials (those able to take on or give up moisture) are particularly sensitive to humidity changes in their environment. Materials so classied would include wood and wood products, paper and paper products, tex­tiles, leather, ceramics, food and a long list of others. These materials respond to their environment by taking on or giving up moisture, thereby changing their REGAIN. When these materials nally reach a balance, where they are sta­ble and no longer take on or give off moisture, they are said to have reached their EQUILIBRIUM MOISTURE CONTENT (EMC). When a hygroscopic material is stabilized at is EMC for a particular temperature and R.H., there is little effect on the material. The problems begin when the R.H. begins to drop and the air pulls moisture from the material, upsetting its EMC. When the material loses moisture it will shrink, warp, crack, check, become thirsty for solvents, etc. This causes problems not only with the material, but also with the ma­chinery, nishing processes, coatings and so on. Weight and texture are also affected.
Table 1-C
Hygroscopic materials lose moisture to dry air... pick up moisture from humidied air. This can materially affect your prot!
Moisture Content expressed in Percent of Dry Weight of the Substance at Various Relative Humidities - Temperature 75 °F
When the EMC is upset to the point of damaging a prod­uct (cracking, splitting, warping) and rendering it unsaleable, economic loss results. This includes the loss of any and all energy required to make that product, (from the raw mate­rial rening to the nished product) if the product must be scrapped, the additional energy input and labor expense if the product is reworked, down time when machinery is jammed or damaged and higher per piece costs if machin­ery must be run slower than normal to prevent electrostatic buildup. For example, one woodworking plant reported sav­ings of $900 a week after introducing controlled humidity to the plant. One investment castings company reported sav­ings of $4,800 per week and the textile industry was even more dramatic with $6,700 per week! These savings are re­alized from better product workability, faster machine opera­tion and production of less non-saleable units. Following is a charge listing the Regain for several materials, after which we shall take a look at some industries in depth.
Industry Materials Relative Humidity %
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Baking: Crackers 2.1 2.8 3.3 3.9 5.0 6.5 8.3 10.9 14.9
Flour 2.6 4.1 5.3 6.5 8.0 9.9 12.4 15.4 19.1 White Bread 0.5 1.7 3.1 4.5 6.2 8.5 11.1 14.5 19.0
Leather: Sole Oak, Tanned 5.0 8.5 11.2 13.6 16.0 18.3 20.6 24.0 29.2 Printing: Paper-Com. Ledger - 75% Rag., 1% Ash 3.2 4.2 5.0 5.6 6.2 6.9 8.1 10.3 13.9
Paper-M.F. Newsprint - 24% Ash 2.1 3.2 4.0 4.7 5.3 6.1 7.2 8.7 10.6 Paper-White Bond Rag - 1% Ash 2.4 3.7 4.7 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.8 10.8 13.2 Paper-Writing - 3% Ash 3.0 4.2 5.2 6.2 7.2 8.3 9.9 11.9 14.2
Textile: Cotton - Absorbent 4.8 9.0 12.5 15.7 18.5 20.8 22.8 24.3 25.8
Cotton - American-cloth 2.6 3.7 4.4 5.2 5.9 6.8 8.1 10.0 14.3 Cotton - Sea Isle-roving 2.5 3.7 4.6 5.5 6.6 7.9 9.5 11.5 14.1 Hemp - Manila & Sisal 2.7 4.7 6.0 7.2 8.5 9.9 11.6 13.6 15.7 Jute - Average grade 3.1 5.2 6.9 8.5 10.2 12.2 14.4 17.1 20.2 Linen - Dry Spun - yarn 3.6 5.4 6.5 7.3 8.1 8.9 9.8 11.2 13.8 Rayon - Cellulose - Acetate-ber 0.8 1.1 1.4 1.9 2.4 3.0 3.6 4.3 5.3 Rayon - Cupromonium - Average Skein 4.0 5.7 6.8 7.9 9.2 10.8 12.4 14.2 16.0 Rayon - Vicose Nitrocel 4.0 5.7 6.8 7.9 9.2 10.8 12.4 14.2 16.0 Silk - Raw Cheyennes - Skein 3.2 5.5 6.9 8.0 8.9 10.2 11.9 14.3 18.8 Wool - Australian - Marino - Skein 4.7 7.0 8.9 10.8 12.8 14.9 17.2 19.9 23.4 Cigarette 5.4 8.6 11.0 13.3 16.0 19.5 25.0 33.5 50.0
Wood: Timber - Average 3.0 404 5.9 7.6 9.3 11.3 14.0 17.5 22.0
Glue - Hide 3.4 4.8 5.8 6.6 7.6 9.0 10.7 11.8 12.5
Misc.: Charcoal - Steam Activated 7.1 14.3 22.8 26.2 28.3 29.2 30.0 31.1 32.7
Gelatin 0.7 1.6 2.8 3.8 4.9 6.1 7.6 9.3 11.4 Silica Gel 5.7 9.8 12.7 15.2 17.2 18.8 20.2 21.5 22.6 Soap 1.9 3.8 5.7 7.6 10.0 12.9 16.1 19.8 23.8 Starch 2.2 3.8 5.2 6.4 7.4 8.3 9.2 10.6 12.7
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