User Manual
HERO 600s
©2019. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced without
While all efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of all the contents in this manual,
we assume no liability for errors or omissions or statements of any kind in this manual,
whether such errors or omissions or statements resulting from negligence, accidents, or
any other cause. The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice.
Protect our environment! We strive to produce products in compliance with global
environmental standards. Please consult your local authorities for proper disposal.
Note: User Manual is just to guide the user about the functionality of the phone. This does
not seem any certificate of technology. Some functions may vary due to modifications and
upgrade of software, or due to print mistake.
Default password for the handset (For all features as phone lock, restore factory settings) is

The highest SAR value for this mobile phone is <1.6 W/Kg, in accordance with the
requirements of the ICNIRP, which recommended that the limit for exposure to radio
waves is 1.6 watts/kilogram(W/kg) averaged over 1 gram of tissue. For more information,
please visit our website (www.lavamobiles.com) to query.
Use a wireless hands-free system (Headphone, headset) with a low power Bluetooth
Make sure the cell phone has a low SAR
Keep your calls short or send a text message (SMS) instead. This advice applies
especially to children, adolescents and pregnant women
Use cell phone when the signal quality is good
People having active medical implants should preferably keep the cell phone at least
15cm away from the implant
E-waste Disposal Mechanism
'E-waste' means waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). In other
words, E-waste is a popular, informal name for electronic products nearing the end
of their "useful life". For more details about e-waste please refer e-waste rules,
2011 www.moef.nic.in
Do’s and Don’ts for disposal e-waste
Ensure that an Authorized Person repairs your Lava products
Call Our Local Authorized Collection Centers to Dispose Lava products
Always drop your used electronic products, batteries or any accessories thereof
after the end of their life at nearest Authorized Collection Point or Collection Center.
Separate the packaging material according to responsible waste disposal options
and sorting for recycling.
Always remove the battery from the product, when you do not intend to use the
product anymore it in future.
Do not Dismantle your Lava Product on your own
Do not give your e-waste to Kabadi Wala / Scrap Dealer/ Rag Pickers.
Do not dispose-off the e-waste in landfills
Never dump E-waste in garbage bins.
Do not dispose of your product at municipal waste bins or rooms.
Do not throw used batteries into household waste.
Consequences of improper handling and disposal of E-Waste
Improper disposal of waste prevents natural resources from being re-used.
Some waste contains hazardous chemicals and if not disposed of properly may
release toxins into the soil and water, and also releases greenhouse gases into the
If e-waste is not properly disposed of, it can threat to the health and well-being of
humans and animals and it also has adverse effect on the environment.
Placing of batteries or devices on or in heating devices, such as microwave, ovens,
stoves, or radiators and improper disposal of batteries may lead to explosion.
If the battery terminals are in contact with metal objects, it may cause a fire.