Hermida Zendrive, Zendrive 2, Mosferatu, Distortion, Nu-Valve Quick Start Guide

Pedal Quick-Start Guide
Diagram A
: Zendrive, Zendrive
This guide describes the following pedals in the Hermida Audio Technology line:
Zendr ive
Zendr ive 2
Nu-Val ve
Dual Boost
Rev er b
Zendrive, Zendrive 2, Mosferatu, Distortion and Nu-Valve Pedals
The above pedals have the following common configuration (Diagram A):
Vol (ume) , Gai n, Tone and Voi ce knobs
In/ Out jacks
9V DC adapter jack
St a t u s L E D
Bypass footsw it ch (t r ue bypass)
9V batter y clip (inside the unit, except on Zendrive 2 and
Nu-Val ve
© 2009 Hermida Engineering, Inc. · All Rights Reserved · www.hermidaaudio.com · support@hermidaaudio.com
2, Mosferatu, Distortion and Nu-Valve Pedals
Modified 11/25/09
Hermida Audio Technology Pedal Quick-Start Guide
Knob Functi onali ty
1. Vol( ume) - Adjust s t he over all vol ume of t he uni t . The ful l y count er cl ock w i se position is zero.
2. Ga i n - Adjusts the amount of gain i n t he unit . For cl eaner setti ngs, r ot ate
count er cl ock w i se. The maxi mum gai n i n t he pedal i s also l i mi t ed by t he Voi ce knob set ti ngs. To set the maximum gain in the pedal, the Voice knob must be rotated fully clock w i se.
3. Voice - “Tunes” t he pedal t o the ampl i fier and guitar . The Voice knob per for ms t w o functions:
a. Limit s or increases t he t otal amount of gain in the pedal. To limit the gain,
rotate counterclockwise. To increase the gain, rotate clockwise.
b. Adj usts the bot t om-en d r esponse of th e ped al . To i ncr ease the bot tom -end
response, rotate counterclockwise. To reduce the bottom-end, r ot ate t he clock w i se. Remember t o adj ust t he Gai n knob t o compensate for changes in the overall gain of the pedal which occur during the Voice knob adjustment process.
4. Tone - Perf or ms a basi c “ hi gh cut” f unct ion. With t he Tone knob set ful ly count er cl ock w i se, hi gh fr equencies are ful ly att enuated.
5. In/ Out Jacks - Co n n ec t a ca b l e w i t h a ¼ ” p l u g b e t w ee n t h e g u i t a r o r t h e o u t p u t o f anot her pedal t o t he In jack. Connect anot her cabl e w it h a ¼” pl ug betw een t he Out jack and another pedal, amplifier or recording device.
6. 9V DC Adapter Jack - All pedal s (except t he Zendr ive 2 and Nu-Val ve) can oper ate with a 9V battery or a 9V DC adapter. Please use a 9V DC adapter 200mA with a cent er negative pl ug.
7. St a t u s L ED - The LED is On when the pedal is acti ve. The LED is Off when it is bei ng bypassed.
8. Bypass Foot swi tch - Works in conjunction wit h the LED. Indicates when el ect r oni cs ar e acti ve.
9. 9V Batter y Cli p - I n pedals t hat oper at e w i t h a 9V bat t er y, r emove t he screw s on back cover and the battery clip will be located close to footswitch. Ensure t hat the clip is connected correctly before closing the back cover.
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