PLC (Power Line Communication), also known as HomePlug, is a technology which uses your home's
existing electrical wiring to efficiently transfer digital data (audio, video, Internet, other types of files) within a
secure personal network. HomePlug is an ideal alternative for those who wish to easily create a network,
without the constraints of cables, and are unable to enjoy all of the potential of WiFi due to the configuration of
their home (as a result of the presence of thick walls or other obstacles which impede wireless data
Hercules ePlug 200 C/Multi is an adapter employing HomePlug technology which can be connected to any
electrical outlet in your home (from the ground floor to upstairs), thereby transforming your outlets into as
many possible network connection points. Moreover, you can freely unplug Hercules ePlug 200 adapters and
plug them into different outlets in your home, according to your needs (changing the location of a computer, or
of your modem router...), without having to repeat the installation or re-create your network.
As a network is composed of at least two devices connected to one another, all you need to do is connect two
Hercules ePlug 200 C/Multi adapters to two electrical outlets in your home (in the same room or in different
rooms). For example, to access the Internet, you can connect your modem or your Internet “box” to a
Hercules ePlug adapter plugged into the nearest electrical outlet, and connect your computer to another
Hercules ePlug adapter plugged into another electrical outlet. Finally, your network is already preconfigured
to provide you with maximum security.
All products in the Hercules ePlug 200 range are compatible with the HomePlug AV standard (including
devices functioning at 200 Mbits/s), allowing you to enjoy high-definition video or stream multimedia files with
ease. These adapters may be combined according to your needs or according to your devices (a TV decoder
with a "Box", a modem with a computer or a game console, two computers, a computer and a printer...). You
will find some possible configurations set out in the installation section of this manual.
Finally, with the goal of helping to protect the environment, Hercules offers energy-saving adapters, which
conform to the European ERP (Energy Related Products) directive, guaranteeing electrical consumption of
less than 1 watt when the device is in standby mode.
The HomePlug AV standard is not compatible with the Homeplug 1.0 standard corresponding
to the Hercules ePlug 85 range (and other adapters conforming to this standard).
Nevertheless, you are perfectly able to create a network composed of Hercules ePlug 85
adapters in your home coexisting alongside another network composed of Hercules ePlug 200
Even though this type of device presents no danger in terms of your home's electrical wiring, you should take
care to respect certain recommendations, set out below.
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Hercules ePlug 200 C Hercules ePlug 200 Multi
1.1. Recommendations
- Only connect the Hercules ePlug 200 C/Multi adapter to an electrical network which conforms to the security
standards and specifications detailed on the device's electrical rating plate. If you are not sure about your
electrical network, contact an electrician or your power supplier.
- Never open up the Hercules ePlug 200 C/Multi adapter, as doing so risks damaging its internal components.
- Do not attempt to insert any objects into the vents and openings of the Hercules ePlug 200 C/Multi adapter.
- Do not obstruct the vents and openings of the Hercules ePlug 200 C/Multi adapter.
- If you need to carry out any maintenance on your Hercules ePlug 200 C/Multi adapter, be sure to first unplug
the adapter and entrust the job to a qualified professional in order to avoid the risk of electrocution.
- In order to avoid the risk of fire or electrical discharge, keep your adapter away from:
- rain or humidity, as well as all fluids (water, chemical products and any other liquids),
- sources of heat such as heaters, stoves and any other heat-producing devices (including amplifiers),
- direct sunlight.
- Only plug in the Hercules ePlug 200 C/Multi adapter in a sufficiently ventilated room.
- Only connect the Hercules ePlug 200 C/Multi adapter using the included Ethernet cable.
- Unplug the Hercules ePlug 200 adapter from its electrical outlet if you do not plan on using it again for an
extended period of time.
- Unplug the Hercules ePlug 200 C/Multi adapter from its electrical outlet before cleaning. Use a soft cloth for
cleaning and avoid using aerosol cleaners, water, solvent-based chemical products, benzene, alcohol or other
cleaning products.
- Always keep children away from electrical outlets.
1.2. Specifications
Gigle GGL301 chipset
Compatible with the IEE 802.3, IEE 802.3u, IEE 802.3x and Auto MDI/X specifications
Compatible with the Homeplug AV standard
Coexists with HomePlug 1.0 modules
Encryption via the AES 128-bit security protocol
200 Mbits/s transfer rate
Asynchronous transmission mode
Modulation: OFDM, 1024/256/64 QAM, QPSK, BPSK
200m range over the electrical network
Ethernet RJ45 port
Average power consumption:
ePlug 200 C: 3.9W when in use, 1.8W when no data is circulating, 0.7W in standby mode,
enabled via the adapter's button (these values may vary depending on your home's electrical
ePlug 200 Multi: 4.2W when in use, 1.8W when no data is circulating, 0.45W in standby mode,
enabled via the adapter's button (these values may vary depending on your home's electrical
Internal power supply: 100~ 240V AC, 50/60Hz
Connect button, allowing you to add a Hercules ePlug 200 adapter to an existing network
LEDs on front face
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Hercules ePlug 200 C Hercules ePlug 200 Multi
1.3. Minimum system requirements
To connect a device to your Hercules ePlug 200 C/Multi adapter:
An Ethernet type network interface must be available on each device to be connected (computer, game
console, modem, router, TV decoder, etc.)
To access the Internet with the Hercules ePlug 200 C/Multi adapter:
Active Internet line
Internet Explorer 6.0, Netscape Navigator 4.7 or Mozilla Firefox 1.0 or higher
ADSL Ethernet modem, cable modem, Internet “Box” (Livebox
, Freebox®, Neufbox®…)
1.4. Box contents
Please verify that the following elements are present in the box:
Depending on the pack:
- Hercules ePlug 200 C/Multi Solo: 1 adapter
- Hercules ePlug 200 C/Multi Duo: 2 adapters
Quick Start Guide in English
Ethernet cable (1 per adapter)
The "Hercules ePlug Station" network configuration and supervision software is available for
download at
1.5. LEDs overview
Hercules ePlug 200 C
: HomePlug connection status
- Green: very good connection (transfer
rates greater than 60 Mbits/s)
- Orange: fairly good connection
(transfer rates between 60 and
40 Mbits/s)
- Red: mediocre connection (transfer
rates less than 40 Mbits/s)
: Power LED: flashes during traffic
Hercules ePlug 200 Multi
: Ethernet connection LED:
- lit up when the Ethernet cable is
- flashes during data transfer
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Hercules ePlug 200 C Hercules ePlug 200 Multi
1.6. Connectivity overview
Hercules ePlug 200 C
Power plug to plug the Hercules ePlug 200 C adapter into an
electrical outlet
Ethernet port allowing you to connect a device to the
Hercules ePlug 200 C adapter (desktop computer, laptop or
netbook computer, game console, TV decoder, modem/router,
Internet “box”)
Pairing button with three functions, allowing you to:
- enable pairing, in order to connect other ePlug 200
adapters to the network (by way of a short press,
from 2 to 4 seconds): the power LED flashes
- enable/disable "energy-saving" mode: a medium
Reset button, allowing you to restore factory default settings
(by way of a short press from 3 to 5 seconds, using a pointed
object): the adapter restarts
press from 5 to 9 seconds enables this mode (the
LEDs switch off, with only the power LED flashing);
a single press lets you exit this mode
- randomly generate a new network password (by
way of a long press, of more than 10 seconds): the
adapter restarts
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Hercules ePlug 200 C Hercules ePlug 200 Multi
Hercules ePlug 200 Multi
Additional electrical outlet to plug in another electrical
Ethernet port allowing you to connect a device to the
Hercules ePlug 200 Multi adapter (desktop computer, laptop or
netbook computer, game console, TV decoder, modem/router,
Internet “box”)
ON/OFF button, allowing you to turn the adapter on or off
Pairing button with three functions, allowing you to:
- enable pairing, in order to connect other ePlug 200
adapters to the network (by way of a short press,
from 2 to 4 seconds): the power LED flashes
- randomly generate a new network password (by
way of a medium press, from 8 to 12 seconds): the
adapter restarts when you release the button
- restore factory default settings (by way of a long
press, of more than 15 seconds): the adapter
Power plug to plug the Hercules ePlug 200 Multi adapter into
an electrical outlet
Hercules ePlug C/Multi adapters adapt their activity according to requirements on the network,
thereby optimizing energy consumption.
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Hercules ePlug 200 C Hercules ePlug 200 Multi
The Hercules ePlug 200 C/Multi adapter has been designed to be simple to use and install. If you have
already purchased and installed HomePlug (or PLC) adapters, Hercules provides a Quick Start Guide which
guides you through several steps to take to add your Hercules ePlug 200 adapters to your existing HomePlug
If you are new to the world of HomePlug technology, we invite you to follow the pieces of advice set out in
chapters 2.1 and 2.2 in order to get started.
Otherwise, you can proceed directly to chapter 2.3. You haven't yet created a HomePlug network: initial
nstallation of Hercules ePlug 200 C/Multi Duo which sets out, step by step, the installation procedure for
your Hercules ePlug 200.
Finally, if you have already created a HomePlug network and wish to add a new adapter, please refer to
chapter 2.4. You have already created a HomePlug network: adding a new adapter to your network
cules ePlug 200 C/Multi Solo or Duo).
2.1. How to position your Hercules ePlug 200 C/Multi
To help you connect your Hercules ePlug 200 C/Multi, start by selecting an electrical outlet near to the
equipment you wish to connect and follow the pieces of advice set out below.
To optimize the transfer of data on your electrical network, be sure to follow these
You should preferably plug the adapters and devices (computer, Internet "box"...) into
If you plug both an adapter and a device into the same powerstrip, the performance
separate wall outlets: one for the adapter and one for the device to be connected to the
HomePlug network.
(bitrate) of your network may be affected.
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Hercules ePlug 200 C Hercules ePlug 200 Multi
2.2. HomePlug: the partner to WiFi in your home
If you have a modem router or an Internet "box", your various pieces of network equipment, whether
connected by WiFi or HomePlug, can communicate with one another. All data is transferred to a central point,
in this case your modem router or Internet "box", and may circulate either on the electrical network via your
HomePlug adapters, or by way of radio waves via WiFi.
It is therefore perfectly possible for a computer or any other piece of network equipment connected via WiFi to
communicate with another piece of equipment connected via the HomePlug network to the modem router.
In chapters 2.2.1 to 2.2.3, you will find different examples of purely HomePlug networks. However, there is
nothing stopping you from adding WiFi devices as well: for example, an Internet "box" connected to the
HomePlug network on the one hand, and a WiFi laptop computer connected to this same "box" via WiFi, on
the other hand.
2.2.1. Connecting two computers in a HomePlug network
2.2.2. Connecting a computer to a modem, a modem router, an
Internet "box" or a game console in a HomePlug network
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Hercules ePlug 200 C Hercules ePlug 200 Multi
2.2.3. Connecting an Internet "box" to a Digital Terrestrial
Television decoder in a HomePlug network
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2.3. You haven't yet created a HomePlug network: initial
installation of Hercules ePlug 200 C/Multi Duo
The HomePlug AV standard of Hercules ePlug 200 adapters is not compatible with the
Homeplug 1.0 standard of Hercules ePlug 85 adapters and HomePlug 14 Mbits/s
adapters, but these two standards can coexist side-by-side. In effect, if you have already
installed a HomePlug network in the HomePlug 1.0 standard (for example, with Hercules
ePlug 85 adapters), you cannot add Hercules ePlug 200 adapters to that network. However,
you are perfectly able to install a second network in your home composed of Hercules
ePlug 200 adapters and HomePlug AV compatible devices.
To install a HomePlug network:
1. Connect the Ethernet cable to the Ethernet plug
on your first adapter.
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Hercules ePlug 200 C Hercules ePlug 200 Multi
Hercules ePlug 200 C:
2. Plug the adapter into an electrical outlet located
near the device to be connected to the network.
Hercules ePlug 200 Multi:
On the Hercules ePlug 200 Multi: if you
wish, plug another device into the additional
electrical outlet (powerstrip, modem,
3. Connect the other end of the Ethernet cable to the
computer, modem, game console or any other
network device (for example, a modem router).
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Hercules ePlug 200 C Hercules ePlug 200 Multi
4. Connect the Ethernet cable to the Ethernet plug
on your second adapter.
5. Plug the adapter into an electrical outlet located
near the device to be connected to the network.
In order to optimize data transfer on the PLC
network, it is preferable not to plug your adapter
directly into a powerstrip.
6. Connect the other end of the Ethernet cable to the
computer, modem, game console or any other
network device (for example, a computer).
When your adapters are connected, the
LED (connection status) lights up and
indicates that the network is functioning
properly. The signal quality is also indicated by
a color code, explained in chapter 1.5. LEDs
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Hercules ePlug 200 C Hercules ePlug 200 Multi
Your computer can now access the Internet via your modem, as the two devices are connected to one
another via the HomePlug network and have the same network password.
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Hercules ePlug 200 C Hercules ePlug 200 Multi
2.4. You have already created a HomePlug network: adding a
new adapter to your network (Hercules ePlug 200 C/Multi
Solo or Duo)
Let's take an example of a home in which you have already installed a HomePlug network composed of
HomePlug adapters in the AV standard (Hercules ePlug 200 C/Multi, for example). You now wish to install
one or more new Hercules ePlug 200 C/Multi adapters in order to expand your network and be able to connect
new devices (printer, modem, router, game console...).
1. Ethernet connection and electrical connection of your new Hercules ePlug 200 adapter
1. Connect the Ethernet cable to the Ethernet plug
on your new adapter.
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Hercules ePlug 200 C Hercules ePlug 200 Multi
Hercules ePlug 200 C:
Hercules ePlug 200 Multi:
2. Plug the new adapter into an electrical outlet
located near the device to be connected to the
In order to optimize data transfer on the PLC
network, it is preferable not to plug your
adapter directly into a powerstrip.
On the Hercules ePlug 200 Multi: if you
wish, plug another device into the additional
electrical outlet (powerstrip, modem,
3. Connect the other end of the Ethernet cable to the
computer, modem, game console or any other
network device (here, a computer).
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Hercules ePlug 200 C Hercules ePlug 200 Multi
4. Press for 2 to 4 seconds on the Connect button
on one of the adapters already connected to the
You now have 2 minutes to pair the new
5. Press for 2 to 4 seconds on the Connect button
on the Hercules ePlug 200 C/Multi adapter.
LED lights up when a connection
to the network has been established.
6 Repeat this procedure to add another Hercules
ePlug 200 C/Multi adapter.
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Hercules ePlug 200 C Hercules ePlug 200 Multi
2. Connection to the network
The network password is applied to the Hercules ePlug 200 C/Multi adapter, which can now communicate with
all the adapters of the existing network.
If the connection of your adapter to the network has failed, there are several possible causes.
Cause 1: You may not have carried out the connection procedure properly:
- Press for between 2 to 4 seconds on the Connect button (also referred to as the security
button by some manufacturers) on the adapter which is already part of your existing network.
- Make the connection by pressing for between 2 to 4 seconds on the Connect button on your
Hercules ePlug 200 C/Multi adapter. You have 2 minutes to carry this out.
Cause 2: Your adapter may not be properly plugged into an electrical outlet, or this
outlet is not powered:
- Verify that the adapter's power LED
is lit up.
Cause 3: There may be a strong disturbance in your electrical network caused by other
devices near to your adapter:
- Avoid plugging your adapter directly into a power strip.
- Unplug the devices plugged in near to the adapter.
- Try plugging the adapter into another outlet.
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Hercules ePlug 200 C Hercules ePlug 200 Multi
2.5. How to change the network password
When you install a HomePlug network, a random password is automatically generated. You can easily
generate a new random password by using the Connect button's restart function.
If you change the network password on an adapter, that adapter will no longer be part of the
- Press for more than 10 seconds (ePlug 200 C
version) or between 8 and 12 seconds
(ePlug 200 Multi version) on the Connect button on
the adapter whose password you want to change.
- Wait until the adapter restarts.
- Connect the other adapters by pressing for
between 2 to 4 seconds on the Connect button on
the adapter which is already part of the network you
wish to create, and then pressing the Connect
button on the adapter you wish to integrate into that
- Repeat this procedure for all adapters you wish to
integrate into the network.
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