Henry Engineering DigiStor MP User Manual

DigiStor-MP is a multi-message MPEG digital audio recorder. It can store up to 40 minutes of monaural audio with a bandwidth of 15 kHz. DigiStor-MP records audio in “MP3” format, but can play MPEG audio files in MPEG layer I, II, or III formats. Files recorded on a PC in these formats can be downloaded into DigiStor-MP via the integral RS-232 interface. DigiStor-MP's multiple modes of use make it ideal for numerous applications in broadcasting, telecommunications, and commercial sound: network news delay, station or translator ID and spot insert, message­on-hold, news & actuality lines, call-in telephone information, museum exhibits & displays, sound effects, announcements, etc. DigiStor-MP can store up to 99 messages which can be played in any order. Multiple playback modes support one-time or repeat play, plus automatic sequencing and message "stacking". Messages can be different lengths, and can be selectively recorded (or changed) without having to re-record other messages. Messages are stored in non-volatile flash memory and are retained even if power is off. (No backup battery is needed.) Recording and playback is via local or remote control. GPI control provides control of Messages #1 thru #8; RS-232 control provides control of all 99 messages. (An optional RS-232/GPI interface permits GPI control of all 99 messages.) DigiStor-MP can record from either a mic or line level source. Line input and output levels are adjustable. Two relays are provided for end-of-message (EOM) signaling and peripheral equipment control. The optional telephone coupler allows DigiStor-MP to be connected to a phone line for auto-answer single-message playback.
2.0 INSTALLATION: DigiStor-MP can be wall or desk mounted. An optional rack mount kit is available.
2.1 DC POWER: Connect the included power supply via the POWER terminals. Observe polarity.
2.2 AUDIO INPUTS: DigiStor-MP can record from either a mic or line level source. To record from a mic, use the
1/8" MIC input jack. This input is unbalanced, and will accept any LO-Z mic signal. To record from a line source (tape deck, audio mixer,) use the RCA LINE input jack. This input is unbalanced, and will accept a line level signal between about -15 and +4 dBv. The input impedance is 10K ohms; termination is not required. NOTE: The MIC and LINE inputs cannot be used simultaneously. Use either the MIC OR LINE input, not both at the same time.
2.3 AUDIO OUTPUTS: DigiStor-MP provides two audio outputs: one is at -10 dBm, the other is +4 dBm. Select the output most appropriate for the equipment being driven. The -10 dBm output is via the RCA jack. This output is balanced and transformer isolated, and will drive a 600 ohm load. It CAN be ground-referenced if necessary. The +4 dBm output is via the output terminals labeled SPKR. This is an ACTIVE balanced (transformerless) output. It can drive any load, including a loudspeaker, with a load impedance of 8 ohms or higher. Because this output is electronically balanced, DO NOT connect either output terminal to ground. DO NOT reference the load to ground. It is not necessary to terminate either output.
3.0 DESCRIPTION OF CONTROLS AND LEDs: DigiStor-MP uses front panel pushbuttons for local recording and playback of messages and LEDs to indicate system status. They function as follows:
SWITCHES RECORD SETUP Push to enter/exit the Record Setup mode MANUAL SYNC Push to “record” a SYNC relay cue START/STOP Push to start or stop Play or Record function SELECT Push to select the message to be played or recorded; hold to jump in 10-Msg. increments.
LEDs POWER (on rear) ON=Power on, system OK. FLASH=memory error. See Sec. 9.0. OVERDRIVE ON=Audio input level too high. (Turn Input Level CCW) AUDIO SENSE ON=Audio input signal present. OFF=No audio detected. SYNC FLASH=Indicates SYNC relay cue RECORD FLASH=Ready to record; ON=Recording in process MESSAGE # Indicates which message is selected for play or record. Decimal points flash when
message has been recorded. (No decimal points indicate that message # is empty.)
Sierra Madre, CA 91024
Tel: 626.355.3656 Fax: 626.355.0077
4.0 SETTING THE CONFIG SWITCHES (NOTE: CONFIG switches affect playback via GPI remote control only.) DigiStor-MP has numerous modes of operation that can be programmed with the 8 CONFIG switches. The switches are numbered from left to right, 1 thru 8. When DigiStor-MP is shipped, all CONFIG switches are UP, setting the unit for normal "default" operation. NOTE: The CONFIG switches are "read" by the system only during power-up. Changing any CONFIG switches while the system is powered up will have no effect unless the system is shut down, then powered-up again. (UP=switch is up; DN=switch is down.)
REPEAT MODES: Switches #1 and #2 select the number of times a message plays when triggered, as follows: #1 #2 UP UP Play message 1 time UP DN Play message 2 times DN UP Play message 3 times DN DN Play message 4 times
RECORD MODE: Switch #3 selects the Record mode. #3 UP NORMAL Record mode enabled. See Section 6.2 for details. DN PRIORITY Record mode enabled. See Section 6.3 for details.
RELAY MODE: Switch #4 selects the operation of the primary PLAY RELAY, as follows: #4 UP PLAY relay stays CLOSED while message is playing. DN PLAY relay generates 500ms "EOM" pulse when message stops playing.
PLAY MODE: Switches #5 and #6 select the playback mode of "message sequences". A "message sequence" equals the message audio times the number of plays as selected by CONFIG Switches #1 & #2.
#5 #6
UP UP Standard operation. See text below for details. UP DN Play one sequence per closure. See text below for details. DN UP Play while active. See text below for details. DN DN Re-trigger. See text below for details.
Standard operation: A momentary contact closure causes the system to play one sequence of the message selected. If the contact closure is maintained, the system will continuously play that sequence until the input is released, at which time the system will finish the current playback sequence and then stop. If multiple inputs are held active (maintained closures) the system will play one sequence of the first message, then cycle through the other messages sequentially, based on the order in which they were activated. This is known as "message stacking". (Lower message #s will have priority should multiple inputs be activated at exactly the same time.) Momentary closures will be ignored while any message is playing via a maintained closure.
Play one sequence per closure: If a message input is maintained, the system will only play the message sequence one time. The system will wait for the input to go inactive for 100ms before it will recognize that input for another trigger. Other play activations will be serviced normally, even with another input held active indefinitely. This mode supports "message cueuing". Message cueuing allows the user to input multiple momentary activations to DigiStor-MP, causing each message to play in the order it was triggered. The queue length is a maximum of 16 messages. A single message can be queued to play more than once. A STOP command will stop the message that is currently playing, and when released, the next message in the queue will begin playing. If multiple inputs are held active (maintained closures), the system will play each message sequence once then stop.
Play while active: Upon receiving a maintained input signal, the message will continue to play for the duration the input is held active. If the input signal is removed prior to the end of the message sequence, the system will immediately abort the playback sequence. If the input is sustained after the current playing sequence has completed, another sequence will begin. If multiple inputs are maintained active, the system will only play the active message and then repeat. (This mode does not support message queuing.)
Re-trigger: This mode allows playing messages to be interrupted by another incoming message, or another triggering of the same message. If a message is currently playing and another message trigger is received, the currently playing message will be terminated and the new message will begin playback. A maintained input will only play the sequence one time and then stop. If multiple inputs are activated at the same time, only the lower numbered message will play. (This mode does not support message queuing.)
PLAY NEXT: Switch #7 enables the Play Next sequential playback mode. If Play Next is ENABLED, only the Message #8 input is active. Successive momentary closures will play active messages in sequence, from lowest to highest, then repeat. This mode can be used for automatic 'rotation' of messages. #7 UP Play Next mode is disabled. DN Play Next mode is ENABLED.
NOTE: CONFIG switches will NOT affect operation when messages are played using the local START/STOP button.
CONFIG switches affect play mode only when message playback is triggered via GPI remote control (P1).
MEMORY PROTECT: Switch #8 allows the user to "lock out" the record mode so that messages cannot be recorded, erased, or changed. #8 UP Normal, message can be recorded DN Recording function DISABLED
5.0 LOCAL OPERATON: Recording and playing messages using the pushbuttons on the unit. (NOTE: CONFIG switches described above do NOT affect operation via these pushbuttons.)
5.1 RECORDING A MESSAGE (NOTE: The minimum message length is 2 seconds.)
1. Make necessary audio input and output connections to the system. Set OUTPUT LEVEL fully CW.
2. Push the RECORD SETUP button; Record LED will flash.*
3. Press the SELECT button to select the Message # to be recorded.
4. Feed audio into the DigiStor-MP while watching the AUDIO SENSE and OVERDRIVE LEDs. The AUDIO SENSE LED should light to confirm audio is present. If the OVERDRIVE LED flashes, the input level it too high. Turn the INPUT LEVEL control CCW until it goes out. (Audio signal will be heard through the OUTPUT jacks.)
5. Once audio levels have been set, begin recording by pressing the START/STOP button once. The RECORD LED will remain ON during recording. NOTE: There is a slight delay, about ½ sec, before recording begins.
6. To stop recording, press the START/STOP button again. System will return to idle. * Record Setup will time-out after 1 minute of inactivity.
5.1.1 RECORDING A “SYNC” RELAY CUE: DigiStor-MP can be programmed to generate a momentary relay closure at the SYNC relay outputs while any message is playing. To manually “mark” the position where the SYNC relay should close during playback, press the SYNC button while recording a message. As the message plays, the SYNC LED will light when a SYNC cue is detected and the SYNC relay closes.
An alternate way to record a SYNC cue during recording is to feed a 1kHz tone into the SYNC INPUT jack. A SYNC cue will be recorded when this tone is sensed.
5.2 PLAYING A MESSAGE: (NOTE: CONFIG switches do NOT affect play via pushbuttons on unit.)
1. Press the SELECT button to select Message # to play.*
2. Press the START/STOP button to begin playback.
3. Press the START/STOP button again to stop playback at any time. * Playback message selection will time-out after 1 minute of inactivity.
6.0 REMOTE OPERATION USING GPI INTERFACE: DigiStor-MP can be controlled via GPI (contact closure) interface. GPI control allows access to Message #1 thru #8 only. (All 99 messages can be accessed via RS-232.)
6.1 GPI REMOTE CONTROL WIRING (For remote control of Messages #1 thru #8):
There are 2 connectors used for GPI remote control of DigiStor-MP: Connector #1 (P1) and Connector #2 (P2). P1 is a 12-position euroblock connector used for remote control of Message Play, Stop, and for access to the primary PLAY RELAY contacts. P2 is a 3-position connector used for remote control of the Record function, and access to the secondary SYNC RELAY contacts. All Play, Stop, and Record functions are triggered with contact closures to the "COMMON" (ground) pin, P1-1. Pin-outs are shown in FIGURE 1.
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