The Autostar range is provided with a patented PCB which allows the constant control on the output
voltage of the electromechanical battery chargers during the boost start. Through this system it is possible to avoid damages to the electronic devices of the new generation vehicles when the boost start
reaches its voltage peak.
All the vehicles’ PCBs are in any case equipped with overload protection.
On the smaller Autostar (300, 500 and 700) there are three pilot lights indicating:
Thermal protection intervention
Boost start function (red)
Controlled output voltage (green)
On the bigger Autostar (1000, 1300 and 2000) the PCB acts from the inside of the machine and there
isn’t any pilot light.
The battery charger/starter with CPS works in the Boost Start as follows:
Switch on the vehicle.
The motor doesn’t start , the battery is fl at.
Connect in parallel the battery charger/starter with CPS to the battery.
Start the battery charger /starter with CPS up and turn the key. The CPS PCB activates the battery
charger/starter so as to give to the starter enough current for the time necessary to start the machine
motor. This CPS PCB in fact controls the boosting current supply and when it recognizes the current
need, it automatically activates the Boost start function. For the same principle when the battery voltage reaches (at the battery end) the safety values, the boost function automatically stops. On full batteries (charged) the battery charger / starter does not even work at boost function.
The boost start function with remote control is replaced on the Autostar models by the boost start through CPS.
On the Autostar 1000, 1300 and 2000 there are the following functions:
normal (slow) charge as before
fast charge with timer as before
Boost start with CPS, which replaces all other boost start functions.
If there aren’t any other relevant remarks for the Boost start function, it is advisable to fast charge for
minimum 10 minutes before boost starting.
The normal (slow) charge function is the same as always: it is always better to proceed with the normal
charge at low values. In this way the battery life will be safeguarded, in some conditions the risks for the
battery are reduced and damages to the electronic devices of the machine are avoided. If you proceed
with the normal (slow) charge, the battery can also be connected on the machine (on board), but in the
case you proceed with the fast charge this must be done in any case with the battery outside (disconnected) as the temperature raises. Following this warning you will avoid possible damages.