Curtain System. This patented, non-chemical filter system, when properly applied will remove iron, manganese and/or
hydrogen sulfide from your water supply. The Iron Curtain has been third-party tested by the Water Quality Association. An
optional "Type A" filter also corrects low pH water.
This owner’s manual is designed to assist owners and installers with the operation, maintenance, and installation of your new iron
removal system. It is our sincere hope that this manual is clear, concise, and helpful to both owner and installer. We have included
detailed instructions of general operating conditions, pre-installation, installation, start-up, and timer settings.
on your purchase of one of the finest water treatment systems available today – the Iron
contact the dealer you purchased this system from. Your dealer will be familiar with your particular situation, your water
conditions, etc. and should be able to address your concerns promptly and efficiently.
Should you have any questions regarding the installation, operation or servicing of this system, please
Installation Data ..........................................................................................................................................................................3
Air Recharge & Air Bleed-Off Valve Fitting Connection Assy. ....................................................................................................3
Aeration Head Fitting Connection ...............................................................................................................................................3
Principle of Operation ................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Operation of Aeration Pump ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Advantages Over Other Systems ............................................................................................................................................... 4
General Application Guidelines................................................................................................................................................... 5
Pre-Installation Check List ..........................................................................................................................................................6
Regeneration Frequency ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
Type A Iron Curtain Systems ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
Instructions for Adding IC pH Correction Media.......................................................................................................................7-8
How to Set Timer ........................................................................................................................................................................9
How to Set Regeneration Time ................................................................................................................................................. 10
How to Manually Regenerate Your Water Filter ....................................................................................................................... 10
How To Manually Advance Control Center ............................................................................................................................... 10
How to Set Regeneration Cycle Program .................................................................................................................................11
Iron Curtain System Diagram.................................................................................................................................................... 12
Iron Curtain Wiring Diagram ..................................................................................................................................................... 12
Iron Curtain Timer Assembly .................................................................................................................................................... 13
Iron Curtain Control Drive Assembly......................................................................................................................................... 14
Iron Curtain Aeration Pump Diagram ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Iron Curtain Aeration Pump Repair Instructions ....................................................................................................................... 16
IC-10 Series Control Valve Assembly ....................................................................................................................................... 17
IC-12 Series Control Valve Assembly ....................................................................................................................................... 18
Instructions for Replacing Piston Assy. & Seal Kit ...............................................................................................................19-21
Iron Curtain Flow Diagrams .................................................................................................................................................22-24
Winterizing Iron Curtain Systems.............................................................................................................................................. 27
Iron Curtain Limited Warranty ................................................................................................................................................... 28
Date of Installation _______________________________________ Model No.___________________________________
Address of Installation ___________________________________________________________________________________
Installed By_____________________________________________________________________________________________
Raw Water Test:Iron_______Manganese_______pH_______Hydrogen Sulfide_______
TDS_______Iron Bacteria_______ yes _______ noTannins_______
Automatic Regeneration: Every _______ Days
Influent Flow Rate @ 25 PSI _______ Gallons Per Minute (gpm)
*Refer to page 11 for instructions if altering factory settings.
Note: Five pins extending out back of program wheel (0 - 8 program wheel location) are synchronized with bleed-off spaces 26 - 34.
Air Recharge & Air Bleed-Off
Valve Fitting Connection
Aeration Head Fitting Connection
Fast & Tite Fittings, Pictures 1 - 5
2. Mark from end of tube the length of
insertion. (See Table)
Insertion lengthInsertion length
SizeTube SupportTube Support
1/4 O.D........ 9/16” .............. 5/8”
5/16 O.D...... 9/16” .............. 5/8”
3/8 O.D.......... 3/4” .......... 13/16”
1/2 O.D...... 13/16” .............. 7/8”
5/8 O.D............. 1” .......... 15/16”
1. Cut the tube squarely and remove
any burrs.
3. Loosen nut on fitting until three
threads are visible. Fittings for
glass tubes must be disassembled
and the grab ring removed.
A. Iron Curtain Bleed Off Valve - PN 22-55
B. Iron Curtain Air Recharge Valve - PN 22-54
4. Moisten end of the tube with water. Push tube
STRAIGHT into fitting unit it bottoms on the fitting’s
shoulder. Tighten nut by hand. Additional tightening
should not be necessary, but 1/4 additional turn may
be added if desired. DO NOT OVER-TIGHTEN nut
or threads will strip and the fitting will not function
properly. A proper assembly will not show the insertion mark extending beyond the nut. If the insertion
mark is visible, then steps 1 thru 4 must be repeated.
5. When using clear vinyl tubing, it
is necessary to use a “TS” tube
support. Disassemble the fitting
and place the nut, grab ring at the
insertion mark as shown. Seat the
O-ring in the body then proceed
with step 4.
3. Hydrogen Sulfide Reduction/Removal
A special Type A filter also provides pH adjustment on water
supplies with a pH from 6.0 or greater.
Principle of Operation
The Iron Curtain System uses a three step process of
oxidation, precipitation, and mechanical filtration for the
reduction/removal of iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide. The process of how the Iron Curtain System does each
one of these separate procedures is the key to the successful
results this product has obtained in the market place. There
are three main components that make up the Iron CurtainSystem. They are:
1. IC Control Center w/Aeration Pump
2. Aeration Tank
3. Multi-Media Depth Filter
The first step in any oxidizing process is to bring the
raw water into intimate contact with a strong oxi-
dant. This will begin to convert the dissolved element such as
iron or manganese to a physical particle or nonsoluble
precipitate. The least expensive environmentally-safe oxidant is oxygen (02)–air. To do this, the Iron Curtain System
makes the water spray through a regulated head of air in the
aeration tank.
The second step in this three step process of oxida-
tion - precipitation - filtration is to provide adequate
reaction or contact time for the precipitation to go to
completion. This allows time for the iron and/or manganese
particles to become large enough to filter out. The aeration
tank with the Iron Curtain System allows for several minutes
of contact time at the rated service flows, compared to only
seconds on other systems.
It should be noted that this reaction time will also be affected
by temperature; the warmer the water the faster the reaction.
This reaction time may also be affected by the presence of
organic material (such as tannins).
field tests have shown that they will not be removed and will
also hinder the ability of this system to effectively remove
iron, manganese, and/or hydrogen sulfide. Installation of this
system on water supplies with more than 0.5 ppm of tannins
will void warranty.
The third and final step is the removal of the precipi-
tates from the water. The WQA Water Filtration Study
Guide states:
“The ideal filter bed would be one with large grains at the top
to prevent the formation of a surface cake and to provide
large pores for course particles and small grains at the
bottom to entrap smaller particles. This allows the entire
depth of the bed to be used as a filter. This also allows for
longer filter runs and faster flow rates. Unfortunately, such an
ideal bed, when consisting of a single media is not possible,
If tannins are present,
the way to solve this problem is to use layers of media.”
The advantages of a multi-media bed are:
1. Longer runs between backwash times.
2. Caking of the bed and breakthrough of turbidity are
virtually eliminated.
3. Much higher service flow rates per square foot.
4. Higher degree of clarity because of the heavier, finer filter
media in the bottom.
The standard Iron Curtain System uses five layers of filter
media. The top layer is made up of large, lighter weight
particles. The second layer contains a slightly heavier media.
The third layer contains a much heavier media.The fourth
layer contains an even heavier media. The fifth layer is a
special support bed to retain filter media so it does not pass
through the distribution system, and allows an even distributed flow of backwash water.
Operation of Aeration Pump
The Iron Curtain System introduces air into the aeration tank
and bleeds off the old head of air automatically. Following the
backwash cycle, both the air recharge valve and the air bleed
off valve open, allowing water and/or air to bleed out of the
aeration tank. After approximately 4 minutes, the aeration
pump automatically starts pumping a fresh head of air into the
aeration tank for approximately 10 minutes. After the pump
shuts off, the air recharge and air bleed off valves remain
open for an additional 4 minutes to allow any excess air and/
or water to bleed off to drain.
Advantages Over
Other Systems
1. Tested and validated by WQA under their S-200 Standard.
2. Uses no chemicals or salt.
3. Eliminates need for air injectors, venturis, or micronizers.
4. No floats or air volume controls to regulate air volume in
aeration tank which “foul” from iron.
5. Two-tank system consisting of a pressurized aeration
tank and multi-media depth filter.
6. 110V aeration pump to recharge aeration tank.
7. Can be used on shared wells, municipal water supplies,
or with buried pressure tanks without additional equipment.
8. Higher service flow rates.
9. Better filtration results.
10. U.S. Patent #B1 5,096,596
Operating Conditions
General Application
The Iron Curtain System has been validated by the WQA
under their S-200 Filter Standard for the reduction/removal of
iron, manganese, and/or hydrogen sulfide. The concentration
limits listed below reflect the maximum individual limit that
each contaminant was tested for separately without any
interference of other contaminants in the influent water.
In reality, however, we know that these contaminants may be
present in combination which may limit the filter’s ability to
remove these contaminants in higher concentrations. In
some cases, individual sellers of this equipment have had
success removing higher concentrations of contaminants—
iron, for example—above the limitations we have listed. If you
are considering the installation of this system for the reduction/removal of iron, manganese and/or hydrogen sulfide
beyond the printed operating conditions below, we recommend
that you consult the manufacturer for proper application.
Installation of this system under these circumstances may
void part(s) and/or all of the system warranty.
pH — The pH level of the influent water must be 7.0 or higher unless
you have a Type A filter, which will work on a pH of 6.0 to 7.0.
Iron — This system is rated for a maximum of 10 ppm of
ferrous (clear water) and/or ferric (red water) iron.*
Iron Bacteria — If iron bacteria are present; more frequent
service may result, the life of the Iron Curtain system may be
limited and the system may be unable to properly remove
iron. By properly controlling the iron bacteria with chlo-
rine or other approved methods for bacterial reduction,
the Iron Curtain System will function properly. One
option is to control iron bacteria within the Iron Curtain
is chlorine injection during the regeneration cycle. In
some instances, continuous chlorinaton of the water
supply may be needed.
Hydrogen Sulfide — Often referred to as rotten egg odor,
hydrogen sulfide will be reduced significantly on water supplies
containing less than 10 ppm. Past installations have shown
that hydrogen sulfide levels from 2.0 - 10.00 ppm will require
use of the Iron Curtain Remote Control Center and/or larger
aeration assembly. The Iron Curtain Remote Control Center
has an independent timer program which recharges the aeration
assembly with fresh oxygen up to six times per day, with the
filter(s) being regenerated with their own independent timer.*
Manganese — Limit 2.0 ppm; amounts present over 2.0 ppm
will gradually prevent iron removal. If manganese is present,
a larger filter should be installed with more frequent
backwashing. Note: For optimum manganese reduction, pH
should be greater than 8.5.*
Organic Matter (Tannins) — The presence of organic
matter such as tannins may tie up iron or manganese preventing the oxidation/filtration process from occuring.
ence of organics such as tannins above 0.5 ppm voids any
claims for this system to perform as stated above. In some
applications, tannin levels below 0.5 ppm or the presence of
other organics may hinder the operation of this system.
Chlorine — The presence of chlorine in the raw water supply
ahead of this system should be limited to a maximum of 1.0
ppm residual and preferably 0.5 ppm or less when fed
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) — While TDS does not
directly affect iron removal, it is a good indicator of potential
interference. Most waters have TDS less than 500 and generally present no problems to iron treatment. If any ion becomes
excessive, it can possibly cause failure of iron removal.
TDS more than 750 ppm voids any claims for this system to
perform as stated above.*
The pres-
Guidelines for Residential
Iron Curtain Systems
Iron Applications
0.3 - 3.0 ppm IronStandard IC System, sized for
application service flow rate,
set to regenerate every three days.
3.0 - 6.0 ppm IronStandard IC System, sized for
application service flow rate,
set to regenerate every other day.
6.0 - 10.0 ppm IronStandard IC System, sized for
application service flow rate,
set to regenerate every day.
10+ ppm IronConsult Factory
Note: Manganese will also be reduced if the pH of the
water is 8.5 or greater.
Hydrogen Sulfide Applications
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) consumes 7 times the amount of
oxygen to oxidize than iron does. Therefore, for Hydrogen
Sulfide Applications, we use the following guidelines:
0 - 1 ppm H2SStandard IC System, Aeration tank
sized for 2 minutes contact time.
2 - 4 ppm H2SIC System using Remote Control
Center with Pump, Aeration tank
sized for 2 minutes contact time.
Standard IC System could be used
for these applications, however the
system must be set to regenerate
every day to replenish air in
aeration tank. During high usage
times, available oxygen in the
aeration tank could be consumed,
allowing bleed through of H2S. By
using the Remote Control Center
with Pump, the air in aeration tank is
replenished every 4 hours and
filter(s) can be set to regenerate
everyday, every other day or every
three days.
5 - 8 ppm H2SIC System using Remote Control
Center with Pump, Aeration tank
sized for 3 minutes contact time.
Use an Iron Curtain Plus bed for
optimum results.
8-10 ppm H2SIC system using Remote Control
Center with Pump, Aeration tank
sized for a minimum of three
minutes contact time, Iron Curtain
Plus bed.
Also note that with TDS over 750 ppm, additional contact
time is recommended. Consult Factory.
*For application parameters outside the specified operating conditions or additional information regarding the listed items
contact your dealer.
Check List
Water Pressure: A minimum of 30 psi at a predetermined
flow rate is required to backwash the filter properly, with a
maximum of 70 psi to be used.*
Actual Influent Flow Rate: (Water available from well
pump, service inlet, etc.) The actual pumping rate must
exceed the backwash rate for the model of filter selected at
a minimum of 30 psi. See actual backwash rates in the
Specifications section on page 7.
Electrical Requirements for Filter Control: A continuous
110 volts is required to cycle the controls and aeration pump.
Make certain the electrical supply is always on and cannot be
turned off with another switch.
Existing Plumbing: The condition of the existing plumbing
should be free from lime and iron build-up. Piping that is
heavily built-up with lime and/or iron should be replaced.
Equipment Location: See Figures 1, 2 & 3 on page 8&9.
Location of Aeration and Filter Tank: See Figures 1, 2 &
3 on page 8&9. These two tanks should be installed after the
pressure tank and as close to each other as practical. If you
want to filter outside hosebibbs, be sure the filter system is
properly sized to handle the flow rates required for extended
periods of time, in addition to the normal household demand.
Drain Lines: All drain lines must be a minimum of 3/4" or
equal to the size of the drain line connection at the control
valve or larger. Avoid overhead drain lines when possible. If
used, overhead drain lines are not to exceed a height of five
feet above the control valve and should be no more than fifty
feet in length.
Pressure Relief Valve: A pressure relief valve is installed in
the aeration tank manifold and it is recommended that a
separate drain line be extended toward the floor or to a drain
recepticle. NOTE: Do not plumb to a common drain line with
filter backwash discharge.
Check Valve: On applications where there is a non-filtered
demand for water such as joint wells (where the filter system
is only installed in one of two or more homes), outside
hosebibbs, farms with outbuildings, yard hydrants, etc. a
spring loaded check valve is provided and must be installed
ahead of the aeration tank. See Figures 1, 2 & 3 on page 8&9.
It is recommended to install the check valve in a vertical
upflow position with a minimum 12" water column above the
check valve. This prevents air from escaping past the check
valve. If the check valve is installed in a horizontal position, and
there is a simultaneous demand for both non-filtered and
filtered water, the air head in the aeration tank may escape
backwards past the check valve into the non-filtered water line
and cause air spitting.
By-Pass Valves: Always provide for a three-valve bypass on
the filter system. See Figures 1, 2 & 3 on page 8&9.
Optional Filter Inlet Shut-Off: This valve allows for servicing
of the filter tank and/or filter control valve without draining the
aeration tank. See Figures 1, 2 & 3 on page 8&9.
Filtered Water: Normally, filtered water is furnished to all
household lines; however, outside faucets are typically left
on raw water. If filtered water is provided to outside faucets,
the filter system must be sized accordingly.
Caution: The water pressure is not to exceed 70 p.s.i.; water
temperature is not to exceed 110° F; conditioner cannot be
subject to freezing conditions; conditioner cannot be subject
to a negative pressure or vacuum. On installations where
there is the possibility of a negative pressure or vacuum, a
vacuum breaker or check valve must be installed at the inlet
of the conditioner. For example, if the water service is
interrupted due to a water pipe break, well pump being
serviced, etc., a back siphon could occur causing a vacuum
or negative pressure on the filtration equipment.
Installation Instructions
(See Page 3 for Special Factory Connections Assembly)
1. Follow all local and state plumbing and electrical codes.
2. A jumper ground wire should be installed where the metallic
continuity of a water distribution piping system is interrupted.
3. Turn the water supply off.
4. If you have a water softener, place the water softener on
bypass and close the shut-off valve to the water heater.
5. Drain down the plumbing system.
6. Mount the control valve and aeration pump on the filter tank.
7. Do all necessary plumbing as shown in Figures 1, 2 & 3
on page 8. If you want to filter outside hosebibbs, be sure
the filter system is properly sized to handle the flow rates
required for extended periods of time, in addition to the
normal household demand. Use a PVC compatible thread
sealer when connecting fittings to the aeration tank
manifold. Care must be taken not to overtighten
fittings into aeration tank manifold.
8. Run the drain line from the filter control in accordance with
local plumbing codes. The drain line will emit surges of
excess air from the aeration tank and therefore must be
secured. Models IC-10 & IC-10A have a 1/2” Male NPT
Drain Connection. Models IC-12 & IC-12A have a 3/4”
Female NPT Drain Connection. For all models, use a
minimum 3/4” I.D. Drain Line.
9. Connect the 3/8" white polytubing from the white fitting on the
aeration tank manifold to the air recharge valve on the Iron
Curtain Control Center. Connect the 3/8" black polytubing
from the black fitting on the aeration tank manifold to the air
bleedoff valve on the Iron Curtain Control Center. The 3/8"
white and black tubing are located in the Control Center
box. Cut tubing off to minimal necessary length after
aeration tank and filter tank are in place. Secure tubing
to the plumbing with cable ties provided. Connect drain
discharge line to pressure relief valve.
NOTE: The control valve is shipped in the air bleed off
position, see step #3 in flow diagrams, page 20.
1.Close all valves that were previously opened to drain the
plumbing system. Close the inlet and outlet valves on the
Iron Curtain Filter System and open the filter system
bypass valve. If you have a water softener, leave it on
bypass also.
2.Turn on the main water supply valve and flush the water
distribution system. Run water at the nearest cold water
faucet until all the air is relieved, lines are flushed and the
water is clear.
3.Open the inlet valve to the filter no more than 1/4 turn and
allow excess air in the filter tank to escape to drain. After
a steady stream of water is seen at the drain without any
air, proceed to the next step.
4.Close the bypass valve and open the inlet valve all the
way. Leave the outlet valve closed.
5.Plug in the electrical cord from the Iron Curtain Control
Center. In approximately four minutes, the aeration
pump will automatically turn on and begin to pump air
into the aeration tank. Allow the Iron Curtain Control
Center to finish the remaining cycles automatically
(approximately 25 minutes). Make certain that thefilter control is in the Service Position (piston all the
way out). Do NOT backwash filter at this time. Set time
of day. Time of regeneration is preset for 12:00 a.m.
Regeneration frequency is preset for every three days.
(Type A Filters are preset for every other day.) If you
wish to reset any of these factory settings, see page 9.
6.Make sure the filter will not regenerate within 24
hours of installation to allow the filter media to
absorb water and not be backwashed out.
7.Open the outlet valve on the filter, then open the nearest
cold water faucet and allow the water to run until the air
stops spurting and discoloration is gone. Note: It is
normal for aerated water to appear effervescent.
8.If the water softener was placed on bypass, close the
bypass valve and place the softener in service.
9.Open the shut off valve to the water heater.
Regeneration Frequency
Your Iron Curtain Filter System contains a special filter media
mixture which allows it to filter iron longer than standard filters
between backwash regenerations. However, it is our recommendation to leave factory settings as is, unless you wish to
backwash more frequently. You will have to backwash more
frequently if you have iron bacteria, hydrogen sulfide, and/or
manganese present in your water supply. You will also have
to regenerate more frequently if you notice iron bleed through
before the end of the normal service run.
(1) Aeration Head and Check Valve have 1” Inlet/Outlet.
(2) Water temps above 60° F will require a higher backwash rate. Consult factory.
Cu. Ft
(2) Back-
SYSTEMS (Optional)
When supply water has a pH between 6.0 and 6.9, a Type A
filter system with sacrificial media is generally used. To
insure top performance this media needs to be replenished
periodically depending on water characteristics and usage
patterns, generally every 6 to 18 months. This can be
determined by testing the pH of the water at a cold filtered tap
or by physically measuring the amount of freeboard (See
Figure 8, page 4.) If the pH is 7.0 or greater, media does not
need to be added. If the pH is below 7.0 and/or the amount
of freeboard is greater than 18" for IC-10A or 17" for IC-12A
(see step 5), media needs to be added. If media needs to be
added contact your dealer and ask for the following:
Part Number 1-A8011
.66 cubic foot IC pH Correction Media (50 lb. bag)
Instructions for Adding IC pH
Correction Media
See Figures 1, 2 & 3 on page 8..
1. Place Iron Curtain System on bypass. (Close inlet and
outlet valves and open bypass valve.)
2. Relieve pressure by manually advancing timer to back-
wash position (see page 10). Unplug control valve after
valve is shifted into backwash position and piston has
stopped moving. After pressure is relieved, proceed.
2A. If your type “A” Iron Curtain filter is equipped with an
optional “dome hole and bottom drain” proceed as follows otherwise advance to step three:
a. After pressure is relieved remove the dome
plug by turning counter clockwise. Open the
bottom drainand allow approximately 15 inches
of water to drain out.
b. Measure down through the dome hole to deter-
mine media level. The media level may be as low
as 1/2 of the total tank height or as high as 2/3 of
the total tank height.
c. Add pH correction media and fill to a maximum
level of 2/3 of the total tank height. Approximately
17-18 inches down from the top of the tank on an
IC-12 or IC-10 respectively.
d. Replace the dome hole plug being cautious not to
cross-thread. Check the o’ring seal to be sure it
is clean from foreign debris. Hand tighten only,
plus approximately 1/8 of a turn with a wrench.
Be careful not to overtighten causing damage to
the threads.
e. Proceed to step 11.
3. Remove the control valve from tank (see page 14).
Determine if plumbing is rigid and able to support the
weight of the control valve assembly.
If the plumbing is rigid and able to support the weight of
the control valve assembly:
•Remove the two adapter base screws and slide the tank
away from the control valve and plumbing so it is easier
to work on.
If the plumbing is unable to support the weight of the
control valve assembly:
•IC-10A: Loosen the union nuts on the inlet and outlet and
disconnect plumbing. Loosen the fitting nuts on back of
air recharge and air bleed-off valves and remove tubing.
Loosen the fitting nut on drain line flow control housing
and remove tubing. Loosen the screw holding the drain
line flow control and disconnect the drain. Slide the tank
unit away from the plumbing so it is easier to work on.
•IC-12A: There must be a union installed on the inlet,
outlet, and drain line of control valve to proceed. If not,they must be installed prior to proceeding. Loosen
the union on the inlet, outlet, and drain and disconnect
plumbing. Loosen the fitting nuts on back of air recharge
and air bleed-off valves and remove tubing. Slide the unit
away from the plumbing so it is easier to work on.
Remove the two adapter base screws and remove the
control valve assembly from the tank.
4. Remove the adapter base. Place the two adapter base
screws back in the adapter base and thread in until they
are flush with the bottom of the adapter base but not
touching the top of the tank. Carefully place a pry bar
(long screwdriver, wrench, etc.) between the screws and
apply pressure counterclockwise to loosen the adapter
base. Be careful not to crease or tear the o-rings inthe adapter base. Unscrew the adapter base from tank
and remove. Be careful not to pull up the distributor
tube with adapter base. If distributor tube does pull
up with the adapter base, consult your dealer. At this
point, it is recommended to remove some of the water
from the tank. This can be done by placing a small hose
inside the distributor tube and creating a siphon; or by
carefully tipping the tank sideways, pouring out water
only, not media.
5. From the top of the tank, measure down approximately
1/3 the overall height of the tank (18" for IC-10A, 17" for
IC-12A) and mark the tank. This is the amount of freeboard and the maximum fill height that should not be
exceeded when adding media. If media is at correct
height and pH is below 7.0, do not add. Consult your
6. Cover the distributor tube (use a plastic cap, or masking/
duct tape) so media will not get into the distributor tube.
7. Using a funnel, add IC pH correction media until it
reaches the maximum fill line.
8. Rinse the powdery fines from the funnel, covered distributor tube, and tank threads. Remove the funnel and
uncover distributor tube.
9. Place the adapter base back on tank and thread into
place until snug. Be careful not to cross thread the
adapter base in tank threads. You may need to "back
thread" the adapter base to get it started correctly.
Carefully place a pry bar (long screwdriver, wrench, etc.)
between the screws and apply pressure clockwise until
tight. Be careful not to crease or tear the o-rings in theadapter base. Remove the two screws from adapter base.
10. Reattach the control valve to the tank.
If the control valve was supported and connected to the
plumbing, slide the tank underneath the control valve and
align. Be careful not to dislodge or cut o-rings. Install
the two adapter base screws and tighten.
If the control valve was disconnected from plumbing,
place control valve on adapter base and align. Be care-ful not to dislodge or cut o-rings. Install the two
adapter base screws and tighten.
• IC-10A: Reconnect the drain and tighten the screw
that holds the flow control housing. Reconnect the
bleed-off tubing to flow control housing and tighten
the fitting nut. Reconnect the tubing to the air
recharge and air bleed-off valves and tighten fitting
nuts. Reconnect inlet and outlet plumbing and
tighten the union nuts on inlet and outlet.
• IC-12A: Reconnect the tubing to the air recharge
and air bleed-off valves and tighten fitting nuts.
Reconnect inlet, outlet, and drain plumbing and
tighten unions.
11. Slowly open the inlet valve and allow filter to fill at a slow
rate. After a steady stream of water is running to drain,
completely open inlet valve. Open outlet valve and close
bypass valve.
12. Plug the control valve in and reset time of day (see page 9.)
13. Allow the system to finish the regeneration cycle and
return to service.
Due to existing plumbing conditions, you may want to choose an alternate installation configuration.
Refer to Figures 2 and 3 below for alternate installation diagrams.
How To Set Timer
How to set days on which water
conditioner is to regenerate.
Rotate the skipper wheel until the number "1" is at the red
pointer. Set the days that regeneration is to occur by
sliding tabs on the skipper wheel outward to expose trip
fingers. Each tab is one day. Tab at red pointer is tonight.
Moving clockwise from the red pointer, extend or retract
fingers to obtain the desired regeneration schedule.
24 Hr. Gear
Manual Regeneration Knob
Make certain the tab aligned with red pointer is not
extended outward. The filter must not regenerate
within 24 hours of installation to allow the filter media
to absorb water and not be backwashed out.
How to set the time of day.
Press and hold the red button in to disengage the drive
Turn the large gear until the actual time of day is aligned
with the time of day pointer.
Release the red button to again engage the drive gear.
The Iron Curtain is preset to regenerate at 12:00 a.m.
provided the time of day is correct.
Red Time
Set Button
12-Day Skipper Wheel
(Shows every other
day regeneration)
+ 19 hidden pages
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1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.