Heli-Max® AXE™ CP 2.4 GHz
Tail Boom Support Instructions
2x5mm Self-Tapping Screw (2)
2x11mm Self-Tapping Screw (2)
Pre- Assembled Tail Boom
Supports with Ends (2)
Rear Horizontal Fin (1)
Rear Horizontal Fin Clamp (1)
#1 Phillips Screwdriver
Begin by installing the tail boom
supports using the supplied
2x5mm screws. Screw the booms
into the small holes located just
above the rear landing gear. Do
not overtighten!
Do not fully tighten but rather
leave just enough freedom for the
supports to easily pivot up and
Pass the two remaining 2x11mm
screws through the rear holes
on the boom supports and then
pass them through the horizontal
fi n clamp. Position the horizontal
fi n over the top of the tail boom
near the location of the screws.
Screw the boom supports along
with attached fi n clamp to the
horizontal fi n. Do not overtighten.
Completed installation!
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