Heimeier Thermolux K Consumer Information

Thermostatic valves
Thermolux K
Consumer information
Please keep this brochure in a safe place.
To be precise.
Table of Contents
Short instructions 1 Function 2
Important notes 3
Mounting instructions 4
– Build-in sensor – Remote sensor
Recommended Room Temperature 6 Temperature setting 7
– Reduced night performance – Anti-frost protection setting – Front side setting aid – Setting aid for visually handicapped persons
Economy clips 8
– Marking of a temperature setting
– Uper marking of a temperature range – Lower marking of a temperature range
– Limiting of a temperature setting
– Upper limitation of a temperature range – Lower limitation of a temperature range – Cancelling the limiting
– Blocking of a temperature setting
– Cancelling of the blocking
Disturbance – Causes – Remedies 10 Thermolux K with remote sensor 12
Accessories 13 Useful comments / Technical data 14
– Appropriate venting – Cost saving by using external heat
List of headwords 15
Short Instructions
Temperature difference from graduation line to graduation line app. 1 °C
Setting arrow
Reduced night performance app. 14 °C
The temperature difference from index figure to index figure app. 4 °C
Economy clips (both economy clips are, factory preset, mounted to the right and to the left of the short in­formation) to mark, to limit and to block a temperature setting
Front side tempe­rature setting aid favourable in case of a bad vision on the index figures. Left marking ca. 16°C and right marking app. 24°C
Basic setting app. 20 °C
Perceptible marking for visually handicapped persons
Sens of rotation
Sens of rotation
Operation and outfit of the depicted Thermolux K thermostatic valve with incorporated sensor are identical with those for valves equipped with a remote sensor (please see page 12).
Setting arrow
Anti-frost protection setting app. 6 °C
Short information
Characteristic sign of the European Standard (DIN EN 215)
Heimeier Thermolux K thermostatic valves are autonomously operating temperature controllers which do not require any electric power supply or connection or any other kind of exter­nal energy. They serve to control the individual room temperature and, thus, save energy. The Heimeier ther­mostatic valves allow different tempe­rature settings which can be marked or temperature ranges be limited or settings be blocked respectively.
Heimeier Thermolux K-thermostatic valves consist of the thermostatic head and the thermostatic valve
body . If temperature rises e.g. due to insolation, electric appliances or people in the room, the liquid in the temperature sensor will expand.
The corrugated tube will be com­pressed and so throttles the water supply to the radiator by means of the valve spindle in the valve seat . Should the room temperature drop the described procedure will be re­versed. Therefore, the thermostatic head only needs actuation in order to change the individual setting of the room temperature.
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Dear Customer! You dispose now of the Thermolux K
thermostatic valve which is a product of highest quality made by Germany’s leading manufacturer of heating valves.
The Heimeier Thermolux K thermosta­tic valves are CEN certified and were tested according to DIN EN 215. They offer you, on the pre-condition of a correct usage, a maximum of comfort and energy saving.
This user information intends to make you acquainted with the operation and useful application of the ther­mostatic valves. Even if you know already well the operation and hand­ling, you still should read these instructions carefully and please keep this booklet in a safe place and pass it on to any possible later user. For easier reference and orientation please consult the coloured sub­divisons of the table of contents.
Should you look for some specific item, please refer to page 15 contai­ning a list of headwords.
The mounting of the thermostatic valve should exclusively be carried out by a qualified installer (please see Mounting Instructions on page 4).
Your installer will help you if you wish to block an individual temperature setting or to limit the temperature set­ting range internally, i.e. unchangeable from outside, either to a higher or to a lower temperature level of your ther­mostatic valves.
Interesting accessories are offered on page 13.
Special features
This thermostatic head offers several distinctive features for energy savings and uncomplicated operation:
– The most important temperature
settings are shown in an abridged form as INFO on the thermostatic
– Economy clips, blue and red – Reduced night performance – Temperature setting aid on the front
– Anti-frost protection setting
The thermostatic head should only be cleaned with the upholstery brush of a vacuum cleaner or in case of heavier soiling, use lukewarm water containing a mild domestic cleaning agent.
Maintenance and Service
In principle Heimeier’s thermostatic valves do not require any maintenan­ce at all.
In case of questions or possible disturbances (see pages 10 and 11) please apply to your installer (see reverse page of this brochure) or contact Heimeier directly.
Easier operation for visually handi­capped persons
With a view to achieving an easier temperature setting, the thermostatic head disposes of perceptible mar­kings for the basic setting (please see page 7).
Important Notes
The thermostatic head with incorporated sensor must not be fitted in a vertical position.
Mounting instructions
Incorporated sensor, remote sensor
The thermostatic valve with incorpora­ted sensor must not be mounted in such a way that the valve will be covered with any curtains, radiator covers or panelling etc., or be fitted in
narrow alcoves or even be mounted in vertical position as in such cases no precise temperature control will be possible. Otherwise a remote sensor or remote dial will be indispensable.
The remote sensor can capture the room temperature without any obstacle.
The air of the room can circulate around the thermostatic head without any obstacle.
The thermostatic head with incorporated sensor must not be covered with curtains.
+ 12 hidden pages