Heiman HS1DS-Z User Manual

CZZ N 20160 10501
201 6-3-1 7
图 幅:1/1
1、制作尺寸:330*5 5mm 2、六折扇形折页折法,折叠后 尺寸为5 5*5 5mm 3120g铜 版纸彩 色印刷
Sm art D oor Se nso r
Us er Ma nua l
Tec hn i ca l P a ra m et er s
Fu nc ti o n r en d er i ng s
Product Descripti on
55mm 55mm
55mm 55mm 55mm
*Please read the user manual carefully before operation. The guide picture is for reference only, please in kind prevail.
Th is is a int ell ige nt do or s ens or , a dop ts su per low p ower Z -Wa ve wir ele ss ne two rki ng tec hno log y, make s a long er b att ery lif e-s pan , Fe el o pen or clos e st ate of t he d oor or w indo w th rou gh t he n ear and se par atio n betw een s enso r and ma gne tic. Dual s ens or de sign , mak es the i nst all atio n mor e flex ibl e and a dapt abl e. Pr oduc ts ar e suit abl e for home , v ill as, fac tor ies, sh ops, wa reh ouse s, offi ce buil din gs, ba nks, ro om and oth er plac es of s afe ty prev ent ion .
M417- 1Ever 1.0
M41 7-1Ev er 1. 0
Network ing Ind icato r
Align the installation, the installati on distance is less than 15mm. (The magnet p art can be installed both sides of detector part)
Tear off the gumme d film, stick the equ ipment on the required area. Sensor shou ld be installed in fixed area like door fram e, magnet can be installed in active area like door plank, this picture for reference only.
Click the “add” button to enter the networking mode.
Long press the networking button,then power on (put into battery),ID code is clear and recover to factory setting.
Restore factory setti ngs
1 2 3 4 5
76 8 9 10
Connec ting n etwor k: Accor ding t o the AP P tip, p ress t he devi ce networ king h ole fo r 3 tim es in 1 .5 sec onds, then t he gre en LED flashe s qu ickly (c onnec ting netw ork withi n 30 seco nds), an d “netwo rking s uccee d “ will be d ispla yed on ap p inter face. Discon necti ng netw ork: Cl ick the “ delet e devi ce” but ton on APP, then quic k pr ess netw orkin g h ole for 3 times in 1.5 se conds , green LE D flash es for 6 ti mes, di sconn ectin g netwo rk succ eed.
Anti-t amper k ey
Battery replaceme nt
Step 1 Step 2
Please change the battery according to negative and positive of the battery. Please deal with waste batteries correctly for environmental protection.
Step 3 St ep 4 Step 5
Remove insulator make device on power.
1. :DC3V (2 pcs AAA bat tery ) 2 :≤5uA 3 :≤35mA 4 :>20mm
6 :≥70 metre s
9 16.5 mm
Working Vol tage
Static cu rrent
Alarm cur rent
Detecti ng distan ce
Network ing Ad-Hoc N etwork
Wireles s network ing distan ce in
the open are a
Working e nvironme nt
Working h umidity maximum 9 5%RHN o
condens ation
Detecto r dimensi on
Magnet di mension
7. :-10℃ ~ +50℃;
. 76 * 36.6 *
10. 76 * 13.9* 16. 5 mm
601 01083 5
Pleas e use the r eset pr ocedu re only w hen the prima ry cont rolle r is miss ing or in opera ble.
Associ ation G roup: L ifeli ne asso ciati on grou p Group Nu mber: 1 M aximu m Nodes :5 Descri ption : Inclu de comm and cla sse: Ba ttery r eport , Notif icati on repo rt, and Device R eset Lo cally n otifi catio n, Bina ry repo rt.
Associ ation G roup: R oot Dev ice gro up(Bi nary Se nsor) Group Nu mber: 2 M aximu m Nodes :5 Descri ption : Binar y Senso r Comma nd Clas ses:C ompat ible wi th 300 se ries 1-Bina ry Sens or repo rts sta tus of op en or clo se door v ia Life line. 2-When t he sens or dete cts sta tus cha nge bet ween cl ose doo r and ope n door, the devi ce will b e trigg ered.
Associ ation G roup: R oot Dev ice gro up(Bi nary Se nsor) Group Nu mber: 3 M aximu m Nodes :5 Descri ption : Binar y Senso r Comma nd Clas ses:C ompat ible wi th 300 se ries 1-Bina ry Sens or repo rts the r emove d statu s of door s ensor. 2-When t he sens or dete cts sta tus cha nge of ta mper, th e devic e will be t rigge red.
Associ ation G roup: R oot Dev ice gro up(No tific ation ) Group Nu mber: 4 M aximu m Nodes :5 Descri ption : 1-Not ifica tion re port op en door o r close s tatus v ia Life line. 2- When th e senso r detec ts stat us chan ge betw een clo se door a nd open d oor, the devi ce will b e trigg ered.
Associ ation G roup: R oot Dev ice gro up(No tific ation ) Group Nu mber: 5 M aximu m Nodes :5 Descri ption : 1-Bin ary Sen sor rep orts th e remov ed stat us of doo r senso r. 2- When th e senso r detec ts stat us chan ge of tam per, the d evice w ill be tr igger ed.
Ass ociat ion Gro up