User Manual of Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detector
M2 01 -1 EVer 1. 0
This p roduct is a comb ination unit o f smoke and ca rbon
monoxi de d etector. The smoke chamber usi ng the pri nciple of
smoke parti cles reflectin g inf rared lights can accur ately detect
the ea rly smo ke of a f ire. And t he gas detection adopts a carbon
monoxi de electr ochemic al sensor to ensur e stable and const ant
pe rfo rmance. When c onc entrati on o f the leak ed carb on
monoxi de or sm oke den sity re aches the gi ven alarm level, the
detect or LED flashes red and buzzer gives out alarm sounds.
Beside s suitab le for earl y warning and protect ion of carb on
monoxid e leakages o r fires in hou ses , villas , factories ,
shoppi ng mall s, ware houses, office buildin gs etc. indoo r
places , this unit h as a subtle s hockproof d esign, wh ich makes i t
also sui table for v ehicle use.
Batte ry C ompar tm en t
LED Ind ic ator
● Adopts MCU Proc es si ng
● Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Dual Detection
● Differe nt S mo ke a nd C O Ala rm Au di os
● Manual Test / Auto-Reset
● Hush Function
● Low Voltage Compensation
● Temperature Compensation
● Low Battery Warn in g
● Auto-Check Malfunction in Smoke Chamber
● Anti-RF Int er ference (20V/m-1GHz)
● Dustpro of , Mo th pr oo f, Anti-light Interference
● SMT Man uf ac tu re Technology with High Reliability
● Shockproo f De si gn S ui ta bl e fo r Vehicle Use
1. Sin ce Carbon M onoxide is a little lighter than ai r and smo ke
genera ted in fires wil l rise in the ai r, nor mally t he detect or is
instal led in a h igher position . For wall moun ted, install at
about 0.3-1.0m from ceilin g. For ce iling mount ed, nor mally
instal l at the ceilin g cen ter of t he pr otected area (refer to the
follow ing image )
Test & Hush Button
Opera ti ng Voltage DC 3V (2p cs AA alk al ine batte ri es)
Stati c Cu rrent
Alarm C ur rent
Warm -Up Time
Hush Tim e 10 minu te s
40ppm≤X<7 5p pm, ala rm a fter 75 min ut es
X 200pp m, a larm af te r 25 minute s
≤ , al ar m af ter 30- 50 s ecs (se ns or
Smoke : Di - D i - Di... ; C O: D iDiDiDi .. .
-10°C ~ + 50 °C, Hum id ity≤95RH
EN502 91 , UL217 , GB 15322.5 -2 33
CO Ala rm L ev el (X)
Smoke S en sitiv it y
Alarm I nd icati on
Failu re I ndica ti on
Sound L ev el
Alarm Au di os
Work ing Env ir onment
Insta ll ation M od e
Dimen si on
Execu te C riter io n
75ppm≤ <
200pp m X
stabl in g time)
< 40ppm , al arm res et
3 minut es
0.16d B/ m(±0. 05 dB/m)
Yellow LE D
≥85dB/ 3m
Wall o r Ceili ng m ounted
2. Fix the detector ba se in to a wal l or ceili ng wit h scre ws and
fasten t he detect or head on the ba se.
3. While insta lling at home, keep t he d etector awa y from your
gas stove to preve nt flame roasting. Avoid instal ling in
places wi th heavy oil or smoke th at may c ause false alarm o r
block the gas convect ion hole s and inf luence the detec tor
sensit ivity. Also do not ins tall t he det ector near to exhau st
fans, window s, doo rs and in places with great vap or in
bathro oms.
1. Inser t 2p cs 1 .5V AA batteri es into the batte ry c ompartmen t.
The dete ctor enters into warm- up status. LE D flashes G reen.
2. About 3 mi nutes later, the flas hing Green LED goes out. And
the det ector goes int o norma l wor king status. The LED
flashe s Gree n once every 30s, indicati ng nor mal ba ttery
User Manual of Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detector
3. The det ector shou ld be teste d period ically dur ing use. Short
press Tes t & Hush Butt on to ru n a test. The LED flashes Red
along with buzze r sou nding for alarm indicat ion. Smoke
alarm ind ication an d c arbon monoxi de alarm indi cation will
be d e m onstr a t ed in s equen c e . Fi r s t is s m oke al arm
indica tion: slow Di-Di-Di. .. audio alon g with the LED
flashi ng red at th e sam e frequ ency, last ing for abo ut 8s.
Then comes the carbo n mo noxide alarm indica tion: short
DiDiDi Di... audio alo ng with the LED flashin g red at the
same freq uency, lasting also for abou t 8s. Do not tes t the
detect or too oft en to save battery life. One a month is
recomm ended.
4. Duri ng alarm ing status , short press the Test & Hush Bu tton.
Then the detector g oes into mu te status . Th e LED keeps
flashi ng red while t he buzzer w ill stop sounding. If the
alarm sta tus hasn’t been re set, the mute sta tus will end
automa tically in 10 minutes later. The buzzer sounds aga in.
If the alarm status is rese t during the 10 minutes , the
detect or recove rs to normal wo rking statu s.
5. T he detector can auto check open circuit, sho rt ci rcuit and
other m alfunctio ns in smoke chamber. D uring malf unction,
the LED flas hes y ellow, t wice a minute along with buzzer
soundi ng to warn us er.
6. Wh en bat tery voltage < 2 .4V, the detector will give out low
batter y signal peri odically. The LED flash es yellow, once
every 30s al ong with buzzer sou nding. While the batter y
voltag e < 2.0 V, the LED constant yellow and the detector
will res tart in 32s d ue to low power. Afte r warm-up a nd
rechec king the vo ltage, if sti ll < 2.0V, ope ration re peats.
Indic at ions
Afte r p o w e r- on ,
LED fla sh es Gree n
After w ar m-up,
LED fla sh es Gree n
once ev er y 30s
LED fla sh es Red
LED fla sh es Yell ow
once ev er y 30s
along w it h buzze r
sound in g
LED con st ant
LED fla sh es Yell ow
twice e ve ry minu te
along w it h buzze r
sound in g
Norma l. War m-up st at us. Goes ou t
3 minut es l ater. De te ctor en te rs into
norma l wo rking s ta tus.
Norma l in dicat io n for norma l
worki ng s tatus a nd n ormal
batte ry s upply
Norma l. C aused b y pr essing Test &
Hush Bu tt on unde r al arm or test in g
statu s. D etect or e nters int o Mu te
statu s.
Low bat te ry ( that ca n no t
suppo rt n ormal o pe ration
Malfu nc tion in s mo ke chambe r
Analy si s
Low bat te ry (<2. 4V )
<2.0V )
Elimi na tion
Repre ss t he Tes t
& Hush Bu tt on to
lift th e mu te stat us
Repla ce n ew
batte ri es
Repla ce n ew
batte ri es
Conta ct y our
deale r fo r
repai ri ng or
repla ce ment
M2 01 -1 EVer 1. 0
Tre atments for c arbon monox ide leaka ge alarm:
1. Shut off tu be valves.
2. Do not pl ug or unplu g electrica l appliance s.
3. Open wi ndows to ci rculate the a ir.
4. Inspect the l eakage r eason and notify re lated de partments or
profes sionals in time to deal with the situa tion. If it t urns out
a false al arm, check if the instal ling positi on is impro per.
Tre atments for s moke alarm:
1. Inspect the cau ses. If i t is caused by cigare tte smo king or
other rea sons and not a fir e alarm, just remo ve the smoke
resour ce and th e alarm w ill reset. If it is a false al arm, che ck
if the ins talling p osition is im proper.
2. If a fire breaks out, in the early stage, use a fire exting uisher
to put out t he fire.
3. If the f ire is large, do n’t p anic. Esca pe asap and th en call the
police .
1. Replace the bat teries with new ones in time on low battery
condit ion to ensu re normal ope ration.
2. No bloc k within a ra dius of 0.5m fr om the detect or.
3. T he hori z ont a l di stan ce from t he detec tor t o th e ai r
condit ioner out let should no t be less than 1. 5m.
4. I f nee ds to instal l the detect or in an a isle ce iling with a width
less than 3m, choos e a cen ter posi tion. Ke ep the distance
betwee n the detectors less th an 15 m. The distance from the
detect or to t he end wa ll shou ld not ex ceed half of the
distan ce betwee n the detecto rs.
5. Clean the det ector surface with soft brus h every month to
ensure sensi tivity. Do not spray air-f reshers , hair gels,
paints o r other aer osols near th e detector.
6 . Th e l i fe s pa n o f t h e a do p te d c a rb o n mo n o xi d e
electr ochemical sen sor is 5 y ears. R eplace the de tector
immedi ately once its service l ife expires .
7. D o not use any dete rgen ts or solv ents to clean t he dete ctor.
Ch emi cals ma y cause pe rman ent damage o r trans ien t
pollut ion to the se nsor.
8. For malfunc tion problems , co ntact your dealer. Do not
disman tle and try t o repair it pri vately.
9. T he de tector can reduce accidents happeni ng, but can n ot
guaran tee a hun dred percen t safety. For safety co nsiderati on,
beside s prop er usage of the detector, pay att ention to b uild
up saf ety consc iousnes s and take pre ventive measures in
daily li fe.
10. Maintain the detecto r periodi cally as per require ments in
this man ual.