Heckler&Koch USP TACTICAL User Manual

Covering USP, USP Compact, and
USP Specialized Models
CAUTION: Read these safety rules before handling the pistol!
Read this operators manual before handling your firearm. The following safety rules are placed in this manual by HK as an important reminder that firearms safety is your responsibility. If handled improperly firearms can be dangerous and can potentially cause damage to property, serious injury, or death.
1. Never point a firearm at anyone, or in any direction other than a SAFE direction, i.e. downrange.
2. Treat all firearms as if they are always loaded.
3. Keep your finger off the trigger and outside of the trigger guard until your sights are aligned on the target.
4. Keep your finger off the trigger and outside of the trigger guard while loading or unloading the firearm.
5. Keep your finger off the trigger and outside of the trigger guard while pulling the firearm out of the holster or while returning it to the holster.
6. Be sure of your target and the back stop beyond.
7. Never give a firearm to or take a firearm from anyone unless the action is open and the magazine and/or chamber are free of any ammunition or brass.
8. Be sure that the ammunition you are using is factory loaded, is of the correct caliber for the firearm in which it is to be used, and that it is not damaged in any way.
9. Before firing, remove the magazine from the firearm, lock the slide open, make sure the chamber is clear of any ammunition or brass, and check the barrel of the unloaded firearm for any possible obstructions.
10. Before firing any firearm that is unfamiliar to you, make sure that you understand exactly how it
functions. A lack of familiarity with the firearm can result in serious accidents. Attend a certified training course on any firearm which you intend to use or with which you are not sufficiently familiar.
11. Always wear hearing and eye protection when using your firearm.
12. Keep all body parts, particularly the hands and fingers, away from the muzzle to avoid injury or burns.
13. Be sure that parts of the hand do not touch or interfere with the slide. The slide moves backwards by recoil force during firing and may cause serious injury.
14. Firearms should be stored separately from ammunition and beyond the reach of children, and/or any
untrained individuals.
15. Avoid the use of any alcoholic beverages or drugs before and during the use of any firearm.
16. Discharging firearms in poorly ventilated areas, cleaning firearms, or handling ammunition may result
in exposure to lead, a substance known to be associated with birth defects, reproductive harm, and other serious injury. Have adequate ventilation at all times. Wash hands thoroughly after exposure.
17. To make the pistol safe, one must insure the chambered round is removed during the clearing procedure. Removal of the pistol’s magazine does not remove the chambered round. This can only be done with the rearward movement of the slide after the magazine is removed.
The pistol is not considered “clear” or safe unless:
1. The control lever (if applicable) is on “safe” and;
2. The magazine is removed from the pistol and;
3. The slide is locked to the rear and;
4. The chamber is free of brass or ammunition
To Clear the pistol:
1. Make sure fingers are outside of the trigger guard and the pistol is pointed in a safe direction at all times!
2. Engage control lever (if applicable) - press the control lever upwards until the “S” (safe) aligns with
the reference line located on the frame.
3. Remove magazine - depress the magazine release lever and remove the magazine from the pistol.
4. Open and lock slide - while keeping the pistol pointed in a safe direction, lock the slide open by pulling the slide rearward as you press the slide release upward. Watch for a cartridge or empty case to be ejected from the pistol.
5. Inspect chamber - inspect chamber for the presence of a cartridge or empty case by:
• Visually viewing chamber through the open ejection port and;
• Physically inserting a finger into the chamber through the ejection port to check for the presence of
a cartridge or empty case.
• Remove any cartridges or empty cases from the chamber or from within the pistol.
The Pistol is now considered “Clear.”
Covering USP, USP Compact, and USP Specialized models
© Heckler & Koch, 11/99, 1/07, 6/09, 8/10, revised May 2013
All rights reserved
Heckler & Koch
5675 Transport Boulevard
Columbus, Georgia 31907
Tel: (706) 568-1906 • Fax: (706) 568-9151
Global Website: www.heckler-koch.com • American Website: www.hk-usa.com
Specifications and models subject to change without notice.
Safety Precautions & Clearing .................................. Inside Cover
Section 1 Introduction ..................................................................................6
Section 2 Nomenclature ..............................................................................8
Section 3 Function and Op er a tion ..............................................................9
Clearing the Pistol ........................................................................9
Operating Con trols and Com po nents ......................................10
Sights and Sight Adjustment .....................................................12
Section 4 Ammunition ................................................................................13
Section 5 Instructions for Use ....................................................................15
Filling and Emp ty ing the Magazine ..........................................15
Loading the Pistol .......................................................................15
Firing the Pistol ..........................................................................16
Unloading the Pistol ..................................................................18
Selection and Use of a Holster ..................................................19
Storage and Trans port ..............................................................19
Section 6 Disassembly and Assembly ........................................................20
Disassembling (Fieldstripping) the Pistol ...................................20
Pistol Assembly ..........................................................................21
Magazine Disassembly ...............................................................23
Magazine Assembly ....................................................................25
Clearing the Pistol ......................................................................26
Function Check (Variant 1 & 2) .................................................26
Function Check (Variant 3 & 4) .................................................27
Function Check (Variant 5 & 6) .................................................27
Function Check (Variant 7) ........................................................28
Function Check (LEM) ...............................................................28
Section 7 Cleaning and Main te nance ........................................................29
Inspection ..................................................................................30
Lubrication .................................................................................30
Troubleshooting Prob lems and Re pair ......................................31
Hammer and Catch Notification ...............................................32
Section 8 HK Lock-Out Device ..................................................................32
Section 9 Exploded Views and Parts Lists .................................................33
USP (.40 S&W and 9 mm) Exploded View ................................34
USP (.40 S&W and 9 mm) Parts List ...........................................35
USP (.45 ACP) Exploded View ...................................................36
USP (.45 ACP) Parts List ............................................................37
USP Compact (.40 S&W and 9 mm) Exploded View .................38
USP Compact (.40 S&W and 9 mm) Parts List ...........................39
USP Compact (.45 ACP) Exploded View ...................................40
USP Compact (.45 ACP) Parts List .............................................41
USP Compact (LEM) Exploded View .........................................42
USP Compact (LEM) Parts List ...................................................43
Section 10 USP Specialized Pistols...............................................................44
Section 11 Specifications ..............................................................................48
Firearms Service Record .............................................................50
The HK USP (Universal Self-loading Pistol) is the first HK pistol designed especially for American shooters. Features favored by the U.S. military, law enforcement agencies, and civilian users provided the design criteria for the USP. Its controls are uniquely American,
influenced by such famous designs as the Government Model 1911 pistol.
In addition to a wide selection of trigger/firing modes, all USP Pistols have an ambidextrous magazine release lever which is shielded from in ad vert ent actuation by the flared trigger guard. The mag a zine release lever can be pressed with the thumb or index
fin ger of the firing hand, in most cases without adjusting the firing grip.
Low profile 3-dot sights, adjustable for windage and elevation, are standard on USP Series Pistols. Optional tritium sights are also available.
The USP control lever, featured on many variants of the USP, USP Compact, and USP
Specialized models, is a combination safety and/or decocking lever. The control lever is frame mounted and quickly accessible, unlike the slide mounted safeties common on
many semi-automatic pistols. The USP control lever has a pos i tive stop and returns to the “fire” position after decocking. A key advantage of the USP control lever is that it allows many USP models to be safely carried “cocked and locked”.
Using a modified Browning-type action, both full-size and compact models of the USP use patented recoil reduction systems, enabling all USP series pistols to take the punishment of powerful +P and +P+ loads. The USP and USP Compact recoil reduction systems
lessen recoil effects on pistol components and also lower the recoil forces felt by the shooter. These recoil reduction systems are insensitive to ammunition types and require
no special adjustment or maintenance. It functions effectively in all USP models.
By using a modular approach to the internal components, the control lever function of
the USP Series pistols can be switched from the left to the right side of the pistol for left­handed shooters. The USP and USP Compact can also be converted from one type of
trigger firing mode to another. This includes combination double-action and single-action (DA/SA) modes, single-action only (SA-Only), and double action only (DA-Only) modes,
including the HK proprietary LEM (Law Enforcement Modification) enhanced trigger system. Optional “dual” ambidextrous control levers are also available and are standard on some USP specialized models.
The USP is available in both full-size frame and compact models, as well as specialized models, with ten trigger/firing mode configurations and four calibers—.45 ACP, .40 S&W,
9 mm, and .357 SIG (special order on some models).
NOTE: Trigger/firing mode con ver sion can only be made by an HK certified armorer.
Due to the USP’s innovative design approach, it is possible to convert a USP Series Pistol
into one of many variants. Changing the trigger/firing mode of the pistol is ac complished by installing a different set of components.
The polymer frame of the USP Series was designed using tech ni cal ex pe ri ence gained by
HK en gi neers in the de vel op ment of the world’s first com pos ite material pistols, the HK
VP70Z and P9S. These same high-strength/cor ro sion free materials are used in the MK 23
handgun made by HK for the U.S. Special Op er a tions Command.
Major metal components like the one-piece, machined steel slide are also cor ro sion resistant,
treated with a special “HE” (Hostile Environment) protective finish. The HE finish is an extremely hard, nitro-gas car bur ized black oxide coating, and resists even the worst types of corrosion and wear, including exposure to salt water.
The full size USP 9 mm and USP .40 S&W models utilize high-strength, light-weight, polymer magazines while the USP Compact (all calibers) as well as the full-size USP .45
use metal magazines that allow increased ammunition capacity without having to increase the dimensions of the grip. All HK magazines have a se ries of view ing holes on the back side for count ing the car tridg es re main ing inside. Interchangeable floorplates are avail able
for the magazines of the many USP Series Pistols. A stan dard flat floorplate and an ex tend­ed mag a zine floorplate with a fin ger ex ten sion provide a choice of grip options with each
pistol. Mag a zine floorplates can be eas i ly removed and changed without tools dur ing dis­assembly.
The extended slide release is positioned to allow easy actuation without adjustment of
the grip of the shoot ing hand. Another useful feature is the absence of a mag a zine lock­out device.
CAUTION: USP models, except special models with a magazine disconnect feature installed, will fire if the magazine is re moved, a cartridge is in the chamber, and the trigger is pressed (with the control lever in the FIRE position if applicable).
To reduce barrel wear, most USP Pistols have polygonal cold hammer-forged barrels. This
feature not only ensures longer barrel life and easier bore cleaning, but produces a better gas seal behind the bullet for increased muzzle velocity.
NOTE: Beginning in 1999, all USP pistols, with the exception of some special order production runs are fitted with HK’s patented internal Lock-Out Device. The use of this internal safety lock is described in Section 8 of this manual.
This unique design al lows the USP Series Pistol to be con fig ured for a va ri ety of purposes
depending on the re quire ments of the user, with out having to purchase a new pistol.
Please contact HK for more information on variant changes.
A set of mount ing grooves for installing accessories is molded in the poly mer frame of
all USP models. These grooves al low a variety of accessories and tar get ing devices to be mount ed on the USP Pistols with out mod i fi ca tion to the pistol.
NOTE: Improperly designed or installed accessories may result in damage to the mounting grooves and/or the pistol. Such damage is not cov ered un der the lim it ed lifetime warranty. Be cer tain to use only HK Au tho rized Ac ces so ries and follow in stal­la tion and pre cau tions carefully.
USP Series Pistols are ex treme ly safe fire arms, with no less than four safety fea tures, some pas sive and some ac tive in nature. Simple to field strip and main tain, a USP series pistol is
a re li able and trou ble-free handgun, providing a
wide range of flex i bil i ty for all users.
Fig. 1 USP right side view
WARNING: Always clear the pistol before han dling it.
The pistol is not considered “clear” or safe unless:
1. The control lever (if applicable) is on “safe” and;
2. The magazine is removed from the pistol and;
3. The slide is locked to the rear and;
4. The chamber is free of brass or ammunition
To Clear the pistol:
1. Make sure fingers are outside of the trigger guard and the pistol is pointed in a safe direction at all times!
2. Engage control lever (if applicable) - press the control lever upwards until the “S” (safe)
aligns with the reference line located on the frame.
3. Remove magazine - depress the magazine release lever and remove the magazine from the pistol.
4. Open and lock slide - while keeping the pistol pointed in a safe direction, lock the slide open by pulling the slide rearward as you press the slide release upward. Watch for a cartridge or empty case to be ejected from the pistol.
5. Inspect chamber - inspect chamber for the presence of a cartridge or empty case by:
• Visually viewing chamber through the open ejection port and;
• Physically inserting a finger into the chamber through the ejection port to check
for the presence of a cartridge or empty case.
• Remove any cartridges or empty cases from the chamber or from within the pistol.
The Pistol is now considered “Clear.”
The USP Series Pistols are short recoil operated. They use a modified Browning style
system, without a link, to lock and unlock the barrel.
Fig. 2 USP Compact left side view
Upon firing, the pressure de vel oped by the propellant gases forc es the slide and barrel
as sem bly to the rear. After moving approximately 3 mm, the locking block will stop the
rearward move ment of the barrel. The bar rel is pulled downward due to the engagement of the angled lock ing surfaces of the locking block with those located on the end of the recoil spring guide rod. The locking block disengages from the slide and the slide
continues rear ward in de pen dent ly from the barrel. The extractor, located on the right side of the slide extracts the spent case. The ejector, positioned in the left side of the frame,
rearward of the magazine well then ejects the fired cartridge case. The rearward moving slide then cocks the hammer, and com press es the recoil spring.
Once fully to the rear, the compressed recoil spring push es the slide forward, stripping
the next cartridge from the mag a zine into the chamber. If the magazine is empty, the
mag a zine follower lifts the slide release into position where it can stop the forward progress of the slide and holds the slide open.
WARNING: Do not rely on the slide position to de ter mine if the magazine is empty. Always check visually and phys i cal ly ensure the pistol is not loaded.
During the last few millimeter of forward movement, the slide forces the angled surfaces of the barrel locking block against opposing angled surfaces on the recoil spring guide rod. This action pivots the locking block on the barrel up into engagement with the
ejection port on the slide. The breech is now locked closed and the next shot can be fired.
CAUTION: A pair of Universal Mounting Grooves located on the front of the USP’s frame allows for a variety of ac ces so ries to be used with the pistol. Improperly de signed or in stalled ac ces so ries may re sult in dam age to the mounting grooves and/ or the pistol. Such dam age is not cov ered under warranty. Be certain to use only HK authorized accessories and follow in stal la tion and pre cau tions care ful ly.
WARNING: USP series pistols incorporates single-action and/or double-action modes of operation. Anytime the trigger is pulled with the control lever in the fire (horizontal) position and a cartridge in the chamber, the pistol will fire from either the hammer down or cocked positions.
Trigger (in Double/Single-Action modes)
In the double-action mode, pulling the trigger will cock the hammer and immediately release it firing the first chambered cartridge. All subsequent cartridges will be fired in the single-action mode because the slide automatically recocks the hammer after each shot is fired. To fire the first chambered cartridge in the single-action mode, the hammer must be manually cocked before pulling the trigger. All shots after the first shot will be fired single­action because the slide automatically recocks the hammer after each shot is fired.
In the double-action only mode, the hammer always returns to the uncocked (forward)
position after each shot. All shots are fired in the double-action mode. The HK LEM (Law Enforcement Modification) mode functions similar to double-action only mode.
In the double-action only mode, the hammer always re turns to the uncocked (forward) position after each shot. All shots are fired in the double-action mode.
Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Control Lever “SAFE” Control Lever “FIRE” Control Lever “DECOCK”
Depending on the model, USP series magazines are constructed of high-strength, light­weight polymer or metal. Polymer magazines have a metal insert located in the upper third of the housing for increased strength and durability. Cartridges are positioned within the magazine in a staggered arrangement but are fed into the pistol from a single row under the feed lips. The cartridges are visible through the numbered viewing
holes located in the back of the magazine. For main te nance and clean ing, USP Series
mag a zines can be easily dis as sem bled. Interchangeable floorplates are avail able for the
magazines of the many USP Series Pistols. A stan dard flat floorplate and an ex tend ed mag­a zine floorplate with a fin ger ex ten sion provide a choice of grip options with each pistol.
Mag a zine floorplates can be eas i ly removed and changed without tools dur ing dis assembly.
The extractor on the some USP models acts as a loaded chamber in di ca tor. When a cartridge is in the chamber, the red colored forward edge of the extractor protrudes ap­prox i mate ly 1 mm from the slide and is visible to the operator.
Control Lever
This manually operated lever is located on the side of the frame below the rear sight. This lever is operated with the firing thumb and can perform both functions of a safety lever and a decocking lever, depending on the parts installed.
NOTE: Some variants do not have a control lever. On some USPs, including some of the specialized USP models (USP Elite USP Expert), a control lever is present on both sides of the frame.
Control lever as a safety lever
On HK USPs with the “SAFE” position (Variants 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, & 10), the front of this lever
is fully raised above horizontal so that the “S” on the lever itself aligns with the reference
line on the frame (see Figure 3 ). With this control lever engaged, the release of the
hammer is blocked in the single-action mode of fire. In the double-action mode, the hammer will partially cock but will not release to fire the pistol.
WARNING: The USP Series Pistol fitted with LEM parts incorporates dou ble-ac tion only mode of operation. Any time the trig ger is pulled with a car tridge in the cham ber, the pistol will fire from the ham mer down position.
CAUTION: Do not depend on the presence of a loaded chamber indicator to determine if a pistol is loaded. Treat all weapons as if they are always loaded!
Slide Release
This lever is located on the left side of the frame directly above the trigger. This lever is used to lock the slide open, to release the slide, and to disassemble the pistol.
As a slide stop, it is lifted upward by the magazine follower or the operators finger as the slide travels rear ward during recoil or manual manipulation. The slide re lease engages in the recess located on the left side of the slide at its midpoint. The slide release is
spring ac tu at ed and is held down out of engagement with the slide until required. The slide release will au to mat i cal ly hold the slide open when the last shot is fired. As a disassembly lever, the slide release is removed from the left side of the frame when the slide is held partially rearward.
Magazine Release Lever
This ambidextrous, spring actuated le ver holds the magazine in place within the grip by engaging in the notch found on the front of the mag a zine housing. Depressing this lever downward with the firing index finger or thumb will allow the magazine, re gard less of the number of car tridg es inside, to drop free of the frame. The mag a zine release lever is shielded from accidental ac tu a tion by the design of the polymer frame and flared trigger guard sur round ing it.
All sides of the poly mer frame are tex tured to ensure a firm grip, even with wet hands or under con di tions of rapid fire. The trig ger guard is slightly recurved and grooved to provide a firm grip when using two hands or gloves to fire the pis tol. The frame is a one­piece molded component with metal in serts (lock ing insert and guid ing part) cast into the frame during production.
The slide rides on these metal inserts during op er a tion. The frame contains mounting grooves for accessory attachment and finger recesses located to the left and right of the magazine well for manual extraction of the mag a zine, if nec es sary. The serial num ber of the pistol is en graved in the metal insert in cor po rat ed into the front of the frame in front of the trigger guard, on the left side of the slide, and on the barrel locking block.
The USP Series Pistol uses the prov en 3-dot sighting ar range ment. By align ing all three dots hor i zon tal ly on the tar get, with the front sight dot cen tered be tween the rear sight dots, the op er a tor can quick ly and easily en gage the target with a high de gree of ac cu racy. With the op tion al tritium sights with white outline in stalled, pre cise and rapid target en gage ments are pos si ble under low light con di tions as well.
Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 8 Sights aligned Rear sight adjustment Front sight installation
Sights are set at the factory and generally do not require adjustment. The rear sight can be adjusted for wind age by drifting the sight to the left or right, de pend ing on the de sired shot placement. Bullet im pact on tar get will move in the same di rec tion that the rear sight is moved. Be careful not to dam age the slide finish when ad just ing the sights.
Adjustments for elevation are ac com plished by ex chang ing the front sight with a higher or lower sight. The height of the front sight is in di cat ed on the underside. The front sight must be re moved by using a drift punch or a USP sight push er. The accessory sight pusher can be used to install, remove, and adjust the front and rear sights on all USP Series Pistols.
WARNING: HK specifically disclaims any re spon si bil i ties for any damage or injury that should occur because of, or as a result of, the use of faulty, remanufactured, or reloaded (hand load ed) ammunition, or of cartridges oth er than those for which the pistol was orig i­nal ly cham bered.
The USP Series Pistol is designed to fire quality, factory loaded am mu ni tion load ed to SAAMI spec i fi ca tions for use spe cif i cal ly in handguns. For use with am mu ni tion with hard
primers (i.e. some NATO spec. cartridges), a spe cial hammer spring is avail able.
The following guidelines should be considered when se lect ing the cor rect am mu ni tion for your pis tol.
1. Be sure the am mu ni tion you have chosen is com pat i ble with your pistol – proper
caliber, cartridge, bul let weight, etc. Caliber markings on the USP Pistol appear on
the left side of the slide and on the bar rel locking block, visible through the ejection port on the right side of the slide.
2. Prior to loading the mag a zine and cham ber, carefully in spect all car tridg es for the
following ab nor mal i ties:
• Cracked, split, dirty or cor rod ed cases
• Improperly seat ed pro jec tiles and/or primers
• Damaged pro jec tiles
3. Do not attempt to fire a cartridge in which the pro jec tile has been forced back into
the case. Upon firing, this con di tion may result in increased chamber pres sure above safe lim its.
4. Do not fire am mu ni tion through the pis tol that:
• Is for eign and/or out dat ed mil i tary sur plus
• Is as sem bled with cor ro sive prim er and/or propellant
• Is ex posed to oil, grease, wa ter, or direct sun light. Re move contaminants if pos si ble be fore use and cool down am mu ni tion ex posed to di rect sun light or heat. (Ex po-
sure to sourc es of heat could raise the cham ber pres sure of the car tridge above safe limits.)
• Is loaded spe cif i cal ly for use in submachine guns.
CAUTION: HK firearms are designed to function with quality manufactured brass cased ammunition. Use of steel or aluminum cased cartridges is not recommended and could adversely affect safe and reliable functioning. For further information on ammunition selection, contact HK Customer Service at 706-568-1906.
To raise the bullet impact on tar get, a shorter front sight is installed. To lower the bullet impact on target, a taller front sight is installed. Installing the next high er or lower front sight will change the point-of-impact 2 inches at 25 meters, depending on the am mu ni­tion used. USP Series Pistols are function fired and ze roed at the fac to ry at 25 meters, point-of-aim, point-of-impact. Your actual zero may vary depending on the ammunition used and/or your style of shooting.
NOTE: In compliance with NIJ Standard—0112.00, cur rent ly there are no known am mu ni tion types that meet the general guide lines set forth in this sec tion that are not compatible with the USP series pistols. All USPs are approved for use with +P and +P+ ammunition as it applies to the specific caliber. The use of +P and +P+ ammunition accelerates wear and reduces the service life on the com po nent parts of any pistol, including the USP series pistols.
NOTE: There is currently no existing SAAMI spec i fi ca tion +P or +P+ ammunition in caliber .40 S&W.
NOTE: Do not attempt to load more than the prescribed number of cartridges into the magazine. Do not alter the shape of the magazine housing, fol low er, or spring. To do so may cause stoppages or the mag a zine may not seat properly in the pistol.
Filling the Magazine - (See Figure 9 below)
Fig. 9 Loading magazine
1. Hold the magazine in the non-firing hand with the back side of the mag a zine resting against the palm.
2. Using the firing hand, hold a car tridge between the index finger and thumb with the projectile facing the palm.
3. Press the rim of the cartridge down against the forward edge of the mag a zine follower or on the top car tridge al ready in the magazine.
4. Slide the cartridge back into the mag a zine under the feed lips.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 until the magazine is full. The viewing holes in the back of the mag a zine allow the operator to confirm the number of car tridg es present with in the mag a zine.
NOTE: An optional magazine loading tool is available from HK.
Emptying the Magazine
Exert pressure with a finger on the base of the cartridge and push each cartridge forward out of the mag a zine one at a time until the magazine is empty.
WARNING: Forcefully inserting a loaded mag a zine into the USP Pistol may cause the pistols slide to close, cham ber ing a car tridge and mak ing the USP ready to fire. When inserting a magazine, always be cer tain the control lever (if applicable), is in the “SAFE” position and that the pistol is point ed in a safe di rec tion with your fingers off the trigger and outside the trig ger guard. Failure to do so could cause you to un in­ten tion al ly fire the pistol, re sult ing in se ri ous injury or death.
Administrative Loading - used to initially load the pistol before it is to be fired.
Slide rearward or forward, chamber empty
1. Make sure fingers are out side of the trig ger guard and the pis tol is point ed in a safe direction at all times!
2. Insert magazine - insert the mag a zine firmly into the frame. Tug on the magazine to ensure that it is fully seated and engaged.
3. Chamber a cartridge - chamber a cartridge by de press ing the slide re lease or by pulling the slide fully to the rear and releasing it. Do not ride the slide for ward!
WARNING: Any attempt to lower the hammer manually (with a round in the chamber), will allow the hammer to be lowered past the half-cock notch and by passes the passive safeties which are built into the USP and could result in an ac ci den tal dis charge and subsequent property damage, injury or loss of life.
On DA/SA models without the decocking func tion in the control lever, it is unsafe to lower the hammer while there is a round in the chamber.
On Variant 9 and 10 pistols, to lower the hammer on an empty chamber, the following steps must be followed with extreme care. Remember: low er ing the hammer manually on the USP pistol re quires pulling the trigger. The action of pulling the trigger bypasses the passive safeties which are built into the USP. If there is a round in the chamber when
the hammer is being lowered manually, and if the hammer slips, the gun could discharge causing possible subsequent prop er ty damage, injury or loss of life.
1. Point the pistol in a safe direction and put the manual safety in the “on” or “safe”
position by moving the control lever fully upward.
2. Remove the magazine.
3. While keeping your finger off of the trigger and outside of the trigger guard draw the slide to the rear and push the slide stop up to lock the slide in the open position. Inspect the chamber vi su al ly and manually to ensure that there is no round in the chamber.
4. Release the slide by pressing down on the slide stop.
5. Disengage the manual safety by moving the control lever downward to the “fire” position.
6. Hold the pistol firmly in one hand as if you were going to discharge the firearm. Using the thumb of the hand which is not holding the pistol, draw the hammer slightly to the
rear. Using the index finger of the hand which is holding the pistol, pull the trigger to the
Lower the hammer SLOW LY, while at the same time releasing the trigger, removing your finger from the trigger and placing it outside of the trigger guard. Con tin ue to lower the hammer SLOWLY until it has come to a complete rest against the back of the slide.
Draw the hammer back slightly until it comes to rest at the half cock notch position.
1. Be sure of your target and what’s behind it! A bullet from a pistol travels as far as a mile. It can easily pen e trate wood or plasterboard walls or even a car door.
2. Be sure that your hands and all parts of your body are kept away from the muzzle of your pis tol at all times!
3. Always wear eye and ear protection when fir ing the pistol.
Double-action only mode - (Hammer uncocked)
1. Aim - aim at the target.
2. Fire - fire the pistol by press ing the trigger straight to the rear with grad u al ly
increasing pres sure.
NOTE: Variant 7 and LEMs, the double-action only models of the HK USP Series do not have control levers. The ham mer of these variants will au to mat i cal ly return to the uncocked po si tion each time the slide returns to its forward po si tion.
The Law Enforcement Modification
The Law Enforcement Modification (LEM) is a series of unique trigger mechanism parts
created specifically to improve the quality and reduce the weight of the Double-Action
Only trigger pull in the USP Pistol. With these parts installed the USP pistol can be fired like the standard DAO USP pistol where every round is fired by simply pulling the trigger fully rearward with the hammer starting at the forward rest position. There are no external
decocking or safety levers present or required.
Due to the design of the proprietary HK LEM system the weight of the DAO trigger
pull has been reduced to 7.5-8.5 pounds when new and is easier to use due to the smoothness of the trigger pull.
NOTE: Optional 4.5-5.5 pound LEM trigger pull is also available for the USP series pistol.
Parts Unique to the Law Enforcement Modification
The unique LEM parts of the USP pistol are listed below. Additional information can be found in the exploded diagram and parts list of this manual.
Hammer Spring, trigger rebound Sear, complete Cocking piece Spring, cocking piece Spring, hammer
Law Enforcement Modification Operation
USP Pistols fitted with Law Enforcement Modification parts operate like standard variants of the USP Pistol. However, the way in which the hammer is cocked is unique. The hammer in the LEM is a two-piece hammer comprised of a cocking piece (not visible with the pistol assembled) and an external (visible) hammer.
In the LEM system the quality of the trigger pull is improved while at the same time a
stronger hammer spring can be employed to improve reliability by increasing the firing pin indent on the primer. The stronger hammer spring also helps to reduce the slide
velocity when firing “hot” ammunition. The HK LEM uses the rearward movement of the
slide during loading or firing to fully compress the hammer spring.
The cocking piece and hammer are rotated rearward on the hammer axle when the slide
moves fully rearward. When fully to the rear the cocking piece is held in the cocked position by the sear and the hammer spring has been fully compressed by the hammer strut. As the slide travels forward the hammer is rotated back to and held in the forward position by the hammer rebound spring.
When the trigger is pulled rearward against the combined force (7.5 – 8.5 pounds) of the trigger, hammer rebound, firing pin block, and sear springs the internal passive safeties are disengaged and the sear releases the cocking piece. The cocking piece is then free to
rotate the hammer forward on its axle under pressure of the compressed hammer spring
imparted through the hammer strut to strike the firing pin and fire the chambered round.
The weight of the trigger pull is adjusted by an armorer replacing or exchanging the firing
pin block spring, firing pin spring, and trigger springs.
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