Product Overview Rev B DEC 17
Why choose HEATSTRIP® electric radiant heaters for your outdoor or hard-to-heat indoor area?
As there is typically constant air movement in an outdoor or open indoor area, many conventional heaters rely on convection
heating which works by heating the surrounding air. This can be quite impractical for these areas, as this heated air can easily
blow away with natural air movement. Radiant style heaters transfer heat directly to objects through infra-red waves.
Whilst convection heaters heat the air in between objects, radiant heaters heat the surface of the objects themselves.
HEATSTRIP® electric radiant heaters are more effective within an outdoor or uninsulated indoor area because they provide
targeted warmth directly to the people and objects in their path.
Innovative, High Performance Electric Heating Technology — for outdoor and indoor areas
Using the radiant heating principle, HEATSTRIP® Intense can provide effective and energy efficient comfort heating for
outdoor (undercover and open) and indoor open areas. HEATSTRIP® has successfully enabled many entertainment venues
such as restaurants, pubs and clubs to utilise their outdoor dining areas day and night, through all seasons. Within your
workplace or business, HEATSTRIP® can provide comfort heating for designated outdoor smoking and leisure areas, as well
as for workstation spot heating in factories, warehouses and showrooms. Within your home, HEATSTRIP® can provide
comfort heating for undercover alfresco dining and BBQ area, patios, verandas, courtyards and balconies.
Indoor insulated areas: classrooms, offices, bathrooms, wet areas, drying rooms
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Outdoor under cover: café, veranda, patio, balcony ceiling height 2.7m or less
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Outdoor under cover: café, veranda, patio, balcony ceiling height 2.7m or more
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Highly exposed outdoor area
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Indoor open area: warehouse, factory, production areas, sports facilities
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Indoor spot heating, above tables, assembly areas
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There are 5 different ranges within the electric HEATSTRIP® product category. Each has a different temperature rating
making them suited to a variety of applications. Below is a list of some common applications, to assist with the selection of
the most effective and efficient series. This is a general guide only, please refer to the Product Manual for each product, f or
more information.
HEATSTRIP® Indoor (THS-A models) is a medium intensity heater used for protected indoor applications only with
installation heights up to 2.5m (THS800A) or 2.7m (all other THS-A models).
HEATSTRIP® Classic (THH-A models) is a premium high temperature heater and is primarily used for protected outdoor
areas with an ideal mounting height of 2.3m to 2.5m and maximum mounting height of 2.7m.
HEATSTRIP® Elegance (THE mo dels) is a pr emi um high temp erature heater and is primaril y used for prot ected
outdoor areas with an ideal mounting height of 2.3m to 2.5m and maximum mounting height of 2.7m.
HEATSTRIP® Max (THX models) is an u lt ra high tem per atu re heater used fo r u ncovered or o pen indoor o r o utdoor
areas with an ideal mounting height of 2.3 m to 2.7m, and up to a maximum 3.5m for protected indoor applications.
HEATSTRIP® Intense (THY models) is an instant high temperature heater perfect for any exposed outdoor or indoor areas
with an ideal mounting height of 2.3m to 2.5m, and a maximum of 3m in an outdoor exposed application.