INSTALLER: Leave this manual with party responsible for use and operation.
OWNER: Retain this manual for future reference.
Contact your dealer with questions regarding installation, operation or service.
NOTICE: DO NOT discard this manual!
Failure to follow safety warnings exactly
could result in serious injury, death, or
property damage.
• DO NOT store or use gasoline or other fl am-
mable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this
or any other appliance.
• What to do if you smell gas
- DO NOT try to light any appliance.
- DO NOT touch any electrical switch. DO
NOT use any phone in your building.
- Leave the building immediately.
- Immediately call your gas supplier from
a neighbor’s phone. Follow the gas supplier’s instructions.
- If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call
the fi re department.
• Installation and service must be performed
by a qualifi ed installer, service agency, or the
gas supplier.
This appliance may be installed as an OEM
installation in manufactured home (USA
only) or mobile home and must be installed
in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions and the Manufactured Home
Construction and Safety Standard, Title 24
CFR, Part 3280 in the United States, or the
Standard for Installation in Mobile Homes,
CAN/CSA Z240 MH Series, in Canada.
This appliance is only for use with the type(s)
of gas indicated on the rating plate. This
appliance is not convertible for use with other
gases, unless a certifi ed kit is used.
A barrier designed to reduce the risk of
burns from the hot viewing glass is provided
with this appliance and shall be installed for
the protection of children and other at-risk
In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts installation must be
performed by a licensed plumber or gas fi tter.
See Table of Contents for location of additional Commonwealth
of Massachusetts requirements.
Safety Alert Key:
• DANGER! Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided will result in death or serious injury.
• WARNING! Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided could result in death or serious injury.
• CAUTION! Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
• NOTICE: Used to address practices not related to personal injury.
This standard work checklist is to be used by the installer in conjunction with, not instead of, the instructions contained in this
installation manual.
Model (circle one): ECLIPSE-32 ECLIPSE-36
WARNING! Risk of Fire or Explosion! Failure to install appliance according to these instructions could
lead to a ¿ re or explosion.
Appliance Install YES IF NO, WHY?
Veri¿ ed that the chase is insulated and sealed. (Pg. 10) ___________________________
Veri¿ ed clearances to combustibles. (Section 3) ___________________________
Fireplace is leveled and secured. (Pg. 32) ___________________________
Venting/Chimney Section 7 (Pg 33-38)
Venting con¿ guration complies to vent diagrams. ___________________________
Venting installed, locked and secured in place with proper clearance. ___________________________
Firestops installed. ___________________________
Attic insulation shield installed. ___________________________
Exterior wall/Roof À ashing installed and sealed. ___________________________
Terminations installed and sealed. ___________________________
Date Installed:
Location of Fireplace:
Dealer/Distributor Phone #
Serial #:
Electrical Section 8 (Pg 39-41)
Unswitched power (110-120 VAC) provided to the appliance. ___________________________
Switch wires properly installed. ___________________________
Gas Section 9 (Pg 42-43)
Proper appliance for fuel type. ___________________________
Was a conversion performed? ___________________________
Leak check performed and inlet pressure veri¿ ed. ___________________________
Veri¿ ed proper air shutter setting for installation type. ___________________________
Finishing Section 10 (Pg 44-45)
Combustible materials not installed in non-combustible areas. ___________________________
Veri¿ ed all clearances meet installation manual requirements. ___________________________
Mantels and wall projections comply with installation manual requirements. ___________________________
Appliance Setup Section 11 (Pg 46-48)
All packaging and protective materials removed (inside & outside of appliance). ___________________________
Refractories, media, stones and embers installed correctly. ___________________________
Glass assembly installed and secured. ___________________________
Accessories installed properly. ___________________________
Mesh, doors, or decorative front properly installed. ___________________________
Manual bag and all of its contents are removed from inside/under
the appliance and given to party responsible for use and operation. ___________________________
Started appliance and veri¿ ed no gas leaks exist. ___________________________
Hearth & Home Technologies recommends the following:
• Photographing the installation and copying this checklist for your ¿ le.
• That this checklist remain visible at all times on the appliance until the installation is complete.
Comments: Further description of the issues, who is responsible (Installer/ Builder/ Other Trades, etc) and corrective
action needed _____________________________________________________________________________________
Comments Communicated to party responsible ____________________ by ______________________on ___________
(Builder / Gen. Contractor/) (Installer) (Date)
This product is listed to ANSI standards for “Vented Gas
Fireplace Heaters” and applicable sections of “Gas Burning Heating Appliances for Manufactured Homes and
Recreational Vehicles”, and “Gas Fired Appliances for
Use at High Altitudes”.
NOTICE: This installation must conform with local codes.
In the absence of local codes you must comply with the
National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1-latest edition in
the U.S.A. and the CAN/CGA B149 Installation Codes in
This appliance is tested and approved as either supplemental room heat or as a decorative appliance. It should not be
factored as primary heat in residential heating calculations.
B. Glass Specifi cations
Hearth & Home Technologies appliances manufactured
with tempered glass may be installed in hazardous locations such as bathtub enclosures as defi ned by the
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). The
tempered glass has been tested and certifi ed to the re-
quirements of ANSI Z97.1 and CPSC 16 CFR 1202
(Safety Glazing Certifi cation Council SGCC# 1595 and
1597. Architectural Testing, Inc. Reports 02-31919.01
and 02-31917.01).
This statement is in compliance with CPSC 16 CFR Sec-tion 1201.5 “Certifi cation and labeling requirements”
which refers to 15 U.S. Code (USC) 2063 stating “…Such
certifi cate shall accompany the product or shall otherwise
be furnished to any distributor or retailer to whom the
product is delivered.”
Some local building codes require the use of tempered
glass with permanent marking in such locations. Glass
meeting this requirement is available from the factory.
Please contact your dealer or distributor to order.
C. BTU Specifi cations
(U.S. or Canada)
(0-2000 FT)
(0-2000 FT)
(0-2000 FT)
(0-2000 FT)
Input BTU/h
17,00013,5001.25 mm
Orifi ce
Size (DMS)
D. High Altitude Installations
NOTICE: If the heating value of the gas has been reduced,
these rules do not apply. Check with your local gas utility
or authorities having jurisdiction.
When installing above 2000 feet elevation:
• In the USA: Reduce input rate 4% for each 1000 feet
above 2000 feet.
• In CANADA: Input ratings are certifi ed without a
reduction of input rate for elevations up to 4500 feet
(1370 m)above sea level. Please consult provincial and/
or local authorities having jurisdiction for installations at
elevations above 4500 feet (1370 m).
Check with your local gas utility to determine proper
orifi ce size.
E. Non-Combustible Materials Specifi cation
Material which will not ignite and burn. Such materials are
those consisting entirely of steel, iron, brick, tile, concrete,
slate, glass or plasters, or any combination thereof.
Materials that are reported as passing ASTM E 136,
Standard Test Method for Behavior of Materials in
a Vertical Tube Furnace at 750 ºC shall be considered
non-combustible materials.
F. Combustible Materials Specifi cation
Materials made of or surfaced with wood, compressed paper, plant fi bers, plastics, or other material that can ignite
and burn, whether fl ame proofed or not, or plastered or
unplastered shall be considered combustible materials.
G. Electrical Codes
NOTICE: This appliance must be electrically wired
and grounded in accordance with local codes or, in the
absence of local codes, with National Electric Code
ANSI/NFPA 70-latest edition or the Canadian Electric
Code CSA C22.1.
• A 110-120 VAC circuit for this product must be pro-
tected with ground-fault circuit-interrupter protection,
in compliance with the applicable electrical codes,
when it is installed in locations such as in bathrooms
or near sinks.
Note: The following requirements reference various
Massachusetts and national codes not contained in this
H. Requirements for the Commonwealth of
For all side wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment
installed in every dwelling, building or structure used in
whole or in part for residential purposes, including those
owned or operated by the Commonwealth and where the
side wall exhaust vent termination is less than seven (7)
feet above fi nished grade in the area of the venting, in-
cluding but not limited to decks and porches, the following
requirements shall be satisfi ed:
Installation of Carbon Monoxide Detectors
At the time of installation of the side wall horizontal vented
gas fueled equipment, the installing plumber or gas fi tter
shall observe that a hard wired carbon monoxide detector
with an alarm and battery back-up is installed on the fl oor
level where the gas equipment is to be installed. In addition, the installing plumber or gas fi tter shall observe that
a battery operated or hard wired carbon monoxide detector with an alarm is installed on each additional level of
the dwelling, building or structure served by the side wall
horizontal vented gas fueled equipment. It shall be the
responsibility of the property owner to secure the services
of qualifi ed licensed professionals for the installation of
hard wired carbon monoxide detectors.
In the event that the side wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment is installed in a crawl space or an attic,
the hard wired carbon monoxide detector with alarm and
battery back-up may be installed on the next adjacent
fl oor level.
In the event that the requirements of this subdivision can
not be met at the time of completion of installation, the
owner shall have a period of thirty (30) days to comply
with the above requirements; provided, however, that during said thirty (30) day period, a battery operated carbon
monoxide detector with an alarm shall be installed.
The state or local gas inspector of the side wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment shall not approve the
installation unless, upon inspection, the inspector observes carbon monoxide detectors and signage installed
in accordance with the provisions of 248 CMR 5.08(2)(a)1
through 4.
The following equipment is exempt from 248 CMR
5.08(2)(a)1 through 4:
• The equipment listed in Chapter 10 entitled “Equipment
Not Required To Be Vented” in the most current edition
of NFPA 54 as adopted by the Board; and
• Product Approved side wall horizontally vented gas fu-
eled equipment installed in a room or structure separate
from the dwelling, building or structure used in whole or
in part for residential purposes.
Gas Equipment Venting System Provided
When the manufacturer of Product Approved side wall
horizontally vented gas equipment provides a venting
system design or venting system components with the
equipment, the instructions provided by the manufacturer
for installation of the equipment and the venting system
shall include:
• Detailed instructions for the installation of the venting
system design or the venting system components; and
• A complete parts list for the venting system design or
venting system.
Gas Equipment Venting System NOT Provided
When the manufacturer of a Product Approved side wall
horizontally vented gas fueled equipment does not provide the parts for venting the fl ue gases, but identifi es
“special venting systems”, the following requirements
shall be satisfi ed by the manufacturer:
Approved Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Each carbon monoxide detector as required in accordance with the above provisions shall comply with NFPA
720 and be ANSI/UL 2034 listed and IAS certifi ed.
A metal or plastic identifi cation plate shall be permanent-
ly mounted to the exterior of the building at a minimum
height of eight (8) feet above grade directly in line with the
exhaust vent terminal for the horizontally vented gas fueled heating appliance or equipment. The sign shall read,
in print size no less than one-half (1/2) in. in size, “GAS
• The referenced “special venting system” instructions
shall be included with the appliance or equipment installation instructions; and
• The “special venting systems” shall be Product Ap-
proved by the Board, and the instructions for that system shall include a parts list and detailed installation
A copy of all installation instructions for all Product Approved side wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment, all venting instructions, all parts lists for venting
instructions, and/or all venting design instructions shall
remain with the appliance or equipment at the completion
of the installation.
See Gas Connection section for additional Commonwealth of Massachusetts requirements.
Getting Started
A. Design and Installation Considerations
Heatilator direct vent gas appliances are designed to operate with all combustion air siphoned from outside of the
building and all exhaust gases expelled to the outside. No
additional outside air source is required.
Installation MUST comply with local, regional, state and
national codes and regulations. Consult insurance carrier,
local building inspector, fi re offi cials or authorities having
jurisdiction over restrictions, installation inspection and
Before installing, determine the following:
• Where the appliance is to be installed.
• The vent system confi guration to be used.
• Gas supply piping requirements.
• Electrical wiring requirements.
• Framing and fi nishing details.
• Whether optional accessories—devices such as a fan,
wall switch, or remote control—are desired.
Installation and service of this appliance should be
performed by qualifi ed personnel. Hearth & Home
Technologies suggests NFI certifi ed or factory
trained professionals, or technicians supervised by
an NFI certifi ed professional (www.nfi certifi
C. Inspect Appliance and Components
• Carefully remove the appliance and components from
the packaging.
• The vent system components and decorative doors and
fronts may be shipped in separate packages.
• If packaged separately, the log set and appliance grate
must be installed.
• Report to your dealer any parts damaged in shipment,
particularly the condition of the glass.
• Read all of the instructions before starting the instal-
lation. Follow these instructions carefully during the
installation to ensure maximum safety and benefi t.
WARNING! Risk of Fire or Explosion! Damaged parts
could impair safe operation. DO NOT install damaged, in-
complete or substitute components. Keep appliance dry.
Hearth & Home Technologies disclaims any responsibility for,
and the warranty will be voided by, the following actions:
• Installation and use of any damaged appliance or vent
system component.
• Modifi cation of the appliance or vent system.
• Installation other than as instructed by Hearth & Home
• Improper positioning of the gas logs or the glass door.
• Installation and/or use of any component part not approved
by Hearth & Home Technologies.
Any such action may cause a fi re hazard.
Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, service or
maintenance can cause injury or property damage. For
assistance or additional information, consult a qualifi ed
service technician, service agency or your dealer.
B. Tools and Supplies Needed
Before beginning the installation be sure that the following
tools and building supplies are available.
Tape measure Framing material
Pliers Hammer
Phillips screwdriver Manometer
Gloves Framing square
Voltmeter Electric drill and bits (1/4 in.)
Plumb line Safety glasses
Level Reciprocating saw
Flat blade screwdriver
Non-corrosive leak check solution
1/2 - 3/4 in. length, #6 or #8 Self-drilling screws
Caulking material (300ºF minimum continuous exposure
One 1/4 in. female connection (for optional fan).
WARNING! Risk of Fire, Explosion or Electric Shock!
DO NOT use this appliance if any part has been under
water. Call a qualifi ed service technician to inspect the
appliance and to replace any part of the control system
and/or gas control which has been under water.
Refer to Section 10.B for mantel and wall
projection information.
Consider the mantel or cabinet system to be
installed and comply with the necessary
requirements for elevated hearth. Refer to
instructions included with cabinet system.
When selecting a location for the appliance it is important
to consider the required clearances to walls (see Figure
WARNING! Risk of Fire or Burns! Provide adequate
clearance around air openings and for service access.
Due to high temperatures, the appliance should be located out of traffi c and away from furniture and draperies.
NOTICE: Illustrations refl ect typical installations and are
FOR DESIGN PURPOSES ONLY. Illustrations/diagrams
are not drawn to scale. Actual installation may vary due to
individual design preference.
A chase is a vertical box-like structure built to enclose the
gas appliance and/or its vent system. In cooler climates
the vent should be enclosed inside the chase.
NOTICE: Treatment of ceiling fi restops and wall shield
fi restops and construction of the chase may vary with the
type of building. These instructions are not substitutes
for the requirements of local building codes. Therefore,
you MUST check local building codes to determine the
requirements to these steps.
Chases should be constructed in the manner of all outside walls of the home to prevent cold air drafting problems. The chase should not break the outside building
envelope in any manner.
Walls, ceiling, base plate and cantilever fl oor of the chase
should be insulated. Vapor and air infi ltration barriers
should be installed in the chase as per regional codes for
the rest of the home. Additionally, in regions where cold
air infi ltration may be an issue, the inside surfaces may be
sheetrocked and taped (or an equivalent method may be
used) to achieve maximum air tightness.
To further prevent drafts, the wall shield and ceiling fi re-
stops should be caulked with caulk with a minimum of
300ºF continuous exposure rating to seal gaps. Gas
line holes and other openings should be caulked with
caulk with a minimum of 300ºF continuous exposure rating
or stuffed with unfaced insulation. If the appliance is being
installed on a cement surface, a layer of plywood may be
placed underneath to prevent conducting cold up into the
WARNING! Risk of Fire! Maintain specifi ed air space
clearances to appliance and vent pipe:
• Insulation and other materials must be secured to prevent
accidental contact.
• The chase must be properly blocked to prevent blown
insulation or other combustibles from entering and
making contact with fi replace or chimney.
• Failure to maintain airspace may cause overheating and
a fi re.
D. Floor Protection
NOTICE: Install appliance on hard metal or wood surfaces
extending full width and depth. DO NOT install directly
on carpeting, vinyl, tile or any combustible material other
than wood.
in.108-5/834-3/416-1/4 16-1/4373200 1/2 1/236
in.108-5/838-1/416-1/4 16-1/44232001/21/236
* Adjust framing dimensions for interior sheathing (such as sheetrock)
C** Add 12 inches for rear venting with one 90º elbow.
CAUTION! Risk of Burns! Termination caps are HOT,
consider proximity to doors, traffi c areas or where people
may pass or gather (sidewalk, deck, patio, etc.). Listed cap
shields available. Contact your dealer.
• Local codes or regulations may require different
• Vent system termination is NOT permitted in screened
• Vent system termination is permitted in porch areas with
two or more sides open.
• Hearth & Home Technologies assumes no responsibility
for the improper performance of the appliance when the
venting system does not meet these requirements.
• Vinyl protection kits are suggested for use with vinyl siding.
C. Approved Pipe
This appliance is approved for use with Hearth & Home
Technologies DVP or SLP venting systems. Refer to Section 12.A for vent component information and dimensions.
DO NOT mix pipe, fi ttings or joining methods from differ-
ent manufacturers.
The pipe is tested to be run inside an enclosed wall.
There is no requirement for inspection openings at each
joint within the wall.
WARNING! Risk of Fire or Asphyxiation. This appliance requires a separate vent. DO NOT vent to a pipe
serving a separate solid fuel burning appliance.
Diagonal runs have both vertical and horizontal vent aspects when calculating the effects. Use the rise for the
vertical aspect and the run for the horizontal aspect. See
Figure 4.4.
Two 45º elbows may be used in place of one 90º elbow.
On 45º runs, one foot of diagonal is equal to 8-1/2 in. (216
mm) horizontal run and 8-1/2 in. (216 mm) vertical run. A
length of straight pipe is allowed between two 45º elbows.
See Figure 4.4.
Figure 4.5 shows the vertical and horizontal offsets for
DVP or SLP elbows.
Effective LengthRise/Run
SLP6A3 to 676 to 152
SLP12A3 to 1276 to 305
Vent Type
Figure 4.5 Vertical and Horizontal Offset for DVP and SLP Elbows
Vertical and horizontal measurements listed in the vent
diagrams were made using the following standards:
• Pipe measurements are shown using the effective length
of pipe. See Section 12.A (Figure 12.1 for DVP, Figure
12.6 for SLP) for information on effective length of pipe
• Horizontal terminations are measured to the outside
mounting surface (fl ange of termination cap). See
Figure 4.3.
• Vertical terminations are measured to bottom of
termination cap.
• Horizontal pipe installed level with no rise.
F. Use of Flex Vent
The fl ex vent must be supported with the spacing between
support intervals not exceeding 4 feet, with no more than
½ inch sag between supports.
A support is required at each change in venting direction,
and in any location where it is necessary to maintain the
necessary clearance to combustibles. A simple “up and
out” installation (Figure 4.6) requires only enough support to maintain the necessary clearance to combustibles.
However, the vent attachment point and the fi restop loca-
tion are considered to be supports.
G. Vent Diagrams
General Rules:
• SUBTRACT 3 ft. from the total H measurement for each
90º elbow installed horizontally.
• SUBTRACT 1-1/2 ft. from the total H measurement for
each 45º elbow installed horizontally.
• When penetrating a combustible wall, a wall shield
fi restop must be installed.
• When penetrating a combustible ceiling, a ceiling fi restop
must be installed.
• Horizontal runs of vent do not require vertical rise;
horizontal runs may be level.
• Horizontal termination cap should have a 1/4 inch
downward slant to allow any moisture in cap to be
released. See Figure 4.7.
• When using SLP-HRC-SS and SLP-HRC-ZC-SS
termination caps on top vented fi replaces, a one
foot minimum vertical vent section is required
before installing fi rst elbow.
• When using DVP-TB1 termination cap on top
vented fi replaces, a three foot minimum vertical
vent section is required before installing first
V1 Minimum**H1 Maximum
90 Elbow Only**2 ft.610 mm
1/2 ft.**152 mm2 ft.610 mm
1-1/2 ft.** 457 mm3 ft.914 mm
2-1/2 ft.** 762 mm5 ft.1.5 m
3-1/2 ft.1.1 m7 ft.2.1 m
4-1/2 ft.1.4 m15 ft.4.6 m
MAX. =15 ft. (4.6 m)
V1 + H1 MAX. = 40 ft. (12.2 m)
** See Warning.
Note: There MUST be a 25% reduction
in total H when using fl ex vent except
when using the simple up and out
installation (see Figure 4.6).
Note: There MUST be a 25% reduction in total H when using fl ex
vent except when using the simple up and out installation (see
Figure 4.6).
V1 Minimum**H1 + H2 Maximum
90 Elbow Only**1/2 ft.152 mm
1/2 ft.**152 mm1 ft.305 mm
1-1/2 ft.** 457 mm2 ft.610 mm
2-1/2 ft.** 762 mm4 ft.1.2 m
3-1/2 ft.1.1 m6 ft.1.8 m
4-1/2 ft.1.4 m14 ft.4.3 m
+ H2 MAX. =14 ft. (4.3 m)
V1 + H1 + H2 MAX. = 40 ft. (12.2 m)
**See Warning Below.
Fire Risk.
• When using SLP-HRC-SS and SLP-HRC-ZC-SS
termination caps on top vented fi replaces, a one
foot minimum vertical vent section is required
before installing fi rst elbow.
• When using DVP-TB1 termination cap on top
vented fi replaces, a three foot minimum vertical
vent section is required before installing fi rst
in total H when using fl ex vent except
when using the simple up and out
installation (see Figure 4.6).
V1 Minimum**H1 MaximumH1 + H2 Maximum
90 Elbow Only**1-1/2 ft. 457 mm2 ft.610 mm
1/2 ft.** 152 mm 1-1/2 ft. 457 mm4 ft.1.2 m
1-1/2 ft. 457 mm3 ft.914 mm6 ft.1.8 m
2-1/2 ft. 762 mm5 ft.1.5 m10 ft.3.0 m
3-1/2 ft.1.1 m7 ft.2.1 m14 ft.4.3 m
4-1/2 ft.1.4 m14 ft.4.3 m14 ft.4.3 m
+ H2 MAX. =14 ft. (4.3 m)
+ V2 + H1 + H2 MAX. = 40 ft. (12.2 m)
** See Warning Below.
Note: Use SLP Series
components only.
Fire Risk.
• When using SLP-HRC-SS and SLP-HRC-ZCSS termination caps on top vented fi replaces,
a one foot minimum vertical vent section is
required before installing fi rst elbow.