Heathkit 2006 schematic

Re-release of the 2006 Element 2 Technician Class Question Pool
February 6, 2006
To all interested parties: The QPC strives to maintain the highest standards of accuracy in the question pools provided by this committee, but unfortunately, as in many human endeavors, perfection is an elusive goal. A few additional errors were discovered in the 2006 Element 2 pool after the initial release. Most of these errors were simple typographic problems, but in at least 3 cases the errors were significant enough that the QPC decided to remove the entire question from the pool. In 3 more cases, a question was substantially re-worded.
The Question Pool Committee apologizes to all users for this second release of the question pool and any inconvenience it might have caused.
The following questions have been removed. Subsequent questions in the affected sections are not to be renumbered.
T3B11 T5D06 T6B09 T7A08
There are 392 questions in this pool. There are no graphics files required for this pool. As before, this pool will become effective for examinations given on or after July 1, 2006, and will be valid until June 30, 2010.
If you have an issue with any particular question, please send your input to the question pool committee using the following email address: qpcinput@ncvec.org Do not send input to the QPC members or assistants directly. When making submissions, please include the question number(s) involved, and a brief explanation of what you think is incorrect.
You may also use this address to send in comments, criticisms, and suggestions for new questions or changes to the topic areas for any of the pools. Please make sure the subject line in your message includes a reference to which pool you are addressing.
This document is intended to be used for general reference. VECs that require an editable version of the pool, or need the pool in a different format, should access the NCVEC web-site:
www.ncvec.org to obtain downloadable versions of this file. Several different formats are
Jim Wiley, KL7CC Chairman, NCVEC Question Pool Committee
Committee members: Perry Green, WY1O
Larry Pollock, NB5X
QPC Assistants: Roland Anders, K3RA Tom Fuszard, KF9PU
Fred Maia, W5YI Gordon West, WB6NOA
Dave De Febo, WB9BWP Steve Sternitzke, NS5I
Errata sheet – 2006 Element 2 pool
The following questions were edited in some fashion from their original form, or removed from the original issue of the pool.
Question Error reported Action taken
T1C02 Incorrect grammar in distractor B Corrected
T2B09 Incorrect Part 97 reference Corrected
T2C04 Incorrect Part 97 reference Corrected
T2D03 Incorrect Part 97 reference Corrected
T3B07 Missing Part 97 reference Reference inserted
T3B11 Error in FCC rule database Question withdrawn
T3C09 Suggested answer is incorrect Correct answer is "D"
T3C10 Missing punctuation in question Comma inserted
T4E02 Two answers labeled as "B" Correction supplied
T4E07 Grammar error in question Revised text
T5D06 Deleted question.
T5D11 Grammar error in question Revised text
T6A04 Grammar error in question Inserted word "is"
T6A08 Grammar error in question Revised text
T6B09 Deleted question
T7A02 Grammar error Revised text
T7A08 Deleted question.
T8A02 Ambiguous reference to Part 97 section Clarified reference
T8A03 Missing period in distractor C Inserted correction
T8A10 Listed answer is incorrect Correct answer is "D"
T8B08 Conflicts with T8B11 Question rewritten
T8B11 Conflicts with T8B08 Question rewritten
T8C10 Grammatical errors Question rewritten
T9A05 Spelling error in distractor D Corrected
T9A06 Grammatical errors Question rewritten
T9A12 Grammar error Question rewritten
T9C01 Distractor A (correct answer) is wrong Distractor rewritten
T9C02 Grammar error Question rewritten
T9C07 Grammar error Question rewritten
T9C10 Grammar error Question rewritten
T0C02 Grammar error Corrected
T0C06 Typo Corrected
2006 Technician Class (Element 2) Master syllabus
Released 6 February, 2006
35 Exam questions
SUBELEMENT T1 – FCC Rules, station license responsibilities - 4 exam questions – 4 groups
T1A - Basis and purpose of the Amateur Radio Service,
penalties for unlicensed operation, other penalties,
T1B - ITU regions, international regulations, US call sign
structure, special event calls, vanity call signs
T1C – Authorized frequencies (Technician), reciprocal
licensing, operation near band edges, spectrum sharing
T1D - The station license, correct name and address on file,
license term, renewals, grace period
SUBELEMENT T2 - Control operator duties – 4 exam questions – 4 groups
T2A - Prohibited communications: music, broadcasting, codes
and ciphers, business use, permissible communications,
bulletins, code practice, incidental music
T2B - Basic identification requirements, repeater ID
standards, identification for non-voice modes, identification
requirements for mobile and portable operation
T2C – Definition of control operator, location of control
operator, automatic and remote control, auxiliary stations
T2D - Operating another person's station, guest operators at
your station, third party communications, autopatch,
incidental business use, compensation of operators, club
stations, station security, station inspection, protection
against unauthorized transmissions
SUBELEMENT T3 – Operating practices – 4 exam questions – 4 groups
T3A - Choosing an operating frequency, calling CQ, calling
another station, test transmissions
T3B - Use of minimum power, band plans, repeater
coordination, mode restricted sub-bands
T3C - Courtesy and respect for others, sensitive subject
areas, obscene and indecent language
T3D - Interference to and from consumer devices, public
relations, intentional and unintentional interference
SUBELEMENT T4 – Radio and electronic fundamentals – 5 exam questions – 5 groups
T4A – Names of electrical units, DC and AC, what is a radio
signal, conductors and insulators, electrical components
T4B – relationship between frequency and wavelength,
identification of bands, names of frequency ranges, types of
T4C - How radio works: receivers, transmitters, transceivers,
amplifiers, power supplies, types of batteries, service life
T4D – Ohms law relationships
T4E - Power calculations, units, kilo, mega, milli, micro
SUBELEMENT T5 – Station setup and operation - 4 exam questions – 4 groups
T5A - Station hookup – microphone, speaker, headphones,
filters, power source, connecting a computer
T5B - Operating controls
T5C – Repeaters; repeater and simplex operating techniques,
offsets, selective squelch, open and closed repeaters, linked
T5D – Recognition and correction of problems, symptoms of
overload and overdrive, distortion, over and under
modulation, RF feedback, off frequency signals, fading and
noise, problems with digital communications links
SUBELEMENT T6 – Communications modes and methods – 3 exam questions - 3 groups
T6A - Modulation modes, descriptions and bandwidth (AM, FM,
T6B - Voice communications, EchoLink and IRLP
T6C – Non-voice communications - image communications, data,
CW, packet, PSK31, Morse code techniques, Q signals
SUBELEMENT T7 – Special operations – 2 exam questions – 2 groups
T7A – Operating in the field, radio direction finding, radio
control, contests, special event stations
T7B – Satellite operation, Doppler shift, satellite sub
bands, LEO, orbit calculation, split frequency operation,
operating protocols, AMSAT, ISS communications
SUBELEMENT T8 – Emergency and Public Service Communications – 3 exam questions – 3 groups
T8A - FCC declarations of an emergency, use of non-amateur
equipment and frequencies, use of equipment by unlicensed
persons, tactical call signs
T8B - Preparation for emergency operations, RACES/ARES,
safety of life and property, using ham radio at civic events,
compensation prohibited
T8C - Net operations, responsibilities of the net control
station, message handling, interfacing with public safety
SUBELEMENT T9 – Radio waves, propagation, and antennas - 3 exam questions – 3 groups
T9A - Antenna types – vertical, horizontal, concept of gain,
common portable and mobile antennas, losses with short
antennas, relationships between antenna length and frequency,
dummy loads
T9B – Propagation, fading, multipath distortion,
reflections, radio horizon, terrain blocking, wavelength vs.
penetration, antenna orientation
T9C – Feedlines types, losses vs. frequency, SWR concepts,
measuring SWR, matching and power transfer, weather
protection, feedline failure modes
SUBELEMENT T0 – Electrical and RF Safety – 3 exam questions – 3 groups
T0A – AC power circuits, hazardous voltages, fuses and
circuit breakers, grounding, lightning protection, battery
safety, electrical code compliance
T0B – Antenna installation, tower safety, overhead power
T0C - RF hazards, radiation exposure, RF heating hazards,
proximity to antennas, recognized safe power levels, hand
held safety, exposure to others
2006 Technician Class License Question Pool
Released 6 February, 2006
35 Exam questions
SUBELEMENT T1 – FCC Rules, station license responsibilities - 4 exam questions – 4 Groups
T1A - Basis and purpose of the Amateur Radio Service, penalties for unlicensed operation, other penalties, examinations – 1 exam question
T1A01 (A) [97.3(a)(1)]
Who is an amateur operator as defined in Part 97?
A. A person named in an amateur operator/primary license grant in the FCC ULS database B. A person who has passed a written license examination C. The person named on the FCC Form 605 Application D. A person holding a Restricted Operating Permit ~~
T1A02 (B) [97.1]
What is one of the basic purposes of the Amateur Radio Service as defined in Part 97?
A. To support teaching of amateur radio classes in schools B. To provide a voluntary noncommercial communications service to the public, particularly in times of emergency C. To provide free message service to the public D. To allow the public to communicate with other radio services ~~
T1A03 (C) [97.501]
What classes of US amateur radio licenses may currently be earned by examination?
A. Novice, Technician, General, Advanced B. Technician, General, Advanced C. Technician, General, Extra D. Technician, Tech Plus, General ~~
T1A04 (C) [97.509(b)]
Who is a Volunteer Examiner?
A. A certified instructor who volunteers to examine amateur teaching manuals B. An FCC employee who accredits volunteers to administer amateur license exams C. An amateur accredited by one or more VECs who volunteers to administer amateur license exams D. Any person who volunteers to examine amateur station equipment ~~
T1A05 (A) [97.505(a)(6)]
How long is a CSCE valid for license upgrade purposes?
A. 365 days B. Until the current license expires C. Indefinitely D. Until two years following the expiration of the current license ~~
T1A06 (D) [97.509(a)(b)(3)(i)]
How many and what class of Volunteer Examiners are required to administer an Element 2 Technician written exam?
A. Three Examiners holding any class of license B. Two Examiners holding any class of license C. Three Examiners holding a Technician Class license D. Three Examiners holding a General Class license or higher ~~
T1A07 (B) [97.5]
Who makes and enforces the rules for the Amateur Radio Service in the United States?
A. The Congress of the United States B. The Federal Communications Commission C. The Volunteer Examiner Coordinators D. The Federal Bureau of Investigation ~~
T1A08 (D) [97.1]
What are two of the five fundamental purposes for the Amateur Radio Service?
A. To protect historical radio data, and help the public understand radio history B. To aid foreign countries in improving radio communications and encourage visits from foreign hams C. To modernize radio electronic design theory and improve schematic drawings D. To increase the number of trained radio operators and electronics experts, and improve international goodwill ~~
T1A09 (D) [97.3(a)(5)]
What is the definition of an amateur radio station?
A. A station in a public radio service used for radio communications B. A station using radio communications for a commercial purpose C. A station using equipment for training new broadcast operators and technicians D. A station in an Amateur Radio Service consisting of the apparatus necessary for carrying on radio communications ~~
T1A10 (B) [97.3(A)(23)]
What is a transmission called that disturbs other communications?
A. Interrupted CW B. Harmful interference C. Transponder signals D. Unidentified transmissions ~~
T1B - ITU regions, international regulations, US call sign structure, special event calls, vanity call signs - 1 exam question
T1B01 (C) [97.3(a)(28)]
What is the ITU?
A. The International Telecommunications Utility B. The International Telephone Union C. The International Telecommunication Union D. The International Technology Union ~~
T1B02 (A) [97.301]
What is the purpose of ITU Regions?
A. They are used to assist in the management of frequency allocations B. They are useful when operating maritime mobile C. They are used in call sign assignments D. They must be used after your call sign to indicate your location ~~
T1B03 (C) [97.17(d)]
What system does the FCC use to select new amateur radio call signs?
A. Call signs are assigned in random order B. The applicant is allowed to pick a call sign C. Call signs are assigned in sequential order D. Volunteer Examiners choose an unassigned call sign ~~
T1B04 (A) [97.19(d)]
What FCC call sign program might you use to obtain a call sign containing your initials?
A. The vanity call sign program B. The sequential call sign program C. The special event call sign program D. There is no FCC provision for choosing a your call sign ~~
T1B05 (B) [97.17(b)(2)]
How might an amateur radio club obtain a club station call sign?
A. By applying directly to the FCC in Gettysburg, PA B. By applying through a Club Station Call Sign Administrator C. By submitting a FCC Form 605 to the FCC in Washington, DC D. By notifying a VE team using NCVEC Form 605 ~~
T1B06 (C)
Who is eligible to apply for temporary use of a 1-by-1 format Special Event call sign?
A. Only Amateur Extra class amateurs B. Only military stations C. Any FCC-licensed amateur D. Only trustees of amateur radio club stations ~~
T1B07 (A) [97.107]
When are you allowed to operate your amateur station in a foreign country?
A. When there is a reciprocal operating agreement between the countries B. When there is a mutual agreement allowing third party communications C. When authorization permits amateur communications in a foreign language D. When you are communicating with non-licensed individuals in another country ~~
T1B08 (C)
Which of the following call signs is a valid US amateur call?
T1B09 (B)
What letters must be used for the first letter in US amateur call signs?
A. K, N, U and W B. A, K, N and W C. A, B, C and D D. A, N, V and W ~~
T1B10 (D)
What numbers are used in US amateur call signs?
A. Any two-digit number, 10 through 99 B. Any two-digit number, 22 through 45 C. A single digit, 1 though 9 D. A single digit, 0 through 9 ~~
T1C – Authorized frequencies (Technician), reciprocal licensing, operation near band edges, spectrum sharing – 1 exam question
T1C01 (C) [97.5(a)]
What is required before you can control an amateur station in the US?
A. You must hold an FCC restricted operator's permit for a licensed radio station B. You must submit an FCC Form 605 with a license examination fee C. You must be named in the FCC amateur license database, or be an alien with reciprocal operating authorization D. The FCC must issue you a Certificate of Successful Completion of Amateur Training ~~
T1C02 (B) [97.5(a)]
Where does a US amateur license allow you to transmit?
A. From anywhere in the world B. From wherever the Amateur Radio Service is regulated by the FCC or where reciprocal agreements are in place C. From a country that shares a third party agreement with the US D. Only from the mailing address printed on your license ~~
T1C03 (B) [97.111]
Under what conditions are amateur stations allowed to communicate with stations operating in other radio services?
A. When other radio services make contact with amateur stations B. When authorized by the FCC C. When communicating with stations in the Family Radio Service D. When commercial broadcast stations are off the air ~~
T1C04 (B) [97.301(a)]
Which frequency is within the 6-meter band?
A. 49.00 MHz B. 52.525 MHz C. 28.50 MHz D. 222.15 MHz ~~
T1C05 (A) [97.301(a)]
Which amateur band are you using when transmitting on 146.52 MHz?
A. 2 meter band B. 20 meter band C. 14 meter band D. 6 meter band ~~
T1C06 (C) [97.301(a)]
Which 70-centimeter frequency is authorized to a Technician class license holder operating in ITU Region 2?
A. 455.350 MHz B. 146.520 MHz C. 443.350 MHz D. 222.520 MHz ~~
T1C07 (B) [97.301(a)]
Which 23 centimeter frequency is authorized to a Technician class license holder operating in ITU Region 2?
A. 2315 MHz B. 1296 MHz C. 3390 MHz D. 146.52 MHz ~~
T1C08 (D) [97.301(a)]
What amateur band are you using if you are operating on 223.50 MHz?
A. 15 meter band B. 10 meter band C. 2 meter band D. 1.25 meter band ~~
T1C09 (C) [97.303]
What do the FCC rules mean when an amateur frequency band is said to be available on a secondary basis?
A. Secondary users of a frequency have equal rights to operate B. Amateurs are only allowed to use the frequency at night C. Amateurs may not cause harmful interference to primary users D. Secondary users are not allowed on amateur bands ~~
T1C10 (D) [97.111]
When may a US amateur operator communicate with an amateur in a foreign country?
A. Only when a third-party agreement exists between the US and the foreign country B. At any time except between 146.52 and 146.58 MHz C. Only when a foreign amateur uses English D. At any time unless prohibited by either government ~~
T1C11 (D) [97.113(a)(5)]
Which of the following types of communications are not permitted in the Amateur Radio Service?
A. Brief transmissions to make adjustments to the station B. Brief transmissions to establish two-way communications with other stations C. Transmissions to assist persons learning or improving proficiency in CW D. Communications on a regular basis that could reasonably be furnished alternatively through other radio services ~~
T1D - The station license, correct name and address on file, license term, renewals, grace period – 1 exam question
T1D01 (B) [97.17(a)]
Which of the following services are issued an operator station license by the FCC?
A. Family Radio Service B. Amateur Radio Service C. General Radiotelephone Service D. The Citizens Radio Service ~~
T1D02 (A) [97.5(b)(1)]
Who can become an amateur licensee in the US?
A. Anyone except a representative of a foreign government B. Only a citizen of the United States C. Anyone except an employee of the US government D. Anyone ~~
T1D03 (D) [97.5(b)(1)]
What is the minimum age required to hold an amateur license?
A. 14 years or older B. 18 years or older C. 70 years or younger D. There is no minimum age requirement ~~
T1D04 (D) [97.5(a)]
What government agency grants your amateur radio license?
A. The Department of Defense B. The Bureau of Public Communications C. The Department of Commerce D. The Federal Communications Commission ~~
T1D05 (C) [97.5(a)]
How soon may you transmit after passing the required examination elements for your first amateur radio license?
A. Immediately B. 30 days after the test date C. As soon as your license grant appears in the FCC's ULS database D. As soon as you receive your license in the mail from the FCC ~~
T1D06 (C) [97.25(a)]
What is the normal term for an amateur station license grant?
A. 5 years B. 7 years C. 10 years D. For the lifetime of the licensee ~~
T1D07 (A) [97.21(b)]
What is the grace period during which the FCC will renew an expired 10-year license without re-examination?
A. 2 years B. 5 years C. 10 years D. There is no grace period ~~
T1D08 (D) [97.103(a)]
What is your responsibility as a station licensee?
A. You must allow another amateur to operate your station upon request B. You must be present whenever the station is operated C. You must notify the FCC if another amateur acts as the control operator D. Your station must be operated in accordance with the FCC rules ~~
T1D09 (A) [97.23]
When may the FCC revoke or suspend a license if the mailing address of the holder is not current with the FCC?
A. If mail is returned to the FCC as undeliverable B. When the licensee transmits without having updated the address C. When the licensee operates portable at a different address D. If the address is not updated within the 2 year grace period ~~
T1D10 (B) [97.23]
The FCC requires which address to be kept up to date on the Universal Licensing System database?
A. The station location address B. The station licensee mailing address C. The station location address and mailing address D. The station transmitting location address ~~
T1D11 (A) [97.21(b)]
When are you permitted to continue to transmit if you forget to renew your amateur license and it expires?
A. Transmitting is not allowed until the license is renewed and appears on the FCC ULS database B. When you identify using the suffix EXP C. When you notify the FCC you intend to renew within 90 days D. Transmitting is allowed any time during the 2-year grace period ~~
T1D12 (A) [97.23]
Why must an Amateur radio operator have a correct name and mailing address on file with the FCC?
A. To receive mail delivery from the FCC by the United States Postal Service B. So the FCC Field office can contact the licensee C. It isn't required when you haven't operated your station in a year D. So the FCC can locate your transmitting location ~~
SUBELEMENT T2 - Control operator duties – 4 exam questions – 4 groups
T2A - Prohibited communications: music, broadcasting, codes and ciphers, business use, permissible communications, bulletins, code practice, incidental music – 1 exam question
T2A01 (A) [97.113(b)]
When is an amateur station authorized to transmit information to the general public?
A. Never B. Only when the operator is being paid C. Only when the transmission lasts more than 10 minutes D. Only when the transmission lasts longer than 15 minutes ~~
T2A02 (A) [97.113(a)(4), 97.113(e)]
When is an amateur station authorized to transmit music?
A. Amateurs may not transmit music, except as incidental to an authorized rebroadcast of space shuttle communications B. Only when the music produces no spurious emissions C. Only to interfere with an illegal transmission D. Only when the music is above 1280 MHz ~~
T2A03 (C) [97.113(a)(4), 97.211(b), 97.217]
When is the transmission of codes or ciphers allowed to hide the meaning of a message transmitted by an amateur station?
A. Only during contests B. Only when operating mobile C. Only when transmitting control commands to space stations or radio control craft D. Only when frequencies above 1280 MHz are used ~~
T2A04 (A) [97.113(a)(4)]
When may an amateur station transmit false or deceptive signals?
A. Never B. When operating a beacon transmitter in a "fox hunt" exercise C. Only when making unidentified transmissions D. When needed to hide the meaning of a message for secrecy ~~
T2A05 (C) [97.119(b)]
When may an amateur station transmit unidentified communications?
A. Only during brief tests not meant as messages B. Only when they do not interfere with others C. Only when sent from a space station or to control a model craft D. Only during two-way or third party communications ~~
T2A06 (A) [97.3(a)(10)]
What does the term broadcasting mean?
A. Transmissions intended for reception by the general public, either direct or relayed B. Retransmission by automatic means of programs or signals from non-amateur stations C. One-way radio communications, regardless of purpose or content D. One-way or two-way radio communications between two or more stations ~~
T2A07 (C) [97.113(a)(4)]
Which of the following are specifically prohibited in the Amateur Radio Service?
A. Discussion of politics B. Discussion of programs on broadcast stations C. Indecent and obscene language D. Morse code practice ~~
T2A08 (B) [97.3(a)(10), 97.113(b)]
Which of the following one-way communications may not be transmitted in the Amateur Radio Service?
A. Telecommand of model craft B. Broadcasts intended for reception by the general public C. Brief transmissions to make adjustments to the station D. Morse code practice ~~
T2A09 (C) [97.113(2)]
When does the FCC allow an amateur radio station to be used as a method of communication for hire or material compensation?
A. Only when making test transmissions B. Only when news is being broadcast in times of emergency C. Only when in accordance with part 97 rules D. Only when your employer is using amateur radio to broadcast advertising ~~
T2A10 (B) [97.113(a)(3),(a)5(e)]
What type of communications are prohibited when using a repeater autopatch?
A. Calls to a recorded weather report B. Calls to your employer requesting directions to a customer's office C. Calls to the police reporting a traffic accident D. Calls to a public utility reporting an outage of your telephone ~~
T2A11 (C) [97.113(a)3]
When may you use your station to tell people about equipment you have for sale?
A. Never B. When you are conducting an on-line auction C. When you are offering amateur radio equipment for sale or trade on an occasional basis D. When you are helping a recognized charity ~~
T2B - Basic identification requirements, repeater ID standards, identification for non-voice modes, identification requirements for mobile and portable operation – 1 exam question
T2B01 (B) [97.119(a)]
What must you transmit to identify your amateur station?
A. Your tactical ID B. Your call sign C. Your first name and your location D. Your full name ~~
T2B02 (A) [97.119(a)]
What is a transmission called that does not contain a station identification?
A. Unidentified communications or signals B. Reluctance modulation C. Test emission D. Intentional interference ~~
T2B03 (B) [97.119(a)]
How often must an amateur station transmit the assigned call sign?
A. At the beginning of each transmission and every 10 minutes during communication B. Every 10 minutes during communications and at the end of each communication C. At the end of each transmission D. Only at the end of the communication ~~
T2B04 (D) [97.119(b)]
What is an acceptable method of transmitting a repeater station identification?
A. By phone using the English language B. By video image conforming to applicable standards C. By Morse code at a speed not to exceed 20 words per minute D. All of these answers are correct. ~~
T2B05 (C) [97.119(a)]
What identification is required when two amateur stations end communications?
A. No identification is required B. One of the stations must transmit both stations' call signs C. Each station must transmit its own call sign D. Both stations must transmit both call signs ~~
T2B06 (B) [97.119(a)]
What is the longest period of time an amateur station can operate without transmitting its call sign?
A. 5 minutes B. 10 minutes C. 15 minutes D. 30 minutes ~~
T2B07 (C) [97.119(b)(2)]
What is a permissible way to identify your station when you are speaking to another amateur operator using a language other than English?
A. You must identify using the official version of the foreign language B. Identification is not required when using other languages C. You must identify using the English language D. You must identify using phonetics ~~
T2B08 (D) [97.119(d)]
How often must you identify using your assigned call sign when operating while using a special event call sign?
A. Every 10 minutes B. Once when the event begins and once when it concludes C. Never D. Once per hour ~~
T2B09 (A) [97.119(c)]
What is required when using one or more self-assigned indicators with your assigned call sign?
A. The indicator must not conflict with an indicator specified by FCC rules or with a prefix assigned to another country B. The indicator must consist only of numeric digits C. The indicator must include the 2-letter abbreviation for your state D. The indicator must be separated from your call sign by a double slash mark ~~
T2B10 (B) [97.119(e)]
What is the correct way to identify when visiting a station if you hold a higher class license than that of the station licensee and you are using a frequency not authorized to his class of license?
A. Send your call sign first, followed by his call sign B. Send his call sign first, followed by your call sign C. Send your call sign only, his is not required D. Send his call sign followed by "/KT" ~~
T2B11 (A) [97.119(f)(2)]
When exercising the operating privileges earned by examination upgrade of a license what is meant by use of the indicator "/AG"?
A. Authorized General B. Adjunct General C. Address as General D. Automatically General ~~
T2C – Definition of control operator, location of control operator, automatic and remote control, auxiliary stations – 1 exam question
T2C01 (B) [97.7]
What must every amateur station have when transmitting?
A. A frequency-measuring device B. A control operator C. A beacon transmitter D. A third party operator ~~
T2C02 (C ) [97.5(b)(1)]
How many amateur operator / primary station licenses may be held by one person?
A. As many as desired B. One for each portable transmitter C. Only one D. One for each station location ~~
T2C03 (B) [97.205(a)]
What minimum class of amateur license must you hold to be a control operator of a repeater station?
A. Technician Plus B. Technician C. General D. Amateur Extra ~~
T2C04 (D) [97.3(a)(12)]
Who is responsible for the transmissions from an amateur station?
A. Auxiliary operator B. Operations coordinator C. Third-party operator D. Control operator ~~
T2C05 (C) [97.7]
When must an amateur station have a control operator?
A. Only when training another amateur B. Whenever the station receiver is operated C. Whenever the station is transmitting D. A control operator is not needed ~~
T2C06 (D) [97.3]
What is the control point of an amateur station?
A. The on/off switch of the transmitter B. The input/output port of a packet controller C. The variable frequency oscillator of a transmitter D. The location at which the control operator function is performed ~~
T2C07 (C) [97.109(d)]
What type of amateur station does not require a control operator to be at the control point?
A. A locally controlled station B. A remotely controlled station C. An automatically controlled station D. An earth station controlling a space station ~~
T2C08 (A) [97.3(a)]
What are the three types of station control permitted and recognized by FCC rule?
A. Local, remote and automatic control B. Local, distant and automatic control C. Remote, distant and unauthorized control D. All of the choices are correct ~~
T2C09 (C) [97.3(a)]
What type of control is being used on a repeater when the control operator is not present?
A. Local control B. Remote control C. Automatic control D. Uncontrolled ~~
T2C10 (D) [97.109(a)]
What type of control is being used when transmitting using a handheld radio?
A. Radio control B. Unattended control C. Automatic control D. Local control ~~
T2C11 (B) [97.3]
What type of control is used when the control operator is not at the station location but can still make changes to a transmitter?
A. Local control B. Remote control C. Automatic control D. Uncontrolled ~~
T2C12 (C) [97.3(a)(13)]
What is the definition of a control operator of an amateur station?
A. Anyone who operates the controls of the station B. Anyone who is responsible for the station's equipment C. An operator designated by the licensee to be responsible for the station's transmissions to assure compliance with FCC rules D. The operator with the highest class of license who is in control of the station ~~
T2D - Operating another person's station, guest operators at your station, third party communications, autopatch, incidental business use, compensation of operators, club stations, station security, station inspection, protection against unauthorized transmissions – 1 exam question
T2D01 (A) [97.103(a)]
Who is responsible for proper operation if you transmit from another amateur's station?
A. Both of you B. Only the other station licensee C. Only you as the control operator D. Only the station licensee, unless the station records shows another control operator at the time ~~
T2D02 (A) [97.105(b)]
What operating privileges are allowed when another amateur holding a higher class license is controlling your station?
A. All privileges allowed by the higher class license B. Only the privileges allowed by your license C. All the emission privileges of the higher class license, but only the frequency privileges of your license D. All the frequency privileges of the higher class license, but only the emission privileges of your license ~~
T2D03 (B) [97.105(b)]
What operating privileges are allowed when you are the control operator at the station of another amateur who has a higher class license than yours?
A. Any privileges allowed by the higher class license B. Only the privileges allowed by your license C. All the emission privileges of the higher class license, but only the frequency privileges of your license D. All the frequency privileges of the higher class license, but only the emission privileges of your license ~~
T2D04 (B) [97.113(a)(3)]
Which of the following is a prohibited amateur radio transmission?
A. Using amateur radio to seek emergency assistance B. Using amateur radio for conducting business C. Using an amateur phone patch to call for a taxi or food delivery D. Using an amateur phone patch to call home to say you are running late ~~
T2D05 (A) [97.3(a)46]
What is the definition of third-party communications?
A. A message sent between two amateur stations for someone else B. Public service communications for a political party C. Any messages sent by amateur stations D. A three-minute transmission to another amateur ~~
T2D06 (B) [97.5(b)(2)]
How many persons are required to be members of a club for a club station license to be issued by the FCC?
A. At least 5 B. At least 4 C. A trustee and 2 officers D. At least 2 ~~
T2D07 (C) [97.11(a)]
When may you operate your amateur station aboard an aircraft?
A. At any time B. Only while the aircraft is on the ground C. Only with the approval of the pilot in command and not using the aircraft's radio equipment D. Only when you have written permission from the airline and only using the aircraft's radio equipment ~~
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