The other possibility is a change in value of capacitor C213. Either component could experience a
change in operation characteristics due to heat.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- May 23, 1974
SB-100 Bulletin No:
SSB Transceiver SB-100-4
SB & HW Series Instability and Corrective
We suggest you check for each of the following possible causes:
1. Intermittent, rosin or cold solder joints.
2. Loose hardware at the tube sockets, terminal strips, circuit boards, shields and rear panel sockets.
3. Poor lead dress at tube sockets V8 & V9. The component leads must be short as possible.
4. Check C925 (Final tune capacitor) to be sure it is isolated from the tuning shaft. This is to prevent RF
from traveling on the shaft to the front panel.
5. Check all edges of the final enclosures for proper grounding to the main chassis.
6. Check the hardware for the side rails to be sure a good ground is being provided.
7. Be sure that all the ground clips on the coil cover are making good contact with the switch shields.
8. Check the soldering of the switch shields to the center pins of tube sockets V6, V7, V10 & V11.
9. Check the ground leads from the switch board & shields, to be sure they are going to ground foil & not
to the preselector capacitor foil pods on the RF driver board.
10. Check for broken or shorted pigtails on each of the shielded cables in the unit.
11. Check RFC801 & L901 for any signs of deterioration or physical damage, (burn spots). If apparent
replace the part.
12. Improper adjustment of the Het. Osc. coils could cause improper mixing action, resulting in the final
operating at a different frequency appearing as instability.
13. Change driver & final tubes then reneutralize per manual instructions.
14. Check driver tube shield to be sure that it has a good ground contact with the socket spring clip.
15. Check for a good ground between the front panel & chassis.
16. Check the SWR of the antenna system at the frequency of opertion. Should be below 2:1.
17. Check the antenna coax for leakage, poor connectors & broken shield connections.
18. Is the transmitter properly grounded?
19. Be sure all shields & tube shields are installed.
20. Realign using a properly terminated 50 ohm non-reactive dummy load. NOTE: This does not
include a light bulb.
21. Check for normal Het. Osc. test-point voltage.
22. Check for proper LMO injection voltage 1.0-1.5 VRF.
23. Check for a high AC ripple content in the LV-B+, HV-B+ and bias voltages from the power supply.
24. Check to be sure that the shafts do not touch each other in the insulated coupling, and that the set
screws do not touch the PA shield.
25. Check to be sure that the PA tune shaft turns the variable capacitor & is not slipping in the insulated
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------December 18, 1974
SB-100 Bulletin No:
SSB Transceiver SB-100-5
Oscillations or Low Drive
Loose boards cause sporatic self oscillations & unstable RF conditions, particularly at the high [15 & 10
meter] bands. The comb brackets which ahve been used are aluminum & could not be soldered. Steel
brackets are now available [PN 204-2096] & should be used whenever encountered in the field. Both the
switch shields & the driver boards should be soldered to these brackets.