One of the wonders of the modern E le ctr o n ic A ge is the com puter or "Giant Brain ", as it is
som etim es called. Actually, the computer is not a "B rain” at all, sin ce it d o e s not think but
must be " t o ld " what to do. It is capable of doing mathematical operations at much greater speed
and with greate r accu r a cy than human bein gs.
A computer is a machine which p e r form s physical o p eration s that can be d escrib ed by m athe
matical operations. In general, com p u ters may be classified as d igital or analog. Digital
com pu ters opera te by d is c r e te steps, that is , they actually count. Com m on examples of digital
com pu ters a re the abacus, desk c a lcula tor, punched-card machine, and the modern electron ic
digital com puter. The fundamental o p erations p e r form ed by the digital com puter are usually
addition and subtraction. Multiplication , fo r example, is a ccom plished by repeated additions.
Analog com p u ters operate continuously, that is, they m easu re. Examples of analog com puters
ar e the s lide rule (which m easures lengths), the mecha nical diffe rentia l analyzer, the ele c tro
mechanical analog computer and the al l-e le ctr o n i c analog com puter. The last three gen erally
measu re ele c t r ic al volta g es o r shaft rotations. P h ysica l quantities such as weight, temperature
or area a r e represe n ted by voltages. Voltage is the elec t r i c a l analog o f the v a riable being
analyzed. A rbitrary s ca le fa c to r s are set up to relate the voltages in the computer to the va r
iables in the problem being solved . For example, 1 volt equals 5 feet or 10 v o lts equals 1 pound.
The name "an a log" co m e s from the fact that the computer solves by analogy by using physical
quantities to represent numbers.
The fact that the analog computer op erates continuously m akes it v e ry useful in such operations
as integration; for this rea son com puters used this way are so m etim es known as Differential
Analyzer s.
One of the m ost powerful applications o f analog com p u ters is simulation in which physical
pro p e rtie s, not easily v a ried , are re p r esented by voltages which are ea s ily varie d . Thus the
"knee actio n " o f an autom obile front wheel suspension can be simulated on an analog com puter
in which the weight of the automobile, the constant of the spring, the damping of the sh ock ab
so r b e r , the nature o f the road surfa c e , the tire p r e s s u re and other conditions can be re p re
sented by voltages. In pra c tice these f a c to rs cannot be r ead ily changed, but on the com puter
any one o r all of these may be varied at w ill and the resu lts observed as the changes a r e made.
Analog com p u ters are es p ecia lly useful in solving dynamic problems in which the motion can be
expressed in the form of a differe n tia l equation.
All mathematical operation s n ecessary to the solution of ordinary differential equations can be
built up from addition, multip lication by a constant, and integration. * As w ill be shown later,
the analog com puter can per form these opera tio n s and thus is a convenient de v ice for the solution
of d ifferential equations.
The combination o f the six b a sic com puter opera tio n s w ill perfo r m any continuous function.
Some of the types o f p roblem s which can be solve d by these m ethods are radio a ctiv e decay,
ch e m ic a l reaction, beam oscillation and heat flow. With the addition of crystal diod es and re
lays, simulation of discontinuous fun ctions is p ossib le . Th is makes p o s s ib le solution o f pro b
lem s involvin g saturation, backlash, hy st e r e s is, friction , lim it stops, vacuum tube ch arac te r
is tic s, and different m od es o f operation such as sonic vs. subsonic flow.
* Shannon, C . , JOURNAL MATH. AND PHYSICS, Vol. 20, Pages 337-354, 1941.
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