Square Termination Cap
This chimney termination cap has been tested for use with specifi c Hearth & Home Technologies Inc. fi replaces. Check with
your local building code agency before you begin installation to ensure compliance with local codes, including the need for
permits and follow-up inspections. If you encounter any problems regarding code approvals, or if you need clarifi cation of
any of the instructions contained here, contact your Hearth & Home Technologies Inc. dealer. For the dealer nearest you,
please visit www.hearthnhome.com
Note: An arrow (¨) found in the text signifi es change in content.
Sharp Edges
• Wear protective gloves and safety
glasses during installation.
Fire Risk
• Intended for use with a metal chase
Use of combustible materials will cause a
fi re hazard.
13-1/4 in.
(337 mm)
18 in.
(457 mm)
16-1/4 in.
(413 mm)
(559 mm)
22 in.
23-1/8 in.
(587 mm)
Height of 16"
3" air space
from bottom of
shroud to top
of chase
Dimensions for a Field Constructed Shroud
Roof Chase
Figure 1
Figure 2
HeatilHearth & Home Technologies Inc. • TS345 Square Termination Cap • 31446 Rev E • 04/07

Roof Line
Last section of pipe
must stop between the
distances given below
2” above top
of chase
3” below top
of chase
1. Remove screws
and screen
2. Remove baffle
Figure 3
Figure 4
• Install the chase top.
• Place the inner slip section into the inner section of the uppermost chimney section. Slip the outer slip section over the
outer section of the uppermost chimney section. Press the termination assembly down until the fl anges contact the chase
Note: The last chimney section must be located within 2”
above or 3” below the chase top. See Figure 3.
• Using the holes in the fl anges as guides, drill 1/8” diameter holes in the chase top. Lift the cap, place waterproof sealant
on the bottom of the fl anges, push the fl ange onto the chase top and secure with the four screws provided in the fastener
package. Place a small dab of waterproof sealant over each screw head to ensure a leak tight top.
• When a fi eld constructed decorative surround is installed around this termination assembly, the shroud must meet or
exceed the minimum dimensions shown in Figure 2. The chase must measure a minimum of 18¾” x 18¾”.
• For chimney cleaning, remove the four screws and the screen from the top of the cap. Lift out the baffl e system. Clean
baffl e, screen and chimney, and reinstall everything. See Figure 4.
Note: To protect the cap against the effects of corrosion, we recommend
that the termination caps be painted with rust resistant paint.
Hearth & Home Technologies Inc. • TS345 Square Termination Cap • 31446 Rev E • 04/07