Photo rights: Andrew Twort & RedCover.com
The Exclaim series offers viewing areas of
magnificent proportions. With a choice of a
traditional or herringbone brick interior and
an elegant array of door options, our clean-
faced fireplaces can turn any living area from
casual to spectacular.
Exclaim-36 shown with standard parting mesh
and traditional refractory.
Available in 36", 42” and 50” sizes.

Our line of clean-faced wood burning fireplaces will
make their mark in stone. We’ve created an exclusive
offering of fireplaces designed to be finished right up
to the doors with your favorite stone, marble, granite
or tile. The result is a classic masonry look without
all the fuss.
Rutherford wood-burning fireplace offers
homeowners and custom builders an authentic
masonry look without the expense of a site-built
masonry fireplace. The Rutherford is designed to be
installed flush to the floor without additional support
footings. Choose traditional or herringbone firebrick
colored panels with true masonry grout lines.
Rutherford-50 shown with herringbone refractory and mesh screen.
True Masonry Appeal
Turn a living area from casual to spectacular