HealthSmart 04-174-021, 04-174-026 Instruction Manual

Product Identification
Thankyou forpurchasing aHealthSmart Self-TakingBlood PressureKit. Withproper careand use,yourk itwill provideyou withmany yearsof reliablereadings.
Laycuff ona flatsurface withthemetal “D”ringto theleft andthe metalchestpiece facingup.The unitcan beassembled asoutlined below:
theend ofthe cuffthrough themetal“D” ring.
Step2: Insert thesingle endof the“Y”tubing intothe stemofthe
chestpieceto forma stethoscope.
Step3: Removethe metalbinaurals fromthe polybagandinsert the
endsinto the“Y”tubing.
Step4: Attachthe gaugeto thetubing totheleft ofthe stethoscope. Step5: Attachthe inflationbulb tothe tubingtothe rightof the
CHESTPIECEIS ONTHE INSIDEOFTHE CUFF.Also, iffolded correctly,the hookand loopmaterial willbe ontheoutside ofthe cuff.
Theadult cuff(Model 04-174-021)fits anarmcircumference of10” –14”. Thelarge adultcuff (Model04-174-026) fitsanarm circumferenceof 13”– 17”.
Product Assembly
GeneralBlood PressureInformation
Whatis BloodPressure?
Bloodpressure isthe pressurethat isexerted byblood flowingagainst thewalls ofthe bloodvessels throughoutyourbody.
Yourheart, whichis thecenterof thecirculatory system,provides the forcefor theblood toflowor circulate.When yourheart contractsor beats,the bloodis forcedthroughthe bloodvessels increasingthe pressure.This isthe highestpressurein thecycle orwhat isreferredto asSYSTOLIC PRESSURE.In betweenbeats, yourheart relaxesand your bloodpressure decreases.This isreferredto asDIASTOLIC PRESSURE.
Howis BloodPressure Measured? 120/80
Bloodpressure ismeasured inmillimeters (mm)of Mercury(Hg) andis generallyrecorded withthe systolicpressure(120) listedfirst andthe diastolicpressure (80)listed second.Thenumbers aretypically separatedby aslash mark(/) asshownabove.
Pleasecontact yourphysicianto discussyour “normal”bloodpressure reading.
GeneralBlood PressureInformation
WhatInfluences BloodPressure?
Manyfactors suchas genetics,age, sex,altitude,physical activity, anxiety,muscular development,certain medicationsor eventhe timeof daycan influenceblood pressure.Influences suchas sleepor relaxation decreaseblood pressure,while anxietyor exerciseincrease blood pressure.
WhyMonitor YourBlood Pressureat Home?
Homemonitoring allowsyou tosupplement yourphysician’s office measurements.These homereadings, whentakenover aperiod of time,can showan accurateindication ofchange. Furthermore,your recordscan assistyour physicianinevaluating yourhealth andin makingimpor tantdecisions inthe diagnosisand treatmentofyour condition.Because ofthis, itis importanttotake consistent,daily measurements.
Priorto use,yourphysician ortrained healthcareprovider shouldbe consultedto determineyour“normal” bloodpressure, evaluateyour techniqueusing thisunit andto interpretyourblood pressure measurements.
Helpful Hintsfor AccurateReadings
I Relaxat leastfifteen minutesbefore takingareading.
I Alwaysplace thecuff directlyon theskin.Remove anyclothing or
jewelrythat mayinterfere withthe cuffplacement.
I Makesure thecuff issnug, butnottoo snug.One ortwo fingers
shouldfit betweenthe cuffand thearm.
I Makesure thestethoscope headis directlyoverthe brachialartery.
I Tryto usethe samearm forall readingsunless instructed
otherwiseby yourphysician.
I Deflatethe cuffat 2or 3mmHgper second.
I Remainstill withyour palmup andarmextended keepingthe cuff
atthe samelevel asyour heart.
I Smileand relax.
Hook Material
Loop Material
Inflation Bulb
Metal Binaural
Instruction Manual
HomeBlood Pressure Kit
Item # 04-174-021& 04-174-026
Pleaseread thisguidebook
completelybefore operatingthis unit.
ApplyingYourBlood PressureCuff
IMPORTANT:Make surethat theunit isassembled correctly.Check
eartipsto makesure theyare securelyfastened.
1. Situpright butrelaxed ina chairwith aback. Keepyourfeet flat onthe floor.Remove anyconstrictiveclothing fromyour leftarm.
2. Extendyour leftarm.*Find yourbrachial artery,which isat theinner aspectofyour elbow.You mayormay notfeel yourpulse.
3. Openthe cuffso thatyoucan slideyour arm intoit. Donot extendthe cuffbeyondthe metalbar.
4. Insertyour leftarm intothecuff. Positionthe bottomedge ofthe cuffapproximately one-halfinch ABOVEyour elbow.The chestpiece mustdirectly touchthe insideof yourarm,over yourbrachial artery (seestep 2).
5. Withyour armextended, palmfacing upwardand tubespositioned downthe centerof yourarm, use yourright handto pullthe endof thecuff andsecure thehook andloop material. MAKESURE THECHESTPIECE REMAINSOVER THEBRACHIAL ARTERY.
6. Thecuff shouldfit comfortably,yet snuglyaround yourarm. Check forany gapsbetween thearm andthecuff.
Theleft armshould beusedunless youareunable toor shouldnot useyour leftarm. Consultwith yourphysician toassesswhich armis bestforyou to use.
1. Insertthe eartipsinto yourears.You canadjust themetal binauralfor comfort.
2. Restyour elbowon a tablewith yourarm facingupward. Elevateyour handso thatthe cuffis atthe samelevel asyour heart.Relax yourleft hand.
3. Positionthe gaugeso itcan beread withoutbeing moved.Itcan beclipped tosomething suchas akitchentowel for stability.
4. Holdthe inflationbulb withyourright handand turn theair releasevalve clockwiseto close.
5. Begininflating thecuff, SLOWLYAND STEADILY, bypumping theinflation bulbuntil thegaugereads 30mmHG ABOVEyour lastknown SYSTOLIC measurement.
Ifyou donot knowyour lastknownSYSTOLIC measurement,inflate to approximately180-200 mmHg.
CAUTION: Toprevent injuryto yourselfand/orthe unit,neverinflate
thecuff above280mmHg.
6. Uponreaching theproper inflationlevel, SLOWLY ANDSTEADILY, turntheair valvecounter clockwise ata rateof 2-3mmHg persecond.
7. Asthe pressurebegins todrop, carefullylisten foryour pulse beat.Note andrecord thefirst thumpingsound youhear. This isyour SYSTOLICpressure.
8. Allowthe cuffto continueto deflate.You willhearchanges in thesounds andthen nosound atall. Whenyou hearthelast sound,note the readingand record.This isyourDIASTOLIC pressure.
9. Rapidlyturn thevalve counterclockwiseto deflatethe remainingair. Removethecuff and recordyour measurementon yourrecording chart.
NOTE:If youneed totake anothermeasurement, waita minimumof
15minutes betweenreadings toallow forthe bloodvessels toreturn to normal.The waittime mayvary dependingon yourhealth.
Careand Maintenance
1. Donot washor moistenthe cuff.
2. Avoiddropping orhitting thesurface ofthe gaugeor stethoscopechestpiece.
NOTE: Aswithany sensitiveinstrument, thequality andreliabilityof
themanometer gaugeshould bechecked annually.When thecuff is fullydeflated, makesure thegauge needleis atzero (withinthe zero square).A needleoutside thesquare meansthegauge needsto be recalibratedor replacedby aqualified technician.
YourHealthSmart Home BloodPressure Kitis guaranteedto be free of manufacturingdefects foraperiod ofoneyear fromthedate ofpurchase subjectto thefollowing termsand conditions:
1. Thiswarranty islimitedto theaccuracyof themanometer gaugeonly. It does not include the inflation system (bulb, valves, cuff and bladder). Ifthe manometer gaugefailes to operate duringthe one yearperiod fromthe timeit wasoriginally purchased,please callour Customer Care HelpLine at800-622-4714 andwe willtry to resolve the issue assoon aspossible. Ifthe warrantordetermines theunit to be inaccurate due tonor mal use, the manometer gauge will be replacedat theoption ofthewarrantor. Thisdoes notinclude gauges that havebeen misusedor abused.A return shippingand handling feemay beapplied forall returns.
2. The warrantor shallincur no liability under this Warranty for any damagefrom anycause otherthan inherentmanufacturing defects.
3. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INC LUDING MERCHANTABILIT Y AND FITNESS ARELIMITED TO THEDURATION OF THIS WARRANTY. THIS WARRANTY DOES NOTINCLUDE ANYLIABILITY FORINCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES. Somestates donot allowlimitations on how long animplied warrantylasts ordo notallow theexclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitationsor exclusionsmay notapply toyou.
4. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also haveother rights,which varyfrom statetostate.
1) Assemblethe contentsof yourkit.
2) A15-minute restingperiod isrecommended tostabilize the
bodyprior totaking areading.
3) Findyour brachialartery, whichis atthe inneraspect ofyour
4) Removeany constrictiveclothing orjewelry thatmayinterfere
withthe cuffplacement. Wrapthecuff snuglyaround yourleft armwith thecuff’s bottomedge approximately1/2” aboveyour elbowjoint withthe chestpiecepositioned overthe brachial artery.
5) Restyour elbowon atable makingsurethe cuffis atthe same
levelas yourheart.
6) Positionthe gaugein astable, readablelocation.
7) Slowlyand steadily,inflate thecuff30 mmHgabove yourlast
knownSYSTOLIC reading.If notknown, inflatebetween180-200 mmHg.
8) Ata rateof 2-3mmHg persecond,begin todeflate thecuff.
9) Thefirst “thumping”soundheard isyour SYSTOLICrate.
10) Thelast soundheard isyour DIASTOLICrate.
11) Recordyour measurements.
12) A15-minute restperiod isneeded betweenreadings toallow
theblood vesselsto returnto normal.
CAUTION: Never inflatethecuff above280mmHg.
Specificationsare subjectto changewithout notice.
#91-032-174 02/11 ©2011Briggs MedicalService Company
78910 11 12
NoteReading atFirst Sound
NoteReading atLast Sound
1931Norman Drive •Waukegan, IL 60085 Toll-FreeCustomer CareHelpLine: 1-800-622-4714 Monday- Friday8:00 am-4:30 pmCST