Headrush Looperboard User Manual

User Guide
Version 1.0.1

Table of Contents

Introduction ..................................... 3
Box Contents ................................ 3
Support ......................................... 3
Features .......................................... 4
Top Panel ..................................... 4
Rear Panel .................................... 5
Setup ............................................... 7
Managing Loops ......................... 20
Loop Settings .................................. 21
Exporting and Importing Loops ... 23
Audio Routing ............................. 25
Input Setup ..................................... 25
Monitor Setup ................................. 26
Track Setup .................................... 27
Output Setup .................................. 28
Functions .................................... 29
Backing Track Player .................. 33
USB Connection ......................... 34
Operation ........................................ 8
Overview ...................................... 8
Recording & Playing Tracks ......... 10
Track Modes ................................... 13
Importing Audio to a Looper Track
.......................................................... 15
FX Racks ..................................... 16
Applying FX ...................................... 16
Editing FX .......................................... 17
Footswitch Assignment ................ 18
Expression Pedal Assignment ..... 19
Transferring Files and Settings .... 34
Recording ....................................... 35
External MIDI Control .................. 36
MIDI Clock Sync ............................. 38
Global Settings ............................ 39
Appendix ....................................... 44
Technical Specifications .............. 44
Trademarks & Licenses .............. 46


Box Contents

USB Cable
Power Adapter
Software Download Card
Quickstart Guide
Safety & Warranty Manual


For the latest information about this product (documentation, technical specifications, system requirements, compatibility information, etc.) and product registration, visit headrushfx.com.
For additional product support, visit headrushfx.com/support.


Top Panel

1. Touchscreen: This full-color multi-touch display shows information relevant to the HeadRush Looperboard’s current operation. Touch the display (and use the hardware controls) to control the interface. See Operation > Overview to learn how it works.
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2. Encoder: Turn this encoder to scroll through the available menu options or adjust the parameter values of the selected field in the display. Push the encoder to confirm your selection.
3. Input Gain: Turn these knobs to adjust the independent gain level of each input.
4. Footswitches: Use these footswitches to perform different functions. The eight right-most footswitches correspond to the four tracks of a loop. See the Operation chapter to learn how to use them.
5. Footswitch Indicators: These lights indicate the status of different functions (performed by the footswitch below each one). See the Operation chapter to learn about them.
6. Master: Turn this knob to adjust the volume level of the outputs.
7. Phones: Turn this knob to adjust the volume level of the Phones output.
8. Aux: Turn this knob to adjust the volume level of the Aux input.
Important: The audio signal from the Aux input is routed directly to the outputs. It is also unaffected by the master volume or phones volume knobs.

Rear Panel

1. Power Input (19 VDC, 3.42 A, center-positive): Connect this input to a power outlet using the included power adapter.
2. Power Adapter Restraint: Secure the power adapter cable to this restraint to prevent it from accidentally unplugging.
3. Power Switch: Press this button to turn the HeadRush Looperboard’s power on. Press and hold this button to turn the HeadRush Looperboard’s power off.
4. Vent: Make sure this vent is unobstructed while using the HeadRush Looperboard.
5. Inputs (XLR or 1/4”/6.35 mm, TRS): Connect your guitar, instrument, drum machine, keyboard, or other audio source to these inputs. You can enable or disable +48V phantom power for these inputs in the Global Settings page.
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Important: Only enable phantom power if your microphone requires it. Most dynamic microphones and ribbon microphones do not require phantom power, while most condenser microphones do. Consult your microphone's documentation to find out whether it needs phantom power.
6. Aux Input (1/8”/3.5 mm, TRS): Connect an optional audio source (e.g., smartphone, tablet, etc.) to this input. Use the Aux knob to control the volume level.
7. Outputs (XLR): Connect these outputs to the inputs of your mixer, active loudspeaker, etc. Use the Master knob to control the volume level. You can adjust the ground-lift setting for these outputs in the Global Settings page.
8. Outputs (1/4”/6.35 mm, TRS): Connect these outputs to the inputs of your amplifier, audio interface, mixer, etc. Use the Master knob to control the volume level. You can switch the level of these outputs between Amp and Line in the Global Settings page.
9. Phones Output (1/4”/6.35 mm, TRS): Connect stereo headphones to this output. Use the Phones knob to control the volume level.
10. Expression Pedal Input (1/4”/6.35 mm, TRS): Connect an optional expression pedal to this input.
11. MIDI In (5-pin DIN): Use a standard MIDI cable to connect this input to the MIDI output of an optional external MIDI device. See External MIDI Control for more information.
12. MIDI Out/Thru (5-pin DIN): Use a standard MIDI cable to connect this output to the MIDI input of an optional external MIDI device. You can set this output to be a standard MIDI output or MIDI throughput in the Global Settings page.
13. USB Type-B Port: Connect this USB port to a computer using a standard USB cable. This connection allows the HeadRush Looperboard to send and receive the digital audio signal to and from your computer. You can also use this connection to import or export loops, individual audio files, backing tracks, etc. See USB Connection for more information.
This connection is also used to update the firmware. Visit headrushfx.com to check for available firmware updates.
14. USB Type-A Ports: Connect USB flash drives to these USB ports to import or export loops to or from HeadRush Looperboard. See Exporting and Importing Loops for more information. You can also connect class-compliant USB devices to these USB ports for external MIDI control. See
External MIDI Control for more information.
15. SD Card Slot: Insert a standard SD/SDHC card into this slot to import or export loops to or from HeadRush Looperboard. See Exporting and Importing Loops for more information.
Important: To avoid file loss or damage to your media, only disconnect USB and SD storage devices from HeadRush Looperboard while it is powered off. Alternatively, go to the Import/Export menu and then tap the name of the device under Unmount.


Items not listed under Introduction > Box Contents are sold separately.
Drum Machine
PA Loudspeakers or Mixer
Headphones Power Outlet


This chapter describes some of HeadRush Looperboard’s basic functions.


Timeline Page
This is the name of the loop. A loop consists of the four tracks plus the mixer, effect and loop settings. Double­tap here to change the loop name.
These four lanes show your recorded loops as well as how many layers each loop has.
This is the current playback position.
Meter Page
These meters show the volume level of the tracks as they play. Tap and drag the gray line at the top of a meter to adjust the volume level of a track.
These are the names of each track and the number of layers on each one. Double­tap a track name to rename it.
This is the current tempo, which you can change by pressing the Tempo footswitch at the desired speed, or by tapping here and turning the encoder.
This is the length of the longest track in this loop.
Tap an icon to enter each page, which enables you to mix track levels, monitor playback, adjust settings, and more. Tap the ••• icon to show a menu with additional options, such as Loop Settings and Global Settings.
Mixer Page
These are the names of each track, as well as the Click and Backing track, whose volume and pan settings you can adjust on this page.
Touch and drag volume faders to adjust the volume of each track.
Touch and drag pan sliders to adjust the stereo balance of each track. Double-tap to enlarge the slider for fine adjustments.

Recording & Playing Tracks

The looper lets you record onto four tracks and store each set of four tracks as a loop. Each track can have up to 99 layers. Each track can be a minimum of 1 second long, and a maximum of 5 minutes long. You can record, play, and stop tracks independently of each other.
Tip: HeadRush Looperboard’s internal memory can hold over 9 hours of audio at a time (all audio), but if you need more storage space, connect a USB drive or SD card to HeadRush Looperboard for additional loop storage. See Exporting and Importing Loops to learn more.
Each track’s meter or waveform will use a color to indicate its current state:
Red: recording or overdubbing
Green: playing
Blue: stopped
Use the Meter page to adjust the volume levels of the tracks.
To show the Meter page, tap the meter icon at the top of the touchscreen.
To adjust the volume of a track, tap and drag the gray line at the top of a meter to adjust its
To adjust the volume of the main outputs, turn the Master knob.
To record a track, press its •Rec/Play/Dub footswitch.
Important: Before recording anything, set the input volume level by turning the Input (1–4) knob for
each input you want to use.
To finish recording and start playback of a track, press its •Rec/Play/Dub footswitch again.
To overdub on a track that is currently playing, press the •Rec/Play/Dub footswitch again.
Tip: Use the Global Settings page to set HeadRush Looperboard to overdub immediately after
recording a track (instead of just playing it).
To stop a track at any point, press its •Stop/–Undo footswitch.
To restart a track's playback, press its •Stop/–Undo footswitch again.
To restart a track and immediately start overdubbing, press its •Rec/Play/Dub footswitch.
To stop all tracks at any point, press the Start/Stop All footswitch when one or more tracks are
To start playback of all tracks simultaneously, press the Start/Stop All footswitch when all tracks
are stopped.
To undo everything you have recorded since you last pressed a •Rec/Play/Dub footswitch,
press and hold the •Stop/–Undo footswitch for that track for approximately 1.5 seconds.
To re-add everything you just undid, press and hold the •Stop/–Undo footswitch for that track for
approximately 1.5 seconds again.
To peel the most recent layer of a track, hold the •Rec/Play/Dub footswitch for approximately 1.5
Tip: Use the Global Settings page to customize the hold functions for the •Stop/–Undo and
•Rec/Play/Dub footswitches.
You can use the Timeline page to view the waveforms of the tracks in your loop.
To show the Timeline page, tap the waveform icon at the top of the touchscreen.
The time counter in the lower-left corner indicates the current playback position of the loop. The time counter in the lower-right corner indicates the length of the longest track in the loop. Both are displayed as minutes:seconds.centiseconds.

Track Modes

Located at the bottom of the touchscreen in Timeline View, the Track Mode selection provides 5 different modes for HeadRush Looperboard to record, overdub and play your looper tracks.
Generally, each mode supports a different style of looping workflow. The best way to find out which Track Mode works best with your workflow is to experiment and have fun!
To set how the looper records, overdubs, or
plays your tracks, tap a Track Mode button at
the bottom of the Timeline page.
Tip: Set your Track Mode before recording or importing any audio into your loop. While you may be able to change the selected mode after recording, your options may be limited.
1. Fixed Mode: Use this mode if you want 4 looper tracks with the same length. In this mode:
You can record, overdub or play all looper tracks simultaneously.
All track lengths will be the same length as the first recorded looper track.
When you set a track to record, overdub or play, it will happen immediately.
2. Serial Mode: Use this mode if you want to use each of the 4 looper tracks as a different section of a song (e.g., verse, chorus, bridge and outro). In this mode:
You can record, overdub or play on only one looper track at a time.
All looper tracks can be different lengths.
When you set a currently playing track to overdub, it will happen immediately.
When you set a currently stopped track to play or record/overdub, it will happen as soon as
the currently playing track reaches its end and stops. When a track is armed for playback or recording/overdubbing while another track is playing back, the corresponding LED will flash green or red, respectively.
3. Sync Mode: Use this mode if you want 4 looper tracks with different lengths that always stay in sync. In this mode:
You can record or play multiple tracks simultaneously.
You must record a master track first.
After the master track has been recorded, all other looper tracks must be the same length, or
a multiple of its length.
If new tracks are shorter or longer than the master track, HeadRush Looperboard will
automatically quantize them to keep them in sync with the master track.
When you set a track to record, overdub or play, it will begin doing so when the playhead has
reached the end of the loop and starts at the beginning again.
4. Serial-Sync Mode: This mode is similar to Serial Mode, but it enables you to keep 1 master looper track (e.g., a drum or percussion track) playing at all times while switching between different song sections on looper tracks 2, 3 and 4 (e.g., verse, chorus and bridge). In this mode:
The master track and only one other looper track can be playing, recording or overdubbing at
the same time.
You must record a master track first.
After the master track has been recorded, all other looper tracks must be the same length, or
a multiple of its length.
HeadRush Looperboard will auto-trim (or extend) the endpoints of the other looper tracks to
always keep them in sync.
When you set a currently playing track to overdub, it will happen immediately.
When you set a currently stopped track to play or record/overdub, it will happen as soon as
the currently playing track reaches its end and stops. When a track is armed for playback or recording/overdubbing while another track is playing back, the corresponding LED will flash green or red, respectively.
5. Free Mode: This mode is useful for creating ambient soundscapes or for musicians who just like to break the rules! In this mode:
You can record, overdub or play all looper tracks simultaneously.
All looper tracks can be different lengths.
When you set a track to record, overdub or play, it will happen immediately.

Importing Audio to a Looper Track

In addition to creating loops using input sources, you can also import an audio file (such as a recorded drum beat) directly into an empty looper track.
Tip: For best results, set the tempo of your loop to match the tempo of the audio file before importing it. You should also import the audio file before recording any additional audio to the loop using the HeadRush Looperboard.
To import an audio file:
1. While viewing the Timeline Page, tap Import Audio on any empty looper track.
2. The HeadRush Looperboard will then ask you to select a source:
Factory: This is a collection of over 300 exclusive drum and percussion loops provided by HeadRush.
Internal: This is the internal storage of HeadRush Looperboard. Learn more about how to import audio files here in the Transferring Files and Settings chapter.
USB 1/USB 2/SD: These sources will appear if you have external storage connected to the respective ports on the rear panel of HeadRush Looperboard.
3. Use the touchscreen to navigate through your selected source's folders, as necessary. Select a file to import, and then tap the Import button to load the audio file into the looper track.
Note: You can search for an audio file by tapping in the field in the top right of the touchscreen, next to the magnifying glass. Tap the X icon to clear your search.
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