Electronic Control Solutions for the Global Fluid Power Industry
System Controller
User Guide
Part No:- 021-00155 RevD7 PowerLine System Controller User Guide Page | 1
PowerLine User Guide
Welcome to the High Countr y Tek Inc. ( HCT ) PowerLine system controller us er guide, and thank you for
selecting this HCT controller to use in your application
The following information is designed to allow you to connect, set-up and optimize the PowerLine module.
If you have used HCT products before, you will recognize some of the instructions and settings. For those of you
that are new to HCT, please read the direc tions with c are and be sure that if you have any ques tions regardi ng
this industry unique c ontroller, th en please contact us using one of the numbers gi ven on the back page of this
We value our customers, their experience and abilities and ask that if you would like to see any additions,
subtractions or find any errors in this publication, that you contact HCT’s customer service so that we can
correct the information and make sure that our programming community is using the latest information.
If you require urgent support, more information or would like specific programming areas clarified, you can
contact us on the customer support number at 1 530 265 3236 or E-mail us through our website at
, giving details of your issue and how we can contact you.
This manual is designed to provide information needed for the installation and use of the Power Line Valve
Controller. Its intende d user is qualified trained s ervice personnel that under stand the hazards involved in an
electromechanical e nvironm ent. It is recomm ended that this m anual be read in its entiret y before installati on is
begun with particular attention paid to caution and safety information.
Changing setup val ues and limits under computer control while t he machine is operating ma y cause sudden
machine movement, whic h may lead to possible injury or death. It is strong ly recommended that an y moving
parts are disabled prior to any alignment procedure whenever possible. In any case, caution should be
exercised during any procedure and work should be completed only by qualified trained personnel.
Warranty Information:
High Country Tek Inc. Guarantees this pr oduct to be free of defects in m aterials and workm anship for a period
of one year extending f rom t he date th e unit was s hipped f rom the fac tor y. Within this t ime f rame, High Co u ntry
Tek will provide evaluation of warranted items free of charge. Warranty repair or replacement will be at the
factory’s discretion. If necessary, contact the factory for return authorization by phone (530) 265-3236, Fax
(530) 265-3275, E-Mail Service@hctcontrols.com
Service Dept., 208 Gold F lat Court, Nevad a Cit y, CA 9595 9. To hel p us ser ve you better, please ha ve the units
full Model / Part Number and Serial N umber available when c ontacting the factor y f or an y r eason . Do not return
products to the factory without prior authorization and a RMA number attached.
Part No:- 021-00155 RevD7 PowerLine System Controller User Guide Page | 2
or by writing our service department at, High Country Tek,
System Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 16
Using The PowerLine application ....................................................................................... 17
Exit the program (GUI) ..................................................................................................................................... 32
Process Setup: ................................................................................................................................................. 41
Process Setup: ................................................................................................................................................. 42
Process Setup: ................................................................................................................................................. 44
Anti-Stall with Max Command: ......................................................................................................................... 44
Need More Information ? ................................................................................................................................. 45
Part No:- 021-00155 RevD7 PowerLine System Controller User Guide Page | 3
PowerLine User Guide
Product Application Guidelines:
ALWAYS do the following:
• Take a few minutes to FULLY read THESE information / data sheets BEFORE starting.
• Keep High Voltage AC cables separate from Low Voltage DC signal and supply cables.
• Make sure the unit supply voltage is the same as the coils on the valve being driven !
• Ensure that you are aware of the adjustments and consequences on the electronics and hydraulics.
• Make sure you have the correct tools to do the intended job ( i.e. Opto unit, P.C., software ) e.t.c.
• ‘Isolate’ this unit from all other equipment BEFORE any form of welding takes place.
• Check ALL connections to and from this unit to ensure NO short or OPEN circuits.
• Check the units supply voltage is CORRECT, ‘ ELECTRICALLY CLEAN ’ and STABLE.
• Operate the units within specified operating temperature for best & reliable performance.
• Ensure that any unused wires / terminals are terminated safely and not shorted together.
• Use screened cables wherever possible for best immunity to external interference.
• Use cables that are capable of carrying the required voltage and current for your products and application.
• Isolate the controller if ANY form of battery charging or battery boosting takes place on the vehicle.
• Ensure ALL valve connectors are wired correctly, secure, locked and connected to correct coils.
• Observe the set-up procedures in this manual for best operational results.
• Follow and abide by local and country health & safety standards – protect yourself and others !
NEVER do the following:
• Arc Weld or Charge Batteries with this driver unit connected as damage can occur.
• Attempt to use this unit if you are unsure of electrical OR hydraulic connections or expected operation.
• Attempt to use this unit in Areas where other AC or DC coils HAVE NOT been fully suppressed.
• Use a power supply that is not rated for the correct required O/P current under full load.
• Allow wires TO or FROM the unit to short circuit ( to each other or chassis/cabinet e.t.c. ).
• Attempt to use this unit in areas of intense RF without adequate screening measures.
• Disconnect or connect wires to or from this unit unless it isolated from the power supply.
• Use this unit in temperatures that exceed those specified as operation may be effected.
• Start this unit without ensuring ALL work areas are clear of personnel !
Software Safety:
The software has been carefully written to give the user the maximum system configuration flexibility while being
transparent in operation and easy to use, even for novice system builders and operators.
To ensure safety when using the software and to prevent accidental connection to another module that is not a
PowerLine, rules have been written into the software to ensure correct operation at all times:
When the PC running the GUI is first connected to a powered PowerLine, and before any data exchange can be
allowed, a ‘Handshake’ takes place that confirms the internal software ( BIOS ) is compatible, the serial number and
the PowerLine part number. The GUI then checks to ensure that its own revision is compatible with the module
software and only then allows the PC and the module to communicate and share data.
If at any point during the process above an error or mis-match is detected, the GUI software will NOT allow
communications and will inform the user of the problem via a clear message in the ‘Status’ window.
Part No:- 021-00155 RevD7 PowerLine System Controller User Guide Page | 4
PowerLine User Guide
PowerLine flexible configurations:
The PowerLine module is ideally suited for today’s hydraulic OEM, distributor or system builder. With both
mechanical and electrica l robustness paramount in the design priority, Windows™ compatible eas y to use setup software and full CE c om pliance m eans this one p roduct can throug h , the man y configurations and featur es
available, be used across multiple platforms, markets and applications.
This units cost eff ectiveness will b ecom e quickly apparent through th e reduc tion in inven tory costs an d stock ing
needs as well as in the reduced costl y engineering time taken usually associ ated with the design to delivery
The PowerLine has five (5) basic configurable modes of operation available within the one module.:
1) Manual control of the output current through the graphical user interface.
This mode is typically used during system start-up and commissioning. Used to prove control and
direction of motion as well as correct hoses and fittings are leak free.
2) Horse Power Limiter & Anti-Stall – automotive style prime mover protection.
Used to protect an engine from stalling by progressi vely reducing the hydraulic load either by valve or
pump control, effectively de-coupling the load from the m otor. The active nature of this m ode allows th e
machine to find the optimized work rate and still support healthy engine RPM.
2a) Horse Power Limiter & Anti-Stall with Reverse –
Ideal for system suc h as auto-feed wood chip pers or any applicat ions that need a r everse feature if the
engine starts to stall because of a forced load.
3) Horse Power Limiter & Anti-Stall with Max Command -
Used to protect an engine from stalling by progressi vely reducing the hydraulic load either by valve or
pump control, effectively de-coupl ing the load from the motor. Extra F eatures ar e provided to allo w the
user to vary the maximum command signal with a pot or joystick during Anti-Stall operations.
4) Valve Driver – Direct open loop control of single or dual coil valves or pump controls.
The last mode provi des a quick, easy method of controlling single or dual coi l valves or pum p stroker s.
This unit will drive all the m ajor O EM produc ts and can be s et eas ily to interface with a simple j o ystick or
work from an external command signal of either voltage or current.
Part No:- 021-00155 RevD7 PowerLine System Controller User Guide Page | 5
PowerLine User Guide
Module Familiarity:
Use 16 AWG wire for power and coil wiring. Use of shrouded coil connectors is always recommended.
Shielded cables ar e pr eferred for the puls e a nd c om m and in puts as these are typically low level, analog signals.
This will minimize potential cross talk between cables that are bundled or in a cable harness.
Additional noise protection can be obtained by shielding the coil and power cables. The shields should be
grounded only at the unit end of the cable.
Long cable runs with any other c ables, especiall y high voltage or those car rying switching t ype signals in close
proximity of each other should be avoided.
Take extra care to iso lat e a n y ca ble t ha t are c o nnec te d to h ig h v olt ag e AC el ect ri c m otors , varia bl e f r equency or
variable voltage drives.
Protecting the unit’s pulse input from external noise is very important and can save a lot of time in
The unit MUST be installed with an in-line fuse in the positive supply cable. Use only an AGC-5 fuse.
Locate the fuse as close to the power supply as possible to provide pr otection to both the wiring and
the unit. Failure to use a fuse invalidates the warranty, can be dangerous to the system and also the
PowerLine unit.
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PowerLine User Guide
Input or feedback signal operation is normal
Check command or feedback signal for
correct as required
Power Su pply below 9VDC
Increase power supply to >9VDC
Power supply between 9VDC and 30VDC
NO action – normal operation
Power supply above 30VDC
Reduce power supply to <30VDC
NO output or not in use
Check power supply or module fuse
Respective output fully ON
Respective output fully OFF
Respective output in transition or under control
turn power back on
circuit turn power back on
INPUT ERROR LED blink code descriptions:
LED Condition Solution
Blinking Error detected or loss of feedback
Power LED blink code description:
LED Condition Solution
PWM% A and PWM% B Output LEDblink code description:
LED Condition Solution
Flash RED 2Hz
Flash GREEN 1Hz Respective output OPEN circuited turns OFF PWM output
Respective output SHORT circuited, module turns OFF PWM
connection, signal level and polarity and
Turn OFF power and clear short circuit,
Turn OFF power and re-connect open
If power is applied to the controller while connected to an existing short circuit, the module will not detect this or
show an error led and will output PWM current equivalent to the Imax setting.
The module ( which should be protected by an AGC5 fuse as reccomended ) will be regulating and will not
damage itself in this mode, but the issue can only be diagnosed by using the GUI and observing that the current
is changing but the PWM% is only moving to a max of ~5% of max output.
If power is applied to the controller while connected to an existing open circuit, the module will not detect this or
show an error led until the PWM output is commanded to control current.
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PowerLine User Guide
PSL/V – (Size 2)
~450 mA
~1,160 mA
40 - 70 Hz (55)
20 - 35%
PSL/V – (Size 2)
~225 mA
~580 mA
40 - 70 Hz (55)
20 - 35%
PSL/V(F) – (Sizes 3 & 5)
~620 mA
~1,260 mA
40 - 70 Hz (55)
20 - 35%
PSL/V(F) – (Sizes 3 & 5)
~310 mA
~630 mA
40 - 70 Hz (55)
20 - 35%
EM 21 D(S)E
~50 mA
~1,200 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
EM 21 D(S)E
~25 mA
~630 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
EMP 21 S
~550 mA
~1,100 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
EMP 21 S
~240 mA
~480 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
EMP 21 V
~500 mA
~1,000 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
EMP 21 V
~200 mA
~500 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
EMP 21 S10
~40 mA
~1,300 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
EMP 21 S10
~20 mA
~650 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
EMP 21 V10
~400 mA
~1,380 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
EMP 21 V10
~200 mA
~690 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
EMP 31 S
~240 mA
~1,200 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
EMP 31 S
~120 mA
~600 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
EMP 31 V
~400 mA
~1,000 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
EMP 31 V
~200 mA
~500 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
EMP 31 S10
~150 mA
~1,200 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
EMP 31 S10
~75 mA
~600 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
EMP 31 V10
~400 mA
~1,560 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
EMP 31 V10
~200 mA
~780 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
EMP 41 S
~100 mA
~870 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
EMP 41 S
~200 mA
~1,750 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
EMP 41 V
~100 mA
~870 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
EMP 41 V
~200 mA
~1,750 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
~200 mA
~1,260 mA
60 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
~100 mA
~630 mA
60 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
~190 mA
~1,200 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
~110 mA
~680 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
~200 mA
~1,260 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
~100 mA
~630 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
SE - (Sizes 2 & 3)
~380 mA
~1,900 mA
60 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
SE - (Sizes 2 & 3)
~190 mA
~950 mA
60 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
SEH - (Sizes 2 & 3)
~250 mA
~1,260 mA
60 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
SEH - (Sizes 2 & 3)
~130 mA
~630 mA
60 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
~400 mA
~1,350 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
~260 mA
~880 mA
50 - 150 Hz
20 - 40%
V30D "V" Controller
~250 mA
~750 mA
80 - 100 Hz
20 - 40%
Module Compatibility and Valve Settings:
Valve Type
Note: Final optimized settings are valve size and system/application dependent. Consult valve manufacturer for full details
as required.
Part No:- 021-00155 RevD7 PowerLine System Controller User Guide Page | 8
PowerLine User Guide
70 size / Proportional Coil
50 – 100
70 size / Proportional Coil
50 – 100
EHPR / Proportional coil
~1100 -1200
50 – 100
EHPR / Proportional coil
~550 - 600
50 – 100
50 - 100
50 – 100
50 – 100
50 – 100
50 – 100
9A – Pump stroker coil
50 – 100
4DP01 – single OR dual coil
50 – 100
4DP01 – single OR dual coil
50 – 100
4DP02 – single OR dual coil
50 – 100
4DP02 – single OR dual coil
50 – 100
3DP03 – single OR dual coil
50 – 100
3DP03 – single OR dual coil
50 – 100
3DP06 – single OR dual coil
50 – 100
3DP06 – single OR dual coil
50 - 100
Valve Type
Note: Final optimized settings are valve size and system/application dependent. Consult valve manufacturer for full details
as required
Valve Type
Note: Final optimized settings are valve size and system/application dependent. Consult valve manufacturer for full details
as required
Valve Type
Note: Final optimized settings are valve size and system/application dependent. Consult valve manufacturer for full details
as required
Part No:- 021-00155 RevD7 PowerLine System Controller User Guide Page | 9
Note: Final optimized settings are valve size and system/application dependent. Consult valve manufacturer for full details
as required
Valve Type
Note: Final optimized settings are valve size and system/application dependent. Consult valve manufacturer for full details
as required
Imin (mA) Imax (mA)
12 1150mA
24 590
Imin (mA) Imax (mA)
100 –
dependant on
valve size
100 –
dependant on
valve size
Valve Type
Note: Final optimized settings are valve size and system/application dependent. Consult valve manufacturer for full details
as required
Part No:- 021-00155 RevD7 PowerLine System Controller User Guide Page | 10
Imin (mA) Imax (mA)
PowerLine User Guide
Module Connections:
+Power ( connector terminal 1 ):
This is the main + Voltage power supply input for the module. The PowerLine controller will accept 9 to 30VDC.
Make sure the unit has an in-line fuse fitted to protect the system, the module and the warranty.
+Coil A ( Connector terminal 2 ):
This terminal should be connected to the ‘A’ c oils positive (+) connectio n. It is switched ON or OFF to decide
which if any coil will be driven. These terminals should not be connected to +Power.
+Coil B ( Connector terminal 3 ):
This terminal should be connected to the ‘B’ coi ls positive (+) connection. It is switched ON or OFF to decide
which if any coil will be driven. These terminals should not be connected to +Power.
-Coil A ( Connector terminal 4 ):
Both -Coil A and -Coil B are internally connected together on the card and should be connected to the negative
coil leads. These are used to sense coil current, control the internal feedback circuit that maintains and regulates current to the coils to recover from heating effects and should never be grounded.
-Coil B ( Connector terminal 5 ):
Both -Coil A an d -Coil B ar e internall y connected tog ether on the card and sho uld be conn ected to the ne gative
coil leads. These are used to sense coil current, control the internal feedback circuit that maintains and regulates current to the coils to recover from heating effects and should never be grounded.
Power Com ( Connector terminal 6 ):
This is the main 0 Volts ( GND ) power supply connection for the module.
Sig Com ( Connector terminal 7 ):
This terminal is internally tied to Power Common ( Power Com ) on the card. To provide the best possibl e
noise resistance Sig Com should be used as the only ground for the pulse and command sensors.
Command In ( Connector terminal 8 ):
This is the analog command input for the controller. The Graphical User Interface (GUI ) allows the user
through software to c h oos e f r om sever al se lec t abl e ra nges inclu di ng 0 to +5-Volts, 0 to +10-Volts an d +4-20mA.
There is also the f acility that lets the user choose Uni or Bi-direct ional operation by setting the inputs so their
respective mid poi nts becom e the zero cros sover poin t ( i.e. 0-5V becomes 0 – 2.5– 5) with 2.5V repres enting
NO drive to the valve coils.
This input has an impedance of 100 KOhms when ‘Voltage Mode’ is selected and is internally pulled low to allow
for error detection and avoid spurious signals if not used.
Pulse In ( Connector terminal 9 ):
This is a pro gram mable range input th at ac cept s pulses above up t o 30KHz. Puls es m us t c ros s the midpoint of
the range selected to be de tec ted a nd may exceed the r ange wit hout damage to the unit if les s tha n + / - 30-Volts
Peak. Selectable ranges include –1 to +1V, 0 to 1.25V, 0 to 2.5 V, 0 to 5 V and 0 t o 10V. A G UI software switch
is provided to allow the user to activate an internal 10KOhm pull down resistor on this input. Activation of the
pull down resistor is intended to provide loading for inductive, sourcing or open emitter sensors.
Part No:- 021-00155 RevD7 PowerLine System Controller User Guide Page | 11
PowerLine User Guide
Module Connections Cont.
Sinking or open collector sensors may require an external pull up resistor.
Pot Ref Out ( Connector terminal 10 ):
Pot Ref Out provides +5VDC through a 1KΩ c urrent limit resistor ( 5mA max ) and is typically us ed for local
connection to a 10K potentiometer or Joystick.
This output should not be used as a sensor power supply as it will not supply sufficient current.
Enable In ( Connector terminal 11 ):
This is a s inking s witch inp ut. Act ivati on is ach ieved b y pullin g the in put hig h to ei ther +5-Volts or to the module
+power supply connection.
This input nominal impedance is 10 KOhms.
This input is internally pulled low to prevent a floating input when deactivated or not in use.
Direction ( Connector terminal 12 ):
This is a sinking switch input that m a y be used to activate ‘Co il B’ remotely.
This innovative feature allows the user to have full resolution of the command source by choosing when to
select the coil ‘B’ drive output rather than offsetting the command input to mid-point.
Activation is achieved by pulling the input high to either +5-Volts or to the modules +power supply connection.
This input nominal impedance is 10 KOhms.
This input is internally pulled low to prevent a floating input when deactivated or not in use.
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PowerLine User Guide
PowerLine Dimensional Information:
Housing Type:- High Country Tek unique ‘encapsulated’ block.
Housing Material:- None, solid, flameproof epoxy resin block.
Housing Color:- Black / dark Grey.
Surface Finish:- Gloss
Housing Thickness:- 12mm ( main module ) 25mm incl. Connectors.
Unit size:- See above size detail drawings.
Unit Weight:- Approx.... 400 grams ( including Encapsulation material )
Wire entry:- Via heavy duty screw type connector.
Encapsulation:- Flame Resistant, Black , Two Part Epoxy Resin.
Mounting:- Via through holed ( 3 ) suitable for No. 8 ( 5mm ) screw .
Temperature range:- - 40 to +85 degrees Centigrade ( operational )
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PowerLine User Guide
1-Board Style:High Country Tek unique size and mounting.
2-Connector Type :12 way heavy duty scr ew termin al.
3-Input Suppl y Vol tage:9 – 30VDC ( absolu t e m aximum s )
4-Input suppl y cur r ent :~400mA quiescent + valve curr ents
5-Input suppl y pr ot ection:
User supplied in- l ine fuse ( AGC5 )
6-User Reference Voltage:+5VDC ( +/- 10% ) – short circuit protec t ed.
7-User Reference Voltage curr ent:~5mA ( Absolute maximum ) current limited.
8-Command I nput types:DC Voltage an d pulse
9-DCV Comma nd i nput v al ue r ange:0 – 5VDC or 0 – 10VDC
10-DC Current Com m and I nput Range4 – 20mA ( 100 O hm resistor load )
11-Puls e Comm a nd i nput v al ue r ange:0 – 30 KHz
12-Pulse comm and volt age range:±0 – ±30V absolu t e m ax.
13-Enabl e i nput value range :0 – 5V or +m odule su pply
14-Enabl e i nput impedance:10 KOh m
15-Paramet er A dj ust ment s:
All t hrou gh graphical user int er f ac e sof t ware.
16-Coil ‘A’ c ur r ent s et t ing range:~0 – 3000m A ( w it h curr ent feedback circuit )
17-Coil ‘B’ curre nt se t t ing range:~0 – 3000mA ( w it h curr ent feedback circuit )
18-Coil ‘A’ & ‘B’ Protection:Open and short circuit det ect cir cuit.
19-Ramp ‘A ’ max setti ng range:~0 – 10 seconds up and down
20-Ramp ‘B’ m ax set t i ng range:~0 – 10 seconds up and down
21-Dither f requency ( Hz ) range:~0 – 250H z
22-Dither am plitude max:~0 – 5V Pk-Pk
23-Process ‘P’ t er m scal e f act or r ange:0 - 7
24-Process ‘I ’ term scale f act or range:0 - 7
25-Indus t r y Com pl iance:
Designed to m eet latest CE cer t if ication stan dar ds
26-Environmental:Totally encapsulated unit f or m echanical pr ot ect ion.
27-IP rating:IP68 ( Modu l e only - der at e for connectors as r equired )
28-NEMA rating:6P ( Module on l y - derat e f or connect or s as r equired )
29-Humidity:95 – 100% Non con densing
30-Stor age Tem p r ange:-60 t o + 90 Deg C ( Max )
31-Ope r at ing temp r ange:-40 t o + 85 Deg C ( max )
Electrical Specificat ion Overview:
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