HCT HFS-2Q User Manual

High Country Tek, Inc.
Includes the HFS
2Q option information.
Hydraulic Fan System Controller : HFS - 2
Electro-Hydraulic Solutions for Mobile, Industrial & Marine Applications.
Application, Set-up
Information Manual.
Part No. 021-00152 Rev C August - 2008
Hydraulic Fan System Controller : HFS - 2
Important Notes:
This product has been designed by High Country Tek, Inc ( HCT ) to interface directly with any manufacturers range of proportional pressure and/or flow control valves, variable pumps, motors and manifold blocks currently available for type of
Please contact the factory by the e-mail address given below or nearest High Country Tek, Inc. distributor for further technical information and availability.
Application Areas:
• ON and OFF road application suitability
• OEM, re-power and retro-fit markets
• Mining equipment – above and below ground
• Drill, exploration and blast hole rigs
• Chassis, bus and RV builders
• Static applications – standby generators
• Industrial cooling operations
• Liquid nitrogen/oxygen temperature conditioning
• Hydraulic system oil
Automatic Transmission fluid
• Engine sump oil
• Air conditioner refrigerant
Engine water jacket
Engine charge air
• ‘External Attachment’ system fluids
• Diesel fuel conditioning
System Part Numbers:
• Controller Module with 2 part connectors :-………………………………………….….P/No: HFS–2
• Controller Module with Weatherpack connectors :-……………………………….….P/No: HFS–2Q
• Controller Graphical User Interface ( GUI )……………………………………………….P/No: 023-00196
• Opto 2000 interface Unit:-…………………………………………………..……………….…P/No: 999- 10064
• HFS controller software CD:-………………….……….……….....................................Contact HCT customer service for info
• Controller info manual:-……………………………………………………..……….……..……P/No: 021-00152 Rev B
High Country Tek, Inc. reserves the right to upgrade, revise or better any controller as technology improves without notice being given.
Wherever possible, full downwards compatibility for both hardware and software on replaced controllers will be maintained but it is the users responsibility to ensure that the latest technical details or literature is being used for application reference.
If you are unsure of the literature, hardware or software revisions you have, or suspect that it is an older revision, please send an e-mail request for the latest releases to info@highcountrytek.com
ALL information contained herein is copyrighted to High Country Tek, Inc - © 2008.
Hydraulic Fan System Controller : HFS - 2
System Overview:
This product has been designed specifically for Hydraulic Fan Drive control and gives the user new levels automation while integrating seamlessly into a typical discrete cooling system.
It can control a hydraulically driven fan proportionally or in an ON/OFF manner based on user settings, system configuration and cooling needs with three independent inputs ( zones ) that will interface with industry standard NTC, two wire thermistors.
Standard features include a robust vibration, flame proof package, 2 part or ‘Q’ option connectors that provides either easy harness assembly or Waterproof heavy duty connections, both polarized to avoid mis-connections, Alarm output interface, intelligent diagnostics, internal self protection that enables the controller to operate reliably under arduous environmental conditions and a ‘real-time’ graphing and data logging facility that offers the user option to observe and then record several operating parameters that are saved in a common file format for
later examination in Microsoft Excel
ocalon-boar proportional output , reverse input and reverse valve output status and a specific error code LED which all show through observation, the current status of the controller and connected peripheral devices.
Easy to use ‘set-up’ and diagnostic software that is provided with the unit, works in conjunction with the HCT ‘Opto 2000’ interface unit to provide high speed data communications between the controller and the host computer and runs on any PC with a Windows
Once the profile for a particular cooling requirement has been established, the software allows the developer to up/download the complete personality into other blank controllers giving the user a high level of application specific security and keeping company confidential information in-house.
The inputs if desired, can also be configured to interface directly with pre-set range ON/OFF Bi-metallic temperature switches without the proportional control offered by the thermistors but giving savings advantages where absolute accuracy is not required and system cost is at a premium.
There are no external or onboard potentiometers, switches or adjustments for user settingstoensurecontroller integrity and operation under harsh environmental and operator conditions.
Theset-upsoftwareallowsthecontrollertobeveryflexibleregardingsettingsandsystemconfigurationwith password levels invoked to ensure that characteristics cannot be changed without the proper authority.
Each password level entered, affords the user more options and available settings that are kept transparent to the operator or observer to avoid confusion.
ALL inputs and outputs on the controller are fully protected, continuously monitored and when connected, displayed by the software in the ‘Status’ window.
ors are availablefor powerON,eac
O/S platform.
Readings are also taken and stored of highest temperatures seen in each active zone, supply voltages and other parameters to allow event correlation and system diagnostics if required at a later date.
Product Features:
Product integrity maintained under
operational environments
Unit status Diagnostic LED s user visible and functional at all times
Ruggedized design allowing use on Internal
External applications.
EMC compliant product to EN50081-1 and EN50082-2 ( heavy industrial )
EMC compliant product to EN-12895:2000 ( Industrial Trucks )
Fail safe design gives full fan cooling even with NO electrical power.
Wide supply voltage range ( 10 – 32VDC )
Set-up & unit configuration up/downloadable to any backup media via PC.
Quick select, fan speed for in-field noise inspection ( 75% of Fwd Fan speed ).
Full remote (PC) and local ‘smart’ visual diagnostics ( with optional Opto 2000 ).
Fully ‘isolated’ design for improved safety and ease of application in difficult areas.
Three independently selectable and configurable temperature sensing inputs
Hydraulic Fan System Controller : HFS - 2
Fully protected ( shorts, opens and reverse connection ) Inputs and Outputs.
Industry standard, sealed Weatherpack or two part polarized connectors
Radiator pack ‘Manual and auto ‘Purge’ or ‘De-ice’ feature.
NO external adjustments to maintain system integrity in the field.
Coded error indicator for real time diagnostics at the controller
Full remote (PC) and local ‘smart’ visual diagnostics ( with optional Opto 2000 ).
Retarded and limit ‘Charge Air’ cooling until engine warm feature.
Fan ‘ON-Dela
’ feature to reduce starting requirements on a hot system.
Flame proof resin encapsulation.
Mount ‘anywhere’ encapsulated modular format.
The information in this guide is the intellectual property of High Country Tek, Inc. and should be
considered at all times as strictly company confidential.
It shall not be copied or transmitted by any format to any third parties without our knowledge and
express written permission.
Hydraulic Fan System Controller : HFS - 2
where intense radio Frequency fields ( RF ) are present as unit resetting may occur, system diagnostic
CE and EMC ( Electro Magnetic Compatibility ) Notes:
The HFS-2 has been tested to comply with the current EN-50081-1 ( Emissions ) and EN-50082-2 (
Immunity ).
The unit has been further tested to the new Euro-Norms of:-EN-61000-6-4:2001 ( Emissions ) & EN-61000-6-
2:2001 ( Immunity)
The controller was also voluntarily tested to EN-12895:2000 which covers industrial Truck requirements.
Use of this controller under conditions not specified by EN-12895:2000 will require the user to clarify the
application with HCT technical staff before proceeding.
To maintain compliance with the tested EMC specifications listed above, the HFS-2 controller must only be
connected to the vehicle battery supply and must NOT be allowed to control or operate the fan system while the
vehicle is connected to ANY
fully isolated from external supplies if this situation occurs .
This controller has been designed to operate with virtually any manufacturers range of valves, pump strokers,
fan drive motors and fluid control manifold blocks as noted in this manual.
If you require advice or technical clarification, please contact High Country Tek at:
external power supply ( I.e. battery Charger or engine warmer e.t.c.) and must be
Opto 2000
The Opto 2000 interface unit is intended for temporary use during static system set-up, commissioning
and HFS-2 module programming only. It is not designed for continuous connection and operation, and should not be used or applied in areas
information sent or received may be corrupted or the Opto 2000 unit damaged. If any of the above problems are seen, dis-continue operation until the source of the RF has been identified
and stopped.
Hydraulic Fan System Controller : HFS - 2
Attempt to use this unit in Areas where other AC or DC coils HAVE NOT been fully suppressed
Important Notes:
ALWAYS - Take a few minutes to FULLY read THESE information / data sheets BEFORE starting.
ALWAYS - Keep High Voltage AC cables separate from Low Voltage DC signal and supply cables.
ALWAYS - Make sure
ALWAYS - Ensure that you are aware of the available adjustments and on the electronics and hydraulics.
ALWAYS - Make sure you have the correct tools to do the intended job ( i.e. P.C., software ) e.t.c.
ALWAYS – ‘Isolate’ this unit from all other equipment BEFORE
ALWAYS - Check ALL connections to and from this unit to ensure NO
ALWAYS - Operate the units within specified operating temperature for best & reliable performance.
ALWAYS - Ensure that any unused wires / terminals are terminated safely and not shorted together.
ALWAYS - Isolate the controller if ANY form of battery charging or boosting takes place on the vehicle.
ALWAYS - Ensure ALL valve connectors are wired correctly, secure, locked and connected to correct coils.
ALWAYS - Observe the set-up procedures in this manual for best operational results.
ALWAYS - Follow and abide by local and country health and safety standards – protect yourself and others !
he unit supplyvoltage isthe same asthe coils onthe valve beingdriven !
any form of welding takes place.
short or OPEN circuits.
NEVER - Arc Weld or Charge Batteries with this driver unit connected as damage can occur.
NEVER - Attempt to use this unit if you are unsure of electrical OR hydraulic connections.
NEVER - Attempt to use this unit if you are unsure of the expected system operation.
NEVER - Use a power supply that is not rated for the correct required O/P current under full load.
NEVER - Allow wires TO or FROM the unit to short circuit ( to each other or chassis/cabinet e.t.c. ).
NEVER - Attempt to use this unit in areas of intense RF without adequate screening measures.
NEVER - Disconnect or connect wires to or from this unit unless it isolated from the power supply.
NEVER - Use this unit in temperatures that exceed those specified as operation may be effected.
NEVER - Start this unit without ensuring ALL work areas are clear of personnel !
Hydraulic Fan System Controller : HFS - 2
3) Input Supply Voltage:
10 –32VDC ( Absolute Maximum )
9) Dither Frequency :
Software adjustable, ~30 to 250Hz ( menu selectable )
14) Storage temp.:
40 to +85 Deg C ( Max )
Module shown with
2 part Weidmuller connectors
Electrical Specifications
1) Board Style: HCT Unique Size and Mounting.
2) Connector Types: Weidmuller two part, polarised heavy duty screw type
2a) Connector types ‘Q’ option: Weatherpack sealed connectors
5) Input Supply Current ( Max ): Valve Current Setting + 200mA Quiescent (Max)
6) Command Input Type(s): 2 wire Thermistor, temperature switch ( software selectable )
7) Command Input Value(s): Ohms only ( Max temp = 50 Min temp = 2M)
8) Available adjustments: All adjustments in software, see attached literature.
10) Environmental: Totally ‘ENCAPSULATED’ Printed Circuit Board.
11) IP Rating ( module only ): Designed to meet IP 68 ( MIN ) derate connector as required.
12) NEMA Rating ( module only ): Designed to meet NEMA 6P derate connector as required.
13) Humidity: 95 - 100% Non Condensing.
15) Working temp.: -30 to +75 Deg C ( Max ) Inc Ambient.
Thermistor Requirements:
Hydraulic Fan System Controller : HFS - 2
The controller operation is based on input from up to three temperature measured zones.
One, two or all three inputs can be used depending on the system requirements with all three thermistor inputs able to be enabled or disabled independently within the set-up software.
The inputs can be from NTC ( Negative Temperature Coefficient ) Thermistors or Bi­Metallic temperature switches and the choice can be made in the set-up software.
Two wire NTC thermistors sensors with both wires brought back to the unit are required for each zone being monitored.
DO NOT use accuracy will be severely degraded !
The controller is compatible with most automotive type thermistors with Borg Warner, Delphi and Ford IAT sensors being pre-configured and selectable on a drop down menu.
Other transducers not pre-set may have their profiles added and stored under user selectable names for future use b
Ifotherthermistorsaretobeadded,theacceptableOhmicrangeis50ohmsatthe maximum temperature that can occur in the system to 2Mohm at the minimum temperature that can occur in the system.
Open(>2Mohm)orshorted(<50ohms)thermistorinputswillbedetectedand cause full fan speed output and indicate with the appropriate alarm response and
Each thermistor input can also be configured and used as simple contact closure switch inputs.
hermistors with one lead grounded asthe sensor andthe measuring
HCT factor
Fan ‘ON’ Delay:
The fan ‘ON’ delay feature is intended to hold the fan at no rotation to avoid unnecessary windage forces and
allow the ( hot ) engine to start with minimum loading possible.
This ‘Start Up Delay ‘ is programmable by the user via the software set-up program and can be set from zero (0) to sixty ( 60 ) seconds in one second increments.
This delay is activated every time the main power supply input is removed and re-applied to the controller.
In the case of a normally acting proportional valve, the current is held at zero output for the delay time.
If a reverse acting valve is used, the output current is held at the maximum set in the software to ensure the fan is fully OFF.
Hydraulic Fan System Controller : HFS - 2
thermostat open.
‘Charge Air’
d fan
time g
Cold Engi
Charge Air:
There can be a special case of cooling requirements when the engine is warming up
from a cold start. For this situation, the controller has a ‘Cold Engine Fan Limit’
option available to the user which if enabled, will temporarily stop the fans rotation
to prevent excessive cooling.
The ‘Charge Air’ temperature can easily exceed its desired setpoint value while the
Engine Coolant temperature is still too cold to let the standard mechanical
Normal operation would allow the ‘Charge Air’ temperature to capture the fan
control, cooling any other above ambient liquids in the radiator.
This would typically cause a sudden introduction of cold water when the engine
does eventually warm up enough to cause the thermostat to open, resulting in the
chance of engine block damage with thermal shock.
controlle inefficient running and excess fuel usage. On a cold start, reversing the fan during a ‘purge cycle’ will have a similar effect as most radiators will then be cooled by the air sucked from around the cold engine.
The ‘Cold Engine Fan Limit’ feature avoids these problems by not allow the Charge Air OR Reversing inputs to take control of the Fan speed while the Engine Coolant temperature is less than the ‘Engine Warm Temp’ setpoint.
The Engine Coolant senso
speed can also slow down engine warm-up
MUST be connected to Thermistor 1 input and set to type
enerating unnecessary pollution,
The ‘Charge Air’ sensor MUST be connected to Thermistor 2 input and may be set to type
Thermistor or Switch.
Fan control b is waiting for thermistor 1 to reach engine warm temperature, clearing the ‘Cold Engine Fan Limit’ will not exit the waiting mode.
the thermistor 1 and 3 inputs is not limited by the ‘Engine Warm Temp’ setpoint. While the unit
Important Notes:
arge Air’ temperature reaching the user entered
Fan Limit’ and go to full fan forward rotation while the condition exists, to ensure that damage does not
vertemp’ setpoint’ w
override the
occur and that the Overtemp condition is reduced.
2. The ‘Charge Air’ limiting feature only functions when power is initially applied to the controller.
3. The ‘Warm engine temp’ setting MUST NOT exceed the ‘Coolant’ temperature setpoint.
Hydraulic Fan System Controller : HFS - 2
condition is automatically cleared if the thermistor drops below Overtemp, ramping to the PWM% value
completed. There are three levels of security, all of which may only be accessed via the Opto 2000 and PC
PI ( Proportional/Integral) Logic:
The controller uses "PI" to regulate the temperatures to be no more than the Setpoints entered by the user. The P and I terms act on temperature error, with the P term used to instantaneously respond to temperature errors and should be adjusted to respond quickly to large temperature changes, but have little impact otherwise. The I term is used to track the average fan current required to keep the hottest temperature measured closest to its setpoint and should be set-up for slow and smooth response while giving accurate control round the
. General operation default values for the P & I terms are embedded in the software but may be altered by users with the proper password level of authorization to fine tune a system. Temperature error is the difference between the actual measured temperature and the ‘temperature setpoint ’, scaled by the difference between the ‘temperature setpoint’ and the ‘'Overtemp' alarm setpoint. The scaling is required to allow comparison of all the thermistor inputs on an equal basis. The active thermistor input with the largest scaled error above its setpoint will be used by the PI process. If all temperatures are below their user setpoints, the thermistor closest to it’s set point will be used to give control. In a properly tuned system, this process will result in the fan turning just fast enough to keep one temperature regulated to its setpoint and all other temperatures less than their Setpoints. If a thermistor input is shorted or open , the unit will ramp to full fan speed. This error behavior will continue until power is turned off if the user programmable ‘Retry All Faults’ is NOT normal operation when the fault is cleared. A thermistor reaching ‘Overtemp’ is an error that results in ramping to full fan speed. The ‘Overtemp’ error
demanded by the PI loop.
selected, otherwise, it will resume
Password Protection:
Password protection has been provided to ensure that damage cannot be caused once commissioning is software and with the proper password level of authorization:
Level 1:- ( NO Password ) Monitor controller operation only, no change in parameters allowed.
Level 2:- ( OEM Password ) Authorized user has access to the functions that are needed for
programming and set-up.
Level 3:- ( Factory Password ) HCT Engineering level which allows access to ALL base controller
settings and some RESET functions.
Contact HCT on the e-mail address ( info@highcountrytek.com ) for password .
Hydraulic Fan System Controller : HFS - 2
Proportional coils ( fan speed control….
8 –14VDC:
Use 12V valve coil
Fan ‘Noise Test’ Feature:
The controller allows the user to set a pre-determined value of output current to the proportional valve that will equate to the required 70% forward fan speed required for the noise inspection.
Once set to the desired level, this value is saved to the controller then allows the user to quickly demonstrate the noise level of a forward driven fan by following the sequence below:-
1) Turn controller power supply OFF.
2) Depress and hold the ‘Manual purge’ sequence button.
3) Apply power to the controller.
4) Continue to hold the ‘manual purge’ button down for approx. 5 seconds after power application then release to enter the ‘ Test mode ‘.
5) This ‘ Test mode ‘ will drive the fan in the forward direction for 3 minutes ( this time is fixed ).
6) When the time period has expired, the fan will return to normal system operation and cannot be put back into test mode unless points 1) thro 4) are re-applied.
Important Notes:-
• This is an OPEN LOOP test feature which even after accurate factory setting, can be marginally effected by external
conditions such as ambient and oil temperature, oil viscosity and system condition.
• The sequence can be stopped / reset at any time during the 3 minute test period by removing the power supply.
• The ‘Test mode’ period is pre-set to 3 minutes by the manufacturer and is not changeable by the user.
• The set-up software allows the user to pre-set the fan forward speed that is used during this ‘ Test mode ‘.
Power Supply and Coil Voltage:
For most accurate smooth control with best resolution, protection and product reliability, the following combinations of power supply and valve coil voltage should be adhered to:-
8 – 14VDC:- Use 12V valve coil.
20 – 36VDC:- Use 24V valve coil.
Directional coil ( Fan direction control.. NEEDED FOR PURGE OPTION
20 – 36VDC:- Use 24V valve coil.
) :-
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