Instruction, Installation and Operation Guide
HAD Product Manual
Document Number: 021-00141
Document Revision: B2.1
Document Issue Date:
Document Creator: J. Clark
Document Creation Date: 9/10/2009
High Country Tek, Inc.
208 Gold Flat Court
Nevada City, CA, 95959.
Tel: (1) 530 265-3236 021-00141 Rev B2.1
HAD Product Manual
The HAD, provides precise control of a dual coil proportional valve. The HAD will accept a control input of –5V to
+5V, 0V to +5V, 0V to +10V or 4 to 20 mA from a n external source or a potentiometer driven by the onboard
reference output. It will accept power supply voltages from 11 to 30 volts DC and is able to drive coils with
requirements from 31mA to 5.0 A. Options include ramping, dither, waterproof potentiometers and WeatherPak
B Light – Li g hts wh e n the “B” coil is selected because the command input is in the “B” coil range.
Connect the unit as shown in Figure 3, us ing only one of the three command i nput configurations. Use 16 AWG wire
for power and coil wiring. Use shrouded coil connectors. Locate the fuse as close to the power supply as possible to
protect the wiring and the valve controller.
Use an AGC-5 fuse for systems up to 3.3 amps and an AGC-10 for systems from 3.4 to 5.0 amps. Place fuse as close to
the battery as possible.
Failure to properly fuse the unit invalida te s the warranty.
Set up procedure:
Compare the part number on your unit to the Part Number Index in Figure 4, for an explanation of options specific to
your unit.
This controller is best adjusted by observing system response. Coil current can be used, but coil voltage is not accurate.
Coil current may be measured by installing a 0.1 o r 1.0 ohm resistor in series with the coil a nd measuring the voltage
drop across the resistor using a volt meter. Current may be calculated by I=E
the resistor divided by the resistance in ohms.
1. Turn the MAX pot 10 turns CCW then 5 turns CW (set to center of pot)
2. Turn the MINA & MINB pots 10 turns CCW (off)
3. Turn all RAMP pots 10 turns CCW (off)
4. Turn the DITHER AMP pot 10 turns CCW (off)
RES/R or current equals the voltage across
High Country Tek, Inc.
208 Gold Flat Court
Nevada City, CA, 95959.
Tel: (1) 530 265-3236 021-00141 Rev B2.1
Crossover Point
(Center Pot)
Min B Coil
(< Center Pot)
Min A Coil
(> Center Pot)
MAX A Coil
(Max Pot)
MAX B Coil
(Min Pot)
Dr ive C o il A
Dr ive C o il B
Coil Current
Control Input
Driv e Co il A
Driv e Co il B
Crossover Adjustment
HAD Product Manual
Turn on the p ower supply.
CROSSOVER is the point at which the valve driver output changes between A and B coils. Only one coil will be
active at a time. The CROSSOVER pot is used to tell the valve driver what input value will cause this change. For
control inputs just above the cro sso ver point, the output will be MIN A, and will i ncr e a se to MAX for the A coil as the
control input increases. For control inputs just below the crossover point, the output will increase to MAX for the B
coil as the control input decreases. When the B LIGHT is off, the A coil will be energized and the MIN A control is
active. When the B LIGHT is on, the B coil will be energized and the MIN B control is active. Typically the crossover
point is the midpoint of the control inp ut range. See Figure, 1 above.
1. Set the control input to the desired crossover point.
2. With the command input at the CROSSOVER point (i.e. 5 volts on a 0 – 10 volt input), if the B LIGHT is on
turn the CROSSOVER pot CW until the B LIGHT goes off. If the B LIGHT is off, turn the CROSSOVER
pot CCW unti l the B LIGHT goes on. Very slowly, adjust the C R OSSOVER pot back and forth, observing the
midpoint of where the B LIGHT goes off and on, and set the CROSSOVER pot to this midpoint.
3. Adjust the command input for the desired minimum response point for coil “A”. Observing system response,
adjust the MIN A pot for the desired minimum current (spool shift) on COIL A. Turn the MIN A pot CW for
more current. The MIN controls are provided to allow the user to add or eliminate the valve's Deadband.
4. Adjust the command input for the desired minimum response point for coil “B”. Observing system resp onse,
adjust the MIN B pot for the desired minimum current (spool shift) on COIL B. Turn the MIN B knob CW for
more current.
5. The MAX pot controls the maximum current (spool shift) for both the A and B coils. Set the control input to
its maxim um, (20 mA, 10 V or 5 V or the high end of an external 10K pot for example) and observing system
response, adjust the MAX pot for the desired maximum COIL A curr ent (spoo l shift). Turn the MAX pot CW
for more current.
High Country Tek, Inc.
208 Gold Flat Court
Nevada City, CA, 95959.
Tel: (1) 530 265-3236 021-00141 Rev B2.1
Figure, 1