HCT emc-3 User Manual

emc-3 Controller Module
User Guide – Rev A
3 array e-Fan
Electronic Controller
User Guide
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emc-3 Controller Module
User Guide – Rev A
High Country Tek, Inc. (HCT)
producer of modular, ruggedized digital and analog electronic controller products for the fluid power industry.
From our factory in California, we build, test and produce ‘specialty’ controllers that provide solutions for specific everyday functions as well as our ‘DVC family’ of fully adaptable user programmable units that can be integrated together to enable large area networked system solutions. The modules are typically used in mobile, industrial and marine applications, but are also applied successfully in several other growing global market segments.
Because High Country Tek has an industry unique non-repairable product protection system, with every module encapsulated in solid flame resistant material for maximum durability, electrical integrity and complete environmental security, we have to deliberately select the highest quality components from our suppliers at all times, ensuring our 100% operating shipped product.
HCT is also a market leader in many application arenas, including hydraulic generator, e-Fan and
hydraulic fan system controls where significant fuel, emission and operational savings can be realized by using one of the aforementioned specialty units to optimize the applications operation.
is North America’s foremost independent designer and
HCT’s market neutrality and flexible product configuration approach offers dependable integration with virtually any hydraulic OEM products for easy, simple and accurate control of valves, pumps, sub-systems or systems.
Our best-in-class customer service and product reliability is well known and trusted throughout the fluid power network and we look forward to working with you in the future. For our latest information, products, updates, guides and accessories, please visit us on-line at:
The information in this publication is intended as a guide only, and High Country Tek, Inc. (HCT) takes NO responsibility for usage and implementation in any user entered values into the provided GUI structure.
HCT strongly suggests that the user attends one of the product training courses to ensu re correct and full understanding of this information and to learn further optimized methods of control techniques. Please contact HCT customer service to book one of the scheduled training dates or to discuss arranging a course specific to your company needs. Thank you for using High Country Tek Inc. Products.
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emc-3 Controller Module
User Guide – Rev A
The emc-3 application allows for independent control of up to three fan banks. Each bank is controlled by any three of the seven Command Inputs.
The emc-3 is designed to drive PWM controlled fans with up to 3 Amps/Channel by providing a High Side sourcing 100Hz PWM signal.
A normally low Alarm output notifies the user to check the fan system.
A normally low Reverse output notifies the user that the fans are in reverse.
The emc-3 has the following inputs:
3 thermistor inputs
8 configurable discreet inputs for fan diagnostics
1 discreet Ignition/Enable input
1 discreet Reverse input
1 configurable Fire Input
The emc-3 can be configured either by using the HCT Intella® PLM, or over the SAE J1939 CAN Bus using configuration messages.
A Status message is available that will transmit all the I/O status as well as thermistor temperatures and various program states on the SAE J1939 CAN Bus.
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emc-3 Controller Module
User Guide – Rev A
Table of Contents
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 3
Controller Mechanical information ..................................................................................... 6
Theory of Operation ............................................................................................................ 7
Normal Operation ....................................................................................................... 7
Wiring ......................................................................................................................... 8
Reverse Mode Operation .......................................................................................... 10
Manual Control ......................................................................................................... 11
Auto dB Test Mode ( field noise measurement ) ...................................................... 11
Inputs................................................................................................................................. 12
Command Inputs ....................................................................................................... 12
Diagnostic ( digital ) Inputs ( ALL via 30 way ) ...................................................... 13
Reverse Input ( 30 way / Pin F2 ) ............................................................................. 13
Fire Input ( 30 way / Pin G2 ) ................................................................................... 13
Ignition Input ( 30 way / Pin H2 ) ............................................................................. 13
Outputs ( all via 18 way ) .................................................................................................. 14
Output Bank Settings ................................................................................................ 14
Fan Bank Outputs ..................................................................................................... 14
Fans In Reverse Output ............................................................................................. 14
Check Fan System Output ........................................................................................ 14
Indicators........................................................................................................................... 15
Status LED ................................................................................................................ 15
Module Configuration ....................................................................................................... 16
PLM Configuration ................................................................................................... 16
SAE J1939 CAN Bus Configuration ........................................................................ 16
SAE J1939 CAN Messages .............................................................................................. 17
Appendix A, EE-Memory Configuration Codes .............................................................. 24
Appendix B, Status LED Alarm Codes ............................................................................ 25
Appendix C, Settings and Limits ...................................................................................... 26
Appendix D, Electrical Characteristics ............................................................................. 29
Appendix E, the Program Loader Monitor (PLM) ........................................................... 30
1) Introduction: ............................................................................................................ 30
2) File types & Definitions: ........................................................................................ 30
2) Connecting the PC to the DVC Family: .............................................................. 32
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emc-3 Controller Module
User Guide – Rev A
3) Starting the Program Loader Monitor: ................................................................ 33
4) Main Program Loader Monitor Screen: .............................................................. 33
6) Program Loader ..................................................................................................... 34
Frequently Asked Questions: ............................................................................................ 36
emc-3 accessories.............................................................................................................. 36
‘Wet’ Fluid Sensor Information ........................................................................................ 37
‘Dry’ Fluid Sensor Information ........................................................................................ 38
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Controller Mechanical information
emc-3 Controller Module
User Guide – Rev A
Recommended tightening torques for the
securing bolts are as follows: For a 1/4-20 bolt, SAE Grade 5 DRY Torque: 8 Ft-Lbs
Lubricated Torque: 6.3 Ft-Lbs Use 0.5” or 12-15mm spaces if mounted to
hot surface 9 i.e. manifold assembly ) Mount with connector facing downwards to
prevent collection of debris and liquids
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emc-3 Controller Module
User Guide – Rev A
Theory of Operation
Normal Operation
At Power On, the module will not run the fans until the Startup Delay has expired.
The Startup Delay is set by entering a value into the EE-Memory location “Startup_Delay_Seconds” using the PLM or SAE J1939 configuration messages.
After the delay the controller will check 2 inputs before enabling the outputs:
The Minimum Engine RPM ( must exceed entered value ).  The Ignition Switch ( must be set to ON/+V to allow operataion).
If the “Engine Minimum RPM” variable is set to 0 in EE-Memory, the emc-3 is enabled whenever the Ignition Switch is ON ( 3.5
If the “Engine Minimum RPM” variable is set to a value greater than 0; if the Engine RPM read from the EEC1 message is greater than the “Minimum Engine RPM” set point and the ignition switch is on, the emc-3 is enabled. If the module detects the Ignition Input as “Off” ( 1.5
) while there is a valid Engine RPM
message detected, the Module will be enabled as required and report an Ignition Input Error. Fans will continue to run as demanded by the current configuration.
When the emc-3 is enabled, the cooling demand is determined by the values set in the EE-Memory for each enabled input. Each input’s demand is converted to a percentage for comparison and the highest demand will control the fan RPM independently for each Bank.
If the “Bank n Fan Idle Enable” is disabled (0) in the EE-Memory, and the cooling demand is 0, the fan is set to the “Bank n Off DYCY”. If the “Bank n Fan Idle
Enable” is enabled (> 0) in EE-Memory, that Bank will run at min RPM even when the cooling demand is 0 as long as the emc-3 is enabled. The minimum
RPM is determined by setting the “Bank n Start DYCY” in EE-Memory.
The “Minimum Fan Cycle Seconds” setting in the EE-Memory determines the minimum amount of time that the fans must run before stopping, assuming the fan controller is enabled. For example, if the “Minimum Fan Cycle Seconds” were set to 20 seconds and a Fan Banks demand rose above 0, the fans on that Bank would start. Then if the demand dropped back to 0 after 5 seconds, the
fans on that bank would be set to the “Bank n Start DYCY” for the remaining 15
seconds of the “Minimum Fan Cycle Seconds” before shutting off. The “Minimum
Fan Cycle Seconds” has no effect if the “Bank n Fan Idle Enable” is set.
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emc-3 Controller Module
User Guide – Rev A
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emc-3 Controller Module
User Guide – Rev A
PIN Name Function PIN Name Function PIN Name Function
A1 RXD ReceiveRS232Data‐Pin'A' D2 Uni2UniversalInput#2 G3 GND Ground/0V/SignalCommon A2 TXD TransmitRS232Data‐ Pin'C' D3 GND Ground/0V/SignalCommon H1 Dig3 DigitalInput#3 A3 RTS RequestToSend‐RS 232Pin'D' E1 Vref +5Vregulateduseroutput H2 Ana3 Analoginput#3 B1 CANHCAN#1High E2 Uni‐3UniversalInput#3 H3 GND Ground/0V/SignalCommon B2 CANLCAN#1 B3 COM 0V/COMRS232 Data‐Pin'B' F1 DIG1 DigitalIn put#1 J2 Dig5 DigitalInput#5 C1 CANHCAN#2High F2 ANA‐1Analoginput#1 J3 Dig6 DigitalInput#6 C2 Uni1UniversalInput#1 F3 GND Ground/0V /SignalCommon K1 +Pwr +VSupplyPowerInput C3 GND Ground/0V/SignalCommon G1 DIG2 DigitalInput#2 K2 Dig7 Digital Input#7 D1 CAN
PIN Name Function PIN Name Function PIN Name Function
A1 +VPwr +VSupplyPowerI nput C1 PWM3PWMOutputtoFanBank#3 E1 A2 +VPwr +VSupplyPowerI nput C2 HS4ON/Offoutput E2 NotUse d NotUse d‐  A3 NotUsed No tUse d‐  C3 NotUse d NotUse d‐ E3 NotUsed No tUse d‐  B1 PWM1PWMOutputtoFanBank#1 D1 HS5ON/Offoutput F1 B2 PWM2PWMOutputtoFanBank#2 D2 HS6ON/Offoutput F2 B3 NotUse d NotUse d‐  D3 NotUse d N ot Use d‐  F3
LCAN#2Low G2 ANA‐2Analoginput#2 K3 Dig8 DigitalInput#8
Low E3 GND Ground/0V/SignalCommon J1 Dig4 DigitalInput#4
18PinMetriPakConnect or( Male,Plug)
Ground/0V Common
Ground/0V Common Ground/0V Common Ground/0V Common
emc‐3isdesignedtodriveupto3separatebanksofelectricfanswithlowcurrectrequirement‐ PWMcommandsignaltype inputs emc‐3hasthecapabilityofmonitoringupto8individualfansoperationusingthedigitalON/OFFinputsDIG‐1thruDIG‐8 Use rsystemalarm,operationallogicor
Connectors Viewed In
This Direction
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emc-3 Controller Module
User Guide – Rev A
Reverse Mode Operation
A Reverse Cycle may be initialized either Manually or Automatically.
initiation of a Manual Reverse Cycle is done by momentarily toggling the
Reverse Input at any time that the Ignition Switch is “On”. A Manual Reverse Cycle Request is considered valid if the Reverse Input pulse is between 500mS and 3.0S in duration. Pulses of less than 500mS will be ignored. Pulses lasting longer than 3 seconds will be considered a fault and cancel the Reverse Cycle. This prevents a shorted switch from holding the fans in reverse.
The Auto Reverse feature will initiate a reverse cycle at a period determined by
the “Auto Reverse Interval Minutes” set point. When set to 0, the Auto Reverse Feature is disabled. When the “Auto Reverse Interval Minutes” is set, the Auto Reverse Cycle timer is reset each time an Auto Reverse Cycle is initiated. This means that each Auto Reverse Cycle is run within the period for the next cycle.
Valid Auto Reverse Intervals are 2 to 500 Minutes (8 hours).
Momentarily toggling the Reverse Input during any active Reverse Cycle will cancel that Reverse Cycle.
Expiration of the Auto Reverse Interval Timer or toggling the Reverse Input anytime the System is enabled will cause a reverse cycle. During a Reverse Cycle, the following sequence takes place;
1. The “Fans in Reverse Output begins flashing at 1 Hz
2. All the fans freewheel for the period determined by the “Reverse Dwell
Seconds” set point. (all Banks set to “Bank n Off DYCY”)
The Reverse signal is sent to all Fan Banks, “Bank n Reverse DYCY”
All Banks remain in Reverse for the period determined by the “Reverse
Cycle Seconds” Set point.
The “Fans in Reverse Output stops flashing
All fans banks resume normal operation.
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emc-3 Controller Module
User Guide – Rev A
Manual Control
To manually control the Fan Banks, set “Manual Control Enable” to a number greater than 0. Then do any one of the following;
1. Cycle power,
2. Cycle the Ignition Switch or
3. Reduce the engine RPM to less than the “Minimum Engine RPM” set point in the EE-Memory.
Once the emc-3 has entered Manual Mode, each Banks fan speed is determined
by the “Bank n Manual DYCY” set points in the EE-Memory.
Valid settings are 0% to 100%
Auto dB Test Mode ( field noise measurement )
The Auto dB Test Mode is designed to allow users to test the noise level of the fan banks without having to control the emc-3 from the PLM or the CAN Bus. When the Auto dB Test Mode is activated, the Fan Banks will be set to the value entered in the EE-Memory location “Auto dB Test Percent” for the duration determined by the “Auto dB Test Time” set point.
To enter the Auto dB Test Mode, set the Reverse Switch to “On” and hold it, then Cycle Power to the emc-3. When the Status LED on the emc-3 module begins to blink (Red), release the Reverse Switch. When the test has timed out, the emc-3 resumes normal operation automatically.
Default values are;
Auto dB Test Time – 30 Seconds Auto dB Test Percent – 70% of maximum fan speed
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emc-3 Controller Module
User Guide – Rev A
Command Inputs
With only one exception, all command inputs have common settings:
1. Start Temp – The set point at which positive demand is calculated.
2. Max Temp – The set point for 100% demand.
3. Over Temp – The set point at which an error is reported due to over temperature.
An Input demand is calculated as a percentage of error between the Start and Max Temp set points.
The Exception to the above is when using the J1939 Percent Requested Fan Speed (SPN 986) message, as an input at which point the demand for the input (0% to 100%) is determined directly by the ECM.
Command Inputs are selected by entering their code number in the “Bank n Control n” EE-Memory locations. Each Bank has 3 controls available for
The available Command Inputs used to control the fans and their codes are as follows;
1 Percent Fan Request from ECM – PGN 57344 or 57599, automatically
detected Coolant Temp – PGN 65262
Manifold Temp – PGN 65270
Transmission Oil Temp – PGN 65272
Thermistor 1, Delphi HCT PN:206-00083 or 206-00084
Thermistor 2, Delphi HCT PN:206-00083 or 206-00084
Thermistor 3, Delphi HCT PN:206-00083 or 206-00084
Any Input may be used in more than one bank.
Individual J1939 CAN Messages are enabled / disabled by assigning them to control an output.
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