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Know your ME Tablet
Know your ME Tablet
About the Orientation Sensor
The table t contain s a sensor th at will
automatically change the orientatio n of most
screens as you rotate the tab let. The s ensor
works bes t when the tab let is rotat ed
perpendicular to the gro und (i.e., w hen the
tablet is held uprigh t and not flat on its back).
The orientati on sensor can be turned on and
off in the Display settings menu.
You can perform the foll owing act ions on the
touchs creen usi ng your finge rtip.
About the Touchscreen
Your tablet comes equipped with an easy-touse touchscreen which allows access to the
tablet's functions. Use your finger tip to touch
the area of the screen where a control icon is
displayed. If you touch and hold the screen, it
will register as a continuous button press.
Protective Film
A t hin f ilm h as b een a pp li ed t o t he
touchscreen to protect it d uring shi pping. The
protective f ilm should be r emoved before use.
To remove it,simply take a corner of the f ilm
and peel it away from the screen.
Touchscreen Actions
You can c ontrol the f unctions of the tab let by
using the touchscreen. To cont rol the tablet
with the touchscre en, use your fin ger to
manipulate icon s, buttons, menu items , the
on sc reen ke y-bo ard, an d o ther it ems
displayed on the screen.
To avoid damaging the screen, do not touch it with
excessive force or with any object other than your
finger. For best response, make sure your hands
are clean before using the touchscreen controls.
Note: All screens may not support screen
orientation feature and also screen orientation
depends upon apps too.
To activate an on-screen item (e.g.,
application ico ns, buttons, menu
items, and the let ter/symbols o f the
on-screen keyboard), simply touch
them with your finger.
Swipe u p/down o n the screen to
scroll th rough a li st. On some
screens, you may be able to swipe
left/right to change the v iew. To
swipe, touch the screen and the n
quickly m ove your finger across the
screen withou t lifting your finger. Do
not pause on the screen with your
finger at the initial point of contact
or yo u may accident ally drag an
item instead.
Quickly tap the screen twice on a
webpage or other application screen
to zoom (the application must support
the double-tap/zoom function). Within
the bro wser, d oub le-ta pping a
webpage section will cause the
browser to zoom and fit that section
to the width of the screen.
Some on-screen items have an
alternate action if you touch and
hold it (e.g., openi ng an alternate
menu , or to ac tivate the drag
function). to touch and hold an item,
touch the item and do not lif t your
finger until the action occurs.
Drag an o n-screen item to chan ge
its position (e.g., an app lication icon
on the home screen). To drag an
item, touch and hold it for a moment,
then without lift ing your finger, move
your finger on t he screen until t he
item reaches its target destination.