HBM MP60DP Operating Manual

Operating manual
Manuel d’emploi
A0623-6.1 en/de/fr
English Page 3 − 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Deutsch Seite 21 − 38. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Français Page 39 − 55. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Contents Page
1 Introduction 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 How to connect to a PLC 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.1 Configuring and assigning parameters 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Installation 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Connections 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.1 Pin assignment 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Operation via the keyboard 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5.1 Expanded menus 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Setup for Profibus 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.1 Parameter assignment 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2 Configuration 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2.1 Defining your own configuration combinations 15 . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3 Cyclical data exchange 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3.1 Inputs (from MP55IBS to the PLC) 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3.2 Outputs (from the PLC to MP55IBS) 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.4 Diagnosis 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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1 Introduction

This Operating Manual describes only those functions which differ from the MP60. The features of the MP60DP correspond to those of the MP60.
The MP60DP carrierfrequency measurement module has been expanded to include a Profibus interface. The features on the CANinterface remain the same; the object directory is expanded to include some parameters for the Profibus connection.
The Profibus connection is made using a 9pin subD connector (conforming to standard) on the front panel next to the transducer port.
DP protocol is used on the Profibus. The following are communicated:
the measured values (gross, net, peak values)
the status of the limit switches
control bits for taring, zeroing, peak value store control and changing the
parameter set, and
optionally, the limit values
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2 How to connect to a PLC

The steps in successfully connecting to the Profibus:
1. Physically connect the device to the Profibus (see page 8 and page 9)
2. Configure the device parameters, see page 12 (can also be carried out using HBM‘s “PME-Assitent“ software).
3. Configure the Profibus message and set up its parameters with the aid of a configuration tool (such as Step7) and GSE files, or manually as shown in chapter 6.2.
A GSE file describes the properties of a Profibus node in standardized form. The configuration tool uses it to define which data held on individual bus nodes will be exchanged on the Profibus.
A default GSE file for PME modules is supplied with the device (on system CD: hbmxxx.gsd = German version; hbmxxxgse = English version).
Profibus configurator
System configuration
Electronic device data sheets (GSE files)
Fig. 2.1: Configuration with the aid of GSE files
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2.1 Configuring and assigning parameters

Start your configuration program (e.g. Step7; if you have no configuration program, proceed to chapter 6.2)
Load the HBM GSD file (PME system CD incl. GSD/GSE files for PME)
Add an HBM device (Hardware catalog)
From the hardware catalog choose the configuration you want on the
Fig. 2.2: Hardware configuration
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Double-click on the configured entries to open the properties window and select the required parameters.
Fig. 2.3: Setting parameters
Notes for users of the Simatic S7 PLC:
To download consistent data of 3 bytes or over 4 bytes, use special function modules SFC14 to read and SFC15 to write.
In the case of the S7 3xx a maximum of 32 bytes of consistent data can be downloaded.
To find out the meaning of the status bits and control word bits please refer to the tables in chapter 6.3.
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3 Installation

Connect the MP60DP module to a 24 V supply voltage.
Connect the Profibus cable to the MP60DP module. Ensure that a
terminating resistance is connected to the first and last Profibus unit (the housing of the Profibus connector usually contains a sliding switch for this purpose).
Profibus connector
First device in
the bus line
sliding switch of Profibus connector to ”Resistance ON” .
Fig. 3.1: Profibus operation
Profibus connector
Last device in
the bus line
sliding switch of Profibus connector to ”Resistance ON”
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4 Connections

Please note the safety instructions before commissioning the device.

4.1 Pin assignment

For the pin assignment of the MP60DP module please refer to the Operating Manual “PME industrial measurement electronics with MP60/MP07 module field bus link”. On the front panel of the MP60DP is an additional 9pin D-sub connection socket for the Profibus connection.
6 0
Vcc (5V)
Fig. 4.1: Profibus connection in accordance with standard
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5 Operation via the keyboard

During measurement you can press the display (e.g. mV; V; Out,In; error messages).
Next to the status message “ERROR” the display shows the status of the Profibus DP connection. One of the following status messages is displayed in each case:
BD_SEAR (baud rate search) WT_PARM (waiting for parameter) WT_CONF (waiting for configuration) DATA_EX (cyclical data communication) ERROR (bus error)
to view the status messages in
The LED shows the operating status (ready to take measurements, overflow etc.) of the MP60DP. Instead of the CAN status (as with the MP60), however, the Profibus status is displayed.
Operating status:
Green Steady light DATA_EX status Yellow Steady light BD_SEAR, WT_PARM, WT_CONF status
Red Steady light ERROR status
Status Meaning
Profibus status
The representation of the other operating statuses is the same as that of the MP60.
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5.1 Expanded menus

New “Profibus” group in set-up mode:
Password Operatn. Output1 Baud rate Address AmplType
PassStat InputMin ModeOut1 Address MAINGRP PrgVers
I.DataS ClearPkV ModeOut2 Output
I.Transd MAINGRP ModeOut3 PDO-Frmt SNo
I.Meas Output4
I.Condit ModeOut4 MAINGRP
I.Analog Zeroing
I.LimVal Tare
I.PStore PkMomMax
I.I/O PkHldMax
I.CAN PkMomMin
I.AddFnc PkHldMin
Output2 Profile >0<Rf kNm
Output3 OutR. ms Keyboard
HW synchr
HW vers.
Overview of parameters
Fig. 5.1: Setting up the Profibus address
3 123
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6 Setup for Profibus

6.1 Parameter assignment

The amplifier parameters are set via the keyboard or CANinterface, as on the MP60. The Profibus DP parameter assignment telegram defines some parameters for the DP communication. If you use Profibus parameter assignment tools which are able to evaluate the GSD files of GSD revision 1, the following parameters are available for selection:
Parameter name Available
Diagnosis disabled
Data format integer 16 bits
integer 32 bits
floating point
Zeroing control bit disabled
Taring control bit disabled
Clear maximum
control bit
Clear minimum
control bit
Hold maximum
control bit
Hold minimum
control bit
Default Meaning
released release of external diagnosis
integer 16 bits defines the coding format for
measured values
disabled releases function for control of
output control word
disabled releases function for control of
output control word
disabled releases function for control of
output control word
disabled releases function for control of
output control word
disabled releases function for control of
output control word
disabled releases function for control of
output control word
Parameter set
control bit
disabled releases function for control of
output control word
Tab 6.1: Meaning of the parameters
The data format set applies to all the measured values exchanged in the cyclical data communication. The definition of the decimal places for the formats integer 16 bits and integer 32 bits is adopted from the module setting (display, CAN−bus) (e.g. when 3 decimal places is specified, 2.0 mm is communicated as integer value 2000). The choice of data format also affects the length of the input data (integer 16 bits = 1 word per analogue value, integer 32 bits and floating = 2 words per analogue value).
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The targeted operation of the required control bits in the control word allows you to secure all the functions not required against accidental operation in the event of an error; otherwise, for example, the zero point set could be lost.
If you are using older parameter assignment tools the parameter values will have to be converted to decimal or hexadecimal values:
Octet Bits Parameter name Available values Default Meaning
0 0..7 reserved 0 0 do not change
12 all Diagnosis 0 = disabled
0xffff = released
3 all Data format 0 = integer 16 bits
1 = integer 32 bits
2 = floating point
5 0 Zeroing control
5 1 Taring control bit 0 = disabled
5 4 Control bit
Delete maximum
5 5 Control bit
Delete minimum
5 6 Control bit
Hold maximum
0 = disabled
1 = released
1 = released
0 = disabled
1 = released
0 = disabled
1 = released
0 = disabled
1 = released
released release of external
integer 16 bits defines the coding
format for measured
disabled releases function for
control of output
control word
disabled releases function for
control of output
control word
disabled releases function for
control of output
control word
disabled releases function for
control of output
control word
disabled releases function for
control of output
control word
5 7 Control bit
Hold minimum
4 01 Parameter set
control bits
0 = disabled
1 = released
0 = disabled
3 = released
disabled releases function for
disabled releases function for
Tab 6.2: Contents of the parameter assignment message
changed by your parameter assignment tool in certain circumstances
control of output
control word
control of output
control word
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6.2 Configuration

The configuration defines which data content is exchanged in the cyclical data communication. The following data is available for selection:
Input values:
Name Meaning Length
Gross gross measured value 1 or 2
Net net measured value (gross minus tare value) 1 or 2
Max contents of the maximum store 1 or 2
Min contents of the minimum store 1 or 2
PkPk peaktopeak, difference between max and min 1 or 2
Status1 status word with status of the limit switches and gen. error
Status2 double status word with differentiated error flagging 2 words
1 word
Output values:
Name Meaning Length
Control word control word for triggering taring, zeroing, clearing the peak
value store, parameter set selection, etc.
Limit1 level at which limit switch 1 responds 1 or 2
Limit2 level at which limit switch 2 responds 1 or 2
Limit3 level at which limit switch 3 responds 1 or 2
Limit4 level at which limit switch 4 responds 1 or 2
1 word
The formats of the cyclically communicated data content are specified in detail in chapter 6.3. The measured values are offered optionally as a 16-bit integer, 32-bit integer or 32 bit float. The values are always scaled to physical size with the number of decimal places of your choice. Information on whether the 16 bit format or a 32 bit format is used and on the number of decimal places is defined in the parameter assignment message.
Typical combinations are predefined in the GSD file. If you require other combinations you can expand the GSD file accordingly using the following specifications.
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6.2.1 Defining your own configuration combinations
Only one configuration entry is available. The special identification format (special format) must be used for this. The manufacturerspecific data specifies the contents and thus also the length of the input data and is 2 bytes in length.
CFG entry no. Meaning Contents
0 channel 1 special format with inputs and outputs, maximum 9 words
output, maximum 13 words input, 2 bytes comment length
The following input and output data can be configured for the cyclical data communication. The choice of which data is actually transferred is communicated via the manufacturerspecific data of the special identification format.
specific data
Byte no. Bit no. (words) (words)
0 0 1(2) Gross 0 1 1(2) Net 0 2 1(2) Max 0 3 1(2) Min 0 4 1(2) Peaktopeak 0 5 1 Status1 0 6 2 Status2
1 0 1 Control word 1 1 1(2) Limit value level 1 1 2 1(2) Limit value level 2 1 3 1(2) Limit value level 3
Length of cyclical data
Length of cyclical data
Contents of cyclical
Input values:
Output values:
1 4 1(2) Limit value level 4
Tab 6.3: Selecting the data content via the manufacturer−specific data
The length of the input data is the sum of all the data lengths selected for the communication in words. When selecting the 32 bit format and the float format for measured values, the length values in brackets must be used.
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The configuration telegram thus has the following format:
CFG byte Meaning Permitted values for CFG (hex.)
1 header 0xC2 (inputs and outputs, 2 bytes manufacturerspecific
2 length of outputs 0x40 0x48 (1 to 9 words of outputs) or
0xC0 0xC8 (1 to 9 words of outputs with consistency)
3 length of inputs 0xC0 0xCC or
0x40 0x7C (1 to 13 words of inputs with/without
consistency) 4 5
Tab 6.4: Contents of the configuration telegram
userspecific data
Input data
Output data
selection of the data content (see
Tab 6.3)
When using the 32 bit formats data consistency must always be set.

6.3 Cyclical data exchange

Depending on the configuration, the following data content is exchanged:
6.3.1 Inputs (from MP55IBS to the PLC) Measured values
Measured values can be communicated in various forms of representation. The forms of representation available for selection are floating (2 words, 32 bit), 16 bit fixed point number (1 word, 16 bit integer in two’s complement, decimal place must be known to the reader) or 32 bit fixed point number (2 words, 32 bit integer in two’s complement, decimal place must be known to the reader). For conversion of the values to fixed point representation the number of decimal places in the module parameter assignment (display, CANbus) is used as a basis.
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Status 1
Bits Name Meaning
0 Ovfl measured values overflow 1 AOutOvfl analogue output overflow 2 ScalErr scaling defective 3 EEPROMErr EEPROM (parameter set) defective 4 Limit1 status of limit switch 1 5 Limit2 status of limit switch 2 6 Limit3 status of limit switch 3 7 Limit4 status of limit switch 4 8 PAR1 active parameter set bit 1 9 PAR2 active parameter set bit 1
10..14 res reserved 15 MViO Measured value in order 1) (if bit 0,2,3=0)
Tab 6.5: Contents of status 1
Meaning of MViO: NOR operation of: MesswOvfl, SkalErr, EEPROMErr. MesswOvfl is the OR operation of ADCOvfl, HardwOvfl, GrossOvfl, NetOvfl
The parameter set number is coded in 2 bit binary:
Bit 8 Bit 9 Parameter set no.
0 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 3 1 1 4
Status 2
Double status word 2 returns detailed error flagging.
Bits Name Meaning
0 HardwOvfl hardware overflow 1 ADCOvfl ADC overflow 2 GrossOvfl gross signal overflow 3 NetOvfl net signal overflow 4 AOutOvfl analogue output overflow 5 MaxOvfl maximum overflow 6 MinOvfl minimum overflow 7 NegOvfl overflow in negative direction 8 Limit1 status of limit switch 1 9 Limit2 status of limit switch 2
10 Limit3 status of limit switch 3
11 Limit4 status of limit switch 4 12 ScalInError scaling input invalid 13 ScalOutError scaling output invalid 14 GainError nominal value exceeded 15 InitError works calibration defective 16 TransducerError transducer error
17..31 res reserved
Tab 6.6: Contents of status 2
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