HBM MGCplus Operating Manual

Operating Manual
Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik GmbH Im Tiefen See 45 D-64239 Darmstadt Tel. +49 6151 803-0 Fax +49 6151 803-9100 info@hbm.com www.hbm.com
Mat.: 7-2002.0612 DVS:
A0534-30.0 HBM: public
E Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik GmbH.
Subject to modifications. All product descriptions are for general information only. They are not to be understood as a guarantee of quality or durability.

Table of contents

Table of contents
1 Safety instructions 11.......................................................................
1.1 Electromagnetic compatibility 14........................................................
2 Markings used 15...........................................................................
2.1 Markings on the device 15.............................................................
2.2 The markings used in this document 15..................................................
3 Introduction 17.............................................................................
3.1 Degree of protection 17................................................................
3.2 Notes on documentation 18............................................................
3.3 System description 19.................................................................
3.4 Layout of the MGCplus device 21.......................................................
3.5 MGCplus housing designs 22...........................................................
3.6 Possible amplifier/connection board combination 23.......................................
3.7 Installation of the CP52 communication processor 26......................................
3.8 Conditions at the place of installation 29.................................................
3.9 Maintenance and cleaning 30...........................................................
4 Connection 31.............................................................................
4.1 Connecting the MGCplus in a tabletop housing/rack frame 31...............................
4.1.1 Mains connection 31..........................................................
4.1.2 Synchronization of multiple CP52 devices 32..................................... Synchronization of multiple CP52 devices via a synchronization jack 32.....
4.1.3 Synchronization of CP52 with CP22/CP42 34.....................................
4.2 Shielding design 36...................................................................
4.3 Connecting the transducer 39..........................................................
4.3.1 Connecting separate TEDS modules 39..........................................
4.3.2 SG full bridges, inductive full bridges 42..........................................
4.3.3 Full bridge circuits on AP810i/AP815i 43.........................................
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4.3.4 Strain gage half bridges, inductive half bridge circuits 44...........................
4.3.5 LVDT transducers 45..........................................................
4.3.6 Strain gage half bridges on AP810i 46...........................................
4.3.7 Strain gage half bridges on AP815i 47...........................................
4.3.8 Single strain gage 48..........................................................
4.3.9 SG chains and strain gage rosettes on AP815i 51.................................
4.3.10 Torque flange T10 series, T40 series) 53.........................................
4.3.11 Torque shaft (T4A, T5, TB1A) 59................................................
4.3.12 Thermocouples 62............................................................
4.3.13 DC voltage sources 63.........................................................
4.3.14 DC power sources 70..........................................................
4.3.15 Resistors, Pt100 72...........................................................
4.3.16 Frequency measurement without directional signal 73..............................
4.3.17 Frequency measurement with directional signal 74................................
4.3.18 Pulse counting, single-pole 75..................................................
4.3.19 Pulse counting, differential 76...................................................
4.3.20 Active piezoelectric transducers 77..............................................
4.3.21 Piezoresistive transducers 78...................................................
4.3.22 Potentiometric transducers 79..................................................
4.3.23 Connection via the distributor board VT810/815i 80................................ Single strain gage on AP14 48......................................... Single strain gage on AP814Bi 49...................................... Single strain gage on AP815i 50....................................... Torque measurement 53.............................................. Rotational speed measurement (symmetrical signals) 55.................. Rotational speed measurement (symmetrical signals) with reference pulse 57 Torque measurement (slip rings or direct cable connection) 59............. Rotational speed measurement with inductive transducers 61..............
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4.4 Connecting CANHEAD modules 82.....................................................
4.4.1 Communication card ML74B 83.................................................
4.4.2 AP74 connection board 84.....................................................
4.5 Inputs and outputs, remote controls 85...................................................
4.5.1 Inputs/outputs of the CP52 85..................................................
4.5.2 Analog output on the front panel 87..............................................
4.5.3 Connection boards AP01i/AP03i/AP14/AP17 87................................... Socket assignment AP01i/AP03i/AP14/AP17 88.......................... AP460i connector pin assignment 92................................... AP77 93............................................................
4.5.4 Inputs and outputs of AP75 94..................................................
4.5.5 Analog outputs on the AP78 97.................................................
5 Starting up 99..............................................................................
5.1 Devices in the desktop housing and rack frame 99........................................
6 Functions and symbols of the AB22A 103.....................................................
6.1 Control elements of the AB22A 103......................................................
6.2 Display 104...........................................................................
6.2.1 The first display 104............................................................
6.2.2 Display in measuring mode 105..................................................
6.2.3 Messages of AB22A/AB32 109..................................................
6.3 AB22A in Setup mode 110..............................................................
6.3.1 Call menus 112................................................................
6.3.2 Exit menus 113................................................................
6.3.3 Channel selection in measuring mode 114.........................................
6.3.4 Channel selection in Setup mode 115.............................................
6.3.5 Saving settings 115............................................................
6.3.6 Drop-down menus 116..........................................................
6.3.7 Setting elements in the setup windows 116........................................
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7 Measuring 121...............................................................................
7.1 General information 121................................................................
7.2 General principles for adjusting a measurement channel 122.................................
7.2.1 Adapting to the transducer 124................................................... Extended functions of the ML38B 125....................................
7.2.2 TEDS transducers 126..........................................................
7.2.3 Signal conditioning 128.........................................................
7.2.4 Display 131...................................................................
7.2.5 Analog outputs (single-channel modules only) 132..................................
7.3 Adapting to the transducer 135..........................................................
7.3.1 SG transducers 135............................................................ Direct entry of transducer characteristics 136............................. Calibrating the characteristic curve of the transducer 139...................
7.3.2 Strain gages 140............................................................... Direct entry of transducer characteristics 143.............................
7.3.3 Inductive transducers 145....................................................... Direct entry of transducer characteristics 146............................. Calibrating the characteristic curve of the transducer 148...................
7.3.4 Torque transducer 151.......................................................... Direct entry of torque characteristics 153................................. Calibration with shunt installed 155......................................
7.3.5 Adjusting the rotational speed channel, frequency measurement 159..................
7.3.6 Adjusting the rotational speed channel, power measurement 162.....................
7.3.7 Thermocouples 164............................................................ Direct entry of transducer characteristics 165.............................
7.3.8 Current and voltage measurement 166............................................ Direct entry of transducer characteristics 167.............................
7.3.9 Resistance temperature sensors 169............................................. Direct entry of transducer characteristics 170.............................
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7.3.10 Resistors 172.................................................................. Direct entry of transducer characteristics 172.............................
7.3.11 Pulse counting 174............................................................. Direct entry of transducer characteristics 175.............................
7.4 Current-fed piezoelectric transducer 179..................................................
7.4.1 Direct entry of transducer characteristics 180......................................
7.5 Piezoresistive transducers 182...........................................................
7.5.1 Direct entry of transducer characteristics 182...................................... Calibrating the characteristic curve of the transducer 184...................
7.6 Potentiometric transducers 186..........................................................
7.6.1 Direct entry of transducer characteristics 187...................................... Calibrating the characteristic curve of the transducer 189...................
8 Additional functions 191.....................................................................
8.1 Remote control (single-channel modules only) 191.........................................
8.1.1 Turning on remote control 191...................................................
8.1.2 Assigning remote control contacts 192............................................
8.2 Limit values (single-channel modules only) 194............................................
8.2.1 Turning on limit switches 195....................................................
8.2.2 Adjusting limit values 196.......................................................
8.2.3 Selection keys in the Limit switches menu 198.....................................
8.3 Limit value combination (single-channel modules only) 199..................................
8.4 Set peak values 202....................................................................
8.4.1 Peak-value memory 202........................................................
8.4.2 Combining peak-value memories 203.............................................
8.4.3 Control of peak-value memory 205...............................................
8.4.4 "Peak value" operating mode 205................................................
8.4.5 "Instantaneous value" operating mode 206........................................
8.4.6 Envelope curve operating mode 207..............................................
8.4.7 Clear peak-value memory 208...................................................
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8.5 Version 209...........................................................................
8.6 Switching 210.........................................................................
9 Display 213.................................................................................
9.1 Display format 213.....................................................................
9.1.1 Select setup window 214........................................................
9.1.2 Setup window Display format 215................................................
9.1.3 Setup window components 216.................................................. Numeric value display 217............................................. Graphic display 227...................................................
9.1.4 Limit value status 230..........................................................
9.1.5 Recording status 231...........................................................
9.2 F keys 232............................................................................
9.2.1 F keys in measuring mode 232...................................................
9.2.2 F keys in Setup mode 234.......................................................
9.3 Channel names 235....................................................................
10 System 237.................................................................................
10.1 Password 237.........................................................................
10.1.1 Define new user 238............................................................
10.1.2 Password protection activation 239...............................................
10.1.3 Set access for operator 240.....................................................
10.1.4 Delete user 241................................................................
10.1.5 Change password 242..........................................................
10.2 Save/load 243.........................................................................
10.3 Recording series of tests 248............................................................
10.3.1 Setting parameters of test series 249.............................................
10.3.2 Format of the MGCplus measurement files 267.................................... Measured values 267.................................................. Time channels 269....................................................
10.3.3 MEA format in detail (MGC binary format 2) 270...................................
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10.4 Interface 275..........................................................................
10.4.1 Port usage 279................................................................
10.4.2 Communication processor and multi-client mode 279...............................
10.5 Language 281.........................................................................
10.6 Time 282.............................................................................
11 Menu structure 283..........................................................................
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Table of contents
10 A0534-30.0 HBM: public MGCplus

1 Safety instructions

Safety instructions
Intended use
The amplifier system is to be used exclusively for measurement tasks and directly related control tasks. Use for any purpose other than the above is deemed to be non-designated use.
In the interests of safety, the device should only be operated as described in the operating manuals. It is also essential to comply with the legal and safety requirements for the relevant application during use. The same ap plies to the use of accessories.
Each time, before starting up the equipment, you must first run a project planning and risk analysis that takes into account all the safety aspects of automation technology. This particularly concerns personal and machine protection.
Additional safety precautions must be taken in plants where malfunctions could cause major damage, loss of data or even personal injury. In the event of a fault, these precautions establish safe operating conditions.
This can be done, for example, by mechanical interlocking, error signaling, limit switches, etc.
General dangers of failing to follow the safety instructions
The amplifier system is a state of the art unit and as such is reliable. The device may give rise to residual dangers if it is inappropriately installed and operated by untrained personnel.
Any person instructed to carry out installation, commissioning, maintenance or repair of the device must have read and understood the operating manuals and in particular the technical safety instructions.
Residual dangers
The scope of supply and performance of the amplifier system covers only a small area of measurement technology. In addition, equipment planners, installers and operators should plan, implement and respond to the safety engineering considerations of measurement technology in such a way as to minimize residual dangers. On-site regulations must be complied with at all times. There must be reference to the residual dangers connected with measurement technology.
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Safety instructions
After making settings and carrying out activities that are password­protected, you must make sure that any controls that may be connected re main in a safe condition until the switching performance of the amplifier system has been tested.
Working safely
The supply voltage connection, as well as the signal and sense leads, must be installed in such a way that electromagnetic interference does not ad versely affect device functionality (HBM recommendation: "Greenline shielding design", can be downloaded from http://www.hbm.com/Greenline).
Automation equipment and devices must be designed in such a way that adequate protection or locking against unintentional actuation is provided (access checks, password protection, etc.).
When devices are working in a network, these networks must be designed in such a way that malfunctions in individual nodes can be detected and shut down.
Safety precautions must be taken both in terms of hardware and software, so that a line break or other interruptions to signal transmission, such as via the bus interfaces, do not cause undefined states or loss of data in the auto mation device.
Error messages should only be acknowledged once the cause of the error is removed and there is no further danger.
Conversions and modifications
The amplifier system must not be modified from the design or safety engi neering point of view except with our express agreement. Any modification shall exclude all liability on our part for any resultant damage.
In particular, any repair or soldering work on motherboards (replacement of components, apart from EPROMs) is prohibited. When exchanging com plete modules, use only original parts from HBM.
The amplifier system and/or individual components are delivered from the factory with a fixed hardware and software configuration. Changes can only be made within the possibilities documented in the operating manuals.
Qualified personnel
are persons entrusted with siting, mounting, starting up and operating the product and who possess the appropriate qualifications for their function.
12 A0534-30.0 HBM: public MGCplus
Safety instructions
This device is only to be installed and used by qualified personnel strictly in accordance with the specifications and with the safety rules and regulations which follow. It is also essential to comply with the legal and safety require ments for the relevant application during use. The same applies to the use of accessories.
Qualified personnel includes people who meet at least one of the following requirements:
- Knowledge of the safety concepts of automation technology is a re quirement and as project personnel, you must be familiar with these concepts.
- As automation plant operating personnel, you have been instructed how to handle the machinery and are familiar with the operation of the systems, components and technologies described in this documenta tion.
- As commissioning engineers or service engineers, you have success fully completed the training to qualify you to repair the automation sys tems. You are also authorized to activate, ground and label circuits and equipment in accordance with safety engineering standards.
Safety rules
Before starting up, make sure that the mains voltage and type of current stated on the type plate match the mains voltage and type of current at the place of operation and that the circuit used is sufficiently protected.
The mains plug must only be inserted into a grounded socket with a protec tion switch (protection class I).
Use only the mains cable included with delivery, which is fitted with a ferrite core.
The device must be switched off and the mains plug disconnected from the socket before opening the device.
Never pull the mains plug out of its socket by the supply lead. Do not operate the device if the mains lead is damaged. If an amplifier channel is removed, the module must be sealed with a blind
panel. Only operate built-in devices once they are installed in the housing pro
MGCplus A0534-30.0 HBM: public 13
Electromagnetic compatibility
The device complies with the safety requirements of DIN EN 61010 Part 1 (VDE 0411 Part 1); protection class I.
The insulation resistance of the connecting cables (v50V) must be at least 350V(AC).

1.1 Electromagnetic compatibility

The MGCplus device has been tested based on EMC product standard EN 61326-1:2013. This standard includes definitions of limit values and test levels for various electromagnetic environments.
Regarding emission (EME), requirements are included for class A (industrial environments) and class B (residential, business and commercial environ ments as well as small businesses). Laboratory applications also usually require class B.
The product standard here references to EN 55011:2009+A1:2010. Regarding immunity to interference, the product standard includes require
ments for controlled electro-magnetic environments (lowest requirements), general environments and industrial environments (highest requirement).
MGCplus meet the following requirements:
Emission (EME): Class B
- Immunity to interference: Industrial environment
The MGCplus series and the individual modules thus essentially meet the highest requirements and are therefore suitable for use in all environments described in the product standard.
14 A0534-30.0 HBM: public MGCplus

2 Markings used

Markings used
Markings on the device

2.1 Markings on the device

CE mark
By way of the CE mark the manufacturer guarantees that the product com plies with the requirements of the relevant EC directives (the Declaration of Conformity can be found at http://www.hbm.com/HBMdoc
Statutory waste disposal mark
In accordance with national and local environmental protection and material recovery and recycling regulations, old devices that can no longer be used must be disposed of separately and not with normal household garbage.
Electrostatic sensitive devices
Components marked with this symbol can be damaged beyond repair by electrostatic discharge. Please observe the handling instructions for electro static sensitive devices.
Any risk of residual dangers when working with the amplifier system are pointed out in these instructions by means of the following symbols:

2.2 The markings used in this document

Symbol Meaning
MGCplus A0534-30.0 HBM: public 15
This marking warns of an imminently threatening dangerous situation in which failure to comply with safety requirements will result in death or extremely serious physical injury.
This marking warns of a potentially dangerous situation in which failure to comply with safety requirements could result in death or serious physical injury.
Markings used
The markings used in this document
Emphasis See …
Device -> New Bold text indicates menu items, as well as dialog and window headings in
Sampling rate Bold text in italics indicates inputs and input fields in the user interfaces.
This marking warns of a potentially dangerous situation in which failure to comply with safety requirements could result in slight or moderate physi cal injury.
This marking draws your attention to a situation in which failure to comply with safety requirements could lead to property damage.
This marking draws your attention to important information about the product or about handling the product.
This marking indicates tips for use or other information that is useful to you.
This marking draws your attention to information about the product or about handling the product.
Italics are used to emphasize and highlight text and identify references to sections, diagrams, or external documents and files.
the program environment. Arrows between menu items indicate the se quence in which the menus and sub-menus are called up
16 A0534-30.0 HBM: public MGCplus

3 Introduction

Degree of protection

3.1 Degree of protection

The degree of protection given in the technical data indicates the suitability of the housings for various ambient conditions and also the protection of persons against potential risks when used. The letters IP (International Pro tection) which are always present in the designation, are followed by two digits. These indicate which degree of protection a housing offers against contact or foreign objects (first digit) and moisture (second digit).
MGCplus devices are available with degree of protection IP20.
IP 2 0
Code index
2 Protection against contact
Degree of protection against contact and foreign objects
with fingers, protection against foreign objects with > 12 mm
Code index
0 No water protection
Degree of protection against water
MGCplus A0534-30.0 HBM: public 17
Notes on documentation

3.2 Notes on documentation

The complete documentation for the MGCplus amplifier system includes the following documents:
S The operating manual,
which explains manual operation of the device and how to perform mea surements with it.
CD-ROMs containing the following documentation are included with every system device:
S Operation with computer or terminal,
which contains commands for programming and measuring with com puter or terminal.
S MGCplus Assistant,
Documentation of the program for parameterization and control of the MGCplus measuring amplifier system.
This manual contains all the information required to operate the MGCplus.
Several guides are available to help you: S The header shows you which section or sub-section you are currently
reading. For example:
Notes on documentation
S See
è section 6 „Functions and symbols of the AB22A“ for explanations
of the AB22A display and control unit.
è Section 11 „Menu structure“ provides an overview of the drop-down
and setting menus of the display and control unit.
18 A0534-30.0 HBM: public MGCplus
System description

3.3 System description

The MGCplus system is structured modularly. Depending on the housing variant, up to 16 slots are available for single and multi-channel amplifier modules. Thus up to 128 measuring points can be measured in an MGCplus.
Each amplifier module works independently through its own CPU. Data preparation, for example taring, filtering and measuring range adjustment, is carried out digitally. This eliminates the disadvantages of analog data prepa ration, such as time and temperature-dependent drift, errors due to compo nent tolerances, greatly limited flexibility and extensive circuitry. An essen tial precondition for this is analog/digital conversion with no loss of information. The digitally conditioned signal is directed to the internal bus.
For single-channel modules, two analog outputs (voltage) are available in addition to the digital measured values.
An internal standard PC computer in credit-card format collects data with a total sampling rate of up to 307,200 measured values per second (4-byte integer format: 3-byte measured value + 1-byte status). All measurement signals can be acquired in parallel, since each channel has its own ADU. No Sample & Hold or Multiplexer is used in the MGCplus. This ensures continu ous digital filtering and maximum signal stability.
Data is sent to an external computer or PLC via interfaces such as Ethernet. A large part of the system functionality is implemented by device-internal
software (also called firmware). We therefore recommend you use our free firmware updates and always keep your devices updated to the latest firmware version. For further information go to www.hbm.com/downloads.
MGCplus A0534-30.0 HBM: public 19
System description
12 8
signal conditioning
Filtering, scaling,
zero balance, ...
Digital signal
Scaling, zero
balance, ...
Fig. 3.1 Block diagram of MGCplus
Digital control inputs, limit
Serial bus
Storage medium (optional)
processor CPxx
PC interface
Additional MGCplus
20 A0534-30.0 HBM: public MGCplus

3.4 Layout of the MGCplus device

Layout of the MGCplus device
Connection boards
(AP01i, AP815i, ...)
Power supply
Communication processor
AB22A display and control unit
Amplifier plugin board
(ML30B, ML55B, ML801B...)
Fig. 3.2 Device layout with display and control unit AB22A
Double-width connection boards (AP03i, AP455i) must be plugged into the odd-numbered slots. This also applies to the corresponding amplifiers, re gardless of the width.
Double-width amplifiers (ML38B) must be plugged into the odd-numbered slots. This also applies to the corresponding connection board, regardless of the width.
When asynchronous modules are used (ML7XB with more than eight sub channels), the sequence ‘asynchronous-synchronous-asynchronous’ is not permissible.
MGCplus A0534-30.0 HBM: public 21
MGCplus housing designs

3.5 MGCplus housing designs

The MGCplus system is available with different housing versions (dimensions in mm; 1 mm = 0.03937 inches):
Desktop housing TG009E (173x171x367) Desktop housing TG001E (255x171x367)
Desktop housing TG003E (458x171x367)
Desktop housing Rack frame Slots Supply voltage (V) Weight, approx. (kg)
TG001E 6 230 (115) 5.9
TG003E ER003E 16 230 (115) 8.3 / 5.5
TG009E 2 230 (115) 5.0
With the NT030 power pack, the enclosures weigh about 150g less each
19” rack frame ER003E (482x133x375)
All basic devices consist of the following components:
S AB22A display and control unit S Amplifier modules (ML10B, ML30B, ML55B, ML801B ...) S Housing S Connection boards (AP01i, AP815i, ...) S Power supply
S CP52 (Communication processor for communication with computer that
allows for data storage)
22 A0534-30.0 HBM: public MGCplus
MGCplus housing designs

3.6 Possible amplifier/connection board combination

Single-channel amplifier
SG full bridge circuit
SG half bridge circuit
Piezoresistive transducer
1,4,5,B1 1,4,5,B1
Torque / rotational speed T3...T10
Torque T1, T4, T5, TB1
SG quarter bridge circuit
Inductive half bridge
Inductive full bridge
For the combination of ML55B with AP14, a one-time zero calibration must always be performed after setting up the measurement chain.
Pulse counter, frequency
Potentiometric transducers
MGCplus A0534-30.0 HBM: public 23
MGCplus housing designs
ML801B ML455 ML460
Multi-channel amplifiers
SG full bridge circuit
SG half bridge circuit
SG quarter bridge circuit
Inductive half bridge
Inductive full bridge
Piezoresistive transducer
Currentfed piezo electric transducer
Thermoresistors PT100
Ohmic resistor
Pulse counter, frequency
Potentiometer 200 5000
24 A0534-30.0 HBM: public MGCplus
Special function modules
MGCplus housing designs
Serial I/O
Digital output
Digital input
Analog output
Serial I/O
CANHEAD HBM hardware
RS232, RS422, RS485 I/O
MGCplus A0534-30.0 HBM: public 25
Installation of the CP52 communication processor

3.7 Installation of the CP52 communication processor

For type "D" housings (ER003D or TG001D, etc.) the existing communica tion processor (CP22/CP42) can be replaced by the CP52 communication processor.
► Loosen the screws on the old communication processor, the blind panel
(only with CP22) and the cover of the NT030 power supply unit. ► Remove the parts. ► Insert the new CP52 communication processor and screw it in place. ► Fit the power supply cover of the NT030 and screw the cover in place. The process is similar when subsequently installing a CP52 communication
processor in an MGCplus housing (type "D" or type "E") that was initially configured without a communication processor.
► Loosen the screws on the blind panels, if there are any, of the SY03 syn
chronization interface and the power supply cover. ► Remove the parts. ► Insert the new CP52 communication processor and screw it in place. ► Fit the power supply cover of the NT030 or NT040 and screw the cover
in place.
26 A0534-30.0 HBM: public MGCplus
Installation of the CP52 communication processor
RS 232
24V 21 GND
Communication processor CP42, power supply unit NT030
Communication processor CP52, power supply unit NT040
Fig. 3.3 Rear views
If the communication processor is installed subsequently in a system where none was present before, the housing cover must also be removed to check the setting of the CP switch (S3). It must be set to "yes" so the system can be started with the communication processor. Then the housing cover can be closed again.
MGCplus A0534-30.0 HBM: public 27
Installation of the CP52 communication processor
Without CP View from above With CP View from above
yes (1)
no (2)
yes (1)
no (2)
General plan of the interface switches(housing cover open, view from above):
Flat ribbon cable
Power supply
CP switch
p 2
Interface switch
Fig. 3.4 General plan of the interface switches
Due to the new functions of the CP52 communication processor, a firmware update of the AB22A display and control unit is necessary. The firmware update program MGCpLoad and the latest firmware are available from www.hbm.com/downloads.
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Conditions at the place of installation

3.8 Conditions at the place of installation

S Protect the devices in a desktop housing from moisture and dampness
or weather conditions such as rain, snow, etc.
S Make sure that you do not cover the ventilation openings at the side, the
openings for the power pack fan on the back side of the device and the openings underneath the device.
S Do not expose the device to direct sunlight. S Comply with the maximum permissible ambient temperatures for the sys
tem devices, as stated in the technical data sheet.
S For installation in 19" electrical enclosures, due to poorer heat dissipa
tion, measures must be taken to ensure that the maximum permitted am bient temperature (refer to the technical data sheet) is not exceeded! We recommend forced venting in any case and in especially critical cases intermediate spaces between the upper and lower rack frames.
S The devices are classified in overvoltage category II, degree of pollution 2. S Install the device so that it can be disconnected from the mains at any
time without difficulty.
S It is safe to operate the MGCplus up to an altitude of 2000 m.
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Maintenance and cleaning

3.9 Maintenance and cleaning

The MGCplus system devices are maintenance-free. Please note the follow ing points when cleaning the housing:
Disconnect the mains plug from the socket before cleaning.
S Clean the housing with a soft, slightly damp (not wet!) cloth. You should
never use solvents, since this may damage the labeling on the front
panel and the display field. S When cleaning, ensure that no liquid gets into the device or connections.
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