HBM FS65 Installation Manual

Installation Guide
Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik GmbH Im Tiefen See 45 D-64239 Darmstadt Tel. +49 6151 803-0 Fax +49 6151 803-9100 info@hbm.com www.hbm.com
HBM FiberSensing, S.A. Optical Business Rua Vasconcelos Costa, 277 4470-640 Maia Portugal Tel. +351 229 613 010 Fax +351 229 613 020 fibersensing@hbm.com www.hbm.com/fs
Mat.: 7-2002.4265 DVS: A4265-2.3 HBM: public
Sensor Design Version: v1.0
E Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik GmbH.
Subject to modifications. All product descriptions are for general information only. They are not to be understood as a guarantee of quality or durability.


1 Technical Details 4.........................................
1.1 General Information 4........................................
1.1.1 Overview 4.................................................
1.1.2 Characteristics 4.............................................
1.1.3 Applications 5...............................................
1.1.4 Quality 6...................................................
1.1.5 Accessories 6...............................................
1.2 General Specifications 7......................................
2 Sensor Installation 8........................................
2.1 Accelerometer 8.............................................
2.1.1 List of Materials 8............................................
2.1.2 Placing the Sensor 9.........................................
2.1.3 Fixing the Sensor 10..........................................
2.1.4 Protecting the Sensor 10.......................................
2.2 Bi or Triaxial Accelerometer 11.................................
2.2.1 List of Materials 11............................................
2.2.2 Assembling the Sensors 12....................................
2.2.3 Fixing the Assembly 20........................................
2.2.4 Protecting the Sensors 20......................................
3 Sensor Configuration 22.....................................
3.1 Sensor Calibration Sheet 22....................................
3.1.1 General nformation 23.........................................
3.1.2 Calibration Data 23...........................................
3.1.3 Acceleration Computation 23...................................
FS65 A4265-2.3 HBM: public 3
Technical Details

1 Technical Details

1.1 General Information

This installation guide applies to the following products:
Part Number Description
K-FS65-30-11-302 FS65 - Accelerometer • Outdoor • FC/APC
K-FS65-30-13-302 FS65 - Accelerometer • Outdoor • SC/APC
K-FS65-30-10-302 FS65 - Accelerometer • Outdoor • NC
1.1.1 Overview
The FS65 - Accelerometer is a Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) based sensor, suitable for a large range of appli cations where low frequency and small amplitude vibra tions are present.
1.1.2 Characteristics
: Robustness
Long-term reliability ensured by innovative sensor design, careful selection of materials and IP68 packag ing.
: Completely passive
Inherent immunity to all electromagnetic effects (EMI, RFI, sparks, etc.) and safe operation in hazardous envi ronments.
4 A4265-2.3 HBM: public FS65
Technical Details
: High multiplexing capability
Connection of a large number of sensors to a single opti cal fiber, reducing network and installation complexity.
: Remote sensing
Large distance between sensors and interrogator (sev eral kilometers).
: Compatible with most interrogators
Provided with calibration sheet, allowing easy and accu rate configuration.
: Self-referenced
Based on the measurement of an absolute parameter ­the Bragg wavelength - independent of power fluctua tions.
1.1.3 Applications
HBM FiberSensing accelerometer can be used in a large range of monitoring applications, including measuring ambient induced vibration of civil structures.
: Civil Engineering : Energy : R&D
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Technical Details
1.1.4 Quality
All HBM FiberSensing's processes are strictly controlled from development to production. Each product is sub jected to high standard performance and endurance tests, individually calibrated and checked before ship ping.
HBM FiberSensing, S.A. concentrates all optical sensing activity of HBM and is an ISO 9001:2008 certified com pany.
1.1.5 Accessories
The implementation of complex sensing networks in large structures is made simpler with HBM FiberSensing accessories. These include cables especially designed to resist harsh environments as in civil engineering, not only during construction, but also during the lifetime of the structure (humidity, corrosion, etc.).
HBM FiberSensing also provides accessories for com pact in series mounting of two or three accelerometers in transversal directions, allowing the simultaneous mea surement of vibration along multiple axis.
6 A4265-2.3 HBM: public FS65

1.2 General Specifications

Measurement range ±10 g
Frequency range 0 to 50 Hz
Resonance frequency
Flatness < 2%
Maximum calib. error ±0.1 g @ 40 Hz
Transverse sensitivity < 0.1%
Central wavelength 1500 to 1600 nm
Spectral width (FWHM) < 0.2 nm
Reflectivity > 65%
Side lobe suppression > 10 dB
Inputs / Outputs
Cable type Ø 3 mm outdoor (armor)
Cable length 2 m each side (±5 cm)
Connectors FC/APC
Operation temperature -20 to 80 ºC
Protection class IP68
Materials Aluminum
Dimensions 73 x Ø 53 mm
Weight 250 g
Typical values
For 1 pm resolution in wavelength measurement
75 pm/g @ 40 Hz
430 Hz
12.5 μg/ǠHz
SC/APC NC (No Connectors)
Technical Details
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Sensor Installation

2 Sensor Installation

2.1 Accelerometer

2.1.1 List of Materials
Included Material
List of Needed Equipment
The needed tools to install the FS65 - Accelerometer depend on the structure the sensor is to be installed on. In many cases, mounting parts may need to be designed in order to adapt the sensor to the spot where it is going to be installed.
The installation solution should be carefully designed in order to meet the sensor measuring direction and the structure characteristics.
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