Hbm AED9101C User Manual

User Manual
Digital Transducer Electronics Basic Device for AD103C
with RS232, RS422, RS485
I1692-2.0 en
Typographical conventions................................................................................................3
Important information................................................................................................ ......... 4
Safety instructions.............................................................................................................. 5
1 Introduction and appropriate use......................................................................................6
2 Mechanical construction....................................................................................................7
3 Electrical connections........................................................................................................8
3.1 Transducer connection......................................................................................................................... 8
3.2 Connecting the supply voltage.............................................................................................................15
3.3 Connection to a computer ...................................................................................................................16
3.4 Multi-channel measurements (bus mode, RS485) ...............................................................................19
3.5 Connecting the diagnostic bus.............................................................................................................22
3.6 Trigger input........................................................................................................................................24
3.7 AED9101C cable connection via a PG gland.......................................................................................25
AED9101C en HBM
HBM AED9101C en

Typographical conventions

Typographical conventions
For clear identification and improved legibility, the following conventions have been used in this documentation:
Important paragraphs are marked with a symbol to draw attention to them.
CE Designation
Statutory marking requirements for waste disposal
“File Open“ All menus and menu commands appear in quotes, here the “File” menu and the “Open”
Points out external documents and files
sub-menu. Quotes and italics are used for buttons, input fields and user input. All commands are set out in a bold font style or as a link to the command description.
AED9101C en HBM

Important information

Neither the design of the device nor any technical safety aspects may be modified without the express permission of Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik GmbH. Any modification ex­cludes Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik GmbH from any and all liability for any damage re­sulting therefrom.
It is strictly forbidden to carry out any repairs and soldering work on the motherboards or to replace any components. Repairs may only be carried out by persons authorized thereto by Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik GmbH.
All the factory defaults are stored safe from power failure at the factory, not in the measur­ing amplifier where they can be deleted or overwritten. They can be reset at any time by using the command TDD0. For more information, see aed_help_e, AD103C; “Description of the basic commands”.
The production number is set at the factory and cannot be changed.
The transducer connection must always be assigned.
It is essential for a transducer or a bridge model to be connected up for operation.
Important information
HBM AED9101C en
Safety in

Safety instructions

 There are not normally any hazards associated with the product, provided the notes and
instructions for project planning, assembly, appropriate operation and maintenance are observed.
 Each time, before starting up the modules, you must first run a project planning and risk
analysis that takes into account all the safety aspects of automation technology. This particularly concerns personal and machine protection.
 It is essential to comply with the safety and accident prevention regulations applicable to
each individual case.
 Installation and start-up must only be carried out by suitably qualified personnel.  Do not allow the equipment to become dirty or damp.
 During installation and when connecting the cables, take action to prevent electrostatic
discharge as this may damage the electronics.
 The required power supply is an extra-low voltage with safe disconnection from the
 When connecting additional devices, comply with the local safety requirements.  All the interconnecting cables must be shielded cables. The screen must be connected
extensively to ground on both sides. The power supply and digital I/O connection cables only need to be shielded if the ca­bles are longer than 30 m (32.81 yd) or are routed outside closed buildings (EN 61326-1).
 The CE mark enables the manufacturer to guarantee that the product complies with the
requirements of the relevant EC directives (the declaration of conformity is available at http://www.hbm.com/HBMdoc).
 In accordance with national and local environmental protection and material recovery
and recycling regulations, old devices that can no longer be used must be disposed of separately and not with normal household garbage. If you need more information about waste disposal, please contact your local authorities or the dealer from whom you purchased the product.
AED9101C en HBM

1 Introduction and appropriate use

AED9101C digital transducer electronics are part of the AED component family that digitally conditions signals from mechanical measurement sensors and networks them with bus ca­pability. These include digital amplifier motherboards, basic devices with serial interfaces and intelligent sensors with integrated signal processing. The purpose of these components is to directly digitize and condition the measurement signals at the transducer location. Using digital transducer electronics, you can connect SG1)transducers in a full-bridge circuit di­rectly to a computer or a PC. This enables you to configure complete measurement chains quickly and with little extra work.
Basic device AED9101C can contain the AD103C amplifier board. It provides mechanical protection, shields the amplifier board (EMC protection) and allows you to select the serial interfaces RS422 (factory default), RS485 or RS232.
The AD103C amplifier mother board is not included in the scope of supply of the basic de­vice and must be ordered separately.
Introduction and appropriate use
The AD101B amplifier is only required for replacement and will not be considered when new AED basic devices are ordered.
The PC software AED PANEL 32 is available to facilitate parameter settings, to display dy­namic measurement signals and for comprehensive analysis of the dynamic system. The HBM display unit DWS2103 can be connected to all AED basic devices.
All basic devices of the AED family can be connected with the digital display unit DWS2103. This unit supports all implemented functions of the AED.
All commands are described in the help file aed_help_e.
The abbreviation AED is also used for transducer electronics in the following text.
Strain Gage
HBM AED9101C en

2 Mechanical construction

The basic device extends the functionality of the AD amplifier boards and provides:
 mechanical protection (IP65)  the power supply for the amplifier motherboard and transducer excitation  total transducer bridge resistance 40…4000   a choice of serial interfaces RS422, RS485, RS232  EMC-tested  Diagnostic bus
(The AED9101A basic device can be replaced by the AED9101C basic device)
The amplifier motherboard is designed as a plug-in board that can be plugged into the carrier board of the basic device via a 25-pin D-connector. The basic device contains terminals for the transducer, power pack and interface connections, slide switches for interface selection and the voltage stabilizer. The connection cables exit the casing via PG glands on the side.
Fig. 2-1: Mechanical construction
AED9101C en HBM

3 Electrical connections

A connection diagram is attached inside the lid of the AED9101C basic device.
When making the connections, please ensure that the wires of the cable do not protrude beyond the connection terminals (risk that loops may form). Please make sure that the cable shielding is properly connected to the PG gland.
If it should be necessary, a separate cable can be used to establish potential equalization between the transducer and the AED and between the AED and the Master control unit (grounding concept). The cable shielding must not be used for this potential equalization.
Electrical connections

3.1 Transducer connection

The transducer connection must always be assigned (connect the transducer).
AED9101C with AD103C
You can connect SG transducers in a full-bridge circuit with a total bridge resistance of RB= 40...4000 . With a transducer resistance of > 1000 , increased noise (measurement
ripple) must be taken into account. The bridges are supplied with power in the AED9101C basic device (5 VDC).
HBM AED9101C en
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