Hayes Microcomputer Products PC Card User Manual

Reference Guide
Second Edition (March 1998) 206-179-02
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Table of Contents
What is ISDN?......................................................................................4
What is EZ-ISDN/IOC?.......................................................................8
What is AutoSPID?...............................................................................9
What is Non-Initializing Terminal Mode?......................................... 10
What is Multilink PPP?......................................................................11
What is BACP/BOD? ......................................................................... 12
What is Data Compression?............................................................... 13
AT Commands.................................................................................... 14
Alphabetical List of Supported AT Commands.................................16
General AT Commands...................................................................... 25
ISDN Configuration Commands ........................................................ 29
COM Port Configuration Commands................................................ 34
Call Control Commands..................................................................... 39
V.120 Configuration Commands ........................................................ 42
V.110 Configuration Commands ........................................................ 45
Profile Commands.............................................................................. 46
Multilink PPP Commands.................................................................. 48
Utility Commands............................................................................... 51
Mini-monitor Commands................................................................... 53
AT Command Result Codes...............................................................54
What is ISDN?
While you've heard of ISDN, there's a good chance you're unsure whether you need it - or even what, exactly, it is. Even though ISDN is globally available, it's so new that understanding it may require a little investigation.
In simple terms, ISDN is a replacement for plain old telephone service, which was never designed to meet the needs of the information age. ISDN uses the same wiring that currently serves homes and businesses. You get ISDN service from the same companies who provide telephone service, and you use it to connect telephones, computers, and fax machines. The difference is that you get much faster, much more dependable connections for voice, data, fax, and even video - all through a single line. There is no other technology that comes close to delivering such communications benefits today.
International ISDN standards were established about 10 years ago. Since then, telephone companies throughout the world have raced to upgrade their equipment to ISDN standards. As ISDN service availability has spread, many millions of computer users have turned to ISDN, and new users are coming on board even faster.
ISDN stands for Integrated Services Digital Network
"Integrated Services" refers to ISDN's ability to deliver two simultaneous connections, in any combination of data, voice, video, and fax, over a single line. Multiple devices can be attached to the line, and used as needed. That means an ISDN line can take care of most people's complete communications needs, without forcing the purchase of multiple analog phone lines at a higher transmission rate.
The "Digital" in ISDN refers to its purely digital transmission, as opposed to the analog transmission of plain old telephone service. If you're using a modem for Internet access at this moment, your Internet service provider's modem has converted this site's digital content to analog signals before sending it to you, and your modem converts those signals back to digital when receiving (the same thing happens with every keystroke and mouse click you transmit). When you connect with ISDN, there is no analog conversion. ISDN transmits data digitally, resulting in a very clear transmission quality. There is none of the static and noise of analog transmissions that can slow transmission speed.
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"Network" refers to the fact that ISDN is not simply a point-to-point solution like a leased line. ISDN networks extend from the local telephone exchange to the remote user and include all of the telecommunications and switching equipment in between. When you have ISDN, you can make connections throughout the world to other ISDN equipment. If your ISDN equipment includes analog capabilities, you can also connect to analog modems, fax machines, and telephones, even though they may be connected to plain old telephone service.
While ISDN accommodates telephones and fax machines, its most popular advantage is in computer applications. You can plug an ISDN adapter into a phone jack, like you would an analog modem, and get a much faster connection with no "line noise."
The most common ISDN service, Basic Rate Interface (BRI), provides two 64 Kbps channels per line. When the two channels are bonded in a single connection, you get a speed of 128 Kbps, which is about four times the actual top speed of the fastest analog modems. Compression can increase throughput to around 250 Kbps.
Telecommuters, for example, benefit immensely from ISDN. Whether you access the corporate LAN in the evenings or maintain a full-time, remote home office, ISDN is the next best thing to being there. E­mail, database access, and file transfers improve dramatically, making it seem like you're locally attached to the LAN.
Internet access is another great application for ISDN. Compared with even the fastest modem access, ISDN makes Web graphics appear almost immediately, and can reduce download times by over 75%. ISDN can even provide advantages over shared, higher-bandwidth office connections; PC Magazine advises that an ISDN connection can deliver better performance than a T1 shared among users on a LAN. And in many markets, it's actually cheaper than an isolated analog business line.
Such large-scale file transfer applications as medical imaging, insurance and law enforcement imaging, and the preparation of printed materials are additional arenas where ISDN proves highly beneficial. With the dramatic reduction in file transfer time, ISDN makes even multi-megabyte files available to recipients within minutes, not hours.
Videoconferencing is an ISDN application that's growing fast in popularity, and ISDN is currently the only way of making it happen.
DIVA T/A PC Card Reference Guide 5
ISDN Communication Channels
In the ISDN interface, a number of communication channels are carried over a digital line. These communication channels can vary by the type of information they transmit and by the transmission speed they support. The number and type of channels used may vary.
The communication channels can be of the following types: B-Channel - 64 Kbps D-Channel - 16 or 64 Kbps H-Channel - 384, 1536, or 1920 Kbps (not yet commercially
available) Different combinations of these channels are used to support different
types of usage (e.g., basic, primary and broadband).
The B-channel is a user (bearer) channel which carries a subscriber’s digital traffic (e.g. digitized video, voice, audio, or digital data, or perhaps a mixture). The bandwidth of this channel is 64 Kbps. The control signals used to set up the connection, however, are not sent over the B-channel. The call establishment is done on the D-channel using common-channel signaling. This concept will be discussed shortly.
Two kinds of connections can be established over a B-channel:
Circuit-switched connections are ideal for voice traffic for several reasons. Voice data is “delay-sensitive”, meaning that it must not be delayed, and that it must be received in the order in which it was transmitted. There is a call set-up time that is characteristic of circuit­switched connections. This time lag is quite acceptable when measured against the length of a typical telephone call.
In a packet-switched data network or PSDN, data to be transmitted is broken up into individual units called packets that are then routed from sender to receiver. The sender/receiver can be any type of terminal, printer, computer or other device that supports an interface to the network.
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The primary function of the D-channel is to carry common-channel signaling information to manage and control circuit-switched calls on B-channels.
The D-channel can also be used for packet-switching or low-speed telemetry when it is not involved in control signaling. Message signaling takes priority over data packet-switching.
The D-channel functions at 16 Kbps for Basic Rate Interface or 64 Kbps for Primary Rate Interface. The speed is dependent on the end­user’s interface.
The H-channel is used for high-speed user data traffic at bit rates higher than 64Kbps. Examples of services which require these higher rates are: fast facsimile, teleconferencing, and video. An H-channel user can subdivide the channel using TDM to meet specific requirements.
Connecting to ISDN - BRI and PRI
There are two types of access interfaces to the ISDN: Basic Rate Access (also referred to as Basic Rate Interface (BRI)) and Primary Rate Access (also referred to as Primary Rate Interface (PRI)).
Basic Rate Access
Basic Rate Interface or Access consists of two B-channels operating at 64 Kbps and one D-channel operating at 16 Kbps. It is also commonly referred to as 2B+D.
Primary Rate Access
The primary rate interface is designed for users with large capacity requirements.
There is no single transmission rate defined for primary rate access. In North America and Japan, for example, primary rate interface is based upon the T1 rate (defined in detail shortly) of 1.544 Mbps. In Europe, by comparison, the rate is 2.048 Mbps.
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What is EZ-ISDN/IOC?
We highly recommend that you use our toll free ISDN ordering
service to make sure you get the correct ISDN line the first time. The service is free to our customers.
EZ-ISDN / IOC simplifies the ordering of your ISDN line. It lets you
use simple codes to order pre-configured packages of ISDN features and services.
The North American ISDN User's Forum (NIUF) and Local Exchange
Carriers (LEC) administer the assignment of codes. Bellcore administers the National ISDN Ordering Code (IOC) process.
We recommend the use of the following ISDN Ordering codes:
When ordering your ISDN line, use these codes depending on which method your ISDN provider supports:
EZ-ISDN: Use ordering code 1 IOC: Use ordering code R
DIVA T/A PC Card Reference Guide 8
What is AutoSPID?
(North America only)
AutoSPID is a new National ISDN protocol feature which enables the DIVA T/A to download a list of Service Profile Identifiers (SPIDs), Directory Number and Call Type information from the ISDN line, and to determine whether the SPIDs are currently initialized by other devices.
Note: Check with your ISDN service provider to determine if they support the AutoSPID feature.
This feature effectively eliminates the need for you to configure any ISDN parameters.
AutoSPID works in the following manner: If there are no SPIDs configured, then AutoSPID attempts to
determine and then assign SPIDs and DNs to the location designated to store the AutoSPID parameters. The location for storing your AutoSPID information can be configured on the Advanced Configuration page.
If AutoSPID fails to detect the SPIDs, try entering the DNs (in a 10 digit format) and the DIVA T/A will attempt to perform generic SPID guessing.
Unless the SPIDs and DNs are configured correctly, whether through AutoSPID, SPID guessing, or configured manually, ISDN will fail to initialize (the D-LED will flash).
The only way to use the DIVA T/A without entering SPIDs, is to configure the ISDN numbers for Non-Initializing Terminal mode.
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What is Non-Initializing Terminal Mode?
(North America only)
Non-Initializing Terminal mode is a new ISDN NI-1 protocol feature which enables the DIVA T/A to operate without SPIDs. This leaves the SPIDs available for use by other ISDN devices connected over the same NT1.
To configure the DIVA T/A for Non-Initializing Terminal mode, deselect the SPID checkbox in the Windows Configuration Tool, or specify Yes for the Non-Initializing parameter in the VT-100 Configuration Tool.
Warning: (NI-1 switches only) While in Non-Initializing Terminal mode, the DIVA T/A will only allow outgoing calls to be made, and most line interfaces will allow some form of restricted operation (for example: access to operator and emergency services). All incoming calls will be rejected. No AutoSPID information will be stored in non­volatile memory; however, the auto-detection status remains available.
Note: Check with your ISDN service provider to determine if they support Non-Initializing terminal mode.
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What is Multilink PPP?
The DIVA T/A serves as an intermediary between its host workstation and the remote device to which data is being transmitted. All the protocol processing required for the negotiation of a Multilink PPP connection is performed on the DIVA T/A itself. The PC forwards asynchronous PPP packets to the DIVA T/A which, in turn, converts the packets for synchronous transmission and negotiates the various authentications required to establish the Multilink PPP connection with the target system over ISDN lines. This allows for the more efficient use of the ISDN line without requiring any changes to the PPP stack currently loaded on your PC.
While Multilink PPP effectively doubles the DIVA T/A's throughput to 128 kbps, the DIVA T/A can support COM port bit rates as high as 512 kbps by enabling the Turbo Mode feature. Turbo Mode comprises a set of proprietary DIVA T/A commands which permit the user to specify throughput speeds in excess of the traditional terminal emulation upper limit of 115200 bps. The Turbo Mode bit rate is set using the AT%MT1 command (see page 35, for more on AT%MT1).
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What is BACP/BOD?
DIVA T/A supports the Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol (BACP) and Bandwidth on Demand (BOD). These two features combine to allow the DIVA T/A to establish multilink sessions that provide larger amounts of bandwidth than that offered over a single dialup channel. Such multilink sessions are established according to procedures defined in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) PPP Multilink specification (RFC 1717).
BACP/BOD works by informing the DIVA T/A which dial-in ports are presently available for a multilink session. It allows the answering location to reserve those ports for the calling party and provides the calling party with the telephone numbers of those ports.
A bandwidth control protocol also allows a user at the calling location to establish a multilink session by knowing only one telephone number instead of all the numbers to be dialed for the full session. With a bandwidth control protocol, the answering location provides the calling location with a list of the remaining telephone numbers to be used for the connection, and the additional channels are dialed by the calling equipment transparently to the user. This effectively raises a 64kbps connection into a 128 kbps connection.
BACP/BOD also controls whether the second line is required or not. When bandwidth demand goes up, the second B-channel can automatically be established, and conversely, when bandwidth demand goes down, the second channel can be dropped. The primary advantage, therefore, is a reduction of dial up charges; a second line is only used (and hence paid for) when it is required.
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What is Data Compression?
To establish communications over a PPP link, each end of the connection must first send packets to configure and test the data link. After the link has been established, optional facilities may be negotiated as needed. One such facility is data compression. A wide variety of compression methods may be negotiated, although typically only one method is used for both directions of the link.
Data compression is a process where the effective throughput is increased by encoding data in such a way that fewer bits are required to represent it. For example, a text file might be compressed by representing common words with single characters; thus if the word “the” is represented by the character “@”, it will be transmitted three times faster. Popular compression algorithms typically reduce the size of the data by 50%, effectively doubling the rate at which it is transmitted.
The Compression Control Protocol (CCP) works with MLPPP and is responsible for configuring, enabling, and disabling data compression algorithms on both ends of the point-to-point link. PC Compression negotiation takes precedence over the DIVA T/A negotiation for performance considerations (for example, the PC compression may reduce the number of bytes that go through the serial interface, the PC has the quicker CPU, etc.). The DIVA T/A compression negotiation, however, will assume control should no compression be detected or the initial negotiation fail. No user configuration is required to enable the DIVA T/A’s compression functionality.
Compression algorithms currently supported by the DIVA T/A include Stacker LZS (Hi/fn), MPPC (Microsoft), and Ascend.
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AT Commands
This section contains a description of all AT Commands relevant to DIVA T/A.
Locating Commands
To make it easier for you to locate a command, this guide has organized commands in two ways.
AT Commands are grouped into several categories. Use the section AT Command Groups on page 15 to locate the relevant category.
An alphabetical list of commands is also available. It is found in the section Alphabetical List of Supported AT Commands on page16
AT Command Forma t
When using AT commands, you must follow these conventions:
A command line consists of a prefi x, body, a nd te rm ina t or. E a c h command line must be gi n with “ AT” (exc e pt A/ and ? ? ).
AT commands must be terminated by a carriage return (except A/).
Commands entered in upper or lower case are accepted.
The body is a string of commands restri c te d to pri nt abl e ASCII characters (032 - 126).
Space (ASCII 032) and control characters other than CR (ASCII
013) and BS (ASCII 010) in the command string are i gnored.
A command line may be aborted at any time by entering < ctrl-x > (ASCII 024).
Carriage returns are program m abl e through re gi ster S3.
The default terminator is the ASCII <CR> character. Characters that precede the AT prefix are ignored.
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Command Format--Continued
The DIVA T/A recognizes the backspace character for editing.
When echo is enabled, a backspace or delete is echoed as a backspace character followed by a space character, and another backspace. The code used for the backspace character is programmable through regi ste r S5. Val ues equa l to 0 or gre a te r than 32, or the carri age re turn c ha rac t er va l ue , c a nnot be used for the backspace character.
The AT sequence may be foll owed by a ny com m and seque nc e, e xc e pt
for the f o l l o wi n g: ATZ, AT D, ATA, AT@ ME NU, AT>H, AT>VC, AT > VD, AT>VT, and AT>Z . C o m m ands foll owing these (on the same comm a nd li ne ) are i gnored.
Execut ion of c om ma nds ATD and ATA, ei t her a s a re sult of a
direct command or a re-execute command, will be aborted if another characte r i s ente re d before c om ple ti on of t he ha ndshake .
The ma xim um numbe r of c har ac t ers on any c om ma nd l ine i s 80
(including “A” and “T” ).
If a syntax error i s found in a c om ma nd, t he re m ai nde r of the l ine
will be ignored and an ERROR code will be returned.
Missing decimal parameters (n) are assumed as 0.
Most commands entered with parameters out of range will not be
accepted and the ERROR response will be returned to the DTE.
The next command will only be accepted by the DIVA T/A once
the previous command has been fully executed.
AT Command Group s
Group See page
General AT Commands 25 ISDN Configuration Commands 29 COM Port Configuration Commands 34 Call Control Commands 39 V120 Configuration Commands 42 V.110 Configuration Commands 45 Profile Commands 45 Multilink PPP Commands 48 Utility Commands 51 Mini-monitor Commands 53
DIVA T/A PC Card Reference Guide 15
Alphabetical List of Supported AT Commands
The following table summarizes the AT Commands supported by the DIVA T/A. Go to the specified page number for more information.
Note: Static parameters are preceded by an asterisk “*”. Changes made to static parameters do not take effect until you restart your system (use the AT&Wn command to restart your system). Changes to all other parameters (dynamic parameters) take effect immediately.
AT Command Description See Page
ATA Answer Cal l s 40
ATDn Dial a Nu m b e r 40
ATEn Local Echo 35
ATH Hangup a Call 41
ATIn View Product Information 25
ATO Return Online 25
ATQn Quiet Result Codes 36
ATSn Establishes S-Registers n as the
selected register
ATSn=v S-Register n to Value
ATS0=n Rings to Au t o -An swe r 41
ATS1? View Ring Count 41
DIVA T/A PC Card Reference Guide 16
Alphabetical List of Supported AT Commands—Continued
AT Command Description See Page
ATS2=n Escape Character 36
ATS3=n Carriage Return Character 36
ATS4=n Line Feed Character 36
ATS5=n Back Space Character 37
ATSn? Value of S-Register n 26
ATVn Result Code Format 37
ATWn Connec t Message Control 37
ATXn Extended Results Code 38
ATZn Restart Diva 47
AT!C1=n *ISDN Switch Type (Prim a ry) 29
AT!C11=n *ISDN Switch Type (Alternate) 29
AT!C2=n *AutoSPID Stor a g e Location 30
AT!C4=n *Enable/Disable Primary Non-
initializing mode
AT!C41=n *Enable/Disable Alternate Non-
initializing mode
AT!C5=n *Enable/Disable Primary Non-
31 initializing mode for second B­channel
DIVA T/A PC Card Reference Guide 17
Alphabetical List of Supported AT Commands—Continued
AT Command Description See Page
AT!C51=n *Enable/Disable Alternate Non-
31 initializing mode for second B­channel
AT!C6=n * ISDN Prim a r y SPID Nu m b e r
31 (applicable to North America only)
AT!C61=n * ISDN Alter n a t e SPID Number
31 (applicable to North America only)
AT!C7=n * ISDN Prim a r y SPID Nu m b e r
31 for second B-channel (applic a ble to North America only)
AT!C71=n * ISDN Alter n a t e SPID Number
31 for second B-channel (applic a ble to North America only)
AT!E0=n V.120 N201 Tx (Maximum
42 Transmit Frame Size)
AT!E1=n V.120 N201 Rx (Maximum
42 Receive Frame Size)
AT!E2=n V.120 Multiframe Mode 42
AT!E3=n V.120 K Window Size 43
AT!E4=n V.120 T200 (Retransmission
43 Timer)
AT!E5=n V.120 N200 (Maximum Retry
43 Count)
DIVA T/A PC Card Reference Guide 18
+ 39 hidden pages