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DIVA T/A is an external ISDN modem available in S/T and U
interface versions. It provides easy and affordable high-speed Basic
Rate Interface (BRI) ISDN connection to the Internet or to your office
LAN. With the DIVA T/A, Small Office Home Office (SOHO) users
and telecommuters can combine the higher performance of ISDN with
the simplicity of a terminal adapter. The DIVA T/A supports all
standard modem AT commands.
You can connect the DIVA T/A to a serial port on your computer that
complements your TCP/IP application (without the need for additional
device drivers).
Internet Access
The DIVA T/A allows you to connect to the Internet over an ISDN
line at speeds of up to 128 kilobits per second. Without virtually any
delays, you can access online services or browse the World Wide
Web to download high-resolution graphics, video clips, interactive
games, music, etc.
Work-at-Home Access
The DIVA T/A provides the telecommuter with fast access to network
resources back at the office. You can access applications such as
email or download data from a remote database in a fraction of the
time it would take using a conventional analog modem.
Analog Device Ports
(Certain models only)
Analog device ports (also referred to as Plain Old Telephone
Service--POTS) let you connect regular telephones, modems or fax
machines to your DIVA T/A. Calls to and from these devices are
carried over your ISDN line. This can save you the expense of
installing a separate analog phone line.
Analog device users get a variety of calling features such as Call
Forward, Call Waiting, Caller ID, 3-way call conferencing, and
VoiceMail. See the section “Analog Device Support” on page 98 for
DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 5
Note: The DIVA T/A can work independently from your PC. If the
DIVA T/A is turned on, your analog devices can use your ISDN line
regardless of whether the DIVA T/A is connected to your PC.
Ease of Use
You can connect the DIVA T/A to any computer (PC or notebook)
equipped with a serial port. You can easily configure it using the
Setup Wizard (under all versions of Windows), using a VT100
interface (under DOS and OS/2), and using AT commands (under all
In North America the Configuration Wizard can automatically detect
your Service Profile Identifiers (SPIDs). SPIDs are addresses assigned
by your ISDN provider; the ISDN switch uses SPIDs to identify your
DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 6
What You Need
To install the DIVA T/A, you need the following:
PC or Notebook DIVA T/A can be attached to any PC or Notebook computer.
DIVA T/A IS DN M o d e m
DIVA T/A so f tware (CD)
ISDN cable (RJ-45)
Serial cable (RS-232)
A/C Adapt e r
Phone Adapters (RJ11) for France and UK only
DIVA T/A Qui c k S tart Gu ide
DIVA T/A Rel ease Not es
Remote Access
Client Software
ISDN Basi c
Rate Line ( BRI)
Internet Access
Supplied as part of operat i ng pl atf or m or by I nte rnet Ser vic e
Provider (ISP).
Must be installed by your t el ephone com pany.
See the section “Ordering your ISDN Line Using EZISDN/IOC” on page 8 for more information.
(Required for non-Windows users onl y)
terminal-emulation program for DOS or OS/2 platforms to use
the VT100 Configuration Tool.
you will require the following:
To establish an ISDN connection to the Internet,
ISP that provides ISDN Basic Rate Interface service
PPP and TCP/IP communications prot ocol s for access i ng
your Internet subscri pti on ( e. g. Wi ndows 95/98/ NT DialUp Networking)
TCP/IP clients (Web br owser, FTP, Tel net )
Microsoft® Windows® 95/98
Microsoft Windows NT® (3.51/4. 0)
Windows 3.
COM Port
UART 16650 (230.4 kbps) recommended for maxim um
UART 16550
DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 7
Using EZ-ISDN or ISDN Ordering
Code (IOC) to order your ISDN
(North America only)We highly recommend that you use our toll free ISDN ordering
service to make sure you get the correct ISDN line the first time. This
service is free to our customers. Dial 1-888-800-DIVA.
EZ-ISDN / IOC simplifies the ordering of your ISDN line. It lets you
use simple codes to order pre-configured packages of ISDN features
and services.
The North American ISDN User’s Forum (NIUF) and Local
Exchange Carriers (LEC) administer the assignment of codes.
Bellcore administers the National ISDN Ordering Code (IOC)
We recommend the use of the following ISDN Ordering codes:
• IOC “S” offers basic voice/data features without the advanced
calling features described below. If you select this option, make
sure to get Additional Call (ACO). ACO is required for Call
Bumping (also known as Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation-DBA) and Call Waiting to work correctly. IOC “S1” includes
ACO, however it is not supported everywhere.
• EZ-ISDN 1 (or IOC: “U”) adds voice/data to both B-channels.
The Advanced calling features such as Call Conference, Call
transfer, etc., are only available on one B-channel.
Note: Calling Features only apply to DIVA T/A models
equipped with analog ports. For more information on Calling
Features, see page 100. For more information on analog device
support, see page 98.
• EZ-ISDN 1A(or IOC: “V”) adds VoiceMail to EZ-ISDN.
• EZ-ISDN 3 or 3A adds Always On/Dynamic ISDN (AO/DI)
Note: If you want to use the DIVA T/A’s Calling Features, ask your
ISDN service provider for the values of the Feature Keys. You need
these values to ensure that the DIVA T/A has full access to these
features. Refer to the section “Feature Key Values” on page 102 for
more information.
DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 8
Connecting the Cables
To connect the cables to your DIVA T/A:
Turn off your computer before you connect the cables.
Connect the RJ45 end of the ISDN cable (see ➀ in Figure 1 on
page 11) to the jack labeled ISDN on the rear of the DIVA T/A.
See below to complete the connection:
•Integrated NT1 (U) model
Connect the other smaller end (RJ11) of the ISDN cable to
your ISDN wall jack.
•S/T Interface model
Connect the other end of the ISDN cable to an NT1
interface, whether part of the ISDN service (e.g. corporate
phone switch) or external.
You might have to change the setting of the termination
resistor switch (see “Appendix A: ISDN Line Termination”
on page 104 for more information).
(This step is optional) Connect cables (see ➁ and ➂ in the figure
below) from analog devices (telephone, fax machine, modem,
etc.) to the jacks labeled PHONE on the rear of the DIVA T/A. It
is recommended that you use PHONE 1 for voice, and PHONE 2
for Data (modem or fax). In France and the United Kingdom you
must attach the analog devices to the phone adapters (see
Figure 1) before connecting them to the DIVA T/A. Note that
Phone ports and adapters are only available on certain models.
⑥ in
Connect one end of the serial cable (see ➃ in Figure 1 on page
11) to the port labeled SERIAL on the rear of the DIVA T/A,
and the other end to the appropriate serial port on your PC.
Connect the A/C adapter connector (see ➄ in Figure 1 on page
11) to the power jack on the rear of the DIVA T/A, and plug the
adapter into an AC power outlet.
DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 9
Figure 1: Connecting the Cables
➀ ISDN cable➃ Serial cable
➁ Analog device #1➄ A/C adapter
➂ Analog device #2⑥ Phone Adapter
Phone ports and adapters are only available on certain
After Connecting the Cables
After connecting the power and the ISDN cable to the DIVA T/A,
wait at least 10 seconds for the DIVA T/A to initialize and then check
the “D” and “LINK” LEDs. If they are both glowing steadily, then
your DIVA T/A is operational (either from a previous configuration
or because your line supports AutoSPID). Go to the section “What’s
Next?” on page 12 and continue.
Where AutoSPID is supported, the DIVA T/A installation
is totally Plug and Play.
If the “LINK” LED is not glowing steadily, this indicates a problem
with the ISDN line. Recheck all your cable connections.
DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 10
"D" LED not glowing steadily (International
If the “D” LED is not glowing steadily, your ISDN cables may be
improperly connected, the ISDN line is not activated, or may indicate
an idle condition. Please check all of these items, and, if the “D” LED
is still not glowing steadily, refer to the “Customer Service” section
on page 117 for information on contacting Eicon Technology.
If the "D" LED is glowing steadily, go to the section “What’s Next?”
on page 12 and continue.
"D" LED not glowing steadily (North American
If the “D” LED is not on and glowing steadily, your ISDN line
probably does not support AutoSPID. In this instance you will require
the following information from your ISDN service provider, before
you continue with the DIVA T/A installation:
• ISDN number(s).
Your ISDN service provider should have provided you with one,
and maybe even two, ISDN numbers. These numbers are
required to configure the DIVA T/A.
If you are installing the DIVA T/A under Windows 95/98 or
Windows NT, the ISDN numbers are all that you require as the
SPID Wizard, used for configuring the DIVA T/A, will
automatically configure the SPIDs.
If you are not using Windows 95/98 or Windows NT, you must
get your SPID information from your ISDN provider. SPID(s)
are numbers usually consisting of your 3-digit Area Code plus 7digit ISDN Number followed by some digits. For new ISDN
lines your local telephone company will likely follow the generic
SPID format (Area Code and ISDN phone number) followed by
0101. For example: 51455512340101.
DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 11
You may not have to enter SPID information for the DIVA T/A
to function properly if your ISDN line is configured for noninitializing mode. The DIVA T/A features automatic noninitializing mode support, which enables the interface to operate
without programming a SPID, or to retain basic service if SPID
initialization fails. However, your local telephone company has
to turn this feature on. As you lose functionality, we do not
recommend this operation mode.
Go to the section “What’s Next?” on page 12 and continue.
What’s Next?
After you have finished connecting the cables and gathering the
required information, go to the section that corresponds to your
platform and continue the installation.
Windows 95
Windows 95 OSR2
Windows 98
Windows NT 4.0
Windows NT 3.51
Windows 3.x/WFW 3.11
DOS and OS/2
What to do
Continue on page 13
Continue on page 15
Continue on page 17
Continue on page 20
Continue on page 23
Continue on page 24
Continue on page 60
DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 12
Windows 95
Note: This install procedure is for the original release and Service
Pack 1 (SP1) version of Windows 95. If you are using Windows 95
Service Release 2 (OSR2), go to “Windows 95 (OSR2)” on page 15.
To verify the version installed on your machine, go to Control
Panel/System Properties and select the General tab. If you have the
original or SP1 version of Windows 95 installed, one of the following
screens appears:
Note: If you are using Dial-Up Networking, make sure you are using
version 1.2. If you are running a previous version, you must upgrade
to Dial-Up Networking 1.2, before you begin installing the DIVA T/A.
Dial-Up Networking 1.2 is located on the DIVA T/A CD under the
\MSDUN12 directory. Refer to your Windows 95 online help for
information on how to install Dial-Up Networking.
Power on your PC with the DIVA T/A modem connected (see
the section “Connecting the Cables” on page 9). Windows 95
automatically detects the DIVA T/A and the New Hardware
Found Window appears.
Insert the DIVA T/A CD into your computer’s CD drive.
In the New Hardware Found Screen, select
provided by hardware manufacturer
From Disk window appears.
, and click OK; the Install
DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 13
Driver from disk
In the Install From Disk window, enter the drive letter of your
CD drive (or use the Browse button to locate your CD drive) and
click OK.
Go to page 25 and continue at the section “Installing the DIVA
T/A Software.”
DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 14
Windows 95 (OSR2)
Note: This install procedure is for Windows 95 Service Release 2
(OSR2). If you are using original release or Service Pack 1 (SP1)
version of Windows 95, go to “Windows 95” on page 13.
To verify the version installed on your machine, go to Control
Panel/System Properties and select the General tab. If you have
Windows 95 OSR2 installed, you should see the letter “B”, as below:
Note: If you are using Dial-Up Networking, make sure you are using
version 1.2. If you are running a previous version, you must upgrade
to Dial-Up Networking 1.2, before you begin installing the DIVA T/A.
Dial-Up Networking 1.2 is located on the DIVA T/A CD under the
\MSDUN12 directory. Refer to your Windows 95 online help for
information on how to install Dial-Up Networking.
Power on your PC with the DIVA T/A modem connected (see
the section “Connecting the Cables” on page 9. Windows 95
automatically detects the DIVA T/A and the New Hardware
Found Window appears followed by the Update Device Driver
Insert the DIVA T/A CD into your computer’s CD drive.
From the Update Device Driver Wizard window, click Next.
Click Other Location.
DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 15
Enter the drive letter of your CD drive (or use the Browse button
to locate your CD drive) and click OK.
In the update Device Driver Window, click Finish.
Go to page 25 and continue at the section “Installing the DIVA
T/A Software.”
DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 16
Windows 98
WARNING! It is very important to follow the steps, exactly as
described below, to install the DIVA T/A software. The setup file for
ISDN modems (mdmisdn.inf), supplied on the Microsoft Windows 98
CD, contains incorrect information about the DIVA T/A ISDN
Modem (incorrectly referred to as Eicon T-A External). Using this
setup file will cause the DIVA T/A to operate incorrectly. DO NOT
use the Add New Hardware applet (found in Control Panel) to install
the DIVA T/A.
To add your DIVA T/A to the system:
Power on your PC with the DIVA T/A modem connected (see
the section “Connecting the Cables” on page 9. Windows 98
automatically detects the DIVA T/A and the New Hardware
Found Window appears followed by the Add New Hardware
Insert the DIVA T/A CD into your computer’s CD drive.
From the Add New Hardware Wizard window, click Next.
DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 17
Select the Search for the best driver for your device option and
click Next.
Select “CD-ROM drive” and click Next.
Click Next.
DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 18
Click Finish and go to page 25 and continue at the section
“Installing the DIVA T/A Software.”
DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 19
Windows NT 4.0
Note: Before you begin installing the DIVA T/A, we suggest that the
Remote Access Service (RAS), also known as Dial-Up Networking, be
installed with at least one modem (any modem will do; it is only
needed to install the DIVA T/A and can later be removed).
Power on your PC with the DIVA T/A ISDN Modem connected
(see “Connecting the Cables” on page 9).
Insert the DIVA T/A CD into your computer's CD drive.
From the Start menu, go to Settings, then Control Panel. The
Modem Properties screen opens. Click Add.
DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 20
Select Don’t detect my modem; I will select it from a list, then
click Next.
Important: Make sure that you select the choice above and do
not let Windows NT choose its own modem driver. If you let
Windows NT select the modem driver, you will not be able to
communicate with the DIVA T/A. You will then have to delete the
Windows NT installed modem and begin the install process again
from Step 3.
From the Install New Modem windows, click Have Disk; when
prompted, enter the path to the CD (or use the Browse button to
locate your CD drive), then click OK. The DIVA T/A will be
DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 21
Select the Eicon DIVA T/A ISDN Modem, then click Next.
Select the appropriate COM Port the DIVA T/A is connected
to. Click Next, then click finish.
Close the Modem Properties window.
After closing the Modem Properties window, you are
prompted to configure Dial-Up Networking, as the install
Modem list has changed. Click Yes to configure Dial-Up
From the Remote Access Setup window, remove any unused
devices that use the same COM port as the DIVA T/A, and
then click Add.
In the Add RAS Device window, select the Eicon DIVA T/A
ISDN Modem from the drop-down list and click OK.
From the Remote Access Setup window, click Continue. You
will be prompted to shutdown and restart your computer. Click
No. Do not restart your system.
Go to page 25 and continue at the section “Installing the DIVA
T/A Software.”
DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 22
Windows NT 3.51
If you are going to use the DIVA T/A with RAS, RAS must already
be installed with at least one modem (any modem will do, it is only
needed to install the DIVA T/A and will later be removed). If this is
the case, follow the steps below. If you do not want to use RAS,
continue at “Installing the DIVA T/A Software” on page 25.
Power on your PC with the DIVA T/A connected (see
“Connecting the Cables” on page 9).
Insert the DIVA T/A CD into your computer’s CD drive.
Open any text editor.
Using your text editor, open the file MODEM.INF found in the
Windows\System32\RAS directory.
Open the file WFWNTEI2.INF found on the DIVA T/A CD
(\WIN 32).
Copy the contents of WFWNTEI2.INF and append it to the end
of the MODEM.INF file; save the appended MODEM.INF file,
and exit your text editor.
You must now start the RAS setup program. From the Control
Panel, double-click the Network icon. From the Installed
Network Software list, select Remote Access Service and click
From the RAS setup, remove the unused modem or any other
devices that use the same COM port as the DIVA T/A, add the
DIVA T/A, and then exit RAS. Refer to the RAS online help for
removing and adding modems.
After exiting the RAS setup, you are prompted to reboot your
PC. Click OK and allow your PC to reboot and Windows NT to
restart. To shutdown the RAS server, double-click the Remote
Access Admin icon in the Remote Access Service program
group. From the Remote Access Admin Server menu select
“Stop Remote Access Server”, and then exit the Remote Access
Admin program.
Go to page 25 and continue the section “Installing the DIVA T/A
DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 23
Windows 3.x/WFW 3.11
If you are installing the DIVA T/A ISDN Modem on a system without
a CD drive, it is possible to make disks from the DIVA T/A CD. To
create the disks, follow the instructions in the MAKEDISK.TXT file
located in the \WIN16\MAKEDISK directory of your DIVA T/A CD.
If you are going to use the DIVA T/A with RAS for WFW, RAS must
already be installed with at least one modem (any modem will do, it is
only needed to properly install the DIVA T/A and will later be
removed). If you do not want to use RAS, continue at “Installing the
DIVA T/A Software” on page 25.
Power on your PC with the DIVA T/A connected (See
“Connecting the Cables” on page 9).
Insert the DIVA T/A CD into your computer's CD drive, or the
DIVA T/A Win 3.x Setup disk 1 into your diskette drive.
With any text editor, open the file MODEM.INF found in the
Windows/System directory.
Open the file WFWNTEI2.INF found on the DIVA T/A CD
(\WIN16) or diskette.
Copy the contents of WFWNTEI2.INF to the end of the
MODEM.INF file; save the appended MODEM.INF file, and
exit your text editor.
Start the RAS setup program.
From the RAS setup, change the unused modem to the
DIVA T/A. Refer to the RAS online help to change modems.
Go to the section “Installing the DIVA T/A Software” on page 25.
DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 24
Installing the DIVA T/A Software
Before you proceed, make sure you have completed the preinstallation procedure relevant to your software platform. To
find the procedure relevant to your platform, see page 12.
Note: There is no Setup Wizard for DOS or OS/2. If you are using
DOS or OS/2, go to the section “Using the VT100 Configuration
Tool” on page 60.
The DIVA T/A Setup Wizard installs all necessary DIVA T/A files on
your system. These include:
the DIVA T/A on-line documentation
the Eicon DIVA Terminal Adapters Program, which includes
the Configuration Wizard (Windows 95/98 and NT only)
the Windows Configuration Tool (Windows 3.x & WFW 3.11)
the DIVA T/A Uninstall Utility
To install the DIVA T/A Software:
Insert the DIVA T/A CD, and enter d:\SETUP.EXE in the Run
field of the Start menu or File menu (where d: is the drive letter
of your CD drive). The CD Setup screen appears, go to step 2
and continue.
Note: If you are using disks to install the software on a
3.x/WFW 3.11 system, type a:\Setup.exe (where a: is your
diskette drive). Skip to step 3 and continue. For more
information on creating disks, read the Makedisk.txt file
included on your CD.
DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 25
From the CD Setup screen, select “Start DIVA Terminal
Adapters Installation Now”; this starts the Setup Wizard.
Note: The CD Setup screen also gives you the choice to view the
online DIVA T/A User’s Guide, Reference Guide, or Release
Notes, before installing the DIVA T/A software.
Click Next in the Setup Wizard’s “Welcome” screen.
DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 26
Specify where you want to install the DIVA T/A software. Click
next to install in the default directory (the default directory
differs according to your platform); otherwise, click the browse
button and select a directory, then click Next.
The Setup Wizard installs all necessary files.
Click Finish.
The software installation is complete. You must now configure your
DIVA T/A with one or more configuration profiles. Do one of the
• Windows 3.x users. If you are using Window’s 3.x, the
Windows 3.x Configuration tool appears. Go to the Section
Using the Windows 3.x/WFW 3.11 Configuration Tool on page
• Windows 95/98 and NT users. If you are using Windows 95/98
or NT, the New Devices Detected window appears. Select the
DIVA T/A ISDN Modem. Click OK to start the Windows
95/98/NT Configuration Wizard; continue at step 6 below.
DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 27
On the Configuration Wizard, click Next; follow the
Configuration Wizard’s on-screen instructions (if a working
configuration is detected, you are notified and allowed to skip
the Wizard).
Note: Context sensitive help is available on all the Configuration
Wizard’s screens. For more details about a particular field
displayed on the screen, click the Question Mark “?” icon at the
top right corner of the screen, then click on the field you’re
having trouble with.
Note: You should not click the Configure button unless you
know all of your ISDN parameters and want to configure them
manually. If you click Configure, the Wizard closes and the
Windows 95/98/NT Configuration Tool starts. If you select this
option go to step 3 of the section “Configuring Profiles under
Windows 95/98/NT” on page 35.
When the “Congratulations” screen appears the installation is
complete. Click Finish.
DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 28
The Wizard closes and the Eicon DIVA Terminal Adapters
program appears (see “The Windows 95/98/NT Eicon DIVA
Terminal Adapters Program” on page 30 for more details).
The installation under Windows 95/98/NT is complete and your
DIVA T/A is ready to use.
If you want to configure additional profiles or configure advanced
ISDN parameters for the profile you created a bove , go to the section
“Using the Windows 95/98/NT Configuration Tool” on page 33.
If you want t o use your DIVA T/ A, go the section “Usin g the DIVA
T/A” on page 73.
DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 29
The Windows 95/98/NT Eicon DIVA
Terminal Adapters Program
Note: This section applies to Windows 95/98 and NT users only.The Eicon DIVA Terminal Adapters Program provides you with a
variety of convenient utilities.
To access the Eicon DIVA Terminal Adapters program, do one of the
• Click the
From the Windows taskbar click Start, then select
Progra m s\E i con DI VA T / A I SDN Modem\Eicon DIVA Termina l
Adapter s.
The Eicon DIVA Terminal Adapters Program appears as below.
Getting Help
The Eicon DIVA Terminal Adapters program includes extensive on-
line help. To get help, select Help\Help Topics from the menu bar.
icon on your taskbar (Windows 95/98 only).
DIVA T/A ISDN Modem User’s Guide 30
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