Single Piston Hydraulic Brake
Installation and Service
The Following procedures cover the installation of Hayes Disc Brakes items purchased as an
aftermarket item. When you need to install any of the disc brake components, a qualified
technician with the proper tools should do that installation work. Improper installation could cause
severe or fatal injuries.
Warning: When following any of the procedures below, be sure to keep your hands and
fingers from getting caught in the disc. Failure to do so could result in injury.
Warning: With use, disc brake components may become very hot. Always allow components
to cool before attempting to service your bike.
Starting Out
Congratulations. You have either purchased a new bicycle with the Hayes Disc Brake System, or you have purchased Hayes Disc Brake system or service parts as an
aftermarket item. The purpose of this information sheet is to help you get the most out of that system.
Personal Preference and Adjustment
In most case, the Hayes Disc Brake system has been pre-assembled for your bike. However there are a couple of adjustments that you can make to match your particular
physical characteristics or personal preferences.
• Positioning the Master Cylinder and Lever
1. Loosen, but do not remove, the handle bar clamp screw
2. Then, position the Master Cylinder and Lever on the handlebar in your desired position.
3. Torque the handlebar clamp screw to 30-35 in-lbs (3.39-3.35 Nm).
• Lever Reach Adjustment
Adjust the brake lever reach by using a 2.0mm Allen wrench and turning the push rod that goes through the lever adjuster bushing. Do not attempt to force the
adjustment screw beyond its limits.
Disc brakes require a special burnish period to achieve maximum braking power. This burnish period last for about 30-40 stops. During this period some noise may occur
Recommended Fluids and Lubricants
Use only DOT 3 or DOT 4 brake fluid. Do not use any petroleum-based lubricants, as this will cause the rubber parts to swell. Hayes recommends the use of DOT 3 or DOT
4 brake fluid. Clean the disc and pads only with isopropyl alcohol.
Safety Info
This brake has been designed for use on a single person mountain bike. The use on any other vehicle or device will void the warranty and can cause serious injury.
As a serious rider you are well aware of the need to practice safety in all aspects of the sport. This includes service and maintenance practices as well as riding practices.
Before each ride, always check your brakes for proper function and the brake pads for wear. When you ride, always wear a helmet.
If you have purchased a bike new – with Hayes disc brakes already installed, you will not immediately be required to follow all of the following procedures. When you need
to install any of the disc brake components, that installation work should be done by a qualified technician with the proper tools. Improper installation could cause severe or
fatal injuries.
There are 3 different types
of caliper. Be sure to follow
the instructions specific
to your type.
International Standard
Front Caliper
Warning: When following any of the procedures below, be sure to keep your hands and fingers from getting
caught in the disc. Failure to do so could result in injury.
A. Tools Required
Screwdrivers: Torx T25 driver
Torque Wrench
Allen Drivers: 2mm, 4mm, 5mm
Pliers: Needle Nose
International Standard
Rear Caliper
74mm Caliper
B. Torque Requirements
Item Torque
Disc Screws 50 +/- 5 in-lbs (5.65 +/- .55 Nm)
Handle Bar Master Cylinder Clamp Screw 30-35 In-lbs (3.39-3.95 Nm)
Caliper Bleeder 2.0 in-lbs (.23 Nm)
Caliper Mount Bolts 80 +/- 5 in-lbs (9.04 +/- .55 Nm)
Hose Connections 60 +/- 5 in-lbs (6.78 +/- .55 Nm)
(Torque to Seal, Do not Over torque)

C. Mounting the Disc to the Hub
Note: Mounting the brake disc to the wheel is a simple matter, but one that requires care. If the wheel has to be rebuilt,
have it done by a qualified technician using a 3 cross spoke pattern. We recommend the use of a steel, quick release skewers only.
1. Clean the disc and hub mounting surface with isopropyl alcohol (not disc brake cleaners).
2. Place the disc on the hub mounting surface. Be sure that the arrow on the disc is pointing
in the same direction of the forward wheel rotation.
3. Using a Torx T25 driver, install, tighten, and torque the disc screws to
55 in-lb (6.2Nm), in a star pattern sequence.
D. Mounting the “74mm” Caliper to the Frame or Fork
Note: If you have a “International Standard” style caliper, skip to section “E”
1. Remove the wheel(s).
2. Mount the caliper to the frame or mount bracket using (2) M6 x 1.0 18.4mm long mount bolts and (2) mount washers. Snug the
bolts, but leave them loose enough so that caliper will move on its slots.
`Warning: For Manitou forks you will need to use (2) M6 x 1.0 22mm long mount bolts. These bolts are supplied in your
aftermarket kit or supplied from the bike manufacture. Failure to use the longer bolt may result in fork damage that will not
allow you to tighten down your caliper properly.
3. Re-install the wheel(s).
4. Using a 5mm Allen wrench, position the fixed inner pad adjuster flush with the caliper body.
Warning: Be sure the inner brake pad is adjusted so the pad material is extending past the caliper wall. Adjusting the inner pad
too far counter clockwise will cause the disc to hit the caliper wall resulting in brake failure.
5. Position the caliper in its natural center position over the disc. Tighten the mount bolts to 80 +/- 5 in-lbs ( 9.04 +/- .55 Nm)
leaving a .015"-.020" (.38 - .50mm) gap between the fixed inner pad and the disc.
6. Using a 5mm Allen wrench, adjust the outer pad adjuster leaving a .015" -.020" (.38 -.50mm) gap between the outer pad and the
7. Adjust the amount of lever travel by adjusting the gap between the disc and pad of either the outer pad adjuster or the fixed
inner pad adjuster.
Warning: Adjusting more than a .020" (.50mm) gap on either side of the disc may cause the lever to go to the bar causing
brake failure.
8. Spin the wheel. Check that it spins freely and that the gaps, between the pad and the disc, are equal. If the gaps are unequal,
or if there is drag, readjust the caliper position by loosening the mounting bolts and adjusting the caliper as needed.
Hint: A white piece of paper can be used as a background to help sight down the disc looking for equal clearance between the
pads and disc.
9. When the gaps are equal and the wheel spins freely (without drag), torque the mounting bolts to 110 in-lbs (12.43Nm)
10. Repeat above procedure for other wheel.
E. Mounting the “International Standard” Caliper to the Frame or Fork
Note: The “International Standard” calipers are to be only used with a 6" disc and a quick release
front fork.
1. Remove the wheel(s).
2. Mount the caliper to the frame using (2) M6 x 1.0 18.4mm long mount bolts. Re-install the wheel(s).
3. Using a 5mm Allen wrench, position the fixed inner pad adjuster flush with the caliper body leaving a .015" - .020" (.38 - .50mm)
gap between the fixed inner pad and the disc.
Warning: Be sure the inner brake pad is adjusted so the pad material is extending past the caliper wall. Adjusting the inner pad too
far counter clockwise will cause the disc to hit the caliper wall resulting in brake failure.
4. Using a 5mm Allen wrench, adjust the outer pad adjuster leaving a .015" - .020" (.38 - .50mm) gap between the outer pad and
the disc.
5. Adjust the amount of lever travel by adjusting the gap between the disc and pad of either the outer pad adjuster or the fixed
inner pad adjuster.
Warning: Adjusting more than a .020" (.50mm) gap on either side of the disc may cause the lever
to go to the bar causing brake failure.
6. Spin the wheel. Check that it spins freely and that the gaps, between the pad and the disc, are equal. If the gaps are unequal,
or if there is drag, readjust the caliper following the needed steps listed above.
Hint: A white piece of paper can be used as a background to help sight down the disc looking for equal clearance between the
pads and disc.
7. Repeat above procedure for other wheel.
disc screw torqueing sequence
Fork Adaptor
Checking Pad Gaps