AT commands are issued to the modem to control the modem’s operation and software configuration. AT commands can only be entered while the modem is in command mode. The format for entering commands is ATXn
where X is the AT command and n is the specific value for that command.
Any command issued is acknowledged with a response in either text or numeric values. These responses are
known as result codes. The result codes are listed in Table 59.
Commands may be executed while in COMMAND mode, which is entered under one of the following conditions:
■ After powerup, at the termination of a connection, or after the execution of a command other than dial or answer.
■ Upon the receipt of the escape sequence (three consecutive characters matching the contents of register S2)
while in on-line mode.
■ Upon the on-to-off transition of DTR if &D1, &D2, or &D3 has been set.
Table 1. AT Command Set Summary
A/Repeat last command.&QnAsynchronous communications mode.
AAnswer.&SnData set ready (DSR) option.
BnCommunication standard setting.&TnSelf-test commands.
CnCarrier control.&VnView active configuration.
DnDial.&WnStore current configuration.
EnEcho command.&YnSelect stored profile for hard reset.
FnOn-line data character echo command.&ZnStore telephone number.
HnHook control.\AnSelect
InRequest ID information.\BnSend break.
LnSpeaker volume.\GnModem port flow control.
MnSpeaker control.\JnAdjust bits/s rate control.
NnModulation handshake.\KnSet break control.
OnReturn to on-line data mode.\NnSelect error control mode.
PSelect pulse dialing.\QnLocal flow control selection.
QnResult code control.\RnRing indicator off after answer.
TSelect tone dialing.\TnInactivity timer.
VnDCE response format.\VnProtocol result code.
WnResult code option.\XnXON/XOFF pass through.
XnSelect result code and monitor call progress.%BnView numbers in blacklist.
YnLong-space disconnect.%CnData compression control.
ZnReset and recall stored profile.%EnAuto fallback/fallforward control.
&BnV.32 auto retrain.)CEnable Direct Connect.
&CnData carrier detect (DCD) control.&&CWrite to/read from DSP register.
&DnData terminal ready (DTR) control.&&LLine-to-line loopback.
&FnRestore factory default configuration.&&RWrite to/read from DSP RAM location.
&GnV.22bis guard tone control.&&SSpeaker codec loopback.
&JnAuxiliary relay options.%T94Test ex ternal RAM.
&KnLocal flow control selection.%T124Test DSP 56K version in external RAM.
&MnAsynchronous communications mode.%T125Test DSP 56K version in external RAM.
&PnPulse dial make-to-break ratio selection.#UDUnimodem diagnostics.
* bloc k size.
is a trademark of Microcom, Inc.
2Lucent Technologies Inc.
August 2000
AT Command Reference Manual
AT Command Set (continued)
Escape Sequence
The escape sequence allows the modem to exit data mode and enter on-line command mode. While in on-line
command mode, you may communicate directly to the modem using AT commands. Use the On command to
return to data mode.
A pause, the length of which is set by the escape guard time (register S12), must be used before and after an
escape sequence is issued. This pause prevents the modem from interpreting the escape sequence as data. The
value of the escape sequence character may be changed using register S2.
A/—Repeat Last Command
The A/ command instructs the modem to repeat the last AT command. It will repeat the command already in the
command buffer. This command does not require the AT prefix and does not have to be followed by the terminator
character. It is primarily used to redial the last number in the case of a busy signal.
This command instructs the modem to go off-hook and answer an incoming call.
Bn—Communication Stand ard Setting
This command determines the communication standard used by the modem.
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0—3, 15, 16.
■ ERROR if n
Table 2. Bn Commands
B0Selects CCITT V.22 mode when the modem is at 1200 bits/s.
B1Selects Bell 212A when the modem is at 1200 bits/s (default).
B2Deselects V.23 reverse channel (same as B3).
B3Deselects V.23 reverse channel (same as B2).
B15Selects V.21 when the modem is at 300 bits/s.
B16Selects Bell 103J when the modem is at 300 bits/s (default).
0—3, 15, 16.
Cn—Carrier Control
The modem will accept the C1 command without error in order to ensure backward compatibility with communications software that issues the C1 command. However, this modem does not support the C0 command. The C0
command may instruct some other modems not to send carrier (i.e., it puts them in receive-only mode).
This command instructs the modem to go off-hook and begin the dialing sequence. The dial string (n, including
modifiers and the telephone number) is entered after the ATD command.
A dial string can be up to sixty characters long. Any digit or symbol may be dialed as touchtone digits. Characters
such as spaces, hyphens, and parentheses are ignored by the modem and may be included in the dial string to
enhance readability.
Table 4. Dial Modifiers
LDial the last number. This modifier is valid only if it is the first symbol of the dial string. All con-
secutive characters are discarded.
PUse pulse dialing.
TUse tone dialing (default).
WWait for dial tone. The modem will wait for a second dial tone before processing the dial string.
VThe modem switches to speakerphone mode and dials the number. The Hn command may be
used to disconnect the voice call.
,Dial pause. The modem will wait for the time specified by register S8 before continuing to dial.
!Hook flash. The modem will go on-hook for 0.5 seconds and then return to off-hook.
@W ait for quiet answ er . The modem will wait for 5 seconds of silence after dialing the number. If
silence is not detected, the modem sends a NO ANSWER result code back to the user.
;Return to command mode. This modifier instructs the modem to return to command mode
after it has finished dialing without disconnecting the call.
^Disable data calling tone transmission.
$Bong tone detection.
S=nDial a telephone number previously stored using the &Zn=x command. The range is 0—2.
En—Echo Command
This command controls whether or not the characters entered from the computer keyboard are echoed back to the
monitor while in command mode.
This command determines if the modem will echo data from the DTE. The modem does not support the F0 version
of the command. However, to ensure backward compatibility, the modem will accept F1, which may be issued by
older communication software.
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 1.
■ ERROR if n
Table 6. Fn Commands
F0On-line data character echo enabled (not supported by the modem).
F1On-line data character echo disabled.
Hn—Hook Control
This command instructs the modem to go either on-hook to disconnect a call or off-hook to make the telephone line
This command displays specific product information about the modem.
Result codes:
■ As described in Table 8 if n = 0—9, 11.
■ ERROR if n ≠ 0—9, 11.
Lucent Technologies Inc.5
AT Command Reference Manual
August 2000
AT Command Set (continued)
Table 8. In Commands
I0, I3Returns modem identity string and driver version number (default).
I1Calculates a ROM checksum and displays it on the DTE.
I2Performs a ROM check, calculates the checksum, and then verifies the checksum by display-
ing OK or ERROR.
I4Returns firmware version for the data pump.
I5Returns the code version, board ID, and country ID in hexadecimal.
I6, I7, I8Returns OK for compatibility.
I9Returns country ID in English.
I11Displays connection information as described below.
The ATI11 results are listed on two screens. T o get to the second screen, the user must hit any key. The following is
an example of the ATI11 results.
12 Near Echo Level (–dBm)NANA
13 Far Echo Level (–dBm)NANA
14 Transmit Frame Count33
15 Transmit Frame Error Count00
16 Receive Frame Count00
17 Receive Frame Error Count00
18 Retrain by Local Modem00
19 Retrain by Remote Modem00
20 Rate Renegotiation by Local Modem00
21 Rate Renegotiation by Remote Modem00
22 Call Termination Cause00
23 Robbed-Bit Signalling0000
24 Digital Loss (dB)66
25 Remote Server ID4342C3NA
26 Last PCM S PTR
6Lucent Technologies Inc.
August 2000
AT Command Reference Manual
AT Command Set (continued)
The ATI11 command may be issued from on-line command mode or after the end of a call. After a call, some of the
values are no longer valid. The following table describes each of the results listed for the ATI11 command.
Table 9. ATI11 Command Results
Last ConnectionV.90, 56K, V.34, or V.32, depending on the type of connection negotiated.
Initial Transm it Carrier RateInitial upstream rate.
Initial Receive Carrier RateInitial downstrea m rate.
Final Transmit Carrier RateCurrent or final upstream rate.
Final Receive Carrier RateCurrent or final downstream rate.
Protocol Negotiation ResultLAPM,
Data Compression ResultLAPM,
Estimated Noise LevelMean-square error of received downstream signal. Difference between
received constellation point and reference decision point. This is a dimensionless decimal number that is only valid during a call. Higher numbers
are worse. There is no absolute threshold of goodness; it depends on the
downstream data rate. The number varies during a call, so it is useful to
sample it a few times.
Receive Signal Power Level (–dBm)The received signal power, although labeled with units of -dBm, is only a
relative measure for comparing calls to/from different locations. This
value is valid only during a call.
Transmit Signal Power Level (–dBm)Upstream transmit signal power.
Round Trip Delay (ms)Round trip delay in milliseconds.
Near Echo Level (–dBm)Echo levels are valid for V.34 only.
Far Echo Level (–dBm)Echo levels are valid for V.34 only.
Transmit Frame CountNumber of LAPM frames sent upstream during this call. Count wraps
around at 65535.
Transmit Frame Error CountNumber of REJ frames received at the analog client modem.
Receive Frame CountNumber of LAPM frames received by the client during this call. Count
wraps around at 65535.
Receive Frame Error CountNumber of frames received in error by the client.
Retrain by Local ModemNumber of retrains or rate renegotiations requested by the modem.
Retrain by Remote ModemNumber of retrains or rate renegotiations requested by remote modem.
Rate Renegotiation by Local ModemNumber of rate renegotiations requested by the local modem.
RenegotiationbyRemoteModem Number of rate renegotiations requested by the remote modem.
Call Termination CauseReason for call ending. Only valid after call ends. Result codes are as fol-
■ 0 = local modem command: ATH, DTR drop.
■ 1 = remote modem: cleardown, loss of signal.
■ 2 = no answer, busy, etc.
■ 3 = training failure V.90, K56flex, or V.34.
■ 4 = protocol failure if required by \N4, for example.
Robbed-Bit SignalingFor PCM connection only, a hexadecimal 6-bit pattern of T1 frames with
robbed-bit signaling.
Digital Loss (dB)For PCM connection only, the downstream digital loss.
Remote Server IDFor K56flex connection only, the V.8bis information sent by the server.
Meaning is defined at the server and by convention.
Last PCM S PTRShows
, or none, depending on V.42 negotiation.
, V.42bis, or none, depending on V.42 negotiation.
thelastSpointer when the modem is expected to go to PCM mode.
Lucent Technologies Inc.7
AT Command Reference Manual
August 2000
AT Command Set (continued)
Ln—Speaker Volume
This command instructs the modem to use the specified speaker volume setting when the speaker is on. Result
This command turns the speaker on and off.
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0—3.
■ ERROR if n
Table 11. Mn Commands
M0Speaker is off.
M1 Speaker is on until the modem detects the carrier signal (default).
M2Speaker is always on when the modem is off-hook.
M3Speaker is on until the carrier is detected, except when dialing.
Nn—Modulation Handshake
This command controls whether or not the local modem performs a negotiated handshake at connection time with
the remote modem when the communication speed of the two modems is different.
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0—1.
■ ERROR if n ≠ 0—1.
Table 12. Nn Commands
N0When originating or answering, this is for handshake only at the communication standard speci-
fied by register S37 and the Bn command.
N1 When originating or answering, begin the handshake only at the communication standard speci-
fied by S37 and the Bn command. During handshake, fallback to a lower speed may occur
8Lucent Technologies Inc.
August 2000
AT Command Set (continued)
On—Return to On-Line Data Mode
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0—1, 3.
■ ERROR if n
Table 13. On Commands
O0Instructs the modem to exit on-line command mode and return to data mode (default).*
O1 Issues a retrain before returning to on-line data mode.
O3Issues a rate renegotiation before returning to on-line data mode.
* See Escape Sequence section on page 3.
P—Select Pulse Dialing
0—1, 3.
AT Command Reference Manual
This command configures the modem for pulse dialing. Dialed digits are pulsed until a T command or dial modifier
is received. Tone dialing is the default setting.
Qn—Result Code Control
Result codes are informational messages sent from the modem and displayed on the monitor. Basic result codes
include OK, CONNECT , RING, NO CARRIER, and ERROR. The Qn command allows the user to turn result codes
on or off.
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0—1.
■ ERROR if n
Table 14. Qn Commands
Q0Enables result codes (default).
Q1 Disables result codes.
T—Select Tone Dialing
This command instructs the modem to send DTMF tones while dialing. Dialed digits are tone dialed until a P command or dial modifier is received. This is the default setting.
Lucent Technologies Inc.9
AT Command Reference Manual
August 2000
AT Command Set (continued)
Vn—DCE Response Format
This command controls whether result codes, including call progress and negotiation progress messages, are displayed as words or their numeric equivalents.
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0—1.
■ ERROR if n
Table 15. Vn Commands
V0Displays result codes as digits.
V1Displays result codes as text (default).
This command controls the format of CONNECT messages.
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0—2.
■ ERROR if n
Table 17. Wn Commands
W0CONNECT result code reports DTE receive speed. Disables protocol result codes.
W1CONNECT result code reports DTE receive speed. Enables protocol result codes.
W2CONNECT result code reports DCE receive speed. Enables protocol result codes (default).
10Lucent Technologies Inc.
August 2000
AT Command Reference Manual
AT Command Set (continued)
Xn—Select Result Code and M on ito r Cal l Progress
This command enables tone detection options used in the dialing process. As these functions are chosen, the
modem’s result codes are also affected. Therefore, this command is frequently used to control the modem’s
responses. The primary function of this command is to control call response capabilities.
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0—7.
■ ERROR if n
Table 18. Xn Commands
CommandExtended Result CodesDial Tone DetectBusy Tone Detect
X0Disabled. Displays only the
X1Enabled. Displays basic
X2Enabled. Displays basic
X3Enabled. Displays basic
X4Enabled. Displays basic
X5Enabled. Displays basic
X6Enabled. Displays basic
X7Disabled. Displays only the
following basic result codes:
result codes, connect message, data rate, and an indication of error correction and
data compression operation.
result codes, connect message, data rate, and an indication of error correction and
data compression operation.
result codes, connect message, data rate, and an indication of error correction and
data compression operation.
result codes, connect message, data rate, and an indication of error correction and
data compression operation.
result codes, connect message, data rate, and an indication of error correction and
data compression operation.
result codes, connect message, data rate, and an indication of error correction and
data compression operation.
following basic result codes:
Disabled. The modem dials a call
regardless of whether it detects a
dial tone. The period of time the
modem waits before dialing is
specified in register S6.
Disabled. The modem dials a call
regardless of whether it detects a
dial tone. The period of time the
modem waits before dialing is
specified in register S6.
Enabled. The modem dials only
upon detection of a dial tone and
disconnects the call if the dial tone
is not detected within 10 seconds.
Disabled. The modem dials a call
regardless of whether it detects a
dial tone. The period of time the
modem waits before dialing is
specified in register S6.
Enabled. The modem dials only
upon detection of a dial tone and
disconnects the call if the dial tone
is not detected within 10 seconds.
Enabled. The modem dials only
upon detection of a dial tone and
disconnects the call if the dial tone
is not detected within 10 seconds.
Enabled. The modem dials only
upon detection of a dial tone and
disconnects the call if the dial tone
is not detected within 10 seconds.
Enabled. The modem dials only
upon detection of a dial tone and
disconnects the call if the dial tone
is not detected within 10 seconds.
Disabled. The modem ignores
any busy tones it receives.
Disabled. The modem ignores
any busy tones it receives.
Disabled. The modem ignores
any busy tones it receives.
Enabled. The modem monitors
for busy tones.
Enabled. The modem monitors
for busy tones (default).
Enabled. The modem monitors
for busy tones.
Enabled. The modem monitors
for busy tones.
Enabled. The modem monitors
for busy tones.
Lucent Technologies Inc.11
AT Command Reference Manual
August 2000
AT Command Set (continued)
Yn—Long-Space Disconnect
This command disconnects the modem from a call upon receiving a long-space signal from the distant end. This
command is only valid in 1200 bits/s and 2400 bits/s modes.
This command will force the modem to go on-hook and restore the profile saved by the last &W command. Either
Z0 or Z1 restores the same single profile.
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0—1.
■ ERROR if n
Table 20. Zn Commands
Z0Reset and restore stored profile.
Z1Reset and restore stored profile.
&Bn—V.32 Auto Retrain
The modem always auto retrains.
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 1.
■ ERROR if n
Table 21. &Bn Commands
&B0Disable V.32 auto retrain (not supported).
&B1Enable V.32 auto retrain (default).
12Lucent Technologies Inc.
August 2000
AT Command Reference Manual
AT Command Set (continued)
&Cn—Data Carrier Detect (DCD) Control
Data carrier detect (DCD) is a signal from the modem to the computer indicating that the carrier signal is being
received from a remote modem. DCD normally turns off when the modem no longer detects the carrier signal.
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0—1.
■ ERROR if n
Table 22. &Cn Commands
&C0The state of the carrier from the remote modem is ignored. DCD remains on at all times.
&C1DCD turns on when the remote modem’s carrier signal is detected and off when the carrier signal
is not detected (default).
&Dn—Data Terminal Ready (DTR) Control
This command informs the modem how to respond to the state of the DTR signal and changes to the DTR signal.
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0—3.
■ ERROR if n
Table 23. &Dn Commands
&D0Ignore the true status of DTR and treats it as always on. This should be used only if the computer
&D1If the DTR signal is not detected while in on-line data mode, the modem enters command mode,
&D2If the DTR signal is not detected while in on-line data mode, the modem disconnects (default).
&D3Reset modem on the on-to-off DTR transition.
does not provide DTR to the modem.
issues the OK result code, and remains connected.
&Fn—Restore Factory Default Configuration
This command loads the configuration stored and programmed at the factory. This operation replaces all of the
command options and S-register settings in the active configuration with factory default values.
Note: In voice mode, the command line is ignored if the AT&F command is placed on the same line as the other
commands. To load factory settings in voice mode, issue the &Fn command by itself.
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0 or 5.
■ ERROR if n ≠ 0 or 5.
Table 24. &Fn Commands
&F0Loads the configuration stored and programmed at the factory (default).
&F5Loads the configuration stored and programmed at the factory for ETC mode.
Lucent Technologies Inc.13
AT Command Reference Manual
August 2000
AT Command Set (continued)
&Gn—V.22bis Guard Tone Control
This command determines which guard tone, if any, should be transmitted while transmitting in the high band
(answer mode). This command is only used in V.22 and V.22bis mode. This option is not used in North America; it
is for international use only.
This command is effective only for Japan.
Result codes:
&M0Asynchronous mode (default).
AT Command Reference Manual
■ OK if n = 0—2.
■ ERROR if n
Table 29. &Pn Commands for Domestic Versions
&P0Selects 39%—61% make/break ratio at 10 pulses per second.
&P1Selects 33%—67% make/break ratio at 10 pulses per second (default).
&P2Selects 33%—67% make/break ratio at 20 pulses per second.
&Qn—Asynchronous Communications Mode
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0, 5, 6, 8, or 9.
■ ERROR if n
Table 30. &Qn Commands
&Q0Asynchronous mode, buffered. Same as \N0.
&Q5Error control mode, buffered (default). Same as \N3.
&Q6Asynchronous mode, buffered. Same as \N0.
&Q9V.42 or
0, 5, 6, 8, or 9.
error control mode. If an
error control protocol is not established, the modem will fall
back according to the current user setting in register S36.
error control mode. If neither error control protocol is established, the modem will
fall back according to the current user setting in register S36.
Lucent Technologies Inc.15
AT Command Reference Manual
AT Command Set (continued)
&Sn—Data Set Ready (DSR) Option
This command controls DSR action.
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0—1.
August 2000
■ ERROR if n
Table 31. &Sn Commands
&S0DSR is always on (default).
&S1DSR comes on after establishing a connection and goes off when the connection ends.
&Tn—Self-Test Commands
This command allows the user to perform diagnostic tests on the modem. These tests can help to isolate problems
when experiencing periodic data loss or random errors.
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0.
■ CONNECT if n = 1 or 3.
■ ERROR if n
Table 32. &Tn Commands
&T0Abort. Terminates the test in progress.
&T1Local analog loop. This test verifies modem operation as well as the connection between the
&T3Local digital loopback test.
0—1 or 3.
modem and computer. Any data entered at the local DTE is modulated, demodulated, and then
returned to the local DTE. To work properly, the modem must be off-line.
16Lucent Technologies Inc.
August 2000
AT Command Set (continued)
&Vn—View Active Configuration
This command displays the active profiles.
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0.
■ ERROR if n
An example of the results of the command are shown below:
This command stores certain command options and S-register values except S3, S4, and S5. The Zn command or
a power-up reset of the modem restores this profiles.
Note: This command is not valid during a cellular call.
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0.
■ ERROR if n
Table 33. &Wn Commands
&W0Stores the current configuration as profile 0.
&Yn—Select Stored Profile for Hard Reset
This command does not change the behavior of the modem but is included for compatibility with applications that
issue the &Y0 command.
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0.
■ ERROR if n
Table 34. &Yn Commands
&Y0Select stored profile 0 on power-up.
&Zn=x—Store Telephone Number
This command is used to store up to three dialing strings for later use. The format for the command is
&Zn=stored number, where n represents the location 0—2 to which the number should be written. The dial string
may contain up to 40 characters. The ATDS=n command dials using the string stored in location n.
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0—2.
■ ERROR if n ≠ 0—2.
\An—Select Maximum
The modem will operate an
Block Size
error corrected link using a maximum block size controlled by the parameter sup-
In nonerror correction mode, the modem will transmit a break signal to the remote modem with a length in multiples
of 100 ms according to the parameter specified. The command works in conjunction with the \K command. The
default of n = 3 corresponds to a length of 300 ms.
Result codes:
■ OK if connected in data modem mode.
■ NO CARRIER if not connected or if connected in FAX modem mode.
■ ERROR if n
Table 36. \Bn Commands
\B1—\B9Break length in 100 ms units (nonerror-control mode only).
\Gn—Modem Por t Flow Control
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0—1.
■ ERROR if n
Table 37. \Gn Commands
\G0The modem processes XON/XOFF flow control characters locally (default).
\G1The modem passes XON/XOFF flow control characters.
\Jn—Adjust Bits/s Rate Control
This command determines whether or not the negotiated connect speed of the modem forces the adjustment of
the speed of the DTE to the modem’s speed.
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0—1.
■ ERROR if n ≠ 0—1.
Lucent Technologies Inc.19
AT Command Reference Manual
August 2000
AT Command Set (continued)
Table 38. \Jn Commands
\J0Buffer mode. Error control is set or disabled with the \Nn command (default).
\J1Forces the maximum DCE rate to the DTE rate.
\Kn—Set Break Control
This command controls the response of the modem to a break received from the DTE, remote modem, or the \Bn
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0—5.
■ ERROR if n ≠ 0—5.
The response is different in three separate cases. The first case is where the modem receives a break from the
DTE when it is operating in data transfer mode. See Table 39.
Table 39. \Kn Commands When Modem Is Operating in Data Transfer Mode
\K0, \K2, K4Enter on-line command mode. No break is sent to the remote modem.
\K1Clear data buffers and send a break to the remote modem.
\K3Send a break to the remote modem immediately.
\K5Send a nondestructive, nonexpedited break to the remote modem (default).
The second case, shown in Table 40, occurs when the modem is in the on-line command state (waiting for AT commands) during a data connection, and the \Bn command is received in order to send a break to the remote modem.
Table 40. \Kn Commands When Modem Is On-Line Command State During Data Connection
\K0, \K1Clear data buffers and send a break to the remote modem.
\K2, \K3Send a break to the remote modem immediately.
\K4, \K5Send a break to the remote modem in sequence with data (default).
Finally, the third case occurs when a break is received from a remote modem during a connection. These commands are shown in Table 41.
Table 41. \Kn Commands When Break Is Received During Connection
\K0, \K1Clear data buffers and send a break to the DTE.
\K2, \K3Send a break to the DTE immediately.
\K4, \K5Send a break to the DTE in sequence with received data (default).
20Lucent Technologies Inc.
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AT Command Reference Manual
AT Command Set (continued)
\Nn—Select Error Control Mode
This command determines the type of error control used by the modem when sending or receiving data.
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0—5, or 7.
■ ERROR if n ≠ 0—5, or 7.
Table 42. \Nn Commands
\N0Buffer mode. No error control (same as &Q6).
\N1Direct mode.
\N3V.42, MNP, or buffered (default). The modem attempts to connect in V.42 error control mode. If
\N4V.42 or disconnect. The modem attempts to connect in V.42 error control mode. If this fails, the
or disconnect mode. The modem attempts to connect using
dures. If this fails, the modem disconnects. This is also known as
this fails, it will attempt to connect in
mode and continues operation. This is also known as V.42/
mode. If this also fails, the modem connects in buffer
modem disconnects.
, or buffered (same as \N3).
, or buffered (same as \N3).
2—4 error control proce-
reliable mode.
auto reliable mode (same as
\Qn—Local Flow Control Selection
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0—1, or 3.
■ ERROR if n
0—1, or 3.
Table 43. \Qn Commands
\Q0Disable flow control (same as &K0).
\Q1XON/XOFF software flow control (same as &K4).
\Q2CTS-only flow control. This is not supported and the response is ERROR.
\Q3RTS/CTS to DTE (same as &K3) (default).
\Rn—Ring Indicator Signal Off After Answer
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0.
■ ERROR if n ≠ 0.
Table 44. \Rn Commands
\R0Ring indicator signal is off after the telephone call is answered.
Lucent Technologies Inc.21
AT Command Reference Manual
August 2000
AT Command Set (continued)
\Tn—Inactivity Timer
This command specifies the length of time in minutes that the modem will wait before disconnecting when no data
is sent or received. A setting of n = 0 disables the timer. Alternatively, this timer may be specified in register S30.
This function is only applicable in buffer mode.
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0—255.
■ ERROR if n
Table 45. \Tn Commands
\T0Inactivit y timer disabled (default).
\T1—\T255Specifies the length of time in minutes that the modem will wait before disconnecting when no
data is sent or received.
\Vn—Protocol R e sult Code
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0—2.
■ ERROR if n
Table 46. \Vn Commands
\V0Disables protocol result code appended to DCE speed.
\V1Enables protocol result code appended to DCE speed (default).
\V2Enables protocol result code appended to DCE speed (same as \V1).
\Xn—XON/XOFF Pass Through
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0—1.
■ ERROR if n
Table 47. \Xn Commands
\X0The modem processes XON/XOFF flow control characters locally (default).
\X1The modem passes XON/XOFF flow control characters.
%B—View Numbers in Blacklist
If blacklisting is in effect, this command displays the number of the last failed call, attempted in the past two hours.
The modem returns an ERROR result code if your country does not support blacklisting.
22Lucent Technologies Inc.
August 2000
AT Command Set (continued)
%Cn—Data Compression Control
AT Command Reference Manual
This command determines the operation of V.42bis and
class 5 data compression. On-line changes do not
take effect until a disconnect occurs.
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0—1.
■ ERROR if n
Table 48. %Cn Commands
5 disabled. No data compression.
5 enabled. Data compression enabled (default).
%En—Auto F allback/Fallforward Control
This command provides the option for the modem to automatically monitor line quality in order to fall back when
line quality is insufficient and to fall forward when line quality is sufficient.
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0—2.
■ ERROR if n
Table 49. %En Commands
%E0Disable fallback/fallforward.
%E1Enable fallback and disable fallforward.
%E2Enable fallback/fallforward (default).
)Cn—Enable Direct Connect
This command enables direct connect operation. After a phone is enabled, the modem will operate in cellular mode
whenever the phone is detected. Otherwise, it will automatically switch to landline.
operating in cellular mode.
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0—3.
■ ERROR if n ≠ 0—3.
Table 50. -Cn Commands
)C0Select landline.
)C1Select OKI/AT&T type phones.
)C2Select Motorola phones.
)C3Select NEC type phones.
is automatically set when
Lucent Technologies Inc.23
AT Command Reference Manual
August 2000
Test and Debug AT Commands
The following commands are to be used for testing and debugging only. They are not meant for general use.
&&C—Write to/Read from DSP Register
AT&&C<loc>,<val> writes the value <val> to the DSP register at location <loc>. AT&&C<loc> reads location <loc>.
&&L—Line-to-Line Loopback
This command provides a loopback for line-to-line.
&&R—Write to/Read from DSP RAM Location
AT&&R<loc>,<v al> writes the value <v al> to the DSP RAM location <loc>. AT&&R<loc> reads from location <loc>.
&&S—Speaker Codec Loopback
This command provides a loopback from the microphone to the speaker.
%T88—Write to NVRAM
AT%T88,<loc>,<val> writes the value <val> to NVRAM location <loc>.
%T89—Read from NVRAM
AT%T89,<loc> reads NVRAM from location <loc>.
%T112,n—Debug Enable/Disable
Result codes:
■ OK if n = 0—1.
■ ERROR if n
Table 51. \Tn Commands
%T112,1Tur n debug on.
%T112,0Tur n debug off.
24Lucent Technologies Inc.
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