Ideal SOHO Hub Solution
• Create your own Computer Network
Networking in the Fast Lane
The 5 Port MiniHub from Hawking is the ideal hub
solution for Small Office or Home Office which requires 10 Mbps performance. This full featured,
compact MiniHub offers the same 10Mbps performance as full sized models, yet fits easily in the
palm of your hand.
Connect up to 5 computers with this MiniHub to
create a small network or use to expand a existing
network. It can be installed in seconds by anyone. Just connect your UTP network cable between the hubs and your computers and you’re
done. It’s that easy.
Package Contents:
One 10Base-T Hub
One A/C Power Adapter
Easy to follow owner's manual
Systems Requirement:
IEEE 802.3 10BaseT Ethernet
• Easy to use Ethernet Hub
• Excellent for small office and home office
• Connect PC’s or Mac’s
Network Protocol Support:
Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000//NT/ME and more!
Ready, Network & Go!
It's easy to install, it's easy to use! Everyone can
do it.
Step 1 – Connect it
Connect the PN500TPA to your network using
standard RJ45 cabling and you are networked! It's that easy!

Features Benefits
Plug and Play Ethernet
5 Ports (5 RJ45 Connectors)
One uplink slide switch Easy expans ion of your
5 link and activity LEDs
& 2 Power and collision
Automatic isolation and
reconnection of faulty
ports and automatic signal regeneration
IEEE 802.3 compliant Guaranteed Hub Perform-
Easy to setup, no technical
knowledge needed
Connect up to 5 computers
with this hub
network, connect additional
hubs and computers as
Visually check your network activity and monitor
the hub status wit these
easy to read displays
Ensures uninterrupted
communication and clean
signal transmission
ance and hardware compatibility
Network Diagram
IEEE 802.3 10Base-T Standard
5 10Base-T RJ45 Ports
Data Transfer Rate: 10Mbps
Communication Protocol: CSMA/CD
Connection Topology: Star
Cabling: CAT 3, 4 or 5 UTP (unshielded
Twisted Pair)
Power: AC Adapter
Ethernet Connection Rules
Hub Adapter: Straight UTP Cable
Hub-Hub: Crossover cable or uplink port
Max Distance between two devices:
10BaseT: 333ft (100Meters)
Ordering Information:
PN400TP 4-Port 10Base-T Hub
PN400TPA 4-Port 10Base-T Hub
PN500TPA 5-Port 10Base-T Hub
PN800TP 8-Port 10Base-T Hub
Hawking Technologies, Inc.
6A Faraday, Irvine, California, USA
Sales: (888) 662-8828, (949) 580-0888
Fax: (949) 580-0880
Email: Sales@hawkingtech.com
Tech Support: (949) 580-0878
Email: Techsupport@hawkingtech.com
URL: www.hawkingtech.com
Copyright ã Hawking Technologies, Inc. 2001. All rights reserved .All
trademarks herein are the property of their respective owners