Hi-GainTM USB Wireless-300N Adapter
Mac OS X Windows XP Windows 7 & Vista

Check Package Contents
- Hi-Gain USB Wireless-300N Adapter
- CD: User Manual and Drivers (Mac & PC)
- Windows 7 & Vista Installation page 2
- Windows XP Installation page 5
- Mac OS X Installation page 8
This document only contains quick setup instructions. For more settings,
please refer to the User’s Manual located on the CD.
Support is available via website, email, and telephone:
Website: www.hawkingtech.com/support
E-mail: support@hawkingtech.com
Tel (Toll Free US & Canada): 888-202-3344
Tel (International): 949-206-6900
page 1

Windows 7 & Vista
IMPORTANT! Do not connect the HWUN4 until you install the driver
from the CD and are instructed to do so. Otherwise, the adapter
may not operate properly.
1. Insert the Setup CD and a menu page will automatically
appear on your screen. Click “Driver & Utility Install”, select a
language, then click “Next”
2. Click “Next” to begin installation.
Installation Instructions for Windows 7 & Vista
page 2

Windows 7 & Vista
3. Wait for the setup to complete.
4. When the installation is complete you may be prompted to
restart your computer.
page 3

Windows 7 & Vista
6. For Windows 7 it is recommended to use the default Windows
network Utility. To connect, click on the network icon in the
lower right corner of your desktop. Choose a network and
click “Connect”. If your network is password protected you will
be prompted to enter your password. Contact your network
administrator if you do not know your password.
5. After the restart, plug the HWUN4 into your computer.
page 4